Poetry, writings and art blog

Learning disability and Mental health awareness

Wednesday, 16 December 2009

Back to poetry more poems to put on old and new.

The single rose.

When the wind blows it opens one single rose.
When the rain comes down the whole roses are very washed down.
When spring has just started lovers have ran.
When summer is on it's way lovers pick roses everyday. September 1997


Eating ice cream on a hot summer's day in the park.
Eating fish and chips, kissing and hugging wrapped up warm on a cold winter's night in the dark.

Eating pop corn in the back seat on the back row hugging the night away.
Drinking in the pub getting drunk, hugging and kissing September 1997

I hope you feel the same as I do.

I am sitting writing poetry about you.
Thinking about you as I do.
You love me like I love you.
Your not only my lover but my best friend.
What happens happens.
I can't except it to happen forever but never say never. 8.9.2002


September is a mouth blowing in the wind.
September can be also warm.
Most Septembers can be cold.
Lovely India summers can happen. 12/9/2002


Molly my longest friend.
Can't say she's my oldest friend but best friend.
Twenty to thirty odd years of knowing her since school.
Always be my best friend, we have known one another long enough.
There's no friend like Molly. 8/9/2002


Protecting yourself from gas and smoke with a gas mask.
Bombs going off and going mad.
Boots getting stuck in the mud.
Sore wounds as one moves from place to place.
Hoping and dreaming that the war will be soon over to give love and peace.
Young men and woman been poised by gas.
Worrying about losing loved ones. 7/9/2002

I love you madly.

Hello my lovely laddie, I Love you so madly.
I hope you don't leave me so sad.
Why I am I so mad as a lass to meet such a lad?

I may as well lose love from start to end.
One way or the other I will manage to be loved again and dumped again.
I once ended up with a laddie who went off with another.
We fell in love for two and a half years, after that I had so many fears.
It took me a long time to move on, now gladly and madly I love another laddie. 1997 - 2000

The voice of homeless people.

I can't cope any longer, I don't have any money to live on.
I keep on feeling sick because I am not eating a lot.
Please save my life!
Please give me a home!
Please me a job and career!
Please give me a normal life like all of you! 1997 - 1998

What has it done to my life?

When I go into a relationship, I fall in love too easy.
I know I dream and hope for too much for the future.
I should take things day by day.
I need to accept that break ups happens, I can't help this when I love someone.

When my relationships end I always seem to go to pieces because it hurts so much.
It's as if the whole world has crashed on top of me.
Sometimes I have felt as if something has been missing in life. 4.7.2000

I live in hope.

I live in hope that I won't you like I lost the rest of them.
I live in hope that I will hear your voice on the telephone.
There is not time that I don't think about you or miss you.

You don't have to fear me, I won't give you a hard time.
I love my freedom and space.
Most of all I love you for you.
The time we spend apart the more I enjoy seeing you.
My fear is losing you but then nothing lasts forever.
I love you so much so much.
I fear because I want to carry with what we have got. 28.8.2000

I'm in love but I have space.

No ties on my life and no strings attracted.
I am still faithful.
I love partner and he loves me.
We can trust each other too. 28.8.2000

I have no fear.

I have no fear of trust.
There's a lot about you that makes me feel as if I can trust you.
I love you for you.
In my mind there's no one like you.
When I am without you, I miss you so much.
Now I am brave enough to cope without you.
It does not matter to me what life is like and how hard it is nothing or no one will put me off you.
Please get some sleep while you can with you working all night long.
I don't want anything to happen to you.
I'd rather miss you because your working than knowing that I am not going to see you again. 28.8.2000 onwards.

In your dreams.

Once a upon a time, I knew you for two and a half years which seemed like a life time.

Thinking back you were not knowing.
I know the truth hurts but not as much as you hurt me.
Why has it taken you so long to knew that you made a mistake leaving me in the first place?

Well it's only your own loss.
If only you had not hurt me in the first place, you know now that you hurt the wrong woman.

Don't ever think if she leaves you that you can come back to me.
You must accept that nothing can be the same again.

Things will get worse for you not better, you would either up end living with a nasty old woman or you could end up being a lonely old man.
It's far too late now.

If you still love me, please leave me to love a man who will love me for me not what he can get out of me.

If you don't love me, why should I be bothered, I don't love you either. 25.6.2000

Are you lucky or not?

If you met a nice girl I hope you don't hurt her like you hurt me.
I hope you won't hurt her at all.

Who is this unlucky girl who you are lucky enough to have?
Is she out there for you?
What is her name?
She is brave enough with you but will she put with you as long as I did?
If you are lucky enough please don't let her down like you let me down. 25.6.2000

I love you and I know you love me.

I love you and I know you love me.
I have that loving feeling that we are meant to be.
I love your lovely dark hair, those lovely brown eyes stick out a mile.

It's so sad I can't see a tiny bit more of you.
I just want to make it clear to you that my feelings are very strong towards you.
I hope we are right for one another.

To me you are a love waiting for, I hope I am right in thinking that.
You are very special to me.
No other male has made me feel like you do. 26.6.2000

You and me.

Ups and downs may well happen time after time but good and bad is excepted to be.
At the end of the day we are strong for one another.
There's not a day goes by that we don't think of one another. 2000 - 2001

I can't live with or without love.

Why don't I see you, I miss you badly.
Go back to work, I'm only joking.
When I am without you I miss you so much as much as it hurts.
When I am with you I can't leave you alone.
Never the less the more I don't see the stronger our love is. 2000 - 2001

Flashes of lighting.

The clack of lighting flashing of white sparks.
Rain running and rushing so fast in the middle of the night faster than water running out the tap.
Wet hair and clothes. 8.9.2002

I had time to heel.

I cried my eyes out that cold winter's night when you left.
It seemed so long I thought it was good.
When you walked back in my life on that Hot summer's night that was when I saw the light.
We loved for so long yet we had so long apart.
After you had been gone for so long I thought you'd stop loving me for good.
I found myself in the end putting a brave face on just to show I was strong. 20.1.2002

Nothing stops me.

I am feeling tired and unwell but nothing stops me from enjoying life.
Now I accepts the turns I have that is part of my life.
I love studying, working, writing and being with the man I love so much.
I love going out drinking every now and then. 20.1.2002

My mind is blank.

My mind is blank.
My eyes are tired but I can't sleep.
I want to write but I don't know what to write.

It's winter time, it's so cold and I want you to keep me warm.
I feel lazy to do anything, please keep me warm. 20.1.2002

Advice in poetry.

Absence makes the heart grow founder.
If you see too much of one another you fall apart.
Longer time a part : longer time together.

Action speaks louder than words.
Never promise what you can't do.
Never say one thing than do another.
Always let someone know if you change your mind.

An apple a day keeps the doctor away.
Eat something healthy everyday.
Eat fruit, meat vegetables or fish.
Have at least a little exercise is the main thing.

What makes a man healthy and wise, as long as you keep yourself alive?
As you get older you should get wiser.
Why worry about having not enough money when you just have enough to live on?
Why ask for too much when some people have nothing at all?
Little bit of what you fancy does not do you any harm.

As you make your bed you can lye in it.
If you have a chance in life take it.
Don't play around, one can only stand so much.
You won't be left off the hook forever.

A bird in hand is worth two in the brush.
Be happy with what you have got, you don't need anymore.
One love is enough don't be greedy!
Don't date someone and promise to date another at the same time.

You can't always get what you want.
If you learn to live with not getting what you want, you will get what you want.
It comes to those who wait.

Early to bed : early to rise.
When you go to bed : you should wake up full of life.

Lying to rest.

Long lasting love on earth.
May be that kind of love will be in heaven.
Love is here in memory.
Rest in peace.
No arms to hold one tight.
Keep each other warm on the winter nights.
You can get out to cool down in the summer.
Love over heats in summer.
To be brave.
To died for us.
Without you we would not be born. 8.9.2002

How lucky we are.

We have a home to live.
We may have a family.
We may be lucky to education and a job.
We must not depend on families all the while.
We must fly the nest ; our families have bought us up. 29.5.2002

Verse one.

Never leave what you can do.
One reason or another there are people the streets begging for money.
How we tell the people who really need money?
Are some people too lazy to get a job?
Life is what you make it 29.5.2002

Get off the streets!

Get off the streets and find yourself a home, education and a job!
There's no need to be homeless.
Most of you have had normal lives in the past.
Why put your life on hold because you have had some disappointment?
If you look forward don't look back.
People will help you if you help them.
Never attention seek just for the sake of it, otherwise people will get fed of it if you them for money all the while.
No one likes feeling used but no one likes being misunderstood, it should not be all one sided.
There's no need to beg for money, wait for people to give you, it comes to those who wait.
That way you will gain more friends.
If you keep asking you don't get.
Most people don't have that much money themselves, they get fed up of been ask all the while.
If you have an education and job use it!
Help people who need more help.
People who are on the streets for disappointing reasons but some people are there to make they are because they don't want to work, we need to look out for the reasons why most people are. 29.5.2002


It's cold outside, no bed to keep warm.
Saw logs off the tree, get lighters and matches to light a fire.
Feel hungry so cook food on the fire.
The winter nights are dark and lonely.
You need someone to talk to.
You need a home.
The street floors are hard to sleep on.
You are lucky to get a cardboard box, which is as bad as the floors, a bed would be better. 29.5.2002

Today is hard for families.

If you have the sense don't have children, it's a unkind world out there today.
Life is mostly unkind us without been unkind to others.
The future is worry for us let alone them.
If we are not allowed to teach our children right from wrong, what's the point?
Leaning did not do us any harm.
Children are lovely but they don't know what's right and wrong until they are taught.
How much worse can it get, if it's like this today what will it be like tomorrow?
We are just left with a load of crime and Anti - social behavior in today's society. 21.4.2002

Today's society.

Never be too kind to people.
They will want off you all the time.
Always turn your head to see who is behind you.
Be careful : never be too careful.
Enjoy your life : you only have one life.
Don't live in fear but always be on your guide. 21.4.2002

Children are not children, they grow up.

Cutting teeth, having colds, growing pains, tears, happiness broken hearts, relationships, friends and lovers letting them down, worrying about their safety in today's cruel world mainly in society, hoping and wishing them to enjoy their live safely.

Are you going to have children?
They are a worry and a heart all their lives and yours.
This makes this society very scary.
It would be lovely to be able to say your only on this earth once so make the most of it, it's not easy to enjoy yourself today in this cruel and unsafe society.

You can never be too careful, life goes on.
Never let it stop you from living a life, you'd be locking yourself behind closed doors otherw
Children are not children, they grow up too fast.
As soon as you turn round, they have lives of their own.

Make the most of children they are not children for long.
Children grow even faster now than before in this fast world.
Every day, every hour, every mouth and every week and every year keeps ticking away from us.

There should be love, care and tenderness.
Never wait until it's too late.
Every child achieves an award in his or her's own way.
Every child gives you ups and downs in their own way.
There should be always something everyday in different ways.

Every human being has a heart of gold in different ways.
When children grow up some built nests and become parents themselves.
Sometimes life gets too much, families can care for us so much it's hard for them to let go. 10 . 12 . 2001

You only have one life.

You only live on this earth once.
Within reason you can do what you want.
You can only get one chance in life so don't blow it!
If you live twice you come back as a different person or even an animal.
Make the most of life because it sails so fast before you know it.
Try not to do anything to regret in later life.
Never think you can turn back the clock because you can't.
Think very carefully before you do anything.
If you get another chance to take anything again, take that chance don't blow it!
Try not to make the same mistake loads of times over.
Your a fool if you don't take a chance for anything while you can. 10.12.2001

Find my work when I am dead and gone.

My work is here to read.
What you think of my work is up to you.
If money comes it will go to my family, lovers and friends.
I must take no notice of the press, I must write for my readers.
When I am dead and gone, have what you want of mine.
If anyone is interested in my work, you are more than welcome.
I just enjoy putting pen to paper, I just help for it to be understood and to make sense.
The words I write on paper come to my mind. 5.12.2001

The days of hard times.

No homes for the poor.
Millions of people living on the streets.
No work to earn money.
People eating food that could and even find.
Millions of people's lives have lived and died through been homeless.
Children going down chimneys sweeps to earn money.
Young men breathing the coal mines to earn money for their wives and families.
Some things may have got better but nothing is completely right. 5.12.2001


Now it's quiet at midnight and I can write.
Millions of people sleeping on the street as I write sitting in my home.
The wind is blowing a storm, there's nothing quiet about that when the people living on the street are trying to sleep.
I will just put anything down on paper about the storm.
I must turn on my lamb to give me the light.
I will sleep until the morning light.
As a student I will study in the day light.
To write on a winter's night is anything that comes to mind. 5.12.2001

Stacey from ' THE HAPPY SOCIETY ( she was!)

Stacey was full of life and free to do what she wanted.
Stacey had so many friends and so many people to see.
Stacey shared the same birthday as me October 24th, she wrote poetry just like me and she had Autism like me.
Every year my birthday comes round I think of Stacey.
The sad thing is that I never saw any of her poems and Stacey never any of mine.
I don't know what kind of poems she wrote and she did not know what kind of poems I write and wrote in the case may.
In my eyes a poet never dies : a poet's work lives on.
Poets who live in heaven look down on you while you read their work.
Stacey is still with us even though she's in heaven.
I believe Stacey is watching me write poetry.
There will be plenty of young and new poets to be but not like Stacey, Stacey is my best friend.
Little do we know how short life is until it's gone.

Stacey had so much in common with me even though she was and still is in my eyes about twelve younger than me.

I am so much older than Stacey was, she was only her early 20s.
I am so lucky to reach my 30s.

Stacey had plenty of male and female friends, she was friends with you if you were friends with her.
Stacey made you laugh, she made the Happy Society the Happy Society.
Everyone looked forward to going to the Happy Society when Stacey was there.
Stacey was too young to go to heaven, the Happy Society became Sad Society without Stacey.
Why Stacey, why not me she was younger than me?
She went to college in London for her poetry lessons.
Stacey had such a string of boyfriends, no one could count them. 26.5.2002

Memory to remember.

One hundred English people had been killed in the America war.
As you may image that everyone was angry and upset.
There was such nasty damage to America a lovely country.
Two brothers were aboard hijacked Untied 175, which crashed in into word trade.
Some people even died pentagon. 12.9.2002

Life one.

I hope you have not got a crush me.
I am very fond of you as a friend.
I don't want us to hurt one another.
You have plenty of time to find happiness, you are so young.
You are fifteen years younger than me.
Age may not matter but it's your future you need to think about in a grown up manner.
You may not understand what I mean because you are so you but you will one day.
I was young like you once, I used to have these feeling towards people but I got over it.
Love does not always happen how you want it to be, we live miles apart in life and age.
When you get to my age you will know what it's all about.
You will live and learn, you never stop learning right from wrong through adult life then you get older and wiser, this works well for most of us anyway. 9.5.2002

Don't get me wrong.

It's very flattering to be fancied by someone as lovely as you.
Don't take it the wrong way, I am about fifteen years older than you.
I'd get done for going with very young boys like you, I know you are nearly a young man.
I am almost a middle age woman even though I may look as young as you.
A woman of my age should know better.
You may think that I could teach you a few things, believe me you could end up teaching me a few things, you will learn faster than me through everyday life.
You make mistakes in life then learn from them, at least most of us do.
Some of us make the same mistake loads of times like I have done so what could I teach you?
I have just had to learn without no computers, mobile phones but everyday life.
You have mobile phones, computers, everyday live and etc to learn from.
I think will learn better without me, I have made too many of own mistakes, what do I know if I can't get things right myself?
Without you knowing it, you know more about life than I do.
You most likely be teaching me more so than I would be teaching you.
It just does not feel right someone young teaching someone old.
I have been around far too longer than you, I should know more than you but that's not always the case. 9.8.2002

Homeless old people.

No one to talk.
No children, no Grand children, no Great Grand children.
Far too cold, there needs to be warm.
Nowhere to cool down from the hot sun when your near enough passing out.
Not knowing what tomorrow is going to bring. 29.5.2002

We are all together.

Getting together for a drink and a talk.
People finding out from one another how they got on the streets in the place.
How are they going a normal life?
How are they going to live through the world of the four seasons in one?
Winter cold, snow, rain, sleet, hale and sun.
Autumn cold winds blowing leaves as they change colors
off the trees on to the ground.
Spring is meant to be warm not cold but it does not seem to be the case anymore.
There are very few leaves on the trees that are green but it happens bit by bit until the summer on sun baying hot days.
More green leaves on the trees and a lovely garden life homeless people may talk about. 9.5.2002

I am so sorry it can't happen my friend.

I hope I have not lost your friendship.
I hope I have not hurt you.
I still care about you and look out for you.
Your so young and I am old enough to be your Mum.
It would not be fare on either of us if we got together.
I am sure you would get fed of me one day anyway.
One day you will find someone more special, I am not special at all only special needs.
I am just too old to look at. 9.5.2002

Memory of Eddie dog.

He was so fluffy.
He was so soft.
He was only nasty if anyone hurt us.
Me and my family were the people who knew him and loved him.
He went to another home where he's well looked after, we are just too busy with our lives to look after him.
He loved to play ball.
He loved to go out for walks.
He loved to run across the park.
He hated been on a lead because he was a country and farm dog.
He would pull you around so hard and fast when he had his lead on.
He would only attack if he saw strangers.
Eddie, where have you gone?
I understand why you left us, we could not give you the happiness you wanted.
We are so sorry to let you down, I hope you are happy now.
Never forget us for the happiness we gave, we hope we gave some happiness.
We are always thinking about you, you are a lovely dog. 25.1.2002 - 12.9.2002

The America war.

It was the day I never forget.
On September 11th 2001, I think everyone thought the world was over.
It was 9.00am in UK and 3.00am in US time or the other way round.
It hit New York and Washington.
It was a dramatic explosion that hit nine people pulled out alive.
A fireman had been on the 38rd floor of one of the towers of New York. 12.9.2002

My feelings.

The war of America did not sink into me at first.
When my Father told me on the phone, I thought I was hearing things and I thought I was having a nightmare.
I put on the news on the television, watch those two towers full down turned my stomach over just watching them and I felt sick.
I found it very hard to write anything down at first.
I know there has been bad wars before but I would say that's the first one I have seen in my life time.
I could not talk, I could not stop thinking about it. 12.9.2002

What a mess.

The two towers of New York had gone through bombing planes.
They were very tall towers, I am sure those towers must have took a long time to build.
I feel sorry for whoever it was know who worked so hard to build those towers.
There was not just 1000s of lives lost, a lot of homes had been broken and smashed. 12.9.2002

What happened?

A fireman had been rolling down the stairwell floor by floor.
The whole building collapsed.
Five other fire fighters and police officers near enough lost their lives. 12.9.2002

Sometimes hurtful things happen for the best.

Life is here to enjoy but sometimes all good things have to come to an end.
You have plenty to look forward to but happiness may take it's time to come back.
Sadly we can't get by without making mistakes and learning from them but how many of us do?
We are only human : no one is perfect.
It may take a long time while we want to get but most of us get there in the end.
At least once if not more in our lives something will happen what we don't like, that's life for everyone.
So long down the line I hope I will be right that some disappointing things happen for the best.
Most pain can turns into happiness.
I hope you will be glad of my advice one day, I hope I will be right in some things if I am not right in all.
It will be hard for us to understand that I was once your age.
I had strong feelings towards people that I have had to learn to accept what I wanted was not possible.
When you get as old as me, you will understand that disappointing things can happen for a good reason.
The reason is you may like me a lot now but you may not like me at all in ten years time, you could get fed up of looking at an old woman like me.
This could save us quite a lot of hurt and pain.
You don't need to be tied down to someone like me. 20.8.2002

Studying poetry.

I am studying to remind myself how I can interest my readers.
Sometimes I can think of a subject others times I can't.
I don't except everyone to be interested in what I write as long some people are. 8.9.2002

I dream to be a poet.

I dream to be mostly a romantic poet.
I dream to write fiction and non fiction.
I dream to be a poet of all or many subjects.
I dream to write poetry of good and bad in life.
I dream to understand the minds of animals and human beings.
I dream to put down what goes through my mind from pen onto paper. 8.9.2002

I love the sun, sand and sea.

The hot summer not cold winter.
Not too hot just warm.
Blue sky, blue sea and yellow sand.
That says it all. 8.9.2002

Lovers part two.

Two hearts.
Four arms.
Two lips to kiss. 8.9.2002

What do I see?

In my 30s still young : not getting any younger.
A few lines under my eyes.
Not looking bad but not good either.
Trying to look the best I can.
We all getting older but not younger.
There's no good and bad in getting older only wishing we could turn back the clock and do things more different than we did but it's good going back to things it's too late to do anything about.
Sometimes life gives you another chance but other times it does not, it may teach many of us to become not just older but wiser. 8.9.2002

The winter.

The snow may look white and pretty but it's cold outside.
The evenings become gray and short:the nights become dark and long.
Dark early mornings that look like night. 8.9.2002

In bet ween the lines.

In-between the lines we live a life that could fit into poetry.
In-between the lines we live a life that we could write into stories.
In life things don't happen the same, there's could be good and bad in life, which makes our writing more interesting. 8.9.2002

The nightingale.

The nightingale the bird of love and romance.
The turtle dove who sings sweet romance songs of love.
The poet's dream is the art of love.
No broken heart : heart of love.
Passion is another way of love. 8.9.2002

The rose of love.

The red rose is the sign of romance.
To hear the song of love.
To dream about romance. 8.9.2002

Love verse.

To love to kiss one another.
To look is not always to touch one another.
To look in to each others eyes to know it right or not right in the case may be.
To sleep and dream of happiness.
For each heart to feel love.

To love on a warm sunny day under trees.
To cool down in the stream on a hot summer's day.
To love in darkness.

To enjoy the body of love.
To get close to make love.
Love is not everything to life.

You don't have to involve making love.
The main thing is loving the person for them.
You should not get just anything you want out of them.
Love, freedom and trust is important.

I like a man not too cheeky and not too shy.
I like him to talk to.
I don't like a man who thinks he knows everything.
Show off, cheat, he tells lies and he's too big for his boots those are the men I hate.10.12.2001 - 8.9.2002

Future of child.

Coping without a Father.
Mother bringing up a child or children in this unkind world.
To have family and friends to support.
Is a child strong enough to face this unkind world of fear and no enjoyment? 8.9.2002


From heaven we are looking down to earth.
We make another life in another world work.
We become another person or an animal.
That's if you believe heaven is another world.
Life goes on.
No more crying.
Love again.
Be happy, we only live one. 8.9.2002


Do you believe that you will come back as an animal?
For most people memories live on.
Do you believe that you come back as a human being if your an animal and an animal if your human. 8.9.2002

End of war.

Loving arms round the man you love.
No weeping and crying unless your love is not alive.
Living at peace and love at last.
The future to think about and look forward to.7.9.2002

War verse.

Feeling the future in sin and alone.
Death and live is so cruel.
Blood and burns is what you saw.
It was not all sad times.
Happiness, dancing, sing and having a good time to hide the sadness of the war away with the hurts and losses of life.
Memories of love.
Tears of the future and past.
The wounded survivors.
Cradle the war babies to sleep.
Feel angry about the war. 8.9.2002

Freedom at last.

Sleep in peace.
What a horror of war.
What a emptiness without love.
Life goes on, it hurts, we will get by.
Lucky for the ones who have the men they love. 7.9.2002


We are poets.
We see you.
We hear you.
We feel you.
We smell you.
We taste you.
We touch you.
None of these things you don't do to us.
Keats, Wordsworth, Thomas, Eliot and many more.
They may not be here : there work still lives on.
In memory and love, they will always be here with us. 8.9.2002

Let's let words flow.

If the words rhyme, they rhyme.
If the words don't rhyme, they don't rhyme.
As long as words make sense that's the mail thing. 8.9.2002


Lucky to be alive.
We go through good and bad through life.
Lucky enough not to suffer : lucky enough to live through whatever happens in life. 8.9.2002

Write to tap words out on computer.

It's very hard to about words to write to tap to type on computer.
It can be hard to think about a subject to write about without having to research.
You can't always put pen to paper right away : sometimes you can.
Sometimes something going into your head to put down paper.
Sometimes it comes out wrong : other times it comes out right. 8.9.2002

Great Granny.

The Great Granny who loved me so much.
The Great Granny who never thought I could no wrong.
No memory of anything else other than her bonny body and bonny smiling face.
She wore those blue turned in glasses that she wore in the 1960s.
Why could not she lived a few years later so I could remember her?
I would have at least would have known her a bit more than I did. 8.9.2002


Men going down the coal mines.
In hale dust and dirt.
Young children far too young.
Living on portage, bread and water.
Going to bed early at night and facing very early hours of the mornings.
Having been frightened of been stuck down the mines.
Young men and young boys risked their lives to feed their families, many of them did die.
Still they had to do the job to keep their families alive.
What a cruel life it was. 8.9.2002

Drinking too much.

Enjoying drinking at the time.
It's fun and alright on the night.
Up and down to the toilet.
Feeling rough the next day.
Ringing work with a bad hang over.
Can't eat and frightened of being sick.
The after affects are not fun not like when your drinking at the time. 8.9.2002

Why do I write?

I enjoy writing to put pen to paper.
Any subject that comes to mind.
I hope I interest my readers at the time. 8.9.2002

I want to help people.

I want to help people who are alone.
I want to talk to people who are worse off than me.
Each and everyone of us have problems one way or the other : some people have problems than others.
Some people are homeless others are not.
I am very lucky, I want help people who want to be helped but if I can help.8.9.2002


Help get the homeless off the streets!
Help to stop the sunshine burning them!
Help to keep them out the cold on cold winter's night.8.9.2002

Last chance.

I have given you your last chance to be.
I did not except to be loving you again, it just happened because I love you so much.
Your forgiven this once but hurt me again no matter how hard it hurt me to let you go, I will have to let you go.

How lucky you are to get me back, you have taken this chance.
Don't let me don't because there will be no going back.
You only live once, you will end up a lonely old man if you let me down again.

If you are not careful someone else could step into your shoes, you don't want that do you?
Whatever came over you to go off with her in the first place?
Whatever has got into me to go back to you?
The answer is that I love you.

What does it matter what happened in the past, now we will look to the future.
I look into your eyes, I knew too well that we knew each other so well.
Now that I am back in your loving arms, I hope that this is where I belong.
I hope you are here with me to stay otherwise you can go away.

My heart and mind can only write about whether our love is right or wrong.
This is how I feel about you, my love is strong enough for you but please be honest with me if you can't stay with me.

Sometimes action speaks louder than words.
When hurt me you told me how you felt at the time about me.
You made it very clear that you did not love me anymore.
You were the only man I loved, I still do.
You locked my heart now you have opened it back again.
I have always held the key for you, rightly or wrongly I always will but not if you hurt me and lock my heart again. 8.9.2002


I am so lonely without you.
I don't know anyone without you.
Just like you I have been put on this earth for a reason.
Where do I come from?
Who do I belong to?
Who am I?
Someone talk to me!
Someone help me get through this hard life? 29.5.2002

Time goes slow.

Time goes slow when nothing is going on.
Time goes slow when you are waiting for something to happen.
Still things to make you happy comes to those who wait.
Nothing worth the wait comes quickly.

When you don't want anything to happen it happens too quickly.

I wish I could eat and sleep, it's taking so long.
I am tossing and turning in bed.
I love you so much, I can't wait to see you, it's not long until I do see you but it feels like forever as I love you so much.
I don't understand what's wrong with me.
Things to worry me or is it just inside my head?
I just need to wait until I see you tonight. 20.1.2002

Hunting horse.

Hunting horse of the night.
The birds flying at such a height.
The army running out to fright for their country and their lives.
Ships sailing on the rough sea on a rough windy night not a pretty site.
Hunting for food for children and wives. 8.9.2002

Life two.

Bare winter trees without leaves.
Summer starting and ending so quickly.
No flowers in a glass, just mud.
Loads of snow or no snow to make a snowman.
Birds not to be seen, only robins singing as they fly and flap their wings.
Other birds keep themselves warm hiding until the spring.
Children playing in the snow passing the days away into the Christmas holidays.
Christmas bells ringing and people singing for the white Christmas season.
Keep your eyes closed children Father Christmas is on his way to give your presents on Christmas day. 8.9.2002

Putting on a brave face.

I used to sit with my head in my hands.
I wanted to hide away from the world.
I did not want to hear or seen the world anymore.
I felt like knocking my head on the brick wall.
When I lost the man I loved so much, I found it so hard to move on.
When people looked at me, I always thought I'd done something wrong. 25.1.2002

The way to live.

love 8.9.2002

Picking myself up.

I felt as if the whole world was coming down on me.
I never thought I'd get used being with and without the one I love.
I never thought he's love me again.
It was hard to love someone else after loving him so long.
Deep down I knew I loved him.
He was so lucky to get me back, if I did not love him I would not have gone back.
It was hard to put a brave face on.
It's hard to stop loving him. 25.1.2002


You bring me happiness.
You give me love.
You tell me wonderful things that I dream about every night.
You give me lovely thoughts to think about the day.
Hoping that our future lies together.
I hope our love will grow every day in every way.
To have fun and romance with you is all I want to do. 8.9.2002


To sound sweet music.
Resting by a warm fire.
Sleep to dream about nice things.
Riding a horse through the water on a hot summer's day.
Some dreams come true but others don't.
The cool warm air is so good for you.
In the winter the river is flowing dry through the cold, in the summer flows wet again.
Words could mean anything from the heart and mind.
Words can be said or and written down without thinking about it most of the time. 8.9.2002

The weather.

The sunshine
The blowing wind
The stars of the night
The voice that egos through the wild wind of the night.
Being sheltered under the hut from rain.
The gates blowing back and to from the wind.
No wild wind or rain, it's time to play.
I hear someone calling me.
Day light there's not a star in the sky but may be a cloud in the sky.
The shadow is following me.

Who could it be? 8.9.2002

To feel.

I need to feel I am next to you.
I love you.
You are mine to be.
I've known you far too long to stop loving you.
Your face is with me when I don't see you.
I remember you all the time. 8.9.2002


Sometimes I feel alone.
I don't always feel happy.
This is not over I just don't feel well.
You can't be happy all the time but you can't be sad all the time.
I am happy with you. 8.9.2002

Time to sleep.

When it's time to sleep, I dream nice things about you.
I don't want a lot of money, just enough for food, clothes, etc and to be with you.9.4.2002

The Queen Mother.

Queen Mother of England's Mum, Granny, great Granny and friend to us all.
Most of us may not like the Royals, she was the mail lady to love in this generation.
She was a very special for us, who worked and lived through the two world wars.
In health and wealth, not many of us will live as long as she did.
There would not be this world without her.
It's seem strange without her but she lived to be a good age 1001.
I hope she will rest in peace.
She has earned her sleep.
She will be missed by us all. 9.4.2002

Children of today.

You can never bring your children up how you were bought up, you'd be breaking the law.
It's not easy because some children can push you over the edge.
What is the world coming to?
World war 3.
There's no respect for any of us. 2002 onwards.


If this is not epilepsy again, what is it?
Why have I not felt well for twelve mouths or so?
What's wrong with me?
My head is aching like someone has put a bomb inside it.
I keep getting electric shock, storms like water mixing with wires.
I have been feeling sick, dizzy, shaky and my head feels heavy.
Flashing lights are worse and when the sun gets into my eyes.
When opening my eyes, it's like my eyes flicker at anything flashing as if I am going blind.
Loud knocks and fire works scar the life out me, I jump out my skin on Bonfire night. 26.5.2002

My love.

My love is lost completely without you.
My future is nothing without you.
When I lost you it was true, I was having a nightmare.
I could never see what was going to happen.
I did not know where I was going to end up.
I can't get lost again : I have found you again.
I needed you more when you were not there but still your here now.
How did we find and lose one another in the first place?
Now that you are back I am very happy again.
How did we met to love again?
It just happened, I am so glad it did.
I hope you are here to stay this time. 26.5.2002

Life three.

It makes you wonder why we were ever born.
It makes you wonder why there is a world.
Is there a god in this world, if so where is he?
He makes people then breaks people.
Why does he bother at all?
He just waists his own hard work.
I remember my childhood and teenage years as if it was yesterday.
Yesterday has gone, now it's today, it's come and gone too quickly.
When I was twenty- three I started writing my life story.
It's taken me a long time to write one single line.
My memory and mind goes blank to know what to write all the time. 26.5.2002