Poetry, writings and art blog

Learning disability and Mental health awareness

Wednesday, 1 March 2017

Our Facebook groups.

Safety Warning.
Over the past month before Christmas and onwards we have faced a lot of unsafe post such as spam, flagged post or and etc. We would be most grateful if you see any unsafe post, please report it to us. If you feel it's necessary to report it to Facebook as well as us please, let if you don't how to report it to facebook.
 If you see a name of a person adding unsafe post, please let us know the name you see, this will help us a lot to remove and block the person who has truly added the unsafe post, last thing we want is to blame the wrong person so we need as much proof you can give. We understand with most things there's handy any proof or none,  if can do your best, thank you.

 If we don't feel it's necessary to report to facebook we will tell you the reason why but don't worry when it comes to safety guarding the chances of us disagreeing on what you think is very rare.

When setting the groups we can't think everything at once but more problems we face the more safety rules we will be adding on our groups, we will get stricter. Our aims of our groups are for us to our best to make our groups as safe as possible. Anyone who does add unsafe post faces been blocked and removed if they are reported by a member or Admin, even reported to facebook if whoever has reported you feels it's necessary.

Always Learn About Disability + Never Judge Disability.

Admins Part - time to full.
Head Admin Sara Jane Gorman
Head Admin Under part - time to full-time Natalie Clare Thorpe 

Part - time to full - time Admins. 
Under part - time to full Jennifer Gilbert Harvey
Under Part - time to Full - time Jan Rhodes
Under Part - time to Full - time Barry Matthews

Relief Admins
Helen Joynson Ogden
Vic Browning
Tim Hodge
Sam Winger
Alan McLean

Always Learn About Disability + Never Judge Disability.+ The Group's Safety Rules.
Please feel free to ask me for any support for information on any of the topics involving this group. Also feel free to add and share any posts to do with the group. If there's anything I am not trained on I will try my best to contact others who can. More information will be on my website.
If am not online and you need to speak to me more information that is on my website. Please free to report anything to face Book if a problem can't wait to be sorted. If you want to ask me for any support free to do so or information also if you need to report anyone or which has upset you or abuse you then we will warn them or remove them off the group.
topics On This Group
1. Health – Anything to do with the health of people with disabilities and health problems.
2. Housing – Accessible housing for disabled people, disability aids, disabled access and etc in the home.
3. Careers – Education and Employment for Disabled people.
4. Talent – Hobbies, interests, arts, craft and etc which can either be in the home, socially or and in a career.
5. Social issues – Friendship, dating, going places, counselling, emotional support and etc.
6. Disabled Access – For e.g; wheel chairs, car parks, disabled aids, getting around on transport out and + etc.
7. Public Advocacy – Empowering and supporting people with disabilities and health problems to speak for their rights. For eg; (Person Centred Planning.)
8. Private Advocacy is mostly legal and illegal Advocacy such as hate crime, discrimating, benefit cuts, fit for work, not fit for work and etc.
9. (‘ Learning Disability and Mental Health Awareness’) - people with disabilities and health problems training and educating those people without disabilities and health problems who are interested in working in the field of learning disability and health problems.
Safety rules.
If there’s anyone you don’t get along with please don’t speak to them, we do not accept falling out!
Report anyone who upsets you, we will remove them if you ask us to!
No hate crime, please report if you face it, whoever is responsible for hate crime will be removed!
No sexual post but you can raise awareness of sexual health!
No advertising unless it’s to do with the purpose and topics of the group.
More information about this group is on sararevealed.blogspot.com/
Sara Revealed
It,s not easy being understood when you have a learning disability, or even making yourself heard. I am writing this blog to show how my disability affects my day to day life and what help & support I need.


Admins on this group.
Head Admins
Sara Jane Gorman Part - time to full - time
Natalia Clare Thrope part- time to full - time

 Part to full-time Admins.
Jennifer Gibert Havey Part - time Admin.
Jan Rhodes
Jennifer Gilbert Harvey
Barry Matthews
Dave Hyde

Relief Admins.
Helen Joynson Ogden
Vic Browning

Safety Warning.
Over the past month before Christmas and onwards we have faced a lot of unsafe post such as spam, flagged post or and etc. We would be most grateful if you see any unsafe post, please report it to us. If you feel it's necessary to report it to Facebook as well as us please, let if you don't how to report it to facebook, this was before we set this group up. 
 If you see a name of a person adding unsafe post, please let us know the name you see, this will help us a lot to remove and block the person who has truly added the unsafe post, last thing we want is to blame the wrong person so we need as much proof you can give. We understand with most things there's handy any proof or none,  if can do your best, thank you.

 If we don't feel it's necessary to report to facebook we will tell you the reason why but don't worry when it comes to safety guarding the chances of us disagreeing on what you think is very rare.

When setting the groups we can't think everything at once but more problems we face the more safety rules we will be adding on our groups, we will get stricter. Our aims of our groups are for us to our best to make our groups as safe as possible. Anyone who does add unsafe post faces been blocked and removed if they are reported by a member or Admin, even reported to facebook if whoever has reported you feels it's necessary.

Hi guys this may sound harsh but it's only for everyone's safety on the group. on is in trouble. Having a chat is more than fine, talking about hobbies, interests and work, what you had for breakfast is fine for example. We understand that you may think are a bit ott but it's your safety we are concerned about. Please do not ask where one another where they live on the group or for any other contact details.
If people want to friends off the groups as well as on by always feel free to pm one another if you want and give your contacts to one another if you chose to.
We not saying everyone would put their personal details on the group some may not realizing the risk cause no one wants everyone to get in contact with them plus there could be risk of people being hacked and that.

Just to let you know that we have had a member report another one for swearing but they haven't give us a name or any proof of what he saw, which therefore as it is we can't do our job.
If you see something that concerns you that someone is doing something wrong please copy the person's profile on to our pm or keep a note of the person's name.

We like to do our job right and we don't want to want to blame the wrong people. 
Please pm one of us, our names are on the pinned post.
As soon as we receive it we will remove and block the person.
If you see a reason for reporting the person to facebook please do if you can, if not let us know and if one of us doesn't know how to then, we will find an Admin on our team who knows how to, thank you.
Proof of what happened would be most helpful as well thank you. 

Purpose and Safety concern.

We are sorry there's a lot of information as we want to make it as safe and enjoyable for you as possible plus I have Dyslexic and find it hard to write things in a short so sorry if I have repeated anything. 

Welcome to Disability Social group the idea of this group is so members can chat and be treated equally. Hopefully, it will bring different kinds of people together to enjoy our group as much as possible and feel as safe as possible. To balance is, which is why the rules are strict. Here is a report about some things that happened to a disabled person, we do not want to see this happen to anyone on this group. http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-england-nottinghamshire-38691135


Please also feel free to ask us for counseling websites if needs be, if you face any emotional issues, for example Mental Health, relationship problems or and etc; which you don't have tell us about unless you want to, whether it's on our group or outside our group. 

Anyone who is reported for taking advantage of a vulnerable people or and anyone on this group will be removed and blocked from the group. Please free to report it if you are concerned someone on the group is facing anything bad from anyone. There some people who don't report people because they may think they don't think they can, they may feel scared that the person whose bothering them may give them more grief all or many reasons. Before reporting to us, please make the possible victim aware so they have a say and let them know they are more than welcome to talk to either one, however many of us if it's be. However' we are an Admin team with different skills what one of us can't do the other can and if none of us can't we will search for help elsewhere. 

Please feel free to report someone if you face any bullying or and hate crime this group, this applies whether you vulnerable or not, we will even support you to report the person to facebook if you ask us to, as long as you have as much proof as possible.

If anyone wants to invite anyone they know to this group, please ask them first, only try to add them if they want to join but please ask us first, this can be whether it's people with disabilities or without aslong as there's someone with a disability whose knows. We are sorry for any confusements with the purposes and names. Everyone is really welcome as long you follow and respect the rules and rights we give everyone which includes, our safety and rights as well as yours. 

 When we had changed the name to this name we were asked by a member on without disabilities if it's alright for her to be still on here? those of you who have been on here from when we first set up the group you are than welcome to stay if you wish. All it is for future members is where we have made slight changes, which is what I have written the paragraph before this.

In this group the purpose is really within the rules.

Welcome to the Disability Social group, we hope you enjoy it, it's a group by your choice whether you just chat generally to others on the group, make friendships, relationships or and etc or both.  We are not here to tell you what to do but try to support you only if you ask us to. We are an Admin team with each of us with different skills what one of us can't do the other can, if none of us can then we will search for further help whatever the case may be. This works not much different to our disability group. We must be honest we didn't plan to set up this, in fact we can up with all kinds of ideas that didn't seem right as time when by before it came to this name. It's started that we were closing down an old group 200 odd members yet there only Admins posting so we closed it down. Therefore we knew we wanted to set up another group but we weren't sure what but we found ourselves changing the ideas and titles at 3 times before something felt right. 

Talking at your choice.

When we say talking at your choice, we mean it is your choice how or and how you connect with people as long you respect everyone's' wish if it's not what you were hoping but there are rules not to be nasty but so everyone can feel respected. Like we said we are more than happy to support to find information or and websites if you ask us to. There no need to force others into anything they don't want and please feel free report if you face someone forcing you into something you don't want or you may be concern they are forcing someone else or and both the case may be. If you want or need to speak someone in private please take it outside the group not in, whether you pm them, add them as a friend is none of our business or anyone else in group unless you, whoever or both tell people on the group. However' if the person you connect with is on the group and they haven't turned out how you hoped, if they have hurt upset you in anyway,  by all means feel more than free to report to us then we will remove and block them or even report them to facebook if you feel there's a need we should if either you can't or your too upset to. 

Just to let you know as well when trying to get who you may want may not always happen, if there ever is anyone looking for relationship, respect the fact that some people may be in a relationship already, married, getting over a broken relationship or even broke marriage. Some people may not be ready to start again yet or and they may not feel for you in the same way as you do about them so move on. we will support you for find  websites or and information online if you ask us to. If you can't accept that leave the group in respect of that person and everyone else on the group. 

With websites and information, you can ask us for friendship and dating sites, counseling, holidays, emotional support disabilities, mental health issues or and etc if you wish to. 

Just to let you know we can't support you to sign up or pay for things online, this is only so there's no risk of anything happening to your information or and even money online. If you need support will have to be from someone who knows you in person face to face. All the same we will be able to find the information and or website for you if you ask us to. 

As you are aware this is a chat group, as long what you talk about is safe where there is no swearing, no rows, no abuse or and etc;  we would like to think this group is going to be more than just a chat group. If feel a dislike towards anyone to a point they make you feel angry, our advice is either you take so much time off the group or leave. Please do not show any bad feeling, try to do something about before it get's to that stage, if you can't bit your tongue. 

Please enjoy the group but please also keep it safe and respect that everyone has different tastes in different things they like and dislike
This is a chat group for adults all ages to talk about what you want but bear in mind, this is a closed group where people on the group what you write and post.
You are responsible to know what you people on the group to know and what you don't.
Just remember the risk is people on the group can see what write and post.
If you do make friends, relationships or and etc with others on the group, you are responsible to know what is private to you and what isn't.
Please respect that this group is for all kinds of people and we like to treat one another as equal but everyone' safety matters at the same time.
If you are looking for friendships, relationships and or etc you can contact and that outside the group but there's no one on the group you feel you want to be too friendly with but necessary that reason, you may have other reasons you don't have to tell us unless you want to, please feel free to ask us to support to find friendship or and dating websites.
Remember no one is force to get involved with friendship, relationships or and etc; if you please feel free to chat generally on the group.
Even if you do make friends, relationships or and etc on the group you still welcome to stay on the group unless you and whoever decide to leave.
Please keep private life private.
If you see that we have added links on the group that doesn't mean we are excepting you to go into them, only do so if you want to.
By all means introduce yourself, have a laugh and have fun but do please keep talk, pictures or and etc clean. 

If a friendship, relationship or and etc doesn't turn how you hoped and that person is giving you any kind of grief then please report it to us and we will remove and block them from the group or and report them to facebook if you feel it's necessary us to do so, if we disagree we will say and tell you reason why, which we won't unless we see a very good reason behind it.

f you can't face someone on the group without a row, please leave the group in respect of others on the group and any other matters that could be distressing, please take outside the group but please bear in mind the victim still has rights to ask us to them to report you to facebook if you give him or her grief outside group as well as in, which you will removed and blocked from the group anyway for any disadvantage you may cause.

 Please respect one another meaning for example if someone doesn't want to be in contact with you outside or in the group, please accept that and the same should be the other way round so please free to report if anyone is forcing anything onto you what you don't want.

Please also respect Admin's chooses as well as members. For example if you ask them to pm you and they refuse to please accept that. If something is important, please free to ask the Admin to let me know, if I can't help myself, I will search for help,
 I know this sounds harsh but not everyone know everyone in person. Admins and member's safety and rights are the same in all our group so please respect that.

Bear in mind that the Admins are busy like a lot of you are, please respect we have other lives.
It won't be always everyone will be online at the same time so it isn't just up to the Admins to make the group enjoyable, it's down to you as well by adding post, chatting to one another.
 Everyone has access to post in writing even if they can't post a video or picture.
 It's up to you but a little tip is, think of a topic your interested in, raise a question and see if others on the group share the same interest as you.

The purpose of this group is everyone to chat about general things.
Topics could be health, education, employment, social lives, hobbies, interests, holidays, disabilities, health problems, mental health ; past, present future or and etc.
Quizzes, word searches, puzzles or and etc.
The group is open to all kinds of people as long as you respect everyone on the group but we dod check profiles before people join unless they have come from a group that we have messaged or a person with a disability has had our permission to add someone but we keep an eye on people just the same. if you feel the need to report someone you feel needs removing free to let us know as long as you have profile the reasons but all the same we will be keeping an eye on that person. 

No one will mind you asking someone if you can pm them but anything you don't want others to know take outside the group. Feel fre to interduce yourself.

 Feel free to add videos on all topic from youtube, such as films, programs, interviews or and etc in any time period; please check the videos to see if they are safe to add before adding them to the group.

No one will mind you asking someone if you can pm them but anything you don't want others to know take outside the group. Feel fre to interduce yourself. Photos are fine to add long as they not sexual, private or and personal.
Please feel free to introduce yourself to others but please respect everyone on the group and how they feel.
Please feel free to ask us for websites or and information online on friendship, dating or and both or and any other topic. We work as a team what one of us can't do the other can and if none us can we will search help elsewhere even if it's mean us talking to Admins from other groups like this or and giving you link of a group like this you could join if you want.

We can't promise you people in your life forever but you never know.

We know this may be a rare or not at all thing. Going by my own experience nothing is promised to work when it comes relationships but you never know. For a lot of us nothing works how we hope. It may be possible that some of you may have met someone on the group or outside who may be on the group, if by any chance you have faced that situation and it hasn't worked out how you hoped and you don't seem to get along anymore, please do not take any rows on the group, which is not fair on others on the group mainly others don't have anything to do with what rowing, which keep it outside the group. If either 1 or 2 people reported for that you will be removed, blocked and even reported to facebook depending on whoever has reported you thinks and what situation is. If you can't face another without rowing then leave. If you can be friends that's either here and there but if things are still bitter between you then please don't talk about it on the group. If you can talk to one without any bitterness and rows then so be. anything upsetting take it off the group whether it's pming one another or elsewhere. If face any stress off an ex or anyone on our groups please free to report it, if you give us proof or we see proof we will removed and block them and even report them to Facebook if you can't or you feel too upset to. Please feel free to support anyone that situation who ask to support to report someone to us.

Please feel free to report it to us if you face any abuse from someone you met on the group whether it takes place on and or off the group as long as you can provide proof. We understand that not always things worked how you hope. For example if you face someone giving u grief feel free to copy the proof onto our pm, then we will block, remove and even report them to facebook if you ask us to. 

Feel free to add post on anything that has happened in any past, present and future.
Feel to add post on any memories that interest you whatever it is, whether it's from yourself, what you have seen or off someone else. This could mean your childhood, school days, work days and or etc or someone else's from days or years that have gone by. 

 Please make sure post is safe to add before adding it to the group.
No unsafe or sexual post.
We do not allow unsafe post for example; hacking, virus, spam or and etc!
Please report anyone who adds unsafe post if you have proof who it is.
Those who do add unsafe post, you will be blocked and removed without a warning mainly if whoever reports you wants you removed and blocked or and even reported to facebook. 
Please feel free to report anyone who is breaking our rules or and upset you or and others on the group in any way. 

  For example music, fashion, film, soaps, programs, interviews documentaries and etc from such the internet, television, radio, books, magazines, newspapers and etc; such as in writing, reports and etc in all time periods. 
This could be some of the safety rules of this group more could be on my website please read them for everyone's safety thank you.

1. Don’t add someone to the group unless you have asked them, if they agree have made us aware. (Please let us know.)
2. No bullying or hate crime, if you face any of this off anyone in this group please report to either me or the other Admins then we will remove them.
3. No out seen or sexual post.
4. No advertising product.
5. No talk of drugs unless it’s certain awareness of disabilities and health problems.
6. No porn.
7. No swearing
8. If by any chance to you have very strong dislike towards someone and they are bugging you that much, please leave the group in respect of the other members don't communicate with that person on the group, you don’t have to give a reason unless you want to.
9. If you face anything nasty for anyone please feel free to report it to us and we will remove and block the person and even report them to Facebook if you feel there's a need to do that. 
10. If you are aware of anyone breaking these rules please let us know thank you.
11. Please do not join our groups on more than just two profile, it get's confusing for us, thank you. 
https://www.facebook.com/groups/666761230131452/ for Learn About Disability + Never Judge Disability.
More information is on sararevealed.blogspot.com/ on the three groups we run.
Due to problems we have faced in the past, we will be checking profiles of new people who may ask to join us for everyone's' enjoyment as well as safety, like we have said please feel to report anyone to us if any nastiness, we will remove and block them, also take further action or support you to take further action if you feel it's needed.