Poetry, writings and art blog

Learning disability and Mental health awareness

Wednesday, 21 November 2007


I have asked Men Cap if I can educate non - disabled people about disabilities and bullying. I have spoke to MenCap about doing education talks for people all ages whether they have disabilities or not. I'd like to give these talks to all places like schools, colleges and work placements. Mencap thinks it's a great idea when we have time to do these jobs because there are so many other jobs to do.

Like I said in my last report, I had been to one main stream and three special, I have experienced a lot bullying so that's what makes me want to talk mainstream and all special schools.
May be even people with disabilities need educating too, you'd think we'd understand because we have our own disabilities. We were never educated to understand one another, we had to learn ourselves. Let's teach young people what we had to learn by making our own mistakes. No one told us whether thing were right or wrong , we had find ourselves by where it was getting in life. Bullying doesn't get you anywhere neither does jealousy.

MenCap are grateful and agree to my help. If you have any comments or and ideas, please drop me an email sarajgorman@googlemail.com or sarajgorman@gmail.com. You could even look for email address on the Mencap website if you like. For children the Mencap Stop Bullying website is http://www.dontsickit.org.uk/ If that isn't any help to you, just tap in something like Stop Bully support, could support with disabilities all ages. As you may have worked out the Mencap website is linked on to my website. We are also here to support you and we will be most thankful if you can support us.