Poetry, writings and art blog

Learning disability and Mental health awareness

Tuesday, 28 May 2013

What's been happening and what needs to change.

Awareness of Learning Disability cutbacks.
There's a big worry about the benefit cuts causing people with disabilities and health problems to be homeless. Benefit money isn't enough for people with disabilities and health problems to buy healthy food. Many people need more support to budget their money, which is very hard for them when the government have cut back a lot on Social Care.
 Health staffs aren’t trained to treat people with disabilities and health problems. Stress is a killer for all people but Mental Health and disabilities are stress on its own for eg; people who stuffer from Anxiety and depression, Panic Attacks and or even Epilepsy. This is an even bigger danger of making people even ill than when we are.
A lot of people with disabilities and health problems want to work but health issues should be work on before supporting people to find employment.  Otherwise this could cause people with disabilities and health problems to be a health and safety hazards in the work placements as far as employers are curtained. Therefore people need the right support. One of the ways of avoiding health and safety hazards is making sure people have had to correct diagnoses to their disabilities and health problems and to sure they are on the right medications and the right.
Most people with disabilities and health problems have said that the Social don't support them to look for work or they find them jobs that aren't in their ability without support.
A lot of people will find the appeals and courts too stressful without the right support, not everyone has family support. For even those who get support there's only so much support that can be given.
Most people with disabilities and health problems who have elderly member of their families can start to find it hard to look after their selves anymore therefore they will worry about what is going to happen with their family members who have disabilities and health problems.Updated October 26th 2012

In this report I want to raise awareness of the cuts in support for people who need it most .
 This means benefits, social care, health, education, employment and etc. The British government seem to be getting tighter on money. This is affecting everything and everybody but mostly the people who need it most. People who support in looking after ourselves. Not everyone has family support but even a lot of people that do, their families have other things to do in their lives. What about those people who are getting too old to look after their family members and themselves any more? What help is out there for them when their family member can't look after themselves. In saying that everyone has different needs. Some people need more support than others and this should be excepted. People need support running their home to needing support in personal care.

As for the people who find it hard to make themselves really understood, we mustn't think that they have never got thoughts even though we may never know about those thoughts. Simple thoughts like for eg;. Does that cake taste nice? You may be able to tell by a sad or happy face or even thumbs up or thumbs down. Being homeless is not nice for anyone but people who need more care or and support would find it even harder living on the streets. The way the country is it is hard to think positive about the future mainly for people who need care or and support most. The benefit cuts are a big worry for people with disabilities and health problems. If the cases get any worse there are dangers of people being homeless and hungly. Benefit money isn't enough for people to eat healthly. The government has cutback on Social Care. Not everyone has family support and not everyone gets all the support they need because people have other lives.

The stress of the cuts affect people peoples' lives emtionally  mainly people with Mental Health problems. For eg; Aniexty and Depression, which can make people more than what they are. This can make it hard for people to cope with their appeals and in courts so they need plenty of the right support.

This is why health problems need to be worked on first before people look for or and go back to work. There may be a lot of peoples' disabilities and health problems dianosed wrongly and many may be put on the wrong medications. Many people have said that the Social having been nagging people to find work but the Social are not willing to support them.This is where it cause a lack of communication and understanding so it makes out that people aren't willing to look for work when they are. It's just a good exsuse for the Social to take peoples' money off them no matter what.

People with disabilities, health problems and the elderly don't receive the best health care because we don't find it very easy to make ourselves understood. This can cause confusion for eg;  having the same health problem but been told different information off different GPs. This can cause people to be put on the wrong medication, which is dangerous.  Cutting back on the benefits and Social care is the biggest problem for a lot of people. No person with disabilities and health problems are saying they don't want to work but health comes first. If our disabilities, health problems and the right medication aren't aware of then the government must understand that we are not safe to go to or back to work even though we would love to.

A lot of this come down to or should come down to support what people want as well as what people need. When we grow into adults equal choices are important to us after so many years of childhood been taken care of to what pleases others that know us, support us and care for us as much as lot is for the right reasons. There needs to be a balance between support and peoples' own control. This is where the person centred plan comes where people who need support have choices in their wants as well as needs
.A lot of people find it hard to communicate but different people in different ways.

 I know there's not a lot we can do but as a learning disability awareness trainer I am writing this report to raise awareness that I am aware that the country is tight on and it's hard to see that people who need most are going to live through this.

Maybe there is a positive but hard to see. This could be happening to a lot of countries not just Britain. I even remember even hearing the saying as a child. The rich are getting richer and the poor are getting poorer. I don't dislike the rich but it could be true and never change. Winterbourne View Hospital. Now I am raising awareness of abuse. When your family member is in care or and support of others you except your family to be happy and safe. This is very often not always the case. Mencap have come across some shocking cases of abuse in Winterbourne View hospital, where patients with disabilities were staying or and living. I have no idea of the age group of these victims but however old this shouldn't be happening. If you would like to find out more about the cases Winterboure View Hospital here's the Mencap WWW.mencap.org.uk I am very disappointed that such crime still happens, many years ago there were no CIBs.

The cuts and changes to the benefit. There is a lot of changes and cuts to the benefits in Britain.These changes in the benefit system can make people twice as stressed and ill.
This can even cause death, if it gets far too much for people.
It is so wrong of the government to take money off people who need it most.
No one wishes anyone to be homeless but people with disabilities find it hard to look after ourselves more than other people.
One Tuesday afternoon, I had got a letter off the Benefit office about my Incapacity benefit changing to Employment Support Allowce.  The letter is not very clear to read. It is not good how they have planned the phone calls.  We could get a call any time in 2 weeks.
When the form has to be in for a cetein date, which can be a panic when people haven't got the support to fill them in.
 and time.It is hard to plan our support when we don't know when they are going to call.
No one is going to be sitting in their homes every day for 2 week.
People who support people are not sitting in peoples' homes waiting 2 weeks for a call.
They have other lives to live.


Introduction to the update of the 2008  learning disability report and Employment play.

People with disabilities and health problems were starting  to be treated better but due to the cuts since 2009, we are not getting as much support as what we should be.
The government is making out there’s support with employment but not enough due to the cuts.  People with disabilities and health problems are excepted to look for work but they are not given enough support to do so.

I understand that these cutbacks are a big worry we want to move forward not backwards and if the government is  making a lot of cuts on important things then the country is moving backwards not not forwards.
I used to be a  Learning Disability MP, I want to see things moving forward not backwards. With people with disabilities and health problems, all of all of us in different ways need support to live our lives equal to other people.
 If this affects you or someone or you know with their permission, I wouldbe I would be interested in peoples' responses to this report. please email me on sarajgorman@gmail.com.
The employment rate is high anyway; people without disabilities get the same problem but having disabilities give you even more problems. Most people with disabilities are or and have been on the dole for years, training scheme the same boring kind of work for years or even or and doing voluntary work for too many years.

Better support

Confidence building

People with learning disabilities should train others around learning disability awareness.

Support for everyone no matter how big or small.

Employers should create more jobs for people with disabilities.

Most people with disabilities are very creative, why should that be wasted?

Changes need to be changed suit peoples' wants and needs.

Attitudes need to get better.
pened but if the government doesn't spend the money on the right things we will be moving backwards not forwards, which is what no one wants to do.

2012 figures of employed and unemployed people with disabilities and health problems.

3 .5 of people with disabilities in the Uk are on a work programme, that has failed to it’s target. 55% are on a work programme accessing employment. Only 5.35 have found employment in 6 months or more.

How the lives of people with disabilities and health problems can be affected.

There can be a lack of communication and understanding between children and teachers in my case it was because of the strong medication I used to take for my epilepsy. I didn't leave school with any qualifications.

 If this is still going on for people with Health problems then Health staffs need to work harder to look into whether their medication is affecting their lives or not. You are welcome to email your story or someone else's with their permission on sarajgorman@gmail.com if you want.

Things need to change for the better in all issues.
 I use to be a Wolverhampton Learning disability MP for the People's Parliament with many other people with disabilities as Learning Disability MPs.
We don't have the job compliantly the same as the Houses of Parliament. We have only just started our plan is to look out for people with learning disabilities in what they need and want. We have the understanding because have learning disabilities ourselves. In the future we would like to talk people with disabilities to find out thereneeds and wants, and then tell the government. Like all people the government hasn't got any idea of people's needs and wants, they don't make their to find out than voting, then half the time you don't what your voting for or what you want to vote for isn't there. It's hard to explain because it's so much jargon.

 By finding out in a face to face contact is better than this voting jargon so we want won't do our job until people with disabilities tell us their wants and needs, by giving people choice and control with the right support.
 If you have learning disabilities or and Mental Health Problems please email me your Learning Disability MPs about your needs and want on any thing at all. sarajgorman@gmail.com only with your say so I will write on your behave to the Houses of Parliament MPs to make them aware of what you need or and want, I will do my best to make sure you get it.

Now many people with disabilities learned very easy at school, we had to catch up when we left and enrol on the same kind of courses at the colleges for years without jobs at the end of it; a lot of people are saying that this is still going on now. There wasn't enough support, as a Learning Disability Mp I would like to see a lot of support in schools and colleges but Mencap but bought out a report saying a lot of courses for people with disabilities are cutting back.

At the moment the Learning Disabilities MPs are working on employment we want would if you have learning disabilities or and Mental Health Problems we would like to here about stories and experiences on employment. With your so say you email me on sarajgorman@gmail.com you can tell me and I will tell the other MPs only if you want, I won't if you don't want me to tell. How can we thing good for you if they are bad? How can we make things better if they are good? We are here for you if you want us to help you.

If you read the report on this website that I wrote in 2008 about employment, I disappointed to know that not a lot has changed for people with learning disabilities abed work since then, this is why I want to find out how many people with disabilities are working in Britain. I wrote this 2008 report to tell to my readers that I wrote an Employment play telling people in who work Employment services about our experiences of asking, getting employment and how we have been treated in the work placement.

 We were told the  play was a success but we didn't a great of feed back. Someone with disabilities and his employer even did a talk; this employer seemed to be very happy with this person's.
 This shows when it comes to talents society loses out. People with disabilities have been disbelieved for the things we are good at for so long; it's time for non disabled people to see the good in people with disabilities. Many of us can paint, draw, write and etc as much as you so it's time to create new jobs for people with these talents and other abilities too.
Open the doors to the working learning disability world with the right support wherever it is. If you have disabilities and you want to make a start of a creative career, please get in touch with this website called Working parts if you live in the Midlands and Black Country. 

Monday, 20 May 2013


I am a keen and committed individual who is experienced in working with Advocacy groups.  I am confident in my approach to this work and have also experience in presenting information.
Currently I am looking for opportunities to work with people with a learning disability in Advocacy work.

Key Skills
·          Self motivated in approach to work
·          Committed to help improve outcomes for individuals with a learning disability
·          Confident in presenting information
Work History
Mencap. March 2007 to May 2011.
Self Advocacy and Learning Disability Awareness, both paid and voluntary work.
·          Written and co –produced a play highlighted how hard it is for people with disabilities to get work.
·          Assisted in chairing meetings, minute taking and supporting people with disabilities to chair meetings on their own topic.
·          I used to be a Learning Disability MP supported by a Self – Advocacy group called Changing Our Lives.
·          Helped Mencap set up a Disabled Writer’s group.

Self employed. December 2009 to December 2010. Learning Disability Awareness trainer.
·          Began self employment supported by Mencap and Employment Pathways.
·          Role as awareness trainer involved training a library team to understand learning disabilities including providing information in accessible information.
·          I have raised awareness around learning disability to Health professions by doing drama plays and presentations.
Job change Employment Scheme: Penn Hall School. November 2005 – January 2006. Work Placement.
·          Provided support for children with disabilities in the classroom.
·          Help them to build their confidence and self esteem.
Employment team Scheme work placement: 1997 – 2007
Employment placement, paid unpaid, included:
The Maltons Day centre, Wolverhampton
·          Making drinks for residents
Warstones library:  1997 – 2002. Voluntary librarian assistant
·          Assisted with the issuing and availability of books
·          Tidied the library including shelving books
·          Dealing with general public of all ages.
Employment Team Office:
·          Involved answering phones, typing and photocopying.
Multi-starts and Training for Work: 1995 -1997
Employment placements included:-
Compton Hospice
·          Involved working in the  charity shop
·          Dealing with the general public.
Beacon Centre for the Blind
·          Undertook general office duties. I was on a scheme called training for work.
Adult training- Oswestry 1992 – 1993: Fairholme Care Home
·          Chatting to residents, helping at meal times.
Training YTS Wales, 1986 – 1991
·          Involved looking after a variety of animals.

Education and Qualifications.
Newtown College: 1991-98
City and Guilds Practical Caring skills certificate
Wolverhampton College: 1994-2012
 OCR R.S.A Communication in reading and writing Level 3
 Basic Literacy Entry3
OCN Creative communication 2 credits
 City and Guilds Communication skills Word power Foundation
OCR R.S.A communication in writing and reading
  Level 2
Next Steps Learndirect Word Skills check
Entry Level Award for IT User - (ITQ) (Entry3)
Introduction to Mentoring Skills
Old Hall Street College: 2004-2005
OCN 6 Credits at Entry 3 Learning for Life Literacy/Numeracy/ICT
Access 2 Business: 2008
EDCC Word Processing Beginner and Intermediate
Speadsheet beginner
Dudley College: 2006 – 2007
OCR Speaking and Listening Entry3
Job Change course:
Job Change December 2005 - February 2006
Basic computering 15th July 2005 at Job Change Wolverhampton.
Learn direct A Way with Words Entry 3
Job Change Learn direct A Way with Words Level 1
Job Change Learn direct A Way with Words Level 2
Job Change Learn direct Number Skills Check
Job Change Learn direct Preparing for Testing Level 1
Hobbies and Interests
I am a keen writer and have had a poem published. In March 2009, I went on a Script and Screen course to improve my writing. I also enjoy many other activities including drawing, painting, reading, swimming and dart
Available  on request