Poetry, writings and art blog

Learning disability and Mental health awareness

Sunday, 7 February 2010

Sara's Quotations.

I never knew love was DIY, if want love yourself before you love someone else.

If want a job doing do it yourself,DIY, don't love isn't a job but love can be a drug if you love them too much and even too long.

Animals love us more than humans, animals love us more than we love ourselves.

Animals understand our language better than we understand our own.

We understand animal language better than we understand our own.

The only MPs that are for people with learning disabilities, is people with learning disabilities ourselves.

Stress is the worse killer in the world for everyone, mainly when you have Learning disabilities and Health problems.

Never build your hopes up about life : never say never.

Always balance the good with the bad, never say life is all good, never say life is all bad.

It's not the world that's dangerous, it's the people in it.

Not enough safe people to make a safe world, in today's society.

The young today don't get enough punishment, that's why the world is dangerous before it gets more dangerous.

There are two people in one person, there's good and bad in everyone, there's no perfect world.

Never complain about losing love: some people have never been in love.

Everyone sees love in all different ways.

There are all different kinds of love.

There's always someone worse off than yourself.

Love comes and goes like buses.

Smile even if life is getting you down but don't smile if you have something to be ashamed of.

I spend the first five years of my working life on top of the very cold snowy Welsh mountains, looking after animals. I used to take out frozen water buckets out of stables and pour kettles of hot water over frozen taps. My hands were as cold as ice but very red.

A women can be very frighten of men when they have had far too much to drink but never believe that all men are the same ladies.

Poetry tells you to get on with life no matter what life throws at you.

We woman are not all victims from many men there are many that can be victims from many women too.

Missing someone is pain:thinking about them is happiness.

Life can be confusing:so much to do but very little time to do what's needed and wanted.

No thousands of answers to one question.