Poetry, writings and art blog

Learning disability and Mental health awareness

Tuesday, 6 December 2022

Negative to positive

 No one knows no one other than us.

No one knows us other than ourselves, and no one knows how we feel and think, etc, other than ourselves, unless we say, if we do, doesn’t mean we are lying, we may not always let how we feel and think really in fear of reaction from the world but some things what we say is really going on.

Our minds are not a lie, no one enjoys being a burden to others, even though we would be grateful for others’ help and the many ways we all think, feel, etc about one another as a world and society.

Not everything is said by everyone, don’t amuse secrets are kept just most things are hard to be said.

However,’ we are all different human beings, there is no perfect world, nothing would be going on if we were all the same and if we could all read one another’s minds.

            No one knows you other than you: no one knows me other than me. 6.12. 2022

Monday, 5 December 2022

Support Mental health, mental illness and sundial prevention part 2

 A lot of negative thinking, feelings, etc are caused by emotional situations, mental illness, or just feeling, or thinking very negatively a lot. Either or all which it shouldn't be judged. Life can't be either all positive or negative all the while, it is a bit of both but if life goes through stages it is mostly negative, it can be concerning. 

The help and support offered is a theory, counseling, emotional support, etc, which is up to the person they go for one, two, or all, or neither for example. Whicher way, you have given something to bear in mind they may go for in the future, not at all if not now. Even though is common sense that tries to encourage as much positivity as possible anyway, mainly as the person has had mostly a very negative time but it may work for some, not for others. It can be hard for us to understand why people don't go for it when you say it when your intentions are trying to help them improve their lives not make them worse. It is their choice and just because they may not consider it now, doesn't mean they won't in the future.

 They just may not be ready yet, there are other situations I guess but the most common one is relationship fallouts, break ups for example. Where they may be with a partner is lying, cheating, etc but all the same, they are crazy about the person, why is hard to understand why, but you never will because you are not in their situation. Mind you, it may not be always the case but in some situations, at least for me when I was with my ex no one could tell me anything, now because I am not in the mind anymore, I wonder why I was there in the first place. At the time I felt everything now I feel nothing like him now. It is not your right to them leave the person, that is something for them to decide to do, when if they do. Anyone that is in a similar situation, I understand it would be hard for them to think otherwise I was there myself once. 

This doesn't work for everything but it may have worked for other people and it has for me. Being a counselor, emotional, etc you suggest things to help the person to move forward, don't do all the work for them, help them get help from elsewhere, helping themselves, they may find their own help, etc. The first time counseling was suggested to me I didn't go for it because then counseling was pretty much a new thing. No way was I going to tell a stranger my problems, no way was having someone think I was crazy and I felt scared to go for it at first. I think say six months into my mental health break down I decided to give it a go and am glad I did. Not sure how I managed because in a lot of ways I was very emotional, and couldn't stand being lonely but I wasn't up to being social either, my mind very restless at that point. 

Some I struggled through though in the workplace but got through college, which I say not sure how. I think to be honest it got to the point I needed to do something from not feeling up to anything. As each day started I never thought I was going to get through to the end, which is why I say never say to someone if you were going to end your life, you would have without saying anything. Okay yes, I am still here I live to tell the tale as they say but no it is not a tale it is completely true. Never make people wish that they didn't say anything either cause I had a number of people saying when I faced my breakdown saying if you were going to end your life you have done it quietly if I am honest that didn't make things easy but for one for me, not leaving my family, friends,, etc with unanswered questions.  I knew I had friends, family, etc even though the way I was with people, my state of mind, etc, it's hard to think so, not that I am saying that suicide is selfish either, of course, it is a complete heart for family, friends, etc, I have lost a half brother and sister with it, who I have never seen but most things in life handy surprising how I people feel and think as they do. I am not going to lie I have attempted suicide twice when I was 20 I took an overdose of medication I was taking at the time for Epilepsy. The second time two old friends stopped me when I was facing my mental breakdown from stabbing myself with a fork in a cafe in town when I was 27.

Anyway, the first time I faced counseling was in college, back then it really was basic listening, Paul was a great counselor all the same. I can't remember any CBT at that point but it doesn't mean there wasn't, my state of mind at that stage was elsewhere but I discovered poetry in college by mistake really. Just browsing through the books in the college library, I was never much of a reader before, still not really but I picked a John Keats' poetry book not excepting to understand but it completely inspired me, one of his words inspired me to write a million of mine, he had faced emotional stress in his time as I did in a mine in naturally different ways and not looked back since with my poetry, even though I have had no real luck with publishing least not yet part from those of  1 published in each of 11 books but I have loads on this website which most is based on what caused my break down to a point a counselor I saw a number of years later had said to what I said about my ex, I faced mental abuse. Don't me wrong not all my poems are about that relationship, I have written about other topics too but you will see when I started where feelings were very strong towards him to not feeling anything at all, which shows mental abuse can cause a person to take longer than others to come to terms with a situation. Mental abuse is not just caused by bad relationships other people know which is not necessary for everyone they know.