Poetry, writings and art blog

Learning disability and Mental health awareness

Sunday, 24 July 2011

What's on your mind?

You are more than welcome to what you want to say or write.
It makes no difference if what's on your mind is happy or say.
Just bring out anything you want to say or write.

Everyone likes to keep most things private no one is force to say or write.

The choice is yours on how you open your world and mind on what you say or write.

How people communicate with you is depending on what subject you say or write.

Some people don't communicate at all.

Please speak and write your mind.

Don't speak or write your mind if you don't want to. 24.7.2011

Mark David Chapman.

What was on your Mind to commit such a crime to the famous Beatles, old, too young to leave earth he gave his fans such good times?

You may not be able to mend what's been broken?

Saying sorry may not mend the damage.

You have already long sent John Lennon up to heaven.

Do you believe in Jesus Christ?

Do you believe that Christ will come back to life?

Do you believe John Lennon was or could have been Jesus Christ just like he wanted to be?

The answers to these questions are very unknown.

Do you believe that there will be peace on earth as well as there may be in heaven?

I was eleven when my old school teacher Mr Stroll told me and many others in class that John Lennon has gone to heaven, I still hear Mr Stroll telling us 31 years on now.

Do you believe that Christ will come back to life, even so you shouldn't have done what you have done?13.8.2011

Nothing lasts forever.

Nothing lasts forever but I have fallen for you.

You may not be always in my life but you will be always on my mind.

It isn't all about my feelings, it's about your feelings too.

The same way love always end, you may well leave me some day.

I will never give up on love.

No one knows unless they try, never build ones hopes up but never say never.

One's luck may not be the same as it has already been.

Life is very unknown, if we knew everything there would be no surprises or shocks. 13.8.2011

We should all control our minds.

We should all control our minds then there wouldn't be so much crime.

No reason is a reason to kill.

There's no perfect world out there, we all disagree with what one another do and say sometimes if not all of the time.

We say about children and teenagers been unkind to one another so can adults.

If we really can't cope with what we hear or see or even both in many cases can be, then just walk away.

Help is better out there than it used to be, now there's counselling out there, there never used to be any help at all but we still have a long way to go.

Just because Yoko Ono is Japanese, Mark David Chapman killed John Lennon many years to the day of Pearl Habela which the Japanese turned against the Americans on the 8th December.

No one can like everyone but hate is a very strong word.
14th August 2011

The world is a strange place.

The world is a strange like you and me, it has good and bad.

How we face the world isn't the same.

Life is what we make it.

We are the people who live in this world.

The world isn't the problem it's us in it.

The main thing is is how we are to one another.

There are a lot of thought we need to keep to ourselves.

At times it all gets too much.

No one is going to help us unless we help ourselves.

We need to find ways of not letting the bad in life play with our minds.

We must think about good things in life.

Clear the bad things out of our minds.

The good may be hard to think about.

For me writing poetry helps me get on with my life by writing all my thoughts down on paper out my mind.

Drawing, painting and exercise biking riding is also very good cure for me.

Anxiety isn't the only reason for doing these things, enjoyment comes into it too.
14th August 2011

Every day.

I miss you every day.

My world is empty without you.

Nothing seems to change but I accept it because I think so much of you.

I don't think I will ever give on you unless you give up me.

When the sun shines it doesn't shine unless I'm with you.

There's not a moment that I'm not wishing I was with you.

Holding me all night until the morning light.

The good may be hard to think about with the very little time we spend together.

Hopefully that little time we get together will help us to be together longer than if we spent a lot of time together.

I will just do my best to clear the bad out of my mind by writing poetry.

I never know when to text or call in case I contact you at the wrong moment.

However long or short our time together is better than nothing at all. 18.8.2011

Wem please sounds like Wembley.

I have never written a poem, short story, novel or play on the train.

I was travelling from Newtown Powys Wales in the mid to late 80s.

My memory has been that many a times through my life I caught the wrong well almost the wrong train.

Once I nearly went to Wembley when I should have gone to Wem.

The ticket collector said

" Off to Wembley."

"No, I'm off to Wem."

He laughed but I was only 17 and scared.

I was just in a world of my own still relieving on the rest of the world.

"No worries, you can get off at Sherwbucy." he said

" Who ordered the ticket?" he asked

" My tutor." I said

I tried to work out what must have happened, I thought about it.

A lot of people on the train stared at me as if I was mad as I started to laugh.

Wem please sounds like Wembley.

When got off the train to meet my Mother Shrewbucy, she said.

" I've been waiting half an hour for you at Wem station.

When I told her the reason her feelings were mixed with worrying about me and the funny side of Wem been mistaken for Wembley. 18.8.2011

Your worth the wait.

I feel love for you.

I need your love even more than plants, flowers and trees need the sun and the rain.

This love will never die until I die however long I wait.

If I'm wrong I can be right all the time.

I'd rather miss you than lose you but I can't except your feelings to be the same as mine all the time.

You may leave me some day, then I will have to move on from the light to the day.

If things change for you and me, if ever there's going be another he, he will have to spent more time missing me than kissing me. 18.8.2011

I will never again chase love.

Love will have to come to me if ever again it's to be.

I never looked for you, you found me.

If it doesn't work out for us the next love will be very close friends you and me are or where.

Who knows what the future will be.

Take life day by day.

Don't build one's hopes up: never say never.

Wait and see. 18.8.2011

Open up your mind.

If you feel as if something should be said then say it.

Don't be scared, don't be shy just open your mind.

Some people feels as if they don't want to talk about sad thing but they feel as they need to.

Please give their own time when things are to talk that they want or and need to said mainly when it's sad things.

Some things are hard to talk about but better off not talking about in a lot of people's minds. 19.8.2011

Fits Epilepsy. Why have I not been well for twelve months or so? What's wrong with me? My body is like a moving machine as I get shock in my knees and legs. I start shaking as I get a headache. Fits feel like storms through my head. Water is fusing inside my head. All my muscles go very tense which is caused by stress. My brain gives me a message to my body. I feel and go dizzy through a lack of food and drink. My head is aching as if someone has put a bomb inside it. I have been feeling sick, dizzy, shaky and my head feels heavy. Flashing lights are worse and when the sun gets in my eyes. When opening my eyes it's like my eyes flicker at anything flashing as if I'm going blind. Loud knocking sounds and fire works make me jump out my skin and scars me to death, mainly on Bonfire night. Many different sounds can bring on a fit. Time to lye down, let the fit stop in it's own time as I sleep it off. In the mean time it feels like wires are going through my head. Fuses are blowing everywhere like the wind and the rain coming together the same as thundering and lighting. 26.5.2002 -2.6.2012