Poetry, writings and art blog

Learning disability and Mental health awareness

Monday, 29 December 2014

I know someone  who used to be on JSA benefit which he had every 2 weeks
up to 28 / 11 / 14
JSA ( Income Based )
Weekly Amount was £165.95 per week
As you were reassessed for PIP ?
Weekly Amount is £72.40
Meaning he  lost £76.00 on DLA well PIP now,
Now he has lost  £92.95 on my JSA because of the Disability Premium being took off him week so in total every 2 weeks his benefit money has been took of him and affected in a total amount £168.95 .
He was putting £160 in his other account for other people to take out per month to pay things every 2 weeks out of the 2 weeks of my JSA which was £330.70 every fortnight JSA benefit which I have every 2 weeks
up to 28 / 11 / 14
Note his appeal is even more important now because he is now appealing to get my PIP Benefit but also to get my Disability Premium back then it will be put back on his JSA.

He was on DLA for 26 years before PIP came out and his DLA stopped, then he was told he was not entitled to PIP which also meant affected his JSA was affected.
He also has speech and swallowing problems. 2012 he had heath problems and had the peg feed put in. In 2013 he had trouble with his neighbors where he used to live. 2014 this PIP problems started. 2015 the appeal hearing but fingers crossed he wins the appeal.
There is a very big certain while he is now waiting for his appeal, He is at risk of a lot of fits and pass outs due to his Epilepsy, which is a big certain for others like him when they can have a lot of stress to set off fits and pass outs whether they have their money stopped and cut or not. However there is a big worry about people with Epilepsy having more fits and pass outs for those who have their money cut and stopped when they are waiting their appeal.
The government cutting vulnerable peoples' money seems to be getting far too much and causing these people a lot of stress while waiting for their appeals. 

Saturday, 27 December 2014

Nearly goodbye to 2014.

I hope everyone has had a nice Christmas and happy new year to everyone. Like for everyone I guess every year 2014 for me has been a mixed year of good and bad. The best news for me is my nephew Jaiden having been born and my worst news is my long best mate Molly who died after I knew her 40 years we were mates from the age 4 and a half 5 in school. I know deaths happen but I have notice this there have been a lot of famous this year and many were still rather young it's completely shocking it is. There has been at least over 50 famous people who have died this year, many were too young but they have left their memory of their work that never dies, which is there talent. Just Google famous deaths 2014, which seems to go on forever.
Since I qualified as a private Advocacy worker from a Group Advocacy worker, last year April 201, my skills and confidence have grown more but I need to grown better. Having got disabilities slows me down and my Dyslexia doesn't help either but I'm lucky to work for such an understanding company.   The work has only been coming in every two weeks due to funding and the fact of been benefits when you can only work so many hours. All the same despite of my disabilities and Dyslexia I haven't done so bad apart from missing bits of out of the paperwork which they called me back in office to do which most places in the past have could say sacked so thank you 1 Voice for been so understanding.
What I hope for is a little bit more work coming in 2015 else where even if it's non paid just improve my skills and gain more confidence and hopefully pass my level 1 in my reading which failed twice this year.
I'm also a Learning Disability and Mental Health Awareness trainer for the University Of Wolverhampton Walsall, this  job only comes in once a month. I'm on the Expert Patient Panel educating the Student Health Professions on learning disability and mental health.

One thing in awareness training I hope to raise this year is Anxiety, Depression, Dyslexia and many other things. One of the big worries that have happened the last few year that there has been so many unnecessary deaths happen to vulnerable people when they have had their benefits cuts. Mostly due to the fact they hadn't enough money to eat and pay their bills, then they have been force to work they can't do without support due to disabilities and health problems. Every person's situation is very different, which depends on how long they have to wait for their appeal, which therefore many are only living only very little amount of money. It never seems to stop. Most vulnerable people find it hard to communicate in a way that many people without these problems don't understand, which therefore these people don't get treated how they should. Back 2007 when I started working for Mencap, 6 people with learning disabilities died under the NHS care. I know it isn't only people with disabilities and health problems but the elderly as well. Different people let down different ways I know and some worse than others. It's mostly the ones that find it hard to look after themselves one way or another, which is very big certain. Ok may be the government never needs to save money but these cuts are going on the wrong places and people.Yes I know it get's taken out on the poor as well.
All been well I will be having support off Job Change and EOS to get some more work, hopefully Job Change might be able to help me find some computer work, which is another one of my skills. I will be doing my Level 2 ITQ in computers this year and I did Level 1 in 2013 in Power Point and Word Processing.