Poetry, writings and art blog

Learning disability and Mental health awareness

Thursday, 18 April 2024

Autism awareness 2024


Sara Revealed

   It is not easy to understand learning difficulties, when you have a learning disability, mental illness, other problems  making yourself  and others the same and similar me to be heard as well as seen. I am writing this book to show how my disability affects my day to day life and what help & support we  want and need. sararevealed.blogspot.com sarajgorman@gmail.com 

which is one of the reasons why I am writing this book based on my blog by Sara Jane Gorman 

Special needs and mental health awareness. By Sara Jane Gorman


Special needs and mental health awareness. By Sara Jane Gorman


Contents page 

Chapter One. Interduction 

Chapter two. What is a learning disability and special needs?

Chapter three. What is Dyslexia?

Chapter four what is Dyspraxia?

Chapter five What is Dysgraphia ?

Chapter six What is Dyscalculia ?

Chapter seven. What is Autism?

Chapter eight what is mental health and illness.

Chapter nineAnger, Anxiety, ADHD.

Chapter ten Depression

Chapter eleven Borderline Personality 

Schizophrenia and schizoaffective.

chapter twelve Mentoring

 chapter thirteen counseling 

Chapter fourteen suicide awareness and prevention 

Chapter fifteen Creative Writing on fiction characters with Autism.





















Anything that may not apply to you in this book or and blog, you are more than welcome to skip.

Chapter one Interduction 

 My name Sara Jane Gorman I was born with Autism, Dyslexia, 

Dyspraxia, Epilepsy, Anxiety and Depression. 

This book is based on my website I wrote back in 2007, just after my Gran  died, with the support of my Mother and Sister. This was when I was working for Royal Wolverhampton Men-cap that was at the Science park, helps me out looking out for others similar if not the same as myself. In my website I may have written about the struggles my family have had fighting for support for me. 

For eg; the way Dyspraxia has affected me all through my life. 

Most difficulties I have overcome since childhood.  I was very slow in school work but caught with achieving a fair amount of qualifications in college  with support. 

I had tried work experiences over my early adulthood years and had been taken off. It has only been the last sixteen years my skills have been discovered. 

I was bullied in school, even in special schools.

I was twenty before I learned how to tie my shoes laces. My Aunt’s son my cousin Luke showed me when he was ten years old, I felt such a fool.

I used to be a visiting Lecturer in Learning Disability and Mental health, first for the Royal Wolverhampton Men - cap, then for the University Of Wolverhampton, also an Advocate and Befriender firstly for Royal Wolverhampton Men-cap, then One Voice Advocacy service, then Beacon Befriending service.

I have raised awareness to student professionals, such as learning disability nurses, social workers,  paramedics, occupational therapists and more.

Therefore, I am writing this book not only to educate students professionals but to help those  who are interested or and involved in the field of learning disability, mental health and more. 

Whether you a parent, family member, carer, partner, friend, nurse, doctor, teacher, tutor, carer advisor, and more at all levels and abilities.

 Making information accessible for special needs and disability.

For ten years I had been working for 

the University Of Wolverhampton 

 it was great to raise learning 

  disability and mental health awareness

 to students professionals such as the Learning

 Disability nurses, social workers, paramedics, 

occupational therapists etc. As a Visiting Lecturer

Living conditions were hard for everyone 

in those times but disabled people struggle

 to look after themselves where they can be

treated like babies and children or 

neglected.  Most disabled people feel live is not worth living because it can seem we don’t always get support when we need it, sometimes it happens when we don’t need it. 

Ever since I was twenty three years old, I always wanted to be a writer.

Therefore, I am writing this book not only to educate students professionals but to help those  who are interested or and involved in the field of learning disability, mental health and more. 

Whether you a parent, family member, carer, partner, friend, nurse, doctor, teacher, tutor, carer advisor, and more at all levels and abilities.

Learning Disability and Mental Health - Mental Health Research | Mencap

  • The causes of disabilities and mental illness.
  • Type of disabilities and mental illness. A-Z Topics | Mental Health Foundation
  • How disabilities and mental illness affect lives.
  • How disabilities and mental illness can be supported. 

Hi second years Occiupatient therapists students, if any of you at least are reading this. Hope you enjoyed the session at the University of Wolverhampton Walsall campus on Tuesday 18th October 2022, I hope I didn't bore you too much lol. 

A learning disability is an injury, damage, accident, illness, etc, before, during, or after birth in the body or and brain. Before birth any birth can mean any time after birth whether is a day after or years after etc, it could be to do with the Mother's health as well as the baby's health, which more so than not links to mental illness too. More so furstraighting for the person because they are on the whole having to ask for support more than other people. (PDF) DISABILITY: TYPES, CAUSES, PREVENTION, AND MANAGEMENT | ResearchGate

 Learning disabilities and difficulties can slow people in a lot if not more ways than other people. This could affect home skills, and health for eg; speaking to professionals, getting to appointments, education, employment, social lives, and more but different people in different ways, which may depend on the disabilities, mental health, and the people who you support.

People with disabilities and mental illness have strengths and weaknesses but there are most limits to what can do and how long for etc. For eg; with the benefits we are on if we are lucky to do some work there are limits to the number of hours we can work and

 the money we can earn.

Mental health is emotional well-being, how to cope with the way life treats us whether it is some from years, today or whenever it was whether it is but if the person faces too many negatives, it becomes Mental illness. Causes of Mental Illness (webmd.com)

Mental illness is feelings and thoughts about life around us, which affects we also react, interact even, and the way we behave. What Is Mental Health? | MentalHealth.gov

Information on being an occupational therapist - Degrees and Courses - Health Careers

Occupational therapy - NHS (www.nhs.uk) 

Types of disabilities and difficulties could be Autism, Dyslexia, Dyspraxia, and more, best research for that is the Men-cap website, Rethink, Mind, Sane, Cruise, The Good Samaritans, and more for mental illness. Tap disabilities and mental health in your search engine and the many sites you could learn from.  

In fact, research shows that mental health problems are more common in people with learning disabilities. We do not fully understand the cause of these mental health problems, but as in the general population, a range of factors can play a part including genetics. physical ill health. psychological stress. https://mentalhealth-uk.org/help-and-information/mental-health-and-physical-health/#:~:text=Exercise%20is%20key%20for%20good%

You can advise someone to do something or and not to but you cannot them to do and don't do something. Motivation is a hard thing and yet from my experience, what professionals were saying to me, I admit it is, comment sense but most things are easy said than done, if you are the person facing the problem, therefore never tell someone to stop or start doing something, which is likely makes them stressed, do it or don't do it more. Not the case in everything but most things are hard to take on board if no one came up with it in their childhood etc.   Try to show empathy by taking an interest in finding out what the person enjoys, whether it is not only to help their mental health but to help their hobbies, education, career, etc. The idea of trying to support someone with mental illness is to try and bring positive lives, where the choices are theirs, not yours, bring in what they enjoy for them is bringing in more negative when we should be here to try and help them to see positive, what makes them happy.How Occupational Therapy Empowers Those with Mental Illness | Sheppard Pratt

  • Help with motor skill development or grip supports to improve handwriting, teeth-brushing, dressing, and feeding abilities
  • Self-regulation and emotional management techniques for people with behavioral disorders
  • Advice to assist with social participation and confidence building
  • Pain and fatigue management strategies
  • Physically and or mentally your support for people could come in for people, such as at school, college, university, in the workplace, in their homes, etc. 
  • Study support, communicating with schools, colleges, etc, for example; if someone with Dyslexia, for example, has extra time support during exams, they may need help with reading questions for example.
  • Kitchel tools at how such as opening bottles, cooking, etc.Occupational Therapy in Mental Health - Assessment & Intervention | OT (occupationaltherapyot.com)
  • What is Occupational Therapy? OT Explained - RCOT

The answer is very unknown to know whether people can face mental illness without a learning disability.  Can we face disabilities without Mental illness? Again an unknown but in my experience yes, I cannot speak for those who are the same if not similar to me. I find it causes me a lot of Anxiety to ask others for help a lot whether others' minds or not. We all need help with something at some time but when having a learning disability, even more so. However, learning disabilities do not go away but when living with learning disabilities, all of one's life,  the support for some disabilities do get a bit less than what it would have been at the start of a person's life but depending on the disabilities and person, etc. Disability - Mind

My guess is that it is possible mainly when we face negative emotional issues to the point everyone does face mental illness, mainly how we are facing a money crisis, in this day and age, which has happened before but each time it does happen, it gets hard to cope with. It would be wrong to guess which is worse in the sense face mental illness with or without a learning disability, people with disabilities are likely to need more support to manage money, etc. 

A learning disability can happen to anyone at any time, before, during, or after birth, affecting people physically or and mentally to the brain or and body. 

How it affects people depends on the disabilities, mental illnesses, and the people who face them, which are different for different people.

We all have strengths and weaknesses like everyone else but we can take longer to learn than other people, depending on how much we struggle. We can learn new skills but there are limits to what we can learn, train, and put into a career, etc.  How you support will depend on what people need support with, how much support people need etc. Either these things could be a person's strength or a person's weaknesses for example. Cooking, shopping, housework, housing, finding where to live, their health, education, their work, their social lives, and more.  

 What is Occupational Therapy? OT Explained - RCOT

MSc Occupational Therapy - University of Wolverhampton (wlv.ac.uk)

Occupational Therapy Team - City of Wolverhampton Council | Wolverhampton Information Network

Occupational therapist | Explore careers | National Careers Service

Interducing the purpose 

of this writing.

story is to introduce 

as much of life as person  

past and present as I 

am as possible,

 my learning disability,

 mental illness and

 my career,

 which is mostly based on

 my life experience. 

Also, to try help, students,

 workers and

  or more who involved in the 


 and people who face disabilities,

for who face 

them themselves, and 

people who them,

 teach them support 

them care for them etc.

No one can be forced to be 

interested in

 something if they are not but 

do get me

 wrong no one can be liked 

from everyone,

 I understand that but when 

it comes to

 learning disability etc,

 there is a lot of 

misunderstanding and


 I think learning 



health and all problems 


needs to be raised, 

meaning for example; 

conditions, illnesses, 

diseases and more, 

which should be 

raised in schools,

 colleges, universities, 

workplaces and more. 

It would interesting to what is like in

 other countries 

as far.

 A lot of long stay 


resident homes

 etc closed  

roughly from 

2007 to 2010

 in the UK.

You may learn.

“ what is the difference, the same, similar between mental health and illness”?

“ What is the difference, the same, similar between learning disability and difficulty”?

“What is the difference, the same, similar between anger and anxiety”?

“ what is the difference, the same, similar between Autism and Anxiety”?

“ What is the differences, the same, similarities between ADHD, Autism and Anxiety”?

“What is the difference, the same, similar between Schizoaffective and Bipolar”? 

“What is the difference, the same, similar between Dyslexia and Dyspraxia”?


The difference between and  if not the same.

I bet wonder what I am talking about, well writing about when I call the title difference between, I bet you wonder what I mean. That is very understandable you may be thinking. What does she mean by The difference and the same.

Well you may have noticed I have written about some disabilities, difficulties, conditions etc, pretty similar if not the same to one another so this is what I am going to cover in this chapter.

Let me start with the differences and same between and in Dyslexia and Dyspraxia. 

Research says that Dyslexia used to be a learning difficulty that causes people to struggle reading ,writing, spelling but that will always be the case I guess nothing had changed there because I think I have that all my life and I sure I not alone. However’ as I said earlier that does not mean the person cannot read at all, it is just difficulties along the way. Even those who can’t read and write thinks as much as those can read and write, they have knowledge and things to say and stories to tell. We not should not judge a book by its cover.

To be truthful I am uncertain whether or not I have Dyslexia as well as Dyspraxia even I was Diagnosed twice for Dyslexia, maybe three times but never for Dyspraxia, even those I have struggled with taking in what I have read, struggling with reading certain words and spelling certain words; motor skills meaning physical skills so I guess I do have both but whether or professionals etc see it that way I don’t know.


By own experience I cannot help but sum up what it maybe like for others as well. Not sure whether is possible to have Dyslexia and Dyspraxia or you can just have one or the other. I guess so because I think I have always had both. You may think if I have been diagnosed for Dyslexia three times and it came up that I am, that I must and yes I believe I must be. The reason why I said I am uncertain is because Dyslexia and Dyspraxia are so similar as far as reading and writing is concerned. If you have got both it can be hard to tell which reading, writing etc, which is dyslexia which is dyspraxia.

What I forgot to write about in the last chapter is memory, here’s an example. 

Going back to forty odd years ago when I was in school, when I was only say seven and eight, I have forgotten that day. I was in handwriting lessons. The teacher told us to miss a line between the date and title, then miss a line the title before we carried on writing.Naughty me forget all that as far as the teacher was concerned.  All because of that as she was looking at my work, she slapped the ruler across the back of my legs.

 This was in a special school 

Going by that experience I do not have any hard feelings for what she did, that was the generation at the time. Despite of that going by today’s standards, she should not been allowed to what she did but maybe she did have she did because she had to at the time because no one really understood disabilities, difficulties etc but then again that could have been anyone who forgotten to do as she said, it so happened I was the child who forgot. 

I guess there maybe a lot of people who may it as it was abuse in today’s world. I will honest to say I don’t think in the way I see it now in the she must have saw if. I guess her intentions were punish me to remember next time to miss the lines when I was told to, not abuse me. However’ I do agree, there are worse things I could very well have done to deserve the punishment I had,  not that I was a perfect child because no one is.

 I do not blame her because I think she was following the system at the time, which in most thing weren’t necessary unfair but there were worse things to be punished for, which back then minor and major things no one got away with on the whole.

Before I change the subject, I maybe wrong this but maybe the easiest way to tell the difference between Dyslexia and Dyspraxia, is the motor skills problems being Dyspraxia and the reading and writing problem but not necessarily,  you would think it would be the case but not sure it is as simple as that Sorry this is confusing isn’t it? 

However would adds up to this Dyspraxia can cause the problem with gripping, incudes gripping pens and pencils for example. When I was in school I did not know had Dyspraxia neither did anyone else. However’ everyone knew me or most people and myself knew what was then clumsy, that i broke things etc. 

Back relations from others was like punishment, which like to me at the time, but it was very understandable in one way. When I used to write and I even the same today example, without meaning to I press to hard on the paper. Teachers always wondered I guess why I was sharpening pencils at the desk every five minutes lol, as easily broke them without meaning to. 

Just May you have worked the same and different between the two learning difficulties that sound the same but different, Dyslexia and Dyspraxia, maybe I have explained some not, look and see if a link written by someone else helps. https://www.readandspell.com/difference-between-dyslexia-and-dyspraxia 

The differences  between dyscalculia and dysgraphia, is there anything the same one another? 

Dyscalculia is a mathematical learning difficulty similar to Dyslexia but causes a lot more Anxiety, which I face myself. where for me I cannot really work out maths in my head. 

I have use my fingers, calculator, cubes when I was a child etc, then most of my maths were wrong answers. But Again back then  I didn’t know what the problem was neither did others who knew me but what we did know, we didn’t understand why I couldn’t learn like other people.

 I know I wasn’t the only one struggling with this but I didn’t realize that at the time, I thought I was different to everyone and without trying to play on sympathy and attention, I felt as life wasn’t living at times but these as I am learning what my problems are, I am learning to accept the support I need, I don’t feel like the stupid one anymore. 

I have learned over the years now I just slower than other people and I am not alone as I thought I was. 


Though out  my childhood, 

I was on medication as a baby and

 child for Epilepsy, which 

was called back then called phenobarbital. 

It made me very hyperactive and moody, 

feeling sleepy and awake,

 high as a kite at the wrong times.

 I couldn’t focus on my schoolwork, 

I had no direction  or road safety

 awareness back then,

 I was a danger zone to others and myself.

 Naturally back then everyone including 

myself who knew me thought this was 

just me anyway. When l was twelve to thirteen, 

my seizures what we would say in today’s

 terms back then they were called fits we’re getting less.

 My took me to the doctors to see whether or not I could stop taking the medication and why. 

I was allowed to stop taking them but

 as a short time went on, 

I started to learn and be aware

 of the world around whereas 

when I was on the medication, it was like I was in a dream world. 

Making information accessible for special needs and disability.

 Making information accessible for people with disabilities and special needs.

First of all, what is special needs? What is a learning disability? 

How are they the same, similar or and different? 

There are a number of types of special needs that cause learning difficulties and disabilities, which may or may not link together. Such as autism, dyslexia, dyspraxia, dyscalculia, dysgraphia, ADHD, Tourette’s syndrome, and more. 


Accessible information websites and apps.

Easy read

Large print 

Verbally phone, video call face to face etc.

 Language of autism 

Sensory difficulties, differences and sensitively. 

Change of routine, routine.


Obsessive interest, deep in a certain knowledge, topic etc. 

speaking, little or no speech.


Employment and education.

In my life and I believe I am not alone, 

I found most employers do 

not understand learning disability,

 mental illness or  and other problems. 

Not everyone takes notice of the disability 

discrimination act in the UK,

 not sure about other countries. 

Again better was now but we still have a long way to go, still life goes on.

We are still health and safety hazard to lot of employers, 

not that I am saying that is wrong to protect our safety 

but there still should be ways of us having a career

 like other people, with right tools and support of 

course that cost money that UK government just hasn’t got, 

without  making the country worse off, 

I would interested how this works for other countries, 

surely we are not alone.

 We need the right support to keep healthy 

and safe to work in our limits of our disabilities, 

mental illness and other conditions, problems and more.

Employers, trainers and the government  etc ; 

need learning disability and mental health 

On the  other hand I was put in some fields not for me,

 even then I weren’t in the right fields and places.

My Mother lives in New York and they go by 

what people are capable of and what they

 take interest in and they can learn and 

train for.

The idea behind the 

mental illnesses and more.

I have written this piece 

of work for

 those interested in the 

field of learning 

disability, mental health 

and other

 problems, to help those with disabilities, mental health, other and those who are in their lives. 

awareness training.  

Not everyone can work IT, the internet 

etc but not everyone can manage factory work either .

 In my youth for example the government 

would put you just anywhere with or any, 

very little support to get us doing something, 

I no problem doing what I could do or learn to do,

 which was not a lot to start with. 

Six weeks training on YTS for example 

wasn’t enough time for me to learn a job, 

where they ended up getting rid of me,

 cause they just did not have the patience. 

I guess when I think about it now some reasons

 in some things I tried, which weren’t to be, 

was the field I was in and others were the people.

 At the time, because 

I was very young, I just got frustrated where 

everything was trying was not a success but

 I could not see the wood through the trees.

 I tried elderly people’s homes, Day centers, 

supermarkets,  a shop a hospice,

 riding stable’s with other animals as well

 as horses and ponies, the library which

 like the work and the people, 

which was a living in job.

 I did and passed my 

stable management 

exams, I tried to pick 

on what I did not do 

good at in schools English, 

maths etc. 

However’ things did improve for me as time went 

like working Men-cap I enjoyed, raising awareness

 of disability and mental health, Advocate, 

speaking up for disability and mental health. 

This gave me experience of working in Advocacy 

groups. I learned how present information in power point,

 passed my ITQ level in Microsoft Office 2007,

 in power point and word processing, 

ITQ Level two internet and email.

It taught me to give talks to student professors 

such as learning disability, mental health nurses, 

social workers, paramedics and more as Visiting Lecturer. 

I have also been a private Advocacy for what was 

One Voice, Wolverhampton. 

Interdiction to Advocacy skills GATACS2014

(Generic Advocacy  

Training and Consultancy Services) 


Suggesting options to people with 

disabilities on matters that bother 

then or need help with. Example; benefits, 

getting a disability bus pass etc.

Volunteer trainee Teaching Assistant

 Penn Hall special day school.

Malt-ins Day Centre Wolverhampton  

for Elderly and Disabled people. 

Work, making hot and cold drinks.

Key skills PowerPoint, chairing minutes of meetings,

 supporting disabled people to chair meetings, 

communication, time management and IT skills.

Highest English qualification, 

English Function skills Level one.

Interduction to Mentoring skills, 

Level one and two Mentoring.


The government spends money on the wrong things.

 The rich are getting richer and the poor are getting poorer. 

The benefits system has always been a mess, 

there a lot people on benefits

 who should not be as well those who are 

on them for good reasons. Most of one’s who 

should not could work but do not 

want to yet the ones who are on them 

for good reasons want to work.

If you are involved learning disability 

and mental health, whether you are 

someone who faces disability, mental illness or 

and other problems, illnesses conditions etc or

 and you are a parent, partner, family member, 

friends, support worker, carer, nurse, school staff, children, teenagers, young adults ; etc who support and

doctor, paramedic, teacher,  tutor, lecturer, 

employer office, etc, 

my email is sarajgorman@gmail.com 

if you wish to get touch, on anything you 

may have read what I have written or and 

maybe you have in my lectures at 

the University Of Wolverhampton or involved in work 

I have done for Men-cap or anywhere else in the

 disability and health field etc.

I lecture things, like accessible information, 

easy read we need to avoid too much jargon etc,

 you may need thing like Brail for the 

blind sign language courses to help you support .

The could be more. 

You need to balance what they person might

 have done already, what they want to, 

what they can do and even what they want to

 learn to do. 

Consider health and safe as well 

qualifications they have and

 what they need in what they want to do.

Careers for disabilities. Eg; creative jobs,

  such as writers, artists, poets band more; mentoring,

 coaching, counseling, Advocacy, , 

office, Administrative etc is likely to be for people with physical conditions, disabilities etc. 

Those who haven’t got physical disabilities, 

conditions etc, maybe shop work, cleaning, building, 

gardening etc.


Learning disability and mental health history.

I have raised awareness to student professionals, such as learning disability nurses, social workers,  paramedics, occupational therapists and more.

Therefore, I am writing this book not only to educate students professionals but to help those  who are interested or and involved in the field of learning disability, mental health and more. 

Whether you a parent, family member, carer, partner, friend, nurse, doctor, teacher, tutor, carer advisor, and more at all levels and abilities.

In past to other people, 

people with disabilities seemed different to them.

 They were labeled, treated like babies and 

children even when they were adults. 

People used words like mentally handicapped 

instead of disabled, such other words as sub 

normal, mental, backward, eternal, 

a menace to society or and a burden to society.

Over centuries, years, decades etc, 

there has never been a balance between 

support and independence, 

mostly it had been all or nothing. 

Most people have been neglected or 

support tends happen when it is too late

 they do not need it or someone is around all the time but again needed when someone is not there.

People  were in institutions had no or very little contact 

with the outside world. This had a very big affect on

 people’s lives. I guess a lot people would have 

suffered with  Anxiety and Depression. 

People with disabilities  were misunderstood 

very much a lot for those who they are not.and idiocy, liege normally misunderstood, 

seen etc as drunk in the eyes and mind of society.

In the middle age, it is believed that 

mental illness was used in religion. 

Negative attitudes were around the

 18th century onwards in American, 

leading sigma towards those with

 mental illnesses.

as others thought they were in sane or mad. 

What is a learning disability?

with everyone.

 Attitudes have been getting 

better in the last so many years

 but we still have a long way to go. 

People who are not disabled were 

viewed as normal but what normal 

at the end of the day?  

Everyone is a human being. 

A learning disability is a limited amount of intellectual, ability and difficulty, which may affect education, employment, household skills, shopping, managing money, socializing, personal skills, looking after one’s self etc. However’ not everyone is the same, like everyone, people have different strengths and weaknesses to one another. This may depend on the disabilities the person faces and even the person themselves. 

It can happen to anyone thankfully not to everyone at any time. It could be before birth, during, any time, any age after. 

It can affect the body or and the brain, which maybe caused by a brain tumor, injury, trauma, accident, illness etc, depending on the learning disability etc or and people, caused by whatever has happened to the Mother or and the child. 

The person may take longer than other people to do things or not at all. Even that may vary those to the person and how their problems may affected them, also depending what is they are trying to do. 

Again levels of support they need may depend on what they struggle with and how much. 

Difference between learning disability and difficulty is this is dis the difficulty, a bility is ability the strength. Difficulty is the struggle, what we need support with.

Our abilities  are our strengths  but our difficulties slow us down.

Each one of us faces them in different ways

As for special needs, we are not  intending to be a 

center of attention, 

we do not see ourselves as anyone special,

 it means we are facing the difficulties, 

we are needing

  the support for our needs. 

It also means special education, 

meaning special education needs, 

needing support with our education. 

We need support for when what we need it for not when and what we don’t.

Disabilities, difficulties  and special needs can happen to anyone at any time but thank goodness it does not happen to everyone.  

It can happen before, during or any time after birth, caused by accidents, illnesses etc, which affects the body or and mind.

Even today there is a lack of awareness from 

society about disability, mental health and

 other problems. Society did not have confidence

 in people. We were treated unequally and we

 felt as if we were not part of society. 

Today society is starting to learn about 

learning disability and mental health. 

Most disabled people in those times 

begged for food and money off the streets.

In Victorian times in the 1800s the 19th 

century were thought about as cripple, 

handicap, freaks, etc. 

Warehouses we’re responsible for disabled people too. 

I guess the way society was back then 

it would have caused those facing disabilities, 

mental illness and other problems a lot of 

misunderstandings with others. Where society 

back then didn’t have confidence in those 

who were slow to work, react, response, etc. 


They were in industrial ares, with say widows,

 orphans, alcoholics.

 Other people with disabilities were put in 

poorhouses or almshouses.

In 19th  century, the treatment for mental 

health was cure, incerlating and shocking.

 Some asylums were poor cared for in

 institutions with a lack of compassion. 

Disabled people were treated in the 

abbey a type of church and hospitals, 

they were made to say prayers and

 other religious things.

people who faced Mania, dementia, 

melancholy, relapsing mania, hysterical, 

Warehouses we’re responsible for disabled people too. 

I guess the way society was back then 

it would have caused those facing disabilities, 

mental illness and other problems a lot of 

misunderstandings with others. Where society 

back then didn’t have confidence in those 

who were slow to work, react, response, etc. 


They were in industrial ares, with say widows,

 orphans, alcoholics.

 Other people with disabilities were put in 

poorhouses or almshouses.

In 19th  century, the treatment for mental 

health was cure, incerlating and shocking.

 Some asylums were poor cared for in

 institutions with a lack of compassion. 

Disabled people were treated in the 

abbey a type of church and hospitals, 

they were made to say prayers and

 other religious things.

people who faced Mania, dementia, 

melancholy, relapsing mania, hysterical, 



Chapter two. What is learning difficulties, Special needs and disabilities? 

What is a learning disability?

Living with disabilities, Mental health and other problems

 There are roughly about 1.5 million people who live with disabilities in the UK, roughly 1.2 million live in England. Roughy 2.16 of us are adults and about 2. 5% are children. https://www.mencap.org.uk/learning-disability-explained/research-and-statistics/how-common-learning-disability

Here the figures for the number of people with disabilities in paid work in the Uk. https://www.mencap.org.uk/learning-disability-explained/research-and-statistics/employment-research-and-statistics 

Examples of jobs for people with disabilities, mental health, and other problems, nursing, teaching, law, sport, business, media,  IT, working with animals, maybe more. 

When supporting people with disabilities, mental health, and other problems with careers say someone who has skills as a learning disability and mental health  Awareness trainer like myself. Even I may tap in google for example job for people with disabilities.

 More often than not there are showing adverts for jobs as support workers etc, which are jobs for people who want a career in supporting people with disabilities not jobs for people with disabilities, which is a difference. This is something that needs to be made accessible because some people with disabilities etc may apply and find out it's not for them, which is a disappointment.

 Don't get me wrong, not to say that a person with a disability cannot do a support work roll but that may not be the case for everyone.  

This why making sure adverts, applications, forms are clear, easy to read, accessible, etc. 

Mentoring roles are a fine example because there are so many that vary from jobs supporting people with disabilities, yes it is possible for people with disabilities to support people with disabilities but those who advertising the jobs need to be clear to say whether or not they are looking for professionals or not. For example; these job roles support people with disabilities to shop, cook, clean, personal care, etc or this may mean a person with a disability supporting a person with a disability such as say one to one Advocacy, Mentoring, even counseling but not necessarily professionally. However, with the right support out there anything could be possible. 

Up until the 1970s, many children with learning disabilities had to stay in institutions, I was born in 1969, from the age of 7 till I was 12 years of age, I was in boarding school and I wasn't alone. The way I look at it now as advantages and disadvantages, more to the point not just as children with disabilities, mental health, and other problems but even just as children didn't have a voice or even in most situations, not a choice. This was not good in a way of struggling to express ourselves to be not heard when bad things happened but then this can see that as good and bad. I wouldn't like to say many lived through it because that something I don't fully know but I also know that most of us did, including myself, where if you did live through it made you a stronger person, that may be good but the damage to your mind it's not but then it gives you a chance to give others a voice but then no one should face bullying and abuse to start with but everyone should a voice to say if it does happen. Everyone should be heard as well as seen, that includes children, the disabled, those with mental health, other problems, the elderly, and all vulnerable people. https://www.mencap.org.uk/learning-disability-explained/research-and-statistics/stigma-and-discrimination-research-and

 It can affect lives in huge different ways such as household skills, shopping, money, health, education, work, social lives, friendships, relationships, family and more. 

It is easy to get confused with disability, disability, difficulties  and poor  mental health.mental illnesses.

People with disabilities can face poor mental health but don’t need disabilities necessarily to face poor mental health, the same either way round. 

 It is not always necessary that you need to face disabilities, difficulties or and special needs to face poor mental health. 

As for the difference between learning disability and difficulty, learning difficulties does not affect intellects as learning disabilities do. 

As I said this dis is the difficulties. Special needs means needing support for difficulties.

Abilities mean the strengths.

The difficulties slow us down. https://www.nhs.uk/conditions/learning-disabilities/

Saying this is the case with everyone.

 Attitudes have been getting 

better in the last so many years

 but we still have a long way to go. 

People who are not disabled were 

viewed as normal but what normal 

at the end of the day?  

Everyone is a human being. 


A learning disability is a limited amount of intellectual, ability and difficulty, which may affect education, employment, household skills, shopping, managing money, socializing, personal skills, looking after one’s self etc. However’ not everyone is the same, like everyone, people have different strengths and weaknesses to one another. This may depend on the disabilities the person faces and even the person themselves. 

It can happen to anyone thankfully not to everyone at any time. It could be before birth, during, any time, any age after. 

It can affect the body or and the brain, which maybe caused by a brain tumor, injury, trauma, accident, illness etc, depending on the learning disability etc or and people, caused by whatever has happened to the Mother or and the child. 

The person may take longer than other people to do things or not at all. Even that may vary those to the person and how their problems may affected them, also depending what is they are trying to do. 

Again levels of support they need may depend on what they struggle with and how much. 

Difference between learning disability and difficulty is this is dis the difficulty, a bility is ability the strength. Difficulty is the struggle, what we need support with.

Our abilities  are our strengths  but our difficulties slow us down.

Each one of us faces them in different ways

As for special needs, we are not  intending to be a 

center of attention, 

we do not see ourselves as anyone special,

 it means we are facing the difficulties, 

we are needing

  the support for our needs. 

It also means special education, 

meaning special education needs, 

needing support with our education. 

We need support for when what we need it for not when and what we don’t.

Disabilities, difficulties  and special needs can happen to anyone at any time but thank goodness it does not happen to everyone.  

It can happen before, during or any time after birth, caused by accidents, illnesses etc, which affects the body or and mind.

Chapter three Dyslexia awareness.

When most people talk about Dyslexia, they think people with Dyslexia cannot read and write, that is not the case. We just have difficulties along the way, which may be for letters the wrong way round for eg; bad, dad, same  with say numbers 23, 32.

Some may get there left and right mixed up.

Get confused with bs and ds for example; even psychologists and qs. 

Miss words out of sentences.

Struggle to understand what they have read.

When they read small print may feel to them as if words are jumping off the page screen etc.

They may not remember what they read or and they may have only remembered some of what they have read not all, the same with listening too. These days with so much IT most people watch a lot of videos etc, wouldn’t it be interesting to know how much one can take from watching a video or tv say compared to listening to someone directly talking to you face to face? How much can you pick up? 

Some people’s” concentration gets  affected easily, like mine, such nosies off IT devices, door knocks, a lot of people talking etc, not that I am complaining as these things have to happen at times but this how certain learning difficulties etc affect people. 

For most people it can be a struggle for them to read a whole book and that is one of my problems too. Although I read just a few whole books but I forgotten which ones I did read and what they were about.

Sometimes I tend to review books write when I am reading and research. Even those who can’t read and write have knowledge, tell stories etc.  Never judge a book by it’s cover. 

Similar to Dyspraxia, Dyslexia has positives such as being creative and talented in different ways, maybe in other areas too. 


How can you support people with Dyslexia? 

Before I do anything as a person who has faced

Dyslexia from my experience, assessments by checking  people’s strengths and weaknesses.

supporting though study and work-placements; extra time  in exams, at least up to half hour.

accessible studying and exam materials, like colored paper, large print, different colored over layers, certain size font easy for them to read etc. Always ask the person what is accessible for them to start with. 

Chapter four What is Dyspraxia

Ben’s Mum is concerned because only she knows his struggles. Ben worries in case people think he is stupid if he asks others for help a lot. A lot of people are offering support in areas he can cope with rather than cannot, which what is concerning his Mum.

Ben can read and write but he not remember or understand what he’s read, he needs support aids, easy read, accessible information, clear for all. 

He has Autism as well. 

What sort of help  does Ben need? What I have written in the text is just examples of support, maybe you can research online, the library etc. 

What is concerning Ben’s Mum and why?

Therefore, you may be wondering, what does Dyspraxia have to do with Saliva gland cancer ? That is understandable. To be honest nothing really, do not to face Dyspraxia to face Saliva glad cancer. However’ me and family  are not sure how long I had the lump before my Mum discovered it at the age of seven but I have always struggled with my month eating.

swallowing etc anyway with my month and tongue, whereas the lump was inside my throat but all the same they all add up and make you wonder whether not both problems started during while I was born. Therefore, I am not only speaking for me but for others who may have faced the same if not similar.

Due to the amount of difficulties people face with Dyspraxia, it causes us a huge amount of Anxiety and Depression, which we can get frustrated with what we do struggle, which where of right tools, aids, support etc needs to be around. This could also mean mental health support and for people all ages needing to know why they struggle. Those who do not know they face Dyspraxia, funding needs to go into assessments, Diagnosis’s and the support they do need.

Also training and qualifying, those who want be physiotherapist  and Occupational Therapist, which is what could have done with from childhood and plenty other people who have always faced Dyspraxia and other conditions etc. I just hope today’s generation and others to come get better support.

On the positive side people with Dyspraxia can be creative in some areas of IT but not others. Saying that I have found that there have not been many IT courses. Mind you  the Covid lockdown did not help as everything was limited. 

I can only speak for myself and my strengths, which  is power point, word processing, creative writing, drawing, painting etc, which are likely to be different for different people.

Dyspraxia needs to be taken very serious 

as it is a physical hidden learning  difficulty

 that is not noticeable,

 which is why it is a hard 

condition to understand.

 It is not illness or disease,

 it is long -life condition that affects 

people’s lives mentally as well 


 It can be linked to Autism. 


with the life time conditions being 

such a hidden learning difficulty, 

it is understandable why it can be hard 

for others to take seriously. 

Where people with Dyspraxia

 can be misunderstood as 

clumsy, spill ing something

 on purpose etc; 

for example but all the same people with 

Dyspraxia need to be understood. 

No one can really tell unless they spend a 

lot of time with the person, unless they know 

them really well like family etc. 

Dyspraxia is caused by a brain injury or a

  stroke, in fact it is similar to a stroke where

 one side of the body and brain is weaker that the other. 

In my case it is my left hand side but 

some may be affected on their right hand side.

It can slow people down doing physical skills 

such as sewing, sport, cooking, housework, 

even shopping, carrying, lifting, cleaning teeth, 

tying shoes laces and more.

It may affect such skills as road sense, driving, riding a bike.

Coordinate, grip, etc.

With drinks for example; they be able to only do one thing at a time, which may slow them done.

Such as only carrying one drink at a time because the one side of the body and brain may be stronger than the other, depending which side of the brain is damaged. With me, it is the left hand side of the brain, which affects the left hand side of my body mostly. 

Support and treatment a person really needs from as soon as it is aware they face dyspraxia, the younger they are the better. Psyiotherpy or and Occupational Therapy, maybe also muscle exercises etc to try to make them stronger. 

Mentally it affects reading and writing in 

the same way as Dyslexia where other 

conditions link such Dyscalculia https://www.understood.org/en/articles/what-is-dyscalculia


It does not stop people living their own 

life or learning with the right support, but on 

the positive side they can be creative,

 different people in different ways. 

However’ it is important to except

 anything from anyone because there 

different forms of 




Motor skills difficulties, for eg dressing,

 cleaning teeth, cutting fingers and toe’s nails

, chopping up vegetables and more.

Verbal impact speech difficulties such as

 stuttering, may be speaking too loud, quiet etc.

Oral difficulties moving the mouth and tongue, 

keeping month and teeth clean,

 gripping the toothbrush correctly etc. 

To be fair over the years dental hygiene

 has slightly improved to what it where

 such toothbrushes as electronic toothbrushes

 have been around for years. In fact, 

I had one for my twenty - first just over

 thirty years ago. Since then has been

 such tools as water picks etc.

Looking at the research of forms dyspraxia, 

I cannot see you can face one or the

 as I face motor skills problems,

 I stuffer with my speech at times and I may talk too loud or quiet at times, 

I do not notice but others do.

In my case this is because, which

 maybe too my dyspraxia.

 My Mum noticed a lump when

 I was say four seven years of age,

 little did we know it was a lump

 because it was only a size of a pea.

 Mum noticed not me because

 I felt nothing there to bother me at all. 

My Mum

 took me to the GP at time, he/she said, 

can’t remember but anyway 

they said it best left alone, it is probably a  cystic. 

At the age of twenty - three I was doing work

 experience in an elderly peoples’ home,

 l was on my lunch break in the staff room, 

the cook had over cooked the strew,

 I was struggling to swallow and felt the 

lump getting bigger.

I was living  Owstely in Shropshire  at the time,

 I shared flat with two young 

women my age at the time 

with learning disabilities 

and we both had the same 

support workers from social 

services and one the support 

workers took me to gps. 

It was 1992, 

I had my first operation 

December 6th of that year, 

the home Christmas, had 

my first hospital appointment 

in the new year, they told me and,  

my Mum it was a cancerous lump 

does not spread but I have to limp 

glands out, then fifteen days of 

radiotherapy, where I felt more

 I’ll with the treatment than the 

cancer thankfully I came out of it. 

Since having had that operation, 

due scar tissue at times food,

drink tends to the wrong way at times,

 which can tend to cough and choke 

but it is not every time I eat and drink.

Dyspraxia study.

Ben is seven years old who was diagnosed by a an Occupational Therapist. This was a written report that outlined Ben’s condition. He was struggling with physical skills like doing up his buttons, tying his shoe laces and more.

Dyspraxia and me.

I had been working for the University Of Wolverhampton for eleven years, lecturing students professionals on and off, such as learning disability nurses, Paramedics, Social Workers, Occupational Therapists etc. 

Dyspraxia needs to be taken very seriously, it’s not an illness or disease, it is an hidden long term psychical learning difficulty. It can affect people mentally as well as physically but the seriousness of Dyspraxia is the psychically hidden more so how it may affect people mentally.

It does not stop anyone doing anything at all but it just slows people down where causes us to take longer than others to do things. It is not understood because people with Dyspraxia can walk and talk but it may not be the case for everyone who faces a learning difficulty and condition. 

However’ it is important to except anything off anyone, it can vary from person to person. 

I have lived with  Dyspraxia for fifty four years since birth. To start with, it was unaware but research grew as the years went on. https://www.counselling-directory.org.uk/blog/2018/10/08/dyspraxia-strategies-that-can-help


I was born very quickly, though lack of oxygen to the brain. I was hyperactive and I had Epilepsy asa child, it came back when I was thirty one and stopped when I was forty three. I have always had family support.

I feel it is very important for a person to be assessed and diagnosed as young as possible in order in hopes of getting the right support but it may be different for different people. 

Psychical difficulty. 

Difficulty doing up zips, shoe laces, looking after babies, children, getting dressed etc for example. This may cause people a lot of anxiety and frustration. 

What is iDyspraxia? Dyspraxia (Developmental Co - ordained disorder)  (DCD) 

Dyspraxia is a developmental co - oration disorder which affects movement but not intelligence. However’ the condition may slow people down.

dyspraxia is a hidden psychical and mental learning difficulty, which affect balance, coordination, grip but affects reading, writing comprehension, math’s similar to Dyslexia but Dyspraxia also affects people’s physically, such skills as sport, learning to drive and more. 

Mentally it can affect reading, writing, spelling, grammar, punctuation, comprehension, maths in similar way to Dyslexia, Dysgraphia and Dyscalculia. 


If the person was born before 37 weeks into the pregnancy, prematurely.

Low weight birth, lack of oxygen to the brain, brain, injury, trauma. 

It is unclear whether or not Dyspraxia is family related.

If the Mother was talking drugs or drinking alcohol. 

Treatment for (DCD) Pysotherpy.  https://www.nhs.uk/conditions/developmental-coordination-disorder-dyspraxia-in-adults/

Types of Dyspraxia 

Going by research I read on the types of Dyspraxia. I have face most of the difficulties in most of the types of Dyspraxia such as motor Dyspraxia jumping, skipping, running,  dressing. verbal Dyspraxia  speech difficulties, Oral dyspraxia, problems with mouth, throat, tongue, saliva, sallow ing etc.

Some these skills I have over come such as difficulties with holding my knife and folk, cutting up food etc. 

Through out my life I have had my strengths and weaknesses in reading and writing, spelling, grammar, punctuation etc but  I have always been weak at maths. 

Chapter five What is Dysgraphia?

Dysgraphia is a handwriting difficulty and disability, where they struggle to keep writing neat and tidy, where they lined paper with margins on.

Dysgraphia is a handwriting learning difficulty impairment.

 People can read and write but

 our writing may not be neat and 

tidy without lines and margins on pages.

explaining thoughts on paper to make sense to readers,

 planning and organizing our work, ideas etc. 

we may struggle to grip pens and pencils.

 We may try to avoid writing, drawing, 

coloring as much as possible. 

It affects the ability to create automatic letters,

 numbers etc.  

Dysgraphia May slow down people’s writing,

 reading, tasks, coursework etc. 

Chapter Chapter six What is Dyscalculia?

What is Dyscalculia? 

When struggling to count money, we maybe able to count a pound in ten pennies, two fifty pennies, four twenty pence pieces, two ten pence pieces,  but only able to count so far so we may put down all the money we have for someone to count. 

Dyscalculia  can cause memory problems so that may mean a lot of reversing for them, support homework as well as in class, which it maybe helpful if they know people out of school college etc, like friends, family etc who can maybe some support. 

It is understood no one can help them during exams other than maybe reading the questions out, this may not be necessary your job but examiners should  makes sure the papers are accessible as possible, whether it is on the internet or paper base. 

Talk through with them what they are having difficulty with.https://www.dyscalculia.org/dyscalculia-therapy

Never discriminate people, dyscalculia like most learning difficulties slow people down. For example; a ten year old maybe normally getting to grips with fraction’s but someone of age  the of ten with Dyscalculia, may be still struggling with adding and subtract. This maybe the case the same from say 5 to 105.

Never tell the person to say their times tables etc  for eg; in front of the class unless they and you are condition the person has learned of by heart. 

Most people who heard them may not see it as a problem but the person may feel embarrassed what people may think if they may mistakes, even though everyone makes mistakes, unless the person gives you otherwise. https://www.wlv.ac.uk/current-students/student-support/faculty-student-services/maths-support-centre/

When I was in school and college, teachers and tutors knew I faced difficulties in maths but were not aware of the possibility of me having Dyscalculia. I still don’t know whether or not I have the learning difficulty. 

I remember saying to the Nursery nurse when I was  about seven, I only have ten fingers, five on each hand, I can’t count anymore, she laughed. 

She said, when say she said, she didn’t say it in my words but alone those lines. For eg; 5+3=8 put up eight fingers, the small number is 5, then 6, 7, 8. She even encouraged me to add on say my pencil, pencil case etc if needs be.

You could try to encouraging people to use cubes, a ruler, beads etc. 

However’ always speak to the person and find out they feel comfortable to learn. Dyscalculia is a life time learning difficulty, some adults may not like child like for eg; different colored beads or tubes. 

There may others ways to support them, they may feel comfortable.

Be patient because Dyscalculia slows the brain down, although it is understood you only have so much time as well, which means if today is not a good day, try another or someone else could help them.

However’ like other problems, there are different types of dyscalculia, some people may struggle more so than others.

It maybe hard to diagnose but without being diagnosed, it is difficult to know what support or and treatment people may need. It can be hard because the disability is not only caused by a difficulty. 

Lexical. The person may find it hard to read mathematics symbols.

Graphical. Difficulty writing mathematics symbols. 

Indeognostic. Finding it hard to mathematics relationships. 

People with dyscalculia may have difficulty with subtypes, it is a mathematical learning difficulty. 

Operational. Finding it hard to perform in specified math operation. https://encyclopedia.pub/entry/29342


I understand everyone wants to achieve but most people with Dyscalculia may need a lot time to study for exams, so it may be a long time or not at all when they are ready and also needing a lot of support during in studying time. Do not consider maths exams unless them and you feel they are ready.

Dyslexia with numbers. Eg; difficulty with basic maths 4+2=6 6-5=1, 30-22=18, wrong answers, right answer 12. where people may get confused with maths signs such as * - + =




Dyscalculia is a mathematical learning difficulty, that slows the brain down, maybe caused by.

It could be through brain damage, injury, trauma, stroke, even stress etc, where it slows  the brain down. It affects concentration and understanding in maths and numbers but no one really knows what causes Dyscalculia.

whatever affects the way we think or try to think in the case maybe.

We find it hard to compose and decompose numbers. 

Difficulty  with numbers patterns..

We may forget maths facts. 

We may face difficulties with difficulties with algorithms., number order, forgetting/ losing things, information, logins, passwords, numbers of deadlines etc. 

counting, money, managing money, paying, bills, shopping etc. 

poor memory, numbers, codes, addresses, passwords, directions, maps, left, right, upside down, back to front, navigating etc.

which also causes people a lot of anxiety.  

It can happen to people all ages. 

We may struggle with  counting, 

working out maths in our heads, 

rounding up numbers, poor calculation skills, 

measuring, weighing, mental maths, maths problems etc. 

We may try to avoid anything to do with maths.

However’ there should be support and 

help for maths and anxiety. 

Visual - spatial memory 

Reading clocks, telling the time. 

Dyscalculia gives people a lot of stress, making people anxious even depressed.  Dyscalculia is hard to understand unless you have learning difficulty yourself like anything really. 

As for the cause, it is hard to know what the cause is. I can only go from my experience. 

They may find it hard to count backwards.

Difficulty in estimating numbers.

Difficulty in remembering numbers facts, such as tables, minutes of the day, seconds in an hour, etc.

Value of numbers, half of numbers for eg; half of 50 is 25, multiplying, subtract, fractions, adds, division etc. 

poor calculation skills. 

We may avoid hard tasks.

Poor mathematicians ability.

Poor spelling 

Finding it hard to borrow numbers.

Not good posture and fatigue.

Dyscalculia core numbers and reasoning difficulties.

Dyslexia memory 

Dyspraxia visual spatial 

Dyscalculia is not a learning difficulty that have difficulties easy to understand. Such counting takes longer for people with Dyscalculia than other people. 

Numbers can be easily mixed up, missed etc. For eg; some people may struggle with  understanding the word seven and number 7. For eg; 7+7=14 seven add seven  is fourteen, which we may get confused on. https://sararevealed.blogspot.com/2014/01/dycalculia.html

Chapter seven. What is Autism?

Really Autism is Autism Spectrum Disorder ADS a Neurodevelopment disorder, which may cause behaviors that may seem strange to you and a lot of other people. This may include lack of  functioning, socializing communication in most, less or more areas than other people. They may find eye contact hard, they may sensory issues and more.

However’ most people  with Autism may be talented in most areas, such as poetry, creative writing, acting, drawing, painting etc. It is likely to be different people in different things.

Autism is a long - life condition,

 which mostly links with the mental illness 

Anxiety and Depression. Most of us with

 Autism have learning disabilities, social 

interactions and communication problems. 

We might find it hard to not let things get to us. 

Like a lot of disabilities Autism affects a lot of different people in different people in different ways. Autism is a life time development disability, which affects people’s communication and understanding and interactions. There are at least a 100

people or more who are on the autism spectrum. At least 700,000 people or more people in UK alone who face Autism. 

Not everyone who faces Autism is affected the same, they do not share the same strengths and weaknesses, like other people don’t.

Like all people with and without disabilities, people with Autism want to live full lives. We want to make the most of life. We live in society too and we are human beings. 

lack of social communication  and Anxiety is most common in people with Autism, mainly with people we don’t know and or as we are getting know people.  Most people may find us strange, as most of us may struggle to communicate verbally and nonverbally. Unable to speak or limited speech. 

Most of us have good language skills but have difficulty with understanding sarcasm, jokes, tone of voice etc. 

Most of us may take things literally, for example sayings like break a leg. 

Most of us may need extra time to take in  and understand most information or and what people say to us. 

Some of us may repeat ourselves without meaning to.

My experience with travel.I find airports busy, too many people rushing. Information hard to understand flashing on and off too quickly. I get into route and struggle to get used to change. I like my independence and my support when I can get it. I like to know where I am going, I get lost easily if I have not been to a place before and when I have it can take any length of time for me to find it. 

I would like to raise awareness of my experience of traveling. Not everyone with disabilities etc can drive. It may be hard for those live in the country without depending those they may know who drive, even harder if don’t know anyone who does, public transport etc. Even for those who live in towns and cities, transport is not always reliable. 

Some people with Autism and other disabilities etc; have no of direction and may be slow to find where places are if they know where they are, which may make it tricky, if they need to get somewhere for a certain time. Some people may need support get out and about, travel training etc. 

Most people with disabilities don’t get out at night as there may be little or support, plus safety as well. Fundings have been on the learning disability social events over the years in the Uk. 

Most people like myself have been bullied  in school, and did not have many friends during childhood and teenage years etc. 

Most employers don’t understand learning disability. Not everyone follows the learning disability Discrimination act but they should. 

Society says people with Autism find change a hard thing and it is true, it causes us a lot of anxiety. However’ with a lot of difficulties we face, I won’t say goes away but the older we get, the more so we learn  to live with them, least that is what I have found for me. 

Things have improved  to what they were but we still have a long way to go. We live to make the most of what we can do just that society needs to let us put what know into use. Just like other people we have hobbies, interests and even careers.

Not all people with disabilities know how to use computers and other devices, the internet etc, even those of us who can, don’t know how to use everything on there necessarily but we know most. There is not always the jobs in what do need and not always the training and qualifications in what we don’t know or support. Some may need more support than others, some may know how to to use the internet, devices, IT etc but not necessarily all areas or all the same.

The government tends to spend money on the least important things. They robbing off the poorest instead of the rich. 

 If you work or and study in the learning disability field or and your a parent, or family member life may be little easier if you learn to understand the person or people you support, such as communication aids as I have wrote at the bottom of the-paragraph next to this one, plus making information easy for them to read.

There are too many mistakes most employers make. Most service users  with disabilities don’t understand jargon, there is not any or enough accessible information. We find it very confusing. ( language barriers), sigh language, brail, accessible information etc is needed. 

Most people don’t understand that many people have hidden disabilities because in most people it is hard to see the difficulties they face, unless they are in their lives most of the time. 

There are two forms of Autism, which used to be separated but now they joined together, Autism Spectrum and Asperger Syndrome. 

Reason for this is because Autism is on the the spectrum. Despite of this, some people’s disabilities may show others may not  as much, depending whether they mildly, minor or severely Autistic. 

This may be such signs I may have already said such as rocking, spinning, no speech, very little speech etc. most of us, if not all of us have at least a little bit of those signs but some of us more so than others. 

Autism spectrum is not that much different to Asperger’s syndrome apart from people with Asperger’s syndrome very signs are shown where it may seem as we don’t a have a learning disability, really we do but very mild. We may have a mild stutter in our speech in most of our talking.

Autism spectrum may vary, from minor to severe speech problems.

On the whole as far as I am aware, we all face difficulties in communication, social interaction, social imagination.

Not necessarily all people with Asperger syndrome  and Autism Spectrum face but most do and I one of them. Dyspraxia motor skills,  balance, gripping and coordination problems. This affect skills such as cooking, housework, hygiene, tying shoes  laces, climbing, and more. https://www.nhs.uk/nhs-services/mental-health-services/



If anyone remembers that, the risks  and concerns that

 it could cause Autism, to protect German meseases/

 rubella. Yet did not see a learning disability as

 I thought as Autism as a side - affect from a injection,

 I found that hard to understand but maybe you have

 your own views. I thought if this study is right

 it is likely to cause autism spectrum rather than

 Asperger, not sure why I thought that. 

Causes of Autism.

Cause Autism is unknown yet in my case I

 was born lack of oxygen to the brain. 

I guess in the late 20th century to the early 21st century,

 it was reported  on the news about the MMR vaccines,

I admit this study is probably wrong but going by my 

Mother and experience, I was born lack of oxygen 

because my Mum was neglected, where she had me 

before help came to deliver me. Therefore’ 

I was born too quickly and I was fitting but 

despite of that my weight was fine, I was 7lb 6 born.  

There are probably other causes, which I am looking into. 


Autism affects different people different ways. 

It may depend on the of Autism or and the person 

within themselves. Even two people with Same

 problems as odd as it sounds do not always face 

the difficulties and strengths. Except the unexpected. 

Sure may know this but people disabilities so have 

strengths etc, as they was a time when society people 

with disabilities having all weaknesses no strengths. 

We have strengths and weaknesses in different ways 

like other like other people but naturally not the same

 to one another. Try support people through their

 difficulties but take interest in what they are

 good at well, to encourage them to see that 

life is worth living in the positive way they have, 

and no one can do everything. 

I guess what the world trying to understand is,

 what causes Autism and many hidden disabilities and more.

 If. I am right most people  with Autism, 

find it hard to explain what they are trying to tell

 people, which part communicating, people

 with Autism can struggle, it can affect us socially. 

We can lack communication and understanding.

 There can be misunderstandings between us and others. 

It can make us feel as if we haven’t

 got any control over our lives, we have or haven’t. 

If we don’t have a great of choice and 

control over our lives, this does not help 

us to be independent, yet support is not always 

around when we need it, needs to balanced.

We may struggle with managing money but

 support for most of us is very little support

 with home ,benefits etc.

Not sure what it is like by you but services are few 

and far in between in West Midlands 

or and Wolverhampton., funding seems 

to be cut a lot for Autism and other services

 for vulnerable people, children and adults. 

With Autism there are two forms or used to  be

  ( ASD) Autism Spectrum and Asperger Syndrome .


Levels of Autism. ADS comes in three different levels, 

Autism affects people can vary where they face

 of these difficulties, one or just a few.

Level one struggles with communicating with

 people which can vary to friends, family, 

relationships even professionals in their lives 

even all sorts of people. 

Struggling to manage social skills, lack of

 communication and understanding between 

them and others where always the person

 with Autism has misunderstood the other

 person but the way round, which maybe in 

some cases, which happen work, school, 

college, home etc,

 in some or and all walks of life.

We May spend a lot of time alone.

We may find it hard to understand 

people’s feelings and thoughts but 

the person may over come the

 older they get.

We may behave in a strange manner 

others may find odd.

We may find it had to make friends.

We may have poor eye contact.

Level 2 difficulty with basic living skills, 

money, shopping, home skills, study, work, 

traveling and more, they need support in those areas.


Level three is outside difficulties and support ,

 for example getting themselves  out and 

about but in some cases may have strengths

 as well as weaknesses where they may know 

their way round locally to them but not far a 

away from them, mainly if it is somewhere 

they have not been before but this may vary. 

However’ it may be if they go somewhere not 

necessary every day but regularly they may 

pick it up, it may take some people longer than others.

My experience with the outside world is it been 

overwhelming and crowded with people and places 

where there no one to ask for help if I need it,

 mainly in airports for example. Airports can be 

very busy. Information find where your gate to your 

plane flashes on and off far too quickly. 

This cause people a lot of Anxiety, where 

they could miss important information. 

Where they may struggle to get to where 

they are going whether it is going or 

coming back from somewhere.

 Little support is still given airports 

and on the plane well but it has 

improved to what it was but

 we still have a long way to go. 

Not many people with disabilities 

drive, me included. 

Most of us are having to rely on 

public transport. 

Not everyone like me is lucky to 

be bus independent but there

 only a limit of places I can go. 

Some people need support with money.

Night time seems to be a dangerous time

 as support workers do not work at night

 and we should not except them to either.

 However’ people with disabilities should

 have rights to choices as much as anyone, 

even though some are one of the lucky ones

 like me but that does not mean 

do not look out for others.

This is  not only difficult for me but for others too,

 mainly those similar to me. For example; 

woke up to find on the news,

 if I have not misunderstood about all if not most railway ticket offices are closing. 

The change will be if I am right ordering our tickets online,

 where not everyone knows how, 

mainly vunable people such as the 

disabled and elderly people.

 It's understandable that there 

cannot be IT courses in everything

 no one knows completely everything IT, 

however' I understand there maybe some 

positives as well negative the change 

where most people face positives and 

negatives, other may say one or the other, 

feel free to tell your views, experience etc, 

which may you or and someone you support, 

care for etc.

 However if you are commenting on be half of someone, 

make sure have their permission,

 if they say no or say one or the other do 

not-comment on their behalf. In the west Midlands,

 the disabled people have three disabled bus passes 

and we can travel by rail, bus and tram around the 

West Midland but no further.

 I am sure how pension bus passes work. 

In the week we can travel three from half past night,

 Saturday all day, not sure about other parts of the 

UK though. It is not possible to suit everyone's needs 

but accessibly needs to improve,

 the only way to learn that is find out

 from those who face the difficulties. 

This is example other things too such

 as most shops that self service,

 cash machines etc most people

 may struggle. We understand privacy, 

such as naturally

  PIN numbers etc are private but not

 everyone can manage everything on there. 

What the difference between Between  

autism spectrum and Asperger syndrome, 

what is the same?

As confusing as this sounds that (AS) 

and (ADS) are not these days classed 

as separate forms of Autism anymore, 

which understandably throws everyone

 even me. Your question and my question in too, 

not if I am right or wrong you are thinking same, 

which is. How is that, it makes no sense.

 You would be right to do so makes no sense 

at all but if but I guess maybe when we get 

used to how it is set out, it may be less confusing. 

A page or few pages ago,

 I wrote about different levels of Autism, 

which is the way someone


has changed the way of explaining with

 Autism is, why that is I have no ideas and not

 if anyone knows why but sure may have good

 reasons to do it this way. All the same (As) 

and (ADs) have own differences and parts of 

form Autism that causes the problems. 

Therefore’ there is very little or difference 

between the forms of Autism, 

which now is considered as one 

big developmental disorder.

 (ASD) compared to( AS) face 

milder speech problems

 but that may vary to be honest.

For both forms difficulty with communication with society, 

we find it hard in different ways to one another, difficulty 

with social imagination. 

By a guess I have (AS), I have motor skills and 

gripping problems, poor  co-oration, 

I struggle with my strength which is known as

 Dyspraxia, which is linked to Autism.  

It is not shown, in fact it is very hidden, 

which makes it very hard for a person to prove themselves, 

unless others spend a lot time with them, 

which is not always possible.

However’ they say (ASD) people do not appear

 to having learning disabilities,

 again sorry are confused on that one because I am?

 The answer is we do have learning disabilities though,

 which is hidden, classed more of learning difficulties,

 which conditions can be linked, 

it maybe one some or all such dyslexia, 

dyspraxia, ADHD etc,

 which may linked to mental illnesses

 such as Anxiety and or Depression.


 little language, 

speaking in the 

same tone, unable to


facial expressions, 

mixing words up 

like you and I,

 repeating what 

others say.

Movements, flapping hands, rocking, 

twirling toes, talking about and

 repeating the same topic, which 

vary to how long they talk about

 something for to when that changes

 to when the next topic lasts for so for, 

having fixed routines, upset and anxious 

by change, may appear nervous even if

 the change positive, sensitive to sound,

 smells, taste, etc; misunderstanding

 people’s’ thoughts, feelings, actions etc.

Asperger syndrome (AS) comes under 

Autism Spectrum Disorder (ADS).

They both cause social interaction 

but (ASD) does not cause people struggle 

with thinking and language problems both

 (AS) and ASD) behavior and relationships 

problems around people in general,

 mainly from my experience if 

I do not know them. 

Even though I have not been diagnosed by

 a health professional, my family have learned

 what I have faced and what I have been through 

with my problems, strengths as well weaknesses,

 reading book, films etc on Autism etc. 

In some ways people with LD are their 

own health professionals in many ways

 of every day lives because 

we have to live with the problems.

Dyslexia can also link to Autism

 so what is the difference between Dyslexia and Dyspraxia? 

They are so similar it is hard to whether 

you can have both or not but then there

 is an easy way to work it out.

 Dyslexia is all to do with reading and 

writing but before I go on, never say a person 

can’t read and write when they dyslexia,

 that is not so to put politely, we just face

 difficulties with reading, writing along

 the way, for example; mixing up bs and

 d.s., spelling words, writing numbers

 the wrong way round, 23, 32, bad, dad.

Dyspraxia can be similar but with more added on, 

such as untidy handwriting, 

Pressing too hard on pens and pencils, 

struggling to grip. Dyspraxia affects 

every day skills mentally as well as 

physically whereas Dyspraxia doesn’t affect 

a person physically only mentally.

However’ both have positives in creative ways, 

which people are talented in different ways.

Therefore, how did (ASD) and (AS) come

 about in the first place? 

(AS) was discovered by Han Asperger in 

1944.He was doing studies in Autism with 

Lora Wing 1981, me and family knew nothing,

 I was eleven years of age. He gave he gave

 the development condition  a form of 

Asperger Syndrome. en.n.Wikipedia.org 

History of Asperger Syndrome. 


Since then support has come in place but we still have a long way to go.

More than fifty years ago, Leo Kenner 

described his Autistic syndrome but 

a German psychiatrist  named Eurgen Bleuler 

described the most severe cases of  child hood Autism as Schizophrenia.

 https://www.spectrumnews.org/news/evolution-autism-diagnosis-explained/Leo classed Autism as a pattern of ad normal behavior 

back in 1943.

DR Jean Marc Gasped Iraq was a French physician.

 She discovered  a boy who was afraid and neglected 

in a forest.

 He could not speak, he was deaf and he 

rocked a lot. This was in the 1800s.

There were famous writers who had autism

 such as Hans Christian Anderson children’s 

writer , Lewis Carol children ‘s writer 

Charles Darwin naturalist and geologist,

Emily Dickinson poet, Albert Einstein scientist and mathematician, Thomas Jettison Politician.

Research famous people with disabilities and other 

problems for example; 

Han Christian Anderson was  

born in Denmark 2nd April 1805. 

His Father was a shoe maker and him 

Mother was a housewife.

 He was an only child, had great imagination 

with his toys and he was a great

 children’s’ fairly tale writer.Google search for example; jobs for people with Autism.

 Course search tips,  animal care courses for people with autism.

https://www.nhs.uk/conditions/autism/what-is-autism/https://www.chop.edu/centers-programs/vaccine-education-center/vaccines-and-other-conditions/vaccines-autism https://www.thevillarifirm.com/2020/11/can-birth-injury-cause-autism-here-s-how-the-two/https://www.autism.org.uk/advice-and-guidance/what-is-autism/the-causes-of-autism 

Chapter eight

What is mental health, mental illness suicide awareness and prevention? 

These two differences I

think are rather simple least I think so. we cannot be happy all the time and we can’t be sad all the time.https://www.heretohelp.bc.ca/q-and-a/whats-the-difference-between-mental-health-and-mental-illness

 Don’t get me wrong it doesn’t mean we all face Mental illness but we all go through length of time of spells of happiness and sadness, meaning mental health is positive for us if or when we have a spell happiness for a certain length, if or and when a spell of sadness for a certain length of time. 

It is not always the case that something is bothering us, in some of us, we can go through spells of feeling negative for no reason, which ever way should not be judged. 

It all comes down to how we think, 

feel, behave, react and even interact

 etc to life around us. 

When it comes to reasons why we think,

 feel, behave, react, interact etc, 

if it is negative, is something 

that is bothering us, like money problems, 

full outs, break ups with those know,

 death of those we know, bullying, 

abuse and more.

Not saying everyone does this but

 for even who those us who do, 

are not saying it is right but 

when in moment of a crisis,

 it is easy for most of us to be

 driven to make the wrong choice 

like drinking a lot, smoking a lot, drugs etc. 

If you are concerned something maybe 

bothering someone 

Never tell someone to stop or 

start doing something but tell them

 what is likely to happened if 

they do or don’t do what they 

decide to do or and don’t do, 

it is down to them to decide. 

However’ don’t get me wrong, 

it is fine to let them know you 

are for them if they wish to talk

 but let the choice be theirs 

and hopefully they will do the

 same for you.

 We all human we are right all the

 time and we are not wrong all the time either.

 They may talk to you today, tomorrow, 

next week, next year or not at all, 

whichever they know you have offered.

  They may even talk to someone else 

but please do not question if they talking

 someone else  unless you one another

 really well you

 know they not mind you asking that,

 or even though it will a good thing if they,

 if they wish to tell you that is their choice,

 if it is your choice. However’ 

it is concerning for those who

 don’t or struggle to open up but

 at the same time. You to respect

 their wishes and privacy,

 if they decide to open up to you,

 they will let you but if you need 

raise health, safety and concern 

only tell those are trained and  

qualified to deal with and let the

 person know why you need raise

 that concern to where or and who.

If they haven’t come to you for a 

chat if something is bothering them,

 please do not take it personally, 

some things maybe private to them, 

they may afraid of your reaction

 even though you know you wouldn’t

 judge them, that may be hard for

 them to know unless you know

 each other really well, respect 

their privacy, not a word to anyone

 unless your concerned about their

 health and safety, even then only 

tell if they feel they can’t to those

 work for services etc who can help,

 Maybe families etc, only if the

 person wants you to anymore

 else and only tell who they

 allow you to. 

Before we look at types of support let’s 

look at types of mental illnesses

 you may be able to learn about Anxiety,

 Depression, Bipolar which is a type of depression

, Borderline Personality, 


Support and treatment.

For example; cognitive behavioral therapy, art, creative therapy, talking therapy counseling, medication etc. 

coping skills such as hobbies, interests, careers.

Schizoaffective.  https://www.mind.org.uk/information-support/types-of-mental-health-problems/

Living with Mental health and Mental ill - health

 In past posts, I have written about what and how to except Mental ill-health to affect people but not really their lives really. I can only say how it has been for me and that is not much different from disabilities and other problems. As far as mental - ill-health is concerned is I guess the Anxiety of getting a job, study, benefit form, etc done on time and correctly, which is where I need support as far as making sure work is correct and done in time for the people who need it for. 

Mental ill-health like most disabilities and other problems can affect socializing, how we get along with people, even most problems can affect our personal needs, how we manage at home, in education, and at work. 

This is because some if not most can face Mental ill-health problems affect how we behave and react towards others, where most problems can make us sensitive to even the slightest little thing compared with people who don't face Mental ill - health.

 Motivation, physically or and mentally can be a struggle for those facing Mental ill - health in terms of get up and go or and consontraction, route, and change, where people get use to one way of life, it's not impossible struggle to get into another they get into a comfortable zoom easily. 

Each change that happens they get used to whether it's positive or negative and a shock to the system when moving from a situation they are in, into another one.

 For example ; when the pubs closed for lockdown last year, it took me say a week or two to accept that but then in time being at home a lot I used to and struggled to motoravate myself to go up town when lockdown rules eased a bit but I am starting to get used to that once or twice a week. 

All these different signs I have just wrote about go into different problems, not everyone faces every single it can vary from person to person. https://www.mind.org.uk/information-support/types-of-mental-health-problems/  https://www.mind.org.uk/information-support/tips-for-everyday-living/adhd-and-mental-health/ https://www.autism.org.uk/advice-and-guidance/topics/mental-health https://www.healthline.com/health/adhd/autism-and-adhd

one of the most unaccepted things to put with when living, disabilities, mental health and other problems is sigma and discrimination. Everyone has faults and crosses to bear, disability, mental health and other problems doesn't help matters and can have a huge affect on people but don't get me wrong those who are supporting them matter too, which even I say not everything should be excused due to disability, mental health and other problems but it should also be considered that it could be. It's just know when, how etc. It is hard to say as things are now because we are not dealing with a person or situation.

 when it comes down to it. This is a hard to talk about because I am not sure whether or not most services are allow to deal with this or not. Mental health for example in most Mental health conditions can have a huge affect on behavior and what's hard is as much on the whole it is down to Mental health a person may behave as they do, it's the person or and people who they are behaving towards matter too, how do we draw a line? This is very hard to know and if you have concerns that it may not be mental health ot beyond it, it maybe needs to raise it to your managers or those high up which their safety and yours matter. 

Getting to the point we are all human and we should have rights but at the same time your rights should matter too as well as your clients. With most people who face disabilities, mental health and other problems either take something said or not as at where they may misunderstand. Now if  a complaint was made against you, you did or didn't mean something in a certain way in a situation.

 For example there's different between saying, you could do this or you have got to do this. As I have said in past posts about suggesting things and leaving down to peoples' choices. Not everyone but some may not fully understand, which why really information those with disability, mental health and other problems should be as clear and accessible to their understanding as possible but it may not be aways possible depending if the company can or not afford the tools to make it possible, which may mean at the start the session sorry to say you reading the information to see if they are understanding or not, then explaining if not, which may mean power phasing.

 I admit you may well come across the odd person or a few or you may not, those type who just want a big drama so to speaking to purposely try and get you into trouble but I guess it's very rare.You may well get mostly so who struggle and take longer to understand and maybe accept they may have misunderstood some things, if or when it dawn on there, it is a shock to them and they will most likely feel bad and say sorry. 

However' I know may not going to work for everyone and I know it's pain when you need to think how you say things but it may or may not work by trying to save as many misunderstandings as possible when suggesting things, like again for example ; you could try this. Try not to say. You have got to do this, unless it's on say they need to sign paperwork etc. For one thing the person may misunderstand what you really meant. Not saying you would give them the wrong sort suggestions but you get some people and most of them without meaning to could take something literary, do it, it's not necessary wrong but not write for them and if they do report it to your manager etc, it may cause a misunderstanding or even then depends how your manager sees it. 

When it comes to breaking habits etc as much as smoking etc aren't good habits, even those who do know that and not saying they are right in doing so. Not forgetting a lot of us have been there ourselves and stopped too, I know I have. This may not be smoking it could be anything and that person is probely trying and struggling to break it, which some who may not have experience may think it is easy but it is not. There is no easy way for this because some forms of counseling, mentor etc you are allow to give advice and others you are not and you cannot raise your opinion.

 Most of you may disagree but personally I think it's a good idea, to empower people to be independent not dependent. Never tell someone to stop, give up or cut down something, let them know what's likely to happen if they do or don't, which gives them something to think about. Maybe showing them information, pictures etc, on what could happen if they do or don't do anything, then they can make their own choice.  Also, never ask why they started in the first place.

 Now  not saying there is a reason or excuse but can be mostly the case, which can boil down to stress, emotional problems etc, that can drive people to drink, smoke etc a lot. Never make people ashamed or guilty about it, okay I agree it's nothing to be please of either but if they are coming to you, they are trying see if they can break it or not, however they will if they do.

 If it's is emotional issues, stress etc, may be I am wrong but I would have thought they would be the first thing to be focus on. Without making them say can and will they tell you what's the matter? There's no easy way of saying this, it doesn't mean I am right or wrong. Like I said focusing them to tell us things is not the answer, you are doing your job, you here to listen, it doesn't mean there should be any guilt, shame or and etc on you or them, only they are or may be struggling to say. The only thing you can do is say I am here for you if you want to talk.

 There's two sides of the coin on this, we need to understand. There could be all sorts of reasons why the person is not saying, as much we as with these services we have to follow privacy, laws, etc. 

Now very often I agree with the government's ways in a lot of things but the privacy parts of counseling, theory etc I do agree. All the same I think I would have thought, even though we show them the proof of privacy etc, we are strangers to these people, at least at first we are and that doesn't necessary mean they don't trust us, it may mean some people may struggle to say, fear how we may react, all sorts of reasons that we probley cannot even think.

 I know it's easy say but don't alarmed if someone doesn't decide to stop the session at any time, if doesn't mean it's necessary you, your doing your best, just that no easy way to explain other than Mental ill - health can affect people in so many different ways.

 It may not be in the case of every client but I have been a client myself and I have had times I have struggled to guess could say hang in there on one side of me because I was worried I just couldn't express how down I was but on the other side I was say in my mind, no don't drop out Sara, keep going to your session because you could get better in time. Some either choice I made I couldn't rest my mind but the thought and the fear of breaking down in-ford of someone, a friend, family etc, even though I had no need to fear that but I did some how but I saw all my session through all the same. You must accept those clients are either going to really open to you or they are not. I did but for me, even though it's an counselors job to empower you, which with me they were doing, I still felt as if oddly and don't know why as if I was being depend on them. May be at the this was because at that point 20 odd years ago this help was newhttps://www.hcplive.com/view/the-challenges-consequences-of-stigma-in-mental-illness-patients, as before you were misunderstood, etc, which was what I was used to, which shouldn't have been. 

Living with Mental health and Mental ill - health part 1

 Now what I am sorry for is focusing on the negatives a lot but now I am going to try and focus on the positives, the reason for this is, I am no except other than facing Mental ill-health and other problems myself and I don't intend to be professional because I am not but my website is for to help towards whatever you may be doing towards disability, mental health, and others problems.

This is an insight into how I faced things myself to help you help others and help others help themselves, which I understand isn't going to help everyone who reads it. Just to say not please everyone and those who may do, I may not all the time. Not saying anyone thinks so but I am not trying to be someone I am not and, I am no teacher, even though I help out doing sessions for the University near where I live. At least I say I did do when there was no lockdown and hopefully by the time this year is out if not next year I will be back. Yes, admit I am a visiting Lecture in learning disability and mental health but I am no professional or anything like that. I guess I give advice really of my experience of facing the problems I do face in hopes of helping others if not the same but similar. 

When facing mental - ill-health like I said before motivation can be a hard one I guess for many people and I know I struggle with motivation a lot. Although even through times like what has been in lockdown, I haven't been just staring at the four walls at home. I have achieved my Counseling level one, even though I am yet still to receive the certificate. Since I have done than just writing on this website really, taking part in online workshops, etc. 

In the terms of Mental health, the lockdown hasn't helped, and yes fair play to those who have done what they can and hopefully done what they enjoy to pass each day. With or without lockdown this could be exercise, relaxation, meditation, arts, crafts, reading a book, watching a film, etc things they enjoy, great for those who can easily. It's hard for those who don't Mental - ill-health why motivation is a struggle for those with. 

Before I go on, that doesn't mean we don't do anything at all. It just means having the effect to do things and every little bit even is a bonus, even me writing this website but no one excepts a reward if and when they do make an effect for whatever it may be but only understanding, not to be misunderstood. For example, when someone is maybe struggling to get out of bed, have a shower, etc. Oh, they are lazy they are, then suddenly say well done when they do.

  There's no fine line between the two so I guess your think, how is anyone can react then. Well, we don't expect pats on the backs only to understand we just maybe slower with some maybe most things than you. There's no easy way to say why not even ourselves really, only when we feel down in ourselves etc, our self - esteem, confidence, etc drops lol but we don't necessarily always feel that way.

 I cannot speak for others but for me anyway it has a way of coming and going in its own time, which could be either short or a long length of time, I don't know why. I guess it may be for example before lockdown in my case anyway when things are going on at the University etc for example, however short or long that lasts I am feeling alright in myself and then the time there's nothing I am at my low spells, although I may or may not show it. 

Although you may be even helping people through situations such as job and business losses. You may find the good side as well such as maybe whatever negative situation may have faced, there may be positive, which where there could be an improvement in their motivation such as they may be starting to pick up the courage to help themselves a bit if not a lot such doing thing they enjoy, which if it's something they are good at, have an interest, etc, they are likely to concentrate better, etc, which may be hobbies, etc.

 One never knows they may start to feel well enough to focus either on their career a new one etc. I am not sure whether or not you would be allowed to refer them to any Mentoring, even employment services, etc, if not you can always say we are not allowed to refer you to those places but I guess you could say, not sure you can or not suggest places where they could get some career advice, which they may or may not be with them anyway for whatever reason.

 However' this may or not be that to star with they may have lost or and had change in their business,  job, etc and may be looking to replace or may be improve that, which I know that it probley won't be your job to sort that but it may affect them emotionally.

 This could mean from someone from somewhere they may need help with confidence building, self - esteem building etc, which could be not because of been affected by job, business, loss and changes but those for example who may not have worked etc since before the lockdown, even if they have done things online etc, there's still difference between that than how things were when they were in their workplaces etc. https://www.nhs.uk/every-mind-matters/coronavirus/mental-wellbeing-while-staying-at-home/ https://www.webmd.com/mental-health/positive-thinking-overview  https://medlineplus.gov/howtoimprovementalhealth.html

Living with Mental health and Mental - ill health part 2

 Since the Coranvirus lockdown started, in fact long before then benefit cuts have always been an issue and a huge effect on the lives of the vuanble but over the last 12 yrs or so the concern has been huge, affecting Mental ill-health as much as the Coronavirus lockdown. This is where DWP tries to put the wool over vunable peoples' eyes and in many cases, it seems to work. When the last Tory government was in power. https://www.independent.co.uk/news/uk/home-news/pip-waiting-time-deaths-disabled-people-die-disability-benefits-personal-independence-payment-dwp-a8727296.html 

I am very sorry for this negative subject but it looks as though the Coranvirus lockdown seems to be a reason for DWP wanting to cut or and stop vunable peoples' benefits. If face disabilities, mental health, and other problems or you support a vunable person or people on benefits, look out for possible concerns like DWP calling them out the blue to find they cannot go ahead with the assessment because the person is on their own at the time they call them, they may say they will send them an appointment a letter to give them chance to plan their support, they may not hear anything for ages, then phone them again to find the person is on their own again. If something like this happens more than once even twice or anything else like it or similar, if the person cannot do so themselves, support them to take action. Like for example if DWP writes to them saying that they have stopped their money. These situations can increase people's Mental health, struggle to eat, pay bills, etc, and possible risks of suicide, etc. https://www.unison.org.uk/about/what-we-do/fairness-equality/disabled-members/key-issues/disabled-people-and-cuts/  https://www.rethink.org/advice-and-information/rights-restrictions/money-benefits-and-employment/ https://www.mind.org.uk/news-campaigns/campaigns/benefits/

How to try and support people with disabilities, mental health, and other problems in a positive way.

Although most lockdown rules have eased, we are not completely out of the woods yet so not a lot of serves, etc are open yet, if they are, they are probley not open to the pub yet. Remember being supported online compared to face to face in some things may not others may be what most people have not managed themselves could be all different one another for the people you may support. Therefore, if they lucky to be online and some IT and internet skills they will just do things they know-how, like look on social media, check email.

Most people may be trying to keep themselves busy in things that they can manage to get through every day with the way things are at the moment and have been the last fourteen months nearly, which what I have found myself doing. 

 Search for things on google maybe. Creating an account for online courses, enrolling, etc maybe some people may be struggling with alone, mainly they are by their selves mostly. 

This may vary from person to person what they can manage alone and what they can't, which means until the places are open where they used to go, most things they may do without if online support is not possible.

 Just to say it's not the case in everything and everyone because most, most people can manage alone most so, then things they need support with, whereas others it's likely to be the other way round. I must say I have only been one online course myself all through looked down which was because I was lucky enough to be supported by an Employment service to be set up.

Also, if people need support while doing the course which I had but I heard not all courses do it this way. Where there is someone the person can email if they stuck or not understanding something etc, it may be a bit helpful if it is possible to make their work accessible online but you need to find out what's accessible for them. This may be, for example, easy read, pictures, large print, font size, style colored paper, and writing, etc. 

Jobs online is a hard one because people may need support, but may it may be possible to get online and see how people manage that but how that is, could be different with different people. https://www.disabilityrightsuk.org/careers-and-work-disabled-people https://nationalcareers.service.gov.uk/careers-advice/career-and-job-support-for-people-with-a-disability/  

Every life matters

 Your not force to talk and not force to not talk either but if you do not talk the problem does not go away even though it may take time because not everyone knows how to help but cannot find the one who can. 

Give someone who needs it your full time, time, and attention. Ask open questions like how are you feeling, what is happening in your life? If they do not wish to ask if they would like to take to someone, they could know, you know, etc. 

In the past suicide was a taboo subject and we still have a lot to learn. It is not easy to know how to talk to someone struggling to a point they feel they are not copying. 

 We cannot force people to learn what they don't want to even some want to learn however even very short to someone who you may be concerned that they may be struggling one way or the other, maybe part of saving someone's life. You do not necessarily need to be a professional but show your concern and find help from those who can if the person says they feel they need it. They do need to necessarily tell you the problem unless they want to and you do not need to solve it either but help them get the help they may need if they ask for it. All the same, let them know you're here for them if they need you. 

If they do choose to open to you let them know you are listening by giving them full eye contact. 

Do not talk about yourself or anyone or thing else just focus on them and listen to what they are talking about.

Keep a record of what they are saying, for example, writing it down, if you are recording it on your phone or something for example, soon as the person has been given help, etc delete it off as that is their personal information. Do not play it to anyone to listen unless it is someone who can help professionally if you are concerned about the person's safety.

It is very understandable when you hear someone saying they feel they want to take their own life they do not want to end their own life they want to end their problem or and pain, they cannot a way of moving forward. It can be very upsetting whether you are a friend, parent,  family member, someone you work with, some you study with, etc complete stranger. neither your fault nor theirs that something going in their life is driving them to feel as they do. You are in no wrong and neither are they. Most people may not talk about what is bothering them because of people's reactions. There no wrong feeling upset for other people their life, them, and yourself but learn to understand why they feel as they do. Do not make them feel afraid to tell anyone, do not make them feel as they are doing something wrong. Talking about one's own life is neither selfish nor a crime, it is a huge concern. Most people may fear to say in case most people think they are being self etc. 

Suicidual awareness signs


Most people think people talk about suicide to get attention, which not true and very rarely or and very few people.

 We do not necessarily need proof to know when someone is struggling with mental health, we should be able to tell by seeing how they seem and then we need to look at it but then do not assume something is or is not wrong, which just need to learn how to look at it without making them feel uncomfortable.

This can go from someone struggling to open up to someone talking about the same situation time and time again, not being listened to, not believed, etc but then if it is said enough times, it is more than likely the truth so do not let something play on someone’s mind for years on end!

When someone is having a hard time, they feel sensitive, it is not their fault it is just how mental health can affect a person, and there certain ways of trying to support them we need to learn about. This is why it is especially important if you have concerns someone may be struggling with mental health you do not know how then it is important you find someone who does.

 However,’ You can learn to, but no one is forced to learn how to.

 Do not do anything if you do not know what you are doing this could make the person more afraid, call on someone who can.


To say to someone if you were going to taking own life you would not talk about, and you would have done by now makes people think about suicide, more but in a way is true but it is more so that the person wants the situation to stop, feels it won’t stop where they don’t feel strong enough to carry on even if they do pull through, mainly with ongoing or long term situations, which can feel like forever and even tiring for the person.

 Even for those people who have taken their own life without telling a soul, it was not intentional to purposely give sadness to those left behind too.

 Yes, they did know, it was going to be hard for those left behind but all the same their pain was too much to bear, and they struggled to feel they could tell anyone if they did not, even they it does not mean it made any or any little difference and that was no fault of those who were trying to help them but the pain they were going through.

 All the same, there will never be enough awareness as Mental illness is serious but management with the right empowerment, support, and understand, which is making people feel there is no need to be afraid of opening up, but this could take a long time because there was a time there was no empowering, support, or understanding

When someone says I hate this life, I do not know how long I can go on living like this, this concerning.

It is down to the person, if they tell you why or not, there may be many reasons why not afraid of your reaction if they don’t know you or don’t know you very well, they may not want to be a burden to you, they may fear you may think they are selfish, They may fear you may think they may not care about how you feel and how others they know feel are going to feel, which is not true it’s what’s driving them to feel that way is what is bothering them to point of not coping. Do not force them to talk to you but help them to find support, mainly they struggle to open to you. If they do not open up to you, please do not take it personal, they are going through a sensitive and upsetting time in their life.


 The purpose of this stage is to check if this is a crisis situation  (potential suicide) or a cry for help. You also need to check that you are safe, and that the client is not in a dangerous situation if so, you need to take immediate action to keep yourself and them safe.


Examples of crisis situation. Public crisis situations coronavirus lockdown, war, earthquake etc. personal crisis problems death, abuse, money problems, work, business and or job changes or loss, study/ exams, moving house/ housing problems, relationship, marriage, divorce break–up.


How these situations can affect people, examples, Anxiety, panic attacks, flashbacks depression, feeling suicidal, self-harming, stress.


Potential suicide is a suicidal situation where the person is driven to feel to take their own life which might be an emotional situation such as a relationship, marriage break–up, divorce, business, job change loss, death of someone they know. Whatever the problem may be, the person does not want to end their life, they want to end their problem and pain but mainly if something goes on a long time, they do not feel they are strong enough to get through whatever it may be, they are trying to get away from the situation.

It is not always the case, but the most concerning situations are when someone is going through something and does not tell anyone to a point, they take their own life. Even for those who do try to get help, life’s struggles are huge struggles to get through. Common signs of potential suicide are intending to take one’s own life driven by what is playing on one’s mind. Making plans to take one’s own life, this could be that the person putting affairs in order, trying to make a will, trying to avoid people, etc.

Monitor the client’s to whether it is in a crisis situation, potential suicide, or cry for help. Is the client in a dangerous situation and are you at risk?

What are crisis situation, potential suicide, or cry for help. Is the client in a dangerous situation

How to support a client in a crisis situation?

How to support a client who is facing potential suicide.

How to support a client in a dangerous situation, how to make sure your safe and they are.

What the situation may drive a person to a crisis situation, potential suicide, cry for help or and dangerous situation?

How to deal with their safety and yours when they face a crisis, potential suicide, cry for help or and dangerous situation? 

If you suspect someone you know is considering suicide, Mental Health First Aid teaches you to follow the AGEE action steps.

a.      Look into the risk of suicide or harm: How do we know if someone is feeling suicidal and why?

b.     Listen to the person does not judge them.

c.      Listen to what they say to if they are in a crisis, dangerous, potential suicide, cry for help etc situation.

2.     Are they thinking about suicide are they having suicidal thoughts?

3.     Are they making plans to kill themselves?

4.     Have they thought about and when they are going to do it?

5.     Do they have everything they need to go by the plan they made?

6.     Some people think that talking about suicide might cause someone to consider suicide for the first time. 

7.     This is not true, so do not be afraid of this outcome. You are most likely to make people feel less alone than driving to take their own lives.

8.     You may worry what to say to people who are facing suicidal situations, learn

9.     If they have planned and trying to go by that plan call 911 right away.

10. How you respond to other answers will depend on the issues they are facing, but always call 911 if you are unsure. It is better to be safe than someone to lose their life.

11. However, not everyone has a plan and if that is, so it does not put the person at risk. All thoughts of suicide should be taken and seriously no one lies about them to get someone’s attention.

12. We need to take notice, suicidal people are not selfish, they are not to make others feel sorry for them. Mental illness is serious, it causes people to stuffer in scents let us not let it. By learning to believe, listen, understand, support, and empower, empowering them to speak up but not focusing them, whether they do or not letting them know we are there for them if they need us but do not do what we cannot, call on those who can.

What to do. Listening skills

Let the person talk and say how they are feeling.

Give the person your full time.

Let them know you really listening by giving full eye contact

Do not talk about yourself, listen to the person talk about their situation.

 Keep a record, diary, etc, even record yourself with the person.

Have you let the person do most of the talking without interruption?

Have you given the person all the time they need?

Give effective listening, it helps the person trust you.

Do not rush the person, they will not feel safe if they are rushed

Just because they may pause does not mean you can interrupt; they may be thinking about what to say.

Take time to understand what they are saying.

Some people may find it hard to express how they are feeling so be patient.

Do not judge the person, allow them to relax and talk as short and as long as they want to.

Reflect on their emotions.

Ask open questions for example, how are you feeling today?

Do not jump in with your suggestions while the person is talking or even if the pause unless they invite you to speak for whatever reason.

Do not impose your opinion but reflex on what the person says.

 No asking questions or say anything that stops the person from talking.

 Ask open questions that empowers the person to talk.

Paraphrasing to make sure what you have written is what the person has said, and you have understood them correctly.

Checking by reading what you have written while the person was talking to find out whether or not you have written it down write and understood the people or not.

Repeating back to the person if needs be and checking your hearing what the person is wanting you to hear.

          Do not let bad replies put you off and, it is important, do not feel you have to fill a silence, just respect, and accept how the person wants things.

Focus on the person’s safety and yours, they may not be ready for advice yet.

They may just want to talk things off their chest.

If you have any concerns they may hurt, harm themselves, or and be in danger, call the police.

Signpost them to such local mental health services such as the Samaritans or local mental health crisis a team such as Black country line 0345 6460827

Supporting people with suicidul thoughts

 Like I said we can't force people to talk and we cannot force people not to. Why would we want to do either? Even though we would like people to open up but there are all sorts of reasons why most people cannot and won't like not wanting everyone to know their business etc, afraid of their reaction, and loads more reasons that could be as I said on the last post.

In most people and causes most people can be saved for all sorts of reasons, which may be by someone, other people, or even themselves depending on the situation, person, and the support they may get off others, even whether they told anyone or not, how bad is the problem, how emotional they are, or it could be mental health, which could vary, etc to whether they pull-through or not. As much as we don't want to forus people to do what they can't or cannot, we don't know unless they say. It doesn't mean they need to tell you or me necessary but as long as tell someone or and somewhere. However' they may have their reasons if they don't but all the same, if they don't it's hard to think of a problem going away on its own etc, and concern that the person may feel suicidal sooner or later if they don't try to get help unless they can sort it themselves, which may be rare in some people.

You don't need to be a professional, counselor, therapist, etc to be there for someone. You don't need to solve their problem but just ask them how they are feeling?

If they say they are feeling suicidal and having suicidal thoughts this can be very concerning. It's too easy for people to think and judge people for being selfish when people are feeling suicidal, which is not true, they are facing, sadness, anger, pain, etc which they are wanting to end to a point they don't who and where to help. You feel as if you are not strong enough to carry on mainly if something is long going and you feel as if there's no other way out. In the past how others not necessary everyone may react to peoples' problems has driven most people to suffer in silence and most have even taken their own lives. Since counselors, theist, etc there has been some improvement and decreases of deaths of suicide but mental health and suicide awareness and support needs to carry on.

What to do if someone is feeling suicidals.

Is the person in danger?

Ask the person how they are coping with their lives and what is happening in their life?

Ask they ever feel like giving up?

Don't ask if they feel like dying. 

Ask if they have felt like this before.

Ask if they have had these thoughts before.

Make sure they have no means of self - harm remove weapons and dangerous objects. 

Let the person talk alone with you if they wish.

Allow the person time to talk about the situation.

Talk about privacy rules such as you won't tell anyone what they said but if they you are concerned about their, you may have to tell a mental health service.

What is suicidal?


It is not easy to know and understand what drives a person to the feelings and thoughts of Suicide not even the person themselves in most cases.

Most cases of Suicidal can be saved if the person talks to someone, which sadly is not always the case because many can be afraid of what others think and say. Society meaning us as a whole need to learn to understand why people feel and think as they do.

 Yes, it is right to say that suicidal deaths have a huge effect on my families, friends, etc but we need to learn to be easy to talk to before these people can speak to us before it gets to the stage of feeling that they want to end their lives, they do not, they want to end their pain, anger, sadness etc.

It is not an easy one when someone is feeling as they do without a reason but all the same, we can try empowering the positives into the person’s life. Very often, this can be the cause of people feeling as they do whether there is a reason or not, the main causes can be Mental illnesses such as Anxiety, Depression, other mental illnesses.

 Without meaning to it is easy to make the person wish they had not said anything by making them feel guilty, by saying they are selfish, making them feel afraid to say anything to anyone.

 However,’ the person has a choice whether they say anything or not, who they tell etc.

  We need to learn as a society needs to learn how people react, not making someone feel in the wrong, ashamed say what's on their minds. 

Don't make them feel selfish is not the answer so it is okay to talk.

 Trying to find out how and why they feel as but it is their choice if they answer or not. We cannot force people to talk and we cannot make people not talk either. 

The worrying thing is the situation on their minds could get worse if not spoken to someone about. Are they telling someone else if not you? 

Risks are whatever is bothering people. Risks are peoples' thoughts increase more.

Concerns of bigger numbers of suicide attempts and deaths.

  We cannot force things out of people either.

Be aware of what can cause suicide such as Anxiety and Depression, and other mental illnesses.

Possible reasons for these thoughts and feeling, we need to explore those feelings and emotions.

Bullying, abuse etc.

Family break- ups.

Relationship break - ups.


Mental illness

Social isolate, living alone


Heading towards a lot of drugs, alcohol etc driven by whatever is playing on their minds.

Fearing to talk to anyone, afraid of peoples’ reaction to whatever is bothering them even though some people be easy for them to talk to than others, some people fear talking to strangers , others fear talking to people they do know. 

No matter how much awareness of counseling we raise awareness of it being confidential, don’t get me wrong I would think very few people will disbelieve us, but one of reasons could be the thought of telling a complete stranger what is personal to them, which is I understand why most people may not choose to have counseling, even though I would not myself at, other’s reasons were for me and a guess fair many people too would fear sigma with one’s mental health, fear of people thinking we are crazy,  in case we get sectioned etc, that was my fear when I first became aware of counseling but then as time went on I overcome that fear but not everyone does. What found though there was no judgement, which I know now that judgement is a no but at first that was unexpected to me, to find that people who don’t know you are not likely to judge you, not that I am saying everyone who knows you does. 

I must say that for those of us who face Mental health and mental illness, not everything is negative about us, in fact, it can be both positive and negative. In fact, in most people's cases, strangely most people stress people in trying to please people.

 For example; they famous people who make us laugh on the tv, etc, there can be a lot of stress on these people to do the job the way they do and easy for us to think that's why they are all the time, which is mostly not the case. In private mostly most of them are struggling behind closed doors. 

That doesn't necessarily mean they don't want to do the job they are doing. However' Kenneth William I heard wanted to be a more serious actor. In fact, in someone told me he wrote about not getting on with the Carry On crew. He and Tony Hancock both sadly took their own lives and yet very talented guys, which shows how much little help was around back then but more still needs to be done these days.https://www.bbc.co.uk/programmes/topics/British_male_comedy_actors

When people are feeling so low that life is too much for them, it's more than understanding mainly with those we know, we do anything we can to keep them alive, which there is no wrong in that but not saying it's always the case but it's easy not to think about what makes them feel that way. I guess there can be all different reasons why and why not they may say something. 

 As odd as this may sound sorry to say if they tell someone, it's not good what they are going through but good that they have told someone because goodness knows what could happen otherwise, which is why sorry to those who may disagree, I don't with them being told if you were going to do it, you would have done by now and that's not because someone told me when I was going through it, I don't wish it on anyone, sorry I cannot help but think this.

 Apart from anything else the person who is saying it, could cause a misunderstanding with the person to who they are saying it to. I will be honest at a time when I had it said to me back in 1997, it didn't slip my mind but I still didn't feel very good about myself. Most people feeling very low in themselves may think the person who's saying it to them is wishing them to take their lives, which is not the way we want to make people feel.

It is not easy to know what causes people to feel as they do to a point of finding life too much unless they say but even they don't it's something and it is a huge concern. If they don't say there's a number of reasons why or even no reason at all, which I know is hard to understand but it possible to feel so down in yourself to reach a point with and without a reason.

 I have to stress if someone cannot give an answer themselves, no one should force an answer and a reason out of them because there isn't one and that doesn't necessarily mean they are hiding anything even, even if they are they are not lying when it comes to being very low in themselves, it is most likely to be either they are struggling to tell anyone or even certain people.

 Therefore, whatever it is or isn't let's focus on how they are feeling is what is driving them to do, if it's serious enough life is too much to live for me, it calls to huge concerns, you need to find them helpful if you are not trained and qualified yourself but they have the right be made aware in concern of their safety, others around them and yours, which that they may or may not be alarmed at the time but they are more likely to thank you for being part of saving their lives if or when they feel better.

 Just in the time the person is in a bad state of mind, Mental health can affect people in a different way, which could depend on the person, the Mental health problem they may be facing, even if they have other problems like disabilities, etc, many other things they may or may not be aware of their actions at the time because they may be distressed so just in case try and get help off someone you know if someone around asks them to or and if not and your outside somewhere like a pub, shop, ask for help in there or and call someone you know on your phone if needs be call 111.

 If no one is around you depending on the person's state of mind,  depending on whether or not they are safe to stay outside while you go inside where, if not you may have no choice but to take them with you if you on your own with them. 

Just to say at the end of the paragraph, yes, it is sad if it's not a success, please do not blame yourself, which I know is easy for me to say, you have done your best. Hopefully, you may not need it, but there's help out there for you if you do so please don't feel you have to suffer alone, if naturally, this may have any effect on you or any other reason that may, etc. .https://www.helpguide.org/articles/suicide-prevention/suicide-prevention.htm   https://www.mind.org.uk/  https://www.rethink.org/  https://www.idealflatmate.co.uk/flatmate-HQ/top-10-uk-mental-health-charities/

How concerning Mental health and Mental - ill health is?

 Everyone understands that the Mental health and mental ill-health field like all careers isn't going to be for everyone. However, we cannot raise enough awareness and yet I have been raising awareness of disability, mental health, and other problems on and off since 2007, sorry but I can never stress enough how important and Serious Mental ill-health and Mental health can be, which is in main cases in the workplace and socially. Most may be facing Mental - ill health and not aware they might be, not meaning to scare anyone but it can be a silent killer and not all people know how to speak about Mental health. Not all Mental health conditions are visual, it can have a huge impact on peoples' lives. Even if you know a person or people who face Mental health, would you know where to find help if you cannot, etc?  

The most serious part of Mental ill-health of all and even these days many people are afraid to talk about it, in case they get misunderstood as selfish and they are not, etc, which is not what a person means it to sound like, and that is feeling sundial.

 Sorry to sound harsh if I do, but when people feel this way for whatever reason or maybe no reason at all, which I know it's hard to understand other than the person is naturally suffering inside themselves, even if anything the person themselves struggles to understand why?

 It is the hardest thing to talk about because of fearing upsetting others around you, which yes this is what happens but also others need to learn to understand the person is feeling bad inside themselves whether there's a reason or not. How can we help them to not feel this way? We all know it doesn't always work for everyone sadly but we need to know we can make things easy for people so others can understand them the best as possible.

 That means no judgment, no sigma. They are not selfish they just want to end their pain. Feeling suicidal and ending it all are two different things but most people won't talk in fear of what others may say and think about them.

 Telling someone that if they were going to do it, they wouldn't talk about is the wrong attitude because it is possible they will do either or maybe even think about it for a long time or years, even if it doesn't happen. 

In most people even they tell things they may not tell everything. Don't get me wrong when I say this, the idea of writing this post is to want as many to speak up and stay alive as long as possible, and losing people is really not my intentions but it is possible for people to feel and fear to end it all because of what others may think and fear.

 Meaning we want the pain to end but not lose people through it. The answer to that is giving people a voice where they don't need to fear saying how they feel, which we know, it's still not going to help everyone because everyone has a choice, we cannot focus people to talk and not to, which would be the wrong thing to do, even though the idea is to trying let people know we are here to try and help if they need us but anything we cannot manage ourselves, we need to learn how to get help elsewhere and who. 

It is down to all of us to make a world, that there is no, fear, shame, guilt, etc to talk but for many people that may take the time or and not at all. http://www.awp.nhs.uk/advice-support/conditions/suicidal-feelings/online-suicide-awareness-training/

 Mental health and Mental - ill health can be serious if not taken seriously.

Look out for those you know, look out for one another

 Mental health awareness and other problems are every days because people who face them live with them every day. Mental - ill-health is hidden but can be very serious and hard to see unless the person shows how they are really feeling, which can be very for them because it is mostly misunderstood. 

Look out for those you know and one another. 

The Covid lockdown had increased Mental health due to people not being able to see people they know face to face, even though most people are keeping in touch with people online. Not everyone is online for whatever reason, could be because of safety, can't access the internet, etc. https://www.mind.org.uk/get-involved/mental-health-awareness-week/

Mental health isn't all black and white, many may tend to misunderstand us as negative people all the time, which not the case, however, we do struggle inside ourselves. A person can feel sad, down, angrily, etc with or without a reason.

 Why is without a reason, it is hard for anyone to understand even the person themselves. If you face someone facing this don't do anything you cannot cope with yourself. Ask them if they want to talk? 

If no accept their answer, if yes listen to them. Either way, if your in this person's company a lot and you have concerns they may be feeling how they are feeling more than a few days this can be concerning.

Let them know you're there for them to talk to if they wish to anytime. 

 Ask them how they are feeling but don't ask, what why etc unless they give you permission to do so, they may not have an answer, whichever way is concerning but not knowing why themselves is more concerning.

 As I said in a lot of my posts, the person must get their own rights and choices as much as possible, but if it's concerning their safety, others, or you, you need to make the person aware you need to get help and why. 

It may be that they may not like it while feeling the state of mind they are in. It is never easy because all you want to do is please the person but there's every chance when the person is better they will thank you for getting the help when they were unwell, the last thing you want is to put them in danger. With the state of mind, they are in they may not thank you at the time but they may thank you when they are better, therefore if needs be for your safety, maybe make you have someone you know with you if they are not there call them to be with you and say why they may send someone else you know to you if they cannot. 

If someone opens up to you about their mental health, you need to take them seriously. For a number of years now,  even more so since Covid, cost of living, Ukraine, Russian, Gaza was etc. There have been been funding cuts, waiting lists etc on services, charities etc. you do not need to be trained and qualified in mental health, counseling etc. you just may need to learn  to give basic support and try to help them to get trained and qualified help. 

 If the person may be in risk of danger to others or and themselves, depending what they have told you, if you have to leave, find someone to be there for them and see that they get them professional help if needs be. 

 Make sure you take them somewhere private to talk. if you have to leave and there are people around somewhere, if you are concerned for the person’s, make someone aware but what the person tells you is confidential. 

 One never knows if they are going to come across people they don't know, that they may have concerns that they may be struggling if you wish to try to help do, but be careful mainly with those you don't know and those that don't know you. https://www.mentalhealth.org.uk/publications/supporting-someone-mental-health-problem https://www.supportline.org.uk/problems/suicide/  https://www.centreformentalhealth.org.uk/helplines-and-crisis-contacts  


 It is understandable that the more we hear about Mental health,  sorry to say the reason why there's so much awareness but not enough because it's so real. Yet even these days hard for many to believe because it's so hidden to believe it is so real. It has increased more so since the Covid lockdown started in March 20220. https://www.mind.org.uk/information-support/types-of-mental-health-problems/statistics-and-facts-about-mental-health/how-common-are-mental-health-problems/

Regardless of how concerning Mental -ill-health is, no one can expect everyone to have an interest, and as much as it may feel too much hearing about it, it is a huge concern for those around us, even ourselves and those we don't know. Most of the time we don't know who's facing it and whose not. Regardless of today's awareness, we don't know all who may be facing because some maybe people we don't know.

 Mental - ill-health is a sensitive and even personal subject to most people, which could be hard for them to talk to even people they know and even more so people they don't know. 

To most people, it can be so personal and sensitive, even still today it can be misunderstood but many years ago, even more so most people were afraid to talk about it to anyone in case people misunderstood them for some they were not.

 No one should have to feel that way, which is why personally I think anyway, it is so important that people should be allowed voice to speak about it to those who they want to speak about too but as it is hard on people it is also understandable why people may struggle to do so. However' everyone who faces Mental - ill-health is naturally different so really except anything off anyone.  https://www.nhs.uk/mental-health/

I know it's not about my opinion and there is no right or wrong, but sorry I am saying it how it is by my experience and surely I am not alone, which why I am saying it. Don't get me wrong, I cannot speak for others and I am not saying the advice around Mental ill-health is wrong but Mental - ill health can take a lot out of people.

 I am not saying everything but some things are easy said than done because Mental - ill health can in many of us affect motivation.

 Although I have said Mental - ill-health needs a voice that's easy said than done. For example; I heard people say over the years, on the other hand, bottling things up does you no good. Don't get wrong, that's very true but a lot of people find it very hard, mainly over personal things and to those they don't know and it shocking to know some struggle seem to open up their own parents, families, etc even let alone their friends, partners, etc. Which why I say no one is forced to talk or not to talk. 

I have even heard people say males struggle more so than females but probley true in most cases but then I guess can vary. 

 Yet for most of us, we are going so out of our mind, we are struggling not to talk to someone. 

Sorry, I cannot help but say yet again why suggesting things to people because don't get me wrong when I say this of course no matter who or what we are we don't to be forced to do or not to do anything, even though there are some things in life don't get us a choice but with Mental- ill-health motivation isn't thing which mostly isn't because may not want to do or not do whatever necessary, but Mental ill - health can affect engry, self - esteem, confidence, etc for example, which be some, one or all of those things.  

Where they may be ready now, in the future, or not at all, which could be a number of things, reading a book, writing a diary, exercise, relaxation, going back to work, etc. If or when they do something etc may not be a huge thing for you but a huge achievement for them. For etc, they have no confidence to try at the start their therapy program, they may be suddenly doing it six months later or do something that they haven't talked about, which is even more of an achievement.

 My advice is not chasing and pushing the person but suggesting. For example; when I faced my breakdown, I didn't even tell my counselor I was into writing and yet when I got into poetry and showed him, he was amazed because I was getting all that was bothering me on paper. 

What you suggest they either try or don't but they don't, my advice is don't say things like. " Well you haven't tried anything I have suggested, there's no way going to go very far." Instead of which. Say what I have suggested maybe or not you will decide to try what I suggested in the future."

Now on the other side of the coin, you don't deserve bad attitudes, swearing, abuse, etc. Yes, I know sorry I have said this a few posts ago, but there's a fine line on what Mental ill-health and purpose behaviors, which I know is hard but needs to be looked into because your safety matters as well. 

 Let the person talk and say how they are feeling.

Focus on the person’s safety and yours, they may not be ready for advice yet.

They may just want to talk things off their chest.

If you have any concerns they may hurt, harm themselves or and be danger, call the police.

Sign post them to such local mental health services such as the Samaritans or local mental health crisis team such as Black country line 0345 6460827

How to notice someone is struggling emotionally.

Feeling restless

Feeling anxious

Feeling stressed

Looking tired

Not much energy

Trying to avoid people

Not taking interest, focusing or and enjoying anything

Not being their normal self

Having a lot of drugs, alcohol etc

Talking mostly negative mostly in themselves, such as blaming themselves, feeling useless etc.

They may not respond to phone calls, emails, text, messages etc

Feeling trapped in a situation, if things change, the may struggle to move forward, find the change hard to accept and see a way forward. For eg, broken relationship, marriage, loss of job, business, death of people, someone etc.

A little, too much of things compare to they are normally, such as sleeping, eating etc.

Crisis situation maybe

Death of people they know.

Relationship or marriage break up

Job loss, changes

Business loss, changes

Housing problems

Money problems

Education and learning stress, struggling with study, exam nervous etc

Bully, abuse etc


Depression, Anxiety, and other Mental illnesses

Disability issues etc

Feeling a burden to others etc

Offer them support if you and they feel comfortable.

The unknown is hard, but most people may not talk because they may be afraid of the reaction of others, they may fear to be misunderstood, they may fear what others may think of them, they may only talk to certain people depending on the situation, they may feel comfortable talking to people they know, they feel comfortable talking to those they do not know.

Everyone is different.

 Some may think they can manage the problem themselves, but it is not always the case, many may feel otherwise.

 Either we cannot make people talk or not to. However,’ with some just because they may not talk now, they may in the future.

 No one is made to talk as I said but nothing goes away if you don’t however’ nothing can be promised to necessary can be sorted but it take more than one person, service etc before it does.

Despite of counsellors etc having to work to privacy rules etc some people may not want to talk to a complete stranger about their problems as others maybe fine to do so.

Who do you or someone else feel comfortable about to talking about what to who, what and where?

What sort of problem can you listen to what someone maybe facing?  For example: money problems, relationship problems, family problems, school, college, bullying, abuse, struggling through education, supporting people through trying to get off or and down drugs, alcohol etc.


It is easy to worry about talking to someone if you are concerned in case, you may be wrong or you make them react worse without mean to?

 Shall I say something or not?

 What is the right thing to say?

 Will they wonder why I am trying to talk to them, or will they thank me for trying?

They are struggling one way or another.

No one is focus to talk or focus not to talk so do not make them talk of they do not want to.

Whether someone is struggling or not, it is not easy to tell, they may or not show they these signs below, some of them, one of them all of them or even other signs.

It is even harder to know if you do not know someone.

Try to have as much time as the person needs, if not find someone who may.

If the person does talk let them talk as long or as short as they want to.

 Do not rush them, do not interrupt unless they ask you to etc, otherwise wait until they have finished.

Write down or type what the person has said.

When you have finished read what you have wrote to them just to see if you have understood what they have said correctly.


If you have concerns that they may be thinking about suicide, self-harm etc whether it is online or somewhere else, if they things like I want to give up.

Suicide awareness and support

 How we think and react to life and what's happening around us may be different to other people, there shouldn't be any shame in it whatever is happening and whatever someone thinks and how they feel inside, etc.

 Not always someone agrees with someone but it doesn't give a reason for them to make them feel guilty about how they think, feel, react or even interact with how their life is, which may put a lot of people off going for help and support even though it is out there these days.

 No one is forced to talk and no one forced not to talk.

 However' coping and struggling alone is not easy.

 It is down to us as human beings to make each other feel it's okay for those to talk not so much want to talk but feel they can if they want to. 

No matter what we think about what people say, we should not judge, discriminate or make them feel ashamed of their way of thinking. 

What they may talk about is life around them, their situation, and possibly the people in their lives, it's not right for us to judge that, etc whatever we may think, their thoughts matter not ours. 

It is down to us to show concern.

Listen to what the person says. 

Be easy for them to talk to, even if we don't always agree but don't show opinions unless they ask for it. However' when comes to counseling etc, you need to force it all on the person not what you think. 

By all means, give out suggestions, for example, this is what could happen if you climb that mountain.

Not for example; Don't climb that mountain you will fall. There's a difference between say don't and you could fall if you do.

Never tell someone not to do something or do something. 

Never tell someone to stop or start doing something but you can say what could happen if they do or don't in the case may be.

If someone feels forced into something they may feel less likely to open up to anyone and keep how they feeling about what's bothering them to themselves, which there risk of them feeling more and more than life is not worth living.

 However' mostly they feel they want to end their pain, not their life, not sure where to turn, and may not know how long they can cope, and may not feel strong even though may be stronger than they feel they are. https://www.helpguide.org/articles/suicide-prevention/suicide-prevention.htt


Suicide awareness and support part one

 According to the World Health Organize, there is about 1 million people have died each year from Suicide. What causes this is unknown and why this happens, only those who face Mental health ourselves. This may not be always life around one.

 This is where Mental health can be misunderstood for people being ungrateful to life. Whether you have everything or nothing at all, it's hard to understand those of us who may feel sad, angrily, etc at any time, any place, anywhere.  Not even we ourselves know why, we just feel as we do no matter what, which most times has nothing to do with what is going on around us and with and without a reason for us to feel how we feel. 

Like I said in past posts there was a time, if you were down, sad, angrily, moody, etc for no one reason, most people would see you as behaving purposely and intentionally, moody, nasty, naughty, attention-seeking, etc. Pretty much you were made to feel ashamed, guilty, etc. This shouldn't be the case.

 We wonder why so many may not go for help, sadly there can be loads of reasons why not. Bearing in mind we are considering people of all ages. Sorry to sound outdated but as crazy as it sounds it's true, those of us who were alive in the 70s, 80s, even before then, and even in the 90s say the start 2000s. The reason why I say this is because I would say gladly that awareness of Mental health I think has raised in the last 10 years. 

 Most of them were around before the 70s to say early 2000s, we lived in a time there was no help and support, although I would say through the 90s there was just starting to be. 

Many probley still are sadly used to struggling alone somehow because they were told and knew nothing else from childhood to learn to live with whatever to a point when counseling was possible many of us feared in case whoever we were talking to thought we were nuts, which is what I worried about when it was often to me in my late 20s. 

Others may fear judgment, stigma, discrimination, which was very much the case for years, mainly if a lot of young people have told off their parent what they may have faced, etc what they faced when they were their age, etc. This is where we need to keep on improving and thinking about how we word things to our clients by not making them feel ashamed, guilty, etc of however they feeling about whatever it may. 

Loss of life is always the heart of breaking for people who know people or a person, mainly when it comes to family.

 The hardest thing is most don't always open up, which may be depending on what they are facing in their lives etc.

 This is not an easy one because if they don't open up to tell anyone what they are facing, it's impossible to understand why the person is feeling the need to feel they just cannot live anymore. 

However' Depression for example can vary to different people and it's never easy when there is no reason why the person feels as they do and not really even the person themselves know why. 

Therefore can it be that there can be a risk of an increase of the way people are feeling to the risk of suicide without a reason? 

I may be wrong but I would guess so the reason for that is when there's nothing to tell anyone and they may feel embarrassed ashame, guilty etc even more so worrying they may put others through any trouble, which is the most concerning one because they have nothing to feel bad about and we shouldn't make them feel that way. 

This I would say is the most worse depression of all with there been nothing to tell, it's most likely we are not going to know people are facing this, even those we are aware most people could be, which is not easy to save people if they feel at that stage, cause we don't know who is feeling this way. 

However' we can let them know we understand that we are not going to know why they feel as they do those that do but we are here to help or and we are willing to find help, and they don't have to go through this alone. They don't need a reason to feel as they do. 

People can feel these emotions with or without reason, which may be both some people or one or the other in others at different times. We shouldn't judge this and we shouldn't make them feel negative as do already, it's not always easy but we need to look to reasons why they feel as they do if there is a reason and how we can suggest things to them, this could be whether there's a reason or not by talking to them about things they may enjoy. 

 I am raising awareness to hopefully put a stop to this as much as possible. People feeling down, sad, angrily, etc a lot not just now and then are possible signs of Mental health. Don't get me wrong, there are concerns that there are behaviors that may affect people themselves and others around them but there should be a help, treatment support, counseling, theory, etc to people manage their Mental health. 

Everyone needs a voice no one should be afraid to talk to anyone they choose to. Some people may feel comfortable talking to counselors, theist, friends, family, etc, this may vary depending on what people are wanting to talk about. It should be a two-way give-and-take situation between the person who is facing mental health and the person to who they are talking to.

 Don't get me wrong we all know Mental health can be very serious if not supported but also not all can be left them to the person who is supporting, counseling, etc. The person is facing whatever' they facing needs to do as much as they can do to help themselves and that means trying things that the counselors, theist, etc suggestions. However' that cannot be excepted in everything but if every way the counselor is trying to help the person is not doing so etc, there's no need for them to carry on the sessions. However, this can depend on the person receiving help, the situation, etc. The counselor, theists, etc isn't there to do things for the person but to empower them. By suggesting things that may improve things for the person. The choice is down to the person themselves if they try what is suggested or not. https://www.nhs.uk/mental-health/nhs-voluntary-charity-services/nhs-services/

Suicide awareness and support part 2

 Just to say in the UK the suicide death rate is 11.2 according to google. They say in 2017 to 2018, there was an increase of 1.0 of the population. They think was the lowest since 1981.

 However, I will try to be careful how I say this regarding those who have lost people they know to suicide. 

The numbers of people who are facing Mental health as a whole in the UK are very high. According to Rethink 80 percent of people facing Mental health these days and it sounds as it has mostly increased in the last year to a year and a half due to lockdown.

 At least 60 present worrying about their families and maybe even friends etc facing Covid and they have felt affected by not seeing them, which that adds up to around 69 percent.

about 40 percent of people Rethink said, less support is affecting them mainly in Mental health it's from Mental health services. My question is how and why is to this? Could it be because through lockdown people have been having to access support etc online more so compared to before the lockdown? 

What is also concerning is about 36 percent of people who Rethink support say they haven't booked appointments because they worried about catching the Covid and they fear Bur-ding the NHS or and case there were no appointments possible. 

29 percent of people find their Mental health and the lockdown have had a big effect on their employment. 

Like everything, there are advantages and disadvantages. There are advantages and disadvantages of online access even though there has been no other choice through the lockdown. Not everyone knows how to use everything online access at least I don't anyway. Some Mental health services cost and others do.

 Some may be costly to a lot of people mainly for those who have not been working through the lockdown etc.

 Therefore, not saying but some people such as myself,  who have or and may have faced Mental health through the lockdown may have had no choice but to just get on with it, which most people who may be or may have faced the same, would possibly say the same as me, it hasn't been easy. 

However' yes I admit the Samaritans are just a call away, guess many of us don't think about it really, and maybe because we were locked down from everything else I guess. https://www.rethink.org/help-in-your-area/services/advice-and-helplines/

You must wonder why I am writing about suicide awareness and prevention.https://www.samaritans.org/about-samaritans/research-policy/suicide-facts-and-figures/latest-suicide-data/

This is understandable because it is a sensitive subject but it needs to be understood why people may feel as they do. At the same time I want to try and save as many lives as possible so people feel at ease to tell people what is bothering them as much as possible.https://www.supportline.org.uk/


This is not an easy subject to write about but I feel it is important for us to learn support as many people  possible to live. 

A lot of people may struggle to talk about how they feel. They may worry about worrying people. They may feel guilty about their feelings and thoughts even if they don’t need to be.

Of course family, friends, other people they know matter. Losing people and animals in your lives are huge losses. 

The first thing that goes through a lot of people’s minds, when they hear about people thinking about talking own lives, having suicidal feelings or and taking their own lives, that the person does not think about how the people they know feel. They are neither right or wrong. Of course it is a complete heartbreak for those who know them like parents, family, friends and more. Also, when feeling so low in yourself to a point you feel as if you are not going to get through. You see no way of coping, when in the moment of dispear you don’t feel strong as if you cannot see how you can bounce back.https://www.samaritans.org/support-us/campaign/world-suicide-prevention-day/


People’s reactions may not be the only reason, there may be all sorts of  reasons and different situations hit different people in different ways. With some things it may be  hard for one person to why a certain thing may hit them harder than them. 

Therefore’ not saying it will help with everyone but there may be times I come out with May be the wrong things to say, the wrong tone etc, meaning we all or a lot of us may need to make each feel as  relaxed to talk to one another as much as possible. Others reasons may be some people may worry how they going to tell someone and what they will say and think.

Don’t get me wrong I welcome people to talk but I don’t force people to do and do not  force people  to-talk either.

As much as everyone’s feelings count and it is understandable why those around the people will feel hurt.

We don’t know how long someone has been struggling but however long or short, they feel as if they have the weight of the world on their shoulders. 

We don’t know why and how they struggling unless they tell us but there may be all sorts of reasons why they may not say either. 

This is why it is important to not judge and not to make them felt guilty about how the problem is driving the person or and what is making them feel unhappy and to remember sometimes in some people it is no reason at all. 

I understand when it is no reason it maybe hard you understand why someone feels unhappy and why this unhappy. 

It not be the case for everyone but the most common reason when there is no reason is very  often loneliness.

It might be if someone has lost their careers such as job, business loss etc. Money problems. 

Therefore, it is easy for us to say go on a course for example but if they can’t afford that, it may not be an easy one for them. They may or may not feel ready yet.

Therefore, you may suggest asking what they enjoy hobby wise for example, this may or may not help or take time till it does as when not feeling one’s self some people may not be able to force on even the things they normally enjoy. 

Truthfully none  of us really know our strengths and even weaknesses, when in the moments of negativity, the reaction of different people and different situations life throws at us, is different. 

For eg; there could be a difference between how we react to a person who doesn’t want to know us anymore to if someone we know dies.

Even then some of us are more sensitive and we may feel less stronger than others. 

As much as everyone’s feelings matter, without putting any shame and guilt anyone. 

I cannot help but say because  it is most likely true. 

One of reasons most people may not try to get help is because they may be afraid of upsetting others why they feel that way and how they may react in other ways even. This is very concerning.

Examples of possible reasons, loneliness. Money problems, cost of living housing problems, social ing problems such as family, friends, and other people we know, careers problems, cuts,  job, business losses etc.

People could be struggling with their own problems, feelings and emotions. 

They may feel alone in their thoughts because they may worry about people’s’ reaction, that  may upset people how the problem is driving them to do. 

It is important we learn to make people feel comfortable so people feel they can talk to us but not to say it is going to encourage and empower everyone.

Chapter nine 

What is Anxiety, anger and ADHD ? 

What is anger?What is the difference, the same, similar between anger and anxiety?

Human behavior

There are at least five types of human behavior mentally, physically, socially, psychologically. 

As we all know friendships and relationships link to social behavior, which is sociology, mental behavior psychology. 

One of the causes in some cases etc  not necessarily all. Is peoples’ family, background and or upbringing. 

Some people may have been raised for it to be okay to behave angry, aggressive, or violently towards others,  which is hard for us who haven’t been raised that way to understand that. However’ we all have faults every single one of us but how we behave is all different  extremes.

You may have been bought up to not complain about anything, which behavior wise is good in the sense of health and safety but what is not good to keep negative inside of you but also not to bring your self down to someone else’s level. Therefore, what is the answer to all this?

Anger is an emotional reaction. 

It can make people stressed, anxious, emotional and even depressed. Ashamed, embarrassed, helpless, hopeless, useless, jealous, grief, frustrated, insecure, loneliness etc.

People with Autism face high levels of anxiety but that doesn’t mean other people don’t too. 

For eg; struggling with changes.

Like when routine have to change, which may take some getting used to. 

The unexpected may make them feel stressed, anxious, even angrily. 

When someone is scared of a certain situation but have no choice of the matter, which make them stressed, angry, anxious etc. 

Anger is not always to do with mental illnesses necessarily in some people in some situations.

Never judge a book by its cover, never judge what you don’t know.

However’ there could be many reasons why a person feel angry. Things that make them emotional. Where they feel attacked, controlled, powerless, by whatever might bother them.

For example; the way the governments runs countries but it plays on different peoples’ more so than others. 

There are different levels of anger and behavior. We  need to work out the different extremes of anger and behaviors in the people’s mental health, health and safety. 

It is easy when one thinks of the word anger and what it means that one understandably wants to shy away from it because in case someone is a problem.  The truth is meaning it can be one or both reasons or no reason at all. 

This mean someone maybe facing a problem with themselves or and someone else. That does not mean it makes it right or wrong but whatever it is, it is not making that person themselves or and they may be feeling this way for no reason. 

This is not good because it is an emotional, no one should feel ashamed, judged etc but the safety of themselves and others matters. 

However’ it is also not good  to ignore that emotional to a point it bothers the person more and more. The problem is how to draw the line for the person not harming themselves or and others or or just ignoring the feeling, which doesn’t do anyone any good, which fearing upsetting others maybe one of the reasons why most people don’t try to get help for their mental health. 

At the same time though, in some things, anger is a natural reaction. 

In some cases anger is as strange as it sounds normal, healthily,  and natural where not everyone may disagree on how a person may feel because they may feel the same way, depending what the situation is but anger is how someone feels inside themselves. Yes, there are times that someone or and something is to blame but how do we deal with it in the safest possible way? That is the question. 

It can be easy when we are the moment to say or and do the wrong thing. Where we need to think of whatever is bothering us to think of ways that are not going to get us into trouble.

Some things may play on the mind more so than others.

Therefore, for example; Anxiety can cause someone to be thinking about the same thing none stop. Mainly if someone is worried about  about something or and someone. 

People have choices whether or not they open up how they feel inside but knowing what and why people are angry, should help mental health workers  to get the right support and help for them. 

There could be more than one reason. To know someone is able to take time to understand them.

It can be hard for most people why the past of negative experiences can haunt most people for so long.

Again no is forced to what  they don’t want or do.  In fact the truth probably is not so much  most people don’t want help but the fact they may not know what to except. Most have coped alone so long they may not be used to any other way. It may take them their own time or not all to have the confidence, self - esteem to try even. 

Most people may have seen  as children and young people their parents or, and other adult’s anger get out of control with each other or and even other people.

There are advantages and disadvantages of these emotions coming out but anger is not nice to see.

For eg; parents and families understandably don’t like to be shown up in public but then it is hard to know when is the best time for them to express themselves and how.

What is Anxiety?

Anxiety is a feeling  of panic,



Hyperventilation, sweating, trembling, intense heat rate,  

worry, nervousness etc to a point most

 people over worrying, thinking,lot, even  tension ,depending how 

severe the person is facing even risk of 

heart attacks, panic attacks, strokes 

even deaths, 

it not always the case but can be. 

Types of Anxiety.

The person could have a mixture of emotions where they want to meet new people of things changing whether it is good or bad, just the fact something is new.

They may struggle to move on from may be some negative situations from their past. 

They may struggle to have trust in others., which may be a fear whether they have Autism or not.

Post traumatic stress disorder. 

Depression, anxiety and hopelessness.

Struggling to enjoy activities they may normally or and used to enjoy.

Nightmares, flashbacks, hearing, seeing things they may worry or and even panic about.

They may worry about what someone may say, reaction etc. 

Non stop thinking what’s happened or and what may happen. 

They may struggle to stop thinking once someone has or tried to trauma them. 

Finding it hard to sleep at night or any time, insomnia.

Any situation can cause PTSD such as road accidents, sexual assault,  abuse, mugging, robbery, health problems, child birth experiences etc. These situations can haunt the mind for a long time or forever. Really nothing goes away but most of us learn to live with the fact whatever happened.

You might need to learn about other types of Anxiety such as.

Types of Anxiety to search engine.

Body dysmorphic disorders, OCD, General anxiety, GAD,  phobias, agoraphobia, separation anxiety disorder, selective. Anxiety and more https://www.mind.org.uk/information-support/types-of-mental-health-problems/anxiety-and-panic-attacks/anxiety-disorders/

Interduction to Epilepsy.

Seizures may bought on by stress, Anxiety, panic, tension etc apart from others causes such as brain damage, injuries, trauma etc. 

The person may be diagnosed 

by their GP,

 if they have a lot of 

seizures a lot times 

rather than just now

 and then. 

Seizures can start at any age for length of time, stop any length of time, they stop for life or come back, no one knows if or when. 

There  can be difference in time to how long someone is having a seizure for to how long someone is having to be on medication for.

 Just because your seizures may stop for however long does not make you none Epileptic, even they never come back again, it is there in your history. It is a very strange condition where different people who face, face it differently.

For eg; I was born with Epilepsy, I had seizures from birth and taken off medication when I was twelve to thirteen then I was seizure free till I was thirty - one years old till I was forty - three. 

what cause Epilepsy and what causes people to have seizures?

Really the cause of Epilepsy is what it is.

It can be a number of things like a lot of stress, tumor, electricity to the brain, chemicals etc; even if the person is worrying a lot about something, someone etc, lack sleep, even too much sleep even panic and maybe more.https://www.epilepsy.com/causes

This could also be if a lot is playing on the mind such as emotional issues, which may affect other issues with their health as well mental health illness such as Money problems, house problems, moving house, falling out or and breaking up with, friends, family, partner, one the other or all three, deaths of people they know etc.

Epilepsy can be a death risk it’s self but not everyone faces it. https://www.cdc.gov/epilepsy/about/types-of-seizures.htm Seizures like most conditions, problems etc can be from mild, moderate, severe, minor, major etc. My seizures for eg; have been what used to call at the start of my life in the 70s Petty mall, most people have gram mall, chronic Tonic, there is more in the link I put on.  https://www.cdc.gov/epilepsy/about/first-aid.htm

A panic attack and an epileptic fit 

can be very similar.

Epileptic seizures do not tend to last long

 on the whole where as Anxiety panics 

attacks can tend to last up to twenty minutes 

on the whole, according to Google. 


The signs of Anxiety panic attacks and epileptic seizures understandably people may get confused with, the link I have just put should tell you why and this is, or could be. 

Anxiety can be a sense of fear and panic, 

even a sense of anger, worry or and fear, 

whether the person is fearing or and worrying 

about happens or not. 

Seizures and panic attacks can be similar 

in a sense that it can be do with the Nerva 

system, such as headaches, dizziness, choking,

 shaking, going hot and cold, pins and needles,

 electrical shocks etc. There can be times a 

person may not be aware what is going on 

around but it is not necessarily so that 

everyone faces that.

There are also similar links between Anxiety, 

Autism and ADHD. 

Autism sure can cause high Anxiety 

and even stress levels it is most common

 for those  who face Autism to be sensitive

 change and some things changing, the unexpected, 

built up to positive changes such as studying for 

exams, taking exams, driving lessons, driving tests, 

moving house, even leaving one country.

Fits Epilepsy. Why have I not been well for twelve months or so? What's wrong with me? My body is like a moving machine as I get shock in my knees and legs. I start shaking as I get a headache. Fits feel like storms through my head. Water is fusing inside my head. All my muscles go very tense which is caused by stress. My brain gives me a message to my body. I feel and go dizzy through a lack of food and drink. My head is aching as if someone has put a bomb inside it. I have been feeling sick, dizzy, shaky and my head feels heavy. Flashing lights are worse and when the sun gets in my eyes. When opening my eyes it's like my eyes flicker at anything flashing as if I'm going blind. Loud knocking sounds and fire works make me jump out my skin and scars me to death, mainly on Bonfire night. Many different sounds can bring on a fit. Time to lye down, let the fit stop in it's own time as I sleep it off. In the mean time it feels like wires are going through my head. Fuses are blowing everywhere like the wind and the rain coming together the same as thundering and lighting. 26.5.2002 

Hello everybody


 moving to another as much as even moving areas,

 It is not negative things their lives such as bad 

new that can affect people but the build up of 

positive as well but then passes

 if whatever is achieved successfully.

 This may-bring on meltdowns but some meltdowns 

can be more severe than others,

 which maybe caused by Autism

 or ADHD or and the treatment they 

make having such as medication, 

which may need to be looked into, 

it may be different for different people.

Anxiety and ADHD are are separate problems, 

Anxiety is a mental illness and 

ADHD is developmental condition similar to Autism.

 However’ there is a strong link between the two.

 Like struggling to focus on things, 

insomnia which causes a lack of sleep, 

it is likely to affect most people’s moods, 

frustration, struggling to do and finish a 

course or task on time for example, 

Surely there is a link between Anxiety

 and seizures.certain Google researches,

 other years of writing 

 this book, 

not everyone but in some people that 

Shingles can be contacted.https://www.healthcentral.com/article/shingles-and-stress


Anxiety and stress. 

It may depend  on how something 

may be bothering or and worrying them.

stress is the worse  death risk of all. 

Each and every person copes with it differently.

 https://www.nhsinform.scot/illnesses-and-conditions/mental-health/anxiety If or and when we 

worry too much the risk is that 

we may get  depressed. 

Also, what is a part of Anxiety is apart of 

thinking to point  like one’s mind is

 none stop chatting to one’s self or

 not at to a point we can’t think at-all,

 which is all to do with the mind, 

where at times we can over thinking

 or not  at all and even over worry, 

where it can keep us a wake at night,

 which is insomnia. 

It is not just the negative things 

can be stressful but the build up of 

positive things too like achieving and learning, 

studying, exams, driving lessons, driving tests etc.

Therefore what do we worrying about?

  For eg; Money problems , moving house, job loss, exams, and more.

How do we help people get through it?

 Sadly we can’t help with everything 

because we are only trained and qualified 

for so much but we don’t have the same 

strength and weaknesses, this could  

be someone you work with, your manager, 

you could sigh post or and referral 

the person to services that are trained 

and qualified to help the person.

 Yes I know this is all very me 

saying that as due to the cost of 

living funding could be cut etc. 

This is easy to say to be honest, 

help and support off people you may know,

 friends, family etc.

The difference, 

the same if not similar between 

Anxiety and ADHD.

If you have Anxiety you may find it hard

 to focus on things  but if you have ADHD 

you find it hard to focus most of the time

 but if you have both the level are high,

 therefore’ they are similar but the difference

 is if any, it may depend whether or not you 

are worrying a lot.

 You have to have Autism to have high 

stress levels but most people with Autism  

have high stress levels of Anxiety and 

most have ADHD.

 However’ it is possible for ADHD to 

affect people physically, mentally or both. 

ADHD stands for Attention Deficit 

Hyperactivity Disorder, it affects concentration.

 This is because  ADHD can cause short attention

 span, restlessness, fidgety, being impulsive,

 physical and verbal behaviors, snuggling with

 education, employment, they may need 

quite a bit of support to be successful and 

get the work done in it’s time limits at same

 time as other people whether it is work, study, 

causes etc.

The person may be very anxious or and excited. 

For example; an excited, we can be happy 

with positive things and there is no wrong in that. 

With ADHD it cause a person to become over excited

 in there reaction but there is nothing wrong in that 

either. Anxiousness  

as I said before can work in positive as 

negative reactions to situations. 

With positives it is likely to be for example;

 the build up of working positive things, studying, exams, driving lessons and driving tests etc. 

Negative and positive ways can build up a person’s stress levels in positive and negative ways, even built up of positive changes.

When it is a negative experience, it could be something unexpected to them, something changing negative ways etc, which we all may need to face but exscream of the person’s reaction, if they do not want to do something or and go somewhere etc. 

Help support you can offer for those

 who may let you try to help them. 

No one knows everything including me. 

Counseling, emotional support,

 medication, mindfulness, creativity

 therapy, talking therapy and more. https://www.bbc.co.uk/newsround/25036313



Going by my own experience has taught me 

and this example of any disability, illness, 

conditions etc, health prossionals

 need to look into whether meditations

 are causing these sort of

 problems or is it part of the person’s 

conditions etc.


Chapter ten What is depression.

Depression is very known illness and can be serious as well. It can be very misunderstood where others may think you being purposely moody but that is not case. It can vary from person to person where to some people it can something bothering, others it can be no reason at all, others each spell can vary from being a reason to not being reason.

It is not uncommon to feel negative at times, sad, fed up low etc.

We can all feel down at times but if it carries on longer than necessary, it is a huge concern. 

Depression can make it hard for people to focus on things, even in things you are interested in, and the world around us. It affects your the way your mood, how feel, think, even how you behave, react, even interact. It is like you whole world shuts down on you and black cloud goes over you.

Cases of this can vary to the person, maybe the type of Depression they face, whether or not there is a reason for feeling as they do, there is a reason whatever is bothering them, how long they may have been struggling along, if they told someone, even the support they may have received or and sorts of reasons.

To the point what this chapter is about. What is depression? 

Depression is a low mood, it is more than just feeling under the weather. It can go on for any length of time not just a day, few days, a week etc. It can be several days or even months, which can due to concern. Where depression can affects everyday life. 

From my experience, depression can go up and down for different lengths of time, spells, different reasons or and no reasons.

Depression is not a mood disorder that people can easily snap out of.  Conditions etc are easily misunderstood and even misdiagnosed. Hopefully we are getting better at understanding. 

How we feel should not be taken out on others. However’ it has come a long way to what it used to be but we still have long way to go.

For eg; when I was a child, you were seen but not heard, least it seemed that way. People would see it as you were in a mood and you need to snap out of it. Like it is something to be ashamed of, you need to shake it off. No but yes, it can take time. 

People would uses sayings like you have a face like a wet weekend. 

One of major types of depression part from major depression is Bipolar where you can feel very up and down. 

Symptoms of bipolar.

Depression very low mood.

Mania feeling high and overactive. 

Depression feeling sad and hopeless.

Not able to concentrate. 

Lack of energy.

Emptiness or and worthless.

Guilt and despair 

Self -doubt 

Lack of appetite

Mana feelings.

Very happy 

Talking very quickly 

Full of energy 

Self - important 

Great ideas, important plans

Easily distracted 

Easily irrupted or agitated 

Delusional, hallucinations, disturbed or illogical thinking 

Not feeling like sleeping 

 The person may spend a large amount of money 

Making decisions out of character that maybe risky and harmful

What is major depression? 

Major depression is a new form of clinical depression. It can be caused by very low mood, self - esteem and lack of interest in things someone would be interested in normally. 

It is one of the commonest types of depression that can be linked to other types of depression. 

It can affect families, personal relationships, friendships, studying, work and more. 

This could be linked to such types of depression as seasonal affective disorder (sad),  Postpartum depression and psychosis. 

Symptoms of depression.

Feeling unhappy a lot, feeling hopeless a lot, it may affect all if not most aspects of a person’s life.

Such as work, education, social lives, home life and more. 

Psychological systems.

 Low mood, upset, crying, a lot.

Feeling guilty, irritated, intolerant towards people, feeling they should avoid people, no motivation, no energy, finding hard to decide what to do, even not to, finding it hard to enjoy life, having suicidal feelings, thoughts of may also self - harm etc. 

Physical symptoms.

Moving or and speaking slower than normal,  changes in weight,  changes in diet, eating more or less than normal.

Conslipation, aches, pains, low sex drive, there maybe changes in  the person’s menstrual cycle, lack of  or too much sleep, waking up too early or late. 

Social symptoms.

Not doing well at school, work etc, grieving people  they know who have died, relationship break up, fall outs, family, friends etc.

There is mild, minor and major depression that all have an effect on every day lives. 

Treatment and support.

Grief bereavement for people who have lost people, animals, pets etc, types of medication, types of therapy. For example; psychotherapy, cognitive behavioral therapy, Electroconvulsive therapy, premenstrual. 



It is important to understand what person wants and does want is important. 

Whether or not and 

who they open up to 

is their choice no one 

else’s and they do, 

if they do.

 No matter what we think

 all we can do is, 

let them know we if are 

there for them if or 

and they want to open 

up to us. 

However’ need to let know

 if we are concerned 

about the health and 

safety we need make 

somewhere or and someone

 who is more trained 

and qualified than we 

are to deal with 

whatever  that maybe.


However’ some people’s  crises may not as bad as other. Although’ there are concerns and risks with all types of illnesses that they make people risk to others or and their selves but it is not always necessary the case it is with every crisis a person may have or may be with every person you try to support.

 Each crisis I have had myself, some have not been as bad as others. 

I would say at five times I have felt as if I was not to make it and each time, I have been wrong.

 I only once took an overdose and that over the epileptic medication I was taking at the time I was twenty. 

If I am honest there was two reasons for that at that time, yes I did feel very to the point I felt as if life was not worth living, I honestly admit that and we’ll say my manager and my tutor at the Camnant Centre in Wales, thought I was having petty mall seizures, I was not that point got the local GP to put me back on the medication so one day when I was home for the weekend, I took the lot because I was so fed up of taking them for no reason.

The most common types of depression is major depression, major depression  disorder, Chronic depression, Persistent perinatal depression, (Sad) Seasonal affective disorder. 

(MDD) Major depression  disorder, you feel as if you have no interest in anything and anyone,


Persistent depressive disorder 

Season affective disorder 


Menstrual dysphoric disorder


where people need to be patient until the person feels themselves again but at the same time your health and safety can be concerning which may last length of time and very concerning not at all. It can very hard to know when should step in and when you shouldn’t. 

You aren’t always aware of someone facing this, it is not always possible if you can try to find out if the person has other people in their lives who they know if they need to, you do not need to necessarily need to know who, it is the person’s choice if they tell you or not. 

However’ working for a services etc, you may for example need to have the person’s next of Kim’s contact details in case of emergency. 

Major and Clinical depression can

 affect how the person feels, think and behave.

 This can lead to physical as 

well as emotional problems.

 A person may struggle with 

everyday activities and they 

not feel life is worth living,

 which is hugely concerning. 

Depression can cause a person to do 

too much of something or and 

not enough of something for eg; 

eating, drinking, sleeping, even many more.

Some people may feel helpless, hopeless,

 useless, feeling as if they are doing 

something wrong all the time or and 

something they be or not doing, saying etc, 

mainly if a lot of people are making

 them feel that way. 

Some Anxiety may kick in where they

 worry too much that they maybe doing 

saying or and not enough of anything 

etc because others may make them think so etc. 

They may worry for eg;  feeling as if they 

are  not doing enough to please others,

 where they may overthink and worry 

without meaning to because a person 

or people maybe put pressure on them,

 this can run them down.

Depression can drain a person’s motivation

 and energy, where they can feel as if 

they have no get up and go. 

Always be honest with those you support 

but never run those down who do open up either.

 Although’ advise you to praise those 

who do open up, it can be a struggle 

for person try and talk to someone,

 mainly if they know, even if your 

trustworthy, even if you work for a 

service where it is in everywhere these

 days righty so to respect patient’s, client’s privacy etc. 

Never judge how a person’s life is.

Never tell what to do and 

what not to do.

However’ tell them what they 

could or could not do, what is 

likely to happen if they do or do 

not take certain steps to whatever

 their situation may be on what 

they may talking to you about.

For those who open up, 

it takes energy and strength 

with whatever they may be going through. 

As for those who may not we still must not

 judge even 

though it is a huge concern, there are

 all sorts of reasons why they may not 

open up and there’s every chance the person 

may know is themselves,

 if anyone does it is

 likely to be

 close friends, 

family etc.

We can hope people do not face 

crises but that sadly not promised.

However’ how people face them ,

can vary from person to person, 

it depends on the type of mental illness 

they face, 

if they are facing a problem for example; 

relationship break up.

The person’s reaction may be 

different and how it affects them.

When my ex boyfriend left me for another 

Woman back in 1997,

 where I feel nothing at all now but distorted 

me at the time.  

I had a mental breakdown.

Although I hated been at home 

and I was out and about I struggled to socialize

 but I was oddly okay with people being around 

but not making any chat.

Back in 2011, 

I lost my work with Men-cap but this affected 

me completely 

differently to 

my mental breakdown where

  I was feeling

down if I was not forcing 

on something, whereas 

With my mental breakdown, 

I was struggling to for-us 

even things I normally enjoyed.

Treatment and support. What is Cognitive Behavioral Therapy. (CBT). (CBT) treats Anxiety and Depression trying to help the person feel mostly positive about themselves. You or themselves maybe able to refer them to the NHS talking theory, GP, self harm or medication. 


Chapter eleven What is Borderline personality disorders?

Now we know a bit about Depression, I am going to move on to Borderline personality, which is even more serious than major depression, bipolar, schizophrenia, schizoaffective, paranoid put together. 

It changes how a person feels, behaves, thinks, reacts, even interacts with people and the world around them.

 People with Schizoid personality disorder have concrete thinking, where they will think outside the box so will most people with Dyspraxia and I am one of them. This maybe where they may good at in fact, at researching, problem solving, arts, crafts, poetry, writing short stories, drawing, painting etc.

Autism and schizoid personality both struggle socially mainly when being hurt by others, being misunderstood, meeting new people etc, the person may withdraw or and in some cases they may try to get too close someone who has no interest in them but not really understanding that and why. They may struggle to accept someone is not interested or they may do anything to avoid them. However’ they could come across people they feel to close to them and others they may not want to know. It maybe very rarely or not at all a line in between the two. However’ some people with Autism may over come that behavior the older they get, whereas most people with schizoid personality disorder may not but some may. 

It can really make the person misunderstood from others, those who don’t know them. If may take a long time to get to know them and understand them.However’ it may with most people it may affect friendships and relationships with, even in some cases family too, which may mean they may get along with very few people in their lives.

Types of Borderline Personality.

Paranoid personality disorder 

Schizoid personality disorder 

Anti social personality disorder 

Histrionic personality disorder 

Narcissistic personality disorder 

Avoidant personality disorder 

Dependent personality. Disorder 

Obsessive personality disorder

 Paranoid Personality Disorder. 

Let’s start with Paranoid personality disorder. 

People who face Paranoid personality disorder may find it hard to confide in family and friends.

 They find it hard to trust and believe in people. 

They may fear they being taken advantage of, mainly if they have been hurt by other people 

They may fear  and feel they may not belong.

They may  take long  time or not at all to get over negative experiences, no how and how extreme they are. 

They may find it hard to see the positive in anyone and anything.

They  may fear a lot of people or everyone is against them, their choices of lives they make and everything. This may last any length of time or even all their lives.

Schizoid personality disorder.

Mainly after friendships, relationships break ups, fall outs etc, they may struggle to be friendly or and get close to people.

They may chose to live their lives without interference from others. 

They may want to be on their own in their own thoughts. 

They may struggle to carry on  being interested in things compared to how they may when they feel themselves. 

They may blow hot and cold on people. 

Schizoid personally  disorder is rather common even some people may not be aware of it in most people. 

Not that all behaviors are down mental illness.

When let down by some people may affect they are with others but that doesn’t mean in everyone, that they are  facing Schizoid necessarily, which not easy to prove one way or the other.

Most people may or and feel the need  withdraw  from people for a certain length of time for whatever reason but if the period time is a lot of years or they are affected from whatever they faced has affected them for life, that is more so due to concern.

I faced mental emotional abuse from my ex partner for third teen and a half year maybe more, it took from 2007 when we broke up to 2019 till I started to feel myself again, not that I am aware that I face any type of Borderline personality  but I know what I faced with my ex.

The link between Schizoid PD and Autism.

This does not necessarily mean you have to be facing Autism to face Schizoid PD. 

Schizoid personality disorder may be is where the person may have a detachment and indifference to relationships. 

This could mean for example; the person may find it hard to accept someone may not want to know them anymore, someone may not love them anymore, someone doesn’t want to be anymore than friends with them or and  even to accept someone is not alive anymore. A lot of us can face this but if it takes longer than necessary such as years, or never at all to accept it is due concern. However’ if does and doesn’t necessarily mean they face Borderline Personality. 

Some people with BPD may show very little or no interest and ability to form relationships with others. They may struggle to show and express their emotions.

The person may also fear rejection as well, whether is family, friends, partner etc. 

Their speech may sound odd or eccentric.

Concrete, obsessional thinking 

Unusual preoccupations

Social withdrawal 

Emotional detachment 

Odd perspective experiences

Autism symptoms 

Behavior and speech difficulty 

Emotional detachment 

Sensory issues.

What is the difference, the same, similar between BPD?

Most people with Autism have special interests. 

Schizotypal personality disorder.

This disorder is not much different Schizoid in the way of affecting social relationships and friendships but different ways.

They may struggle to express their emotions of what they face in life.

They may be unaware of

Their negative behavior on how may upset others.

This is where the person  has their own eccentricities, where they may have awkward behaviors, odd ways of thinking.

Like most conditions like Autism, Schizoid, Schizoaffective,schizophrenia etc may affect people socially too. 

SPDS is a chronic mental illness, where they have or people understand them to have eccentricities personally, such as magical thinking, being very superstitious or and paranoid in their thoughts, they may avoid those they mistrust. 

They may dress odd, or and ramble speech others may not understand. They way they behave may make it hard for them to get by in life, such as work, school etc. 

Cause is unknown as far as researcher’s know. They think it may be psychological trauma, chronic stress, even possibly family genetics.https://www.verywellhealth.com/types-of-bpd-5193843


Treatment and support for Borderline personality disorder 

There are so many different types of borderline personality disorder, it is hard to know, which treatment  and support is for which one is for what.

Such as Cognitive Behavioral Therapy,  cognitive analysis therapy, antidepressants, mood stabilizations, sleeping pills, minor, transitional etc.https://www.mind.org.uk/information-support/types-of-mental-health-problems/borderline-personality-disorder-bpd/treatment-and-support/

Chapter twelve what is Schizoaffective and schizophrenia? 

Schizoaffective is a disorder and mental health problem. Where people face psychosis as being  a mood disorders. 

  Scizo is symptom of Psychosis.

 Affective is mood disorder symptoms. 

Some people say that Schizoaffective is in the middle of the spectrum but it is not certain, with one end bipolar.

The symptoms can start at any age. Most start in adulthood for those who face them. They may struggle to look after themselves.

Depression The mood may be low or and negative, the person may feel tired, have no energy.

They may feel helpless, hopeless, guilty even if they don’t need to be.

They may have no interest in what they normally enjoy when they feel well. They may find hard to sleep, eat more or less, change weight, diet, thought of suicide, or and death. 

Mania. They may feel positive, life feels good to them.

Over active, restless, too much energy.

Talk too quickly, they may jump for joy, build their hopes up too much on things.

Struggle to focus on one topic.

Thoughts may race through their minds.

They may not need much sleep or and they may not sleep much.

Their mood be aggressive and they may feel irritable.

Yet they may become excited.

Bizarre or risk - taking behavior. 

Depressive mood, feeling low. 

Those who face Psychosis may face a lack of personal hygiene.

Not everyone who faces Schizoaffective will face all the symptoms, which is no different to people who face other problems either. 

For instance no more than one person with the same condition will have the same experience in every thing. Except anything off anyone.

However’ Schizoaffective can be very serious, mainly if not supported because it is linked to Schizophrenia, Bipolar, depression.

Hallucination is where the person may face hearing voices, or seeing things others cannot see and or hear. 

Anxiety, ptsd  may be linked where they may still hear and see negative experiences they have faced as if they are still happening whether they are or not. 

Delusional is if the person has strong beliefs that no one shares with them. They may fear people hearing their  thoughts. 

The person may struggle to think positively to a point they have too many negative thoughts in their minds.

They may even disconnect their emotions. They may find it hard to focus, with things they would enjoy when they feel well.

They may have a lack of motivation, interest, energy etc.

They may struggle to be aware of others, what they’re doing, saying, feelings etc. 

Their mood may change to manic.

Increased energy.

Happy and excited with or without a reason.

Back to mood disorder where they may feel irritable and agitated.

Negative thoughts.

Back to manic, which maybe they will have an increase of sex drive.

Back to mood disorder and negative thoughts.

Unable to focus.

Back to manic, increase of self - esteem and self - confidence. 

Manic more active than normal.

Talking to quick.

Very friendly.

Sleep very little.

Spend a lot of money.

Unsociable and taking risks.

The behavior goes from negative to positive, from positive to negative. Changing from one to the other, which maybe very quickly. 

They maybe very confident and adventurous.

 They maybe untouchable and can’t be harmed.

They may be able to carry on with normal activities and lives.

They maybe able to carry out normal daily tasks. 

They may be able to see or and hear things we can’t.

They may do things out of character.

They may take a lot of drug, alcohol and spend a lot of money.

Schizoaffective may affect how they get on with people or most in the case maybe.

They may take serious risks. 

From hypothermia to manic.

They may feel unhappy, ashamed of themselves.

The person may make commitments or and take on responsibilities that are unmanageable for them to cope with.

They may only remember so many things while they are in manic and hypomania.

They may feel tired and needing a lot of sleep but struggle to sleep. Over tired.

They may feel as if they need to hit a reset button where they may feel like a different person again. 

Again causes of schizoaffective disorder scientists and researchers don’t know but it is thought that it may be imbalance in brain chemicals, family genetics, even subtle insults to the brain of  the baby in womb before and during birth.

Treatment and support.

Counseling or psychotherapy, cognitive behavior therapy CBT, mindfulness - based cognitive behavior therapy MBCT WWW.nhs.Uk

What is Schizophrenia?

Schizophrenia is a life time long term condition.

The symptoms are psychological. The person may not know how to express their thoughts and ideas in reality. 

It is very similar if not the same as Schizoaffective.  

Where they may see or hear things that are not there, outside the mind, which is hallucination. 

Schizophrenia is a major disorder, it affects how people think, feel, act etc. Schizophrenia is not  as known as most disorders. However’ it affects the state of mind, where the person, which cause them to see or hear things we can’t. 

They can feel emotional, tearful, stressed, angry, at any time, by their thoughts, reactions and behaviors, which affect their mood. There does not have to be a reason as they may have sense of fear, we may not be aware of. Meaning they may be seeing, hearing, feeling etc things not be in our presents, whatever the case may or not be. 

Sczioaffective is a mood disorder asI said, which is linked to bipolar, which is a type of depression, with major depression, mood swings, changing from negative to positive.etc non stop very quickly and it is hard to keep up with.

There are similar ties , differences, even the same. 

They both have the same symptoms and treatment. 

Schizophrenia is a major mental illness that affects the mind, the way we think, feel and behave. 

We lose touch with the real world and we are in a world of seeing, hearing etc what is not there, where others may think we are going mad because it is not in their world. The person may feel alone, but we shouldn’t judge, discriminate them etc, just because we may be in different world to them. 

They are not alone, there is more than one person who faces the disorder even though it is not everyone so it is our job to learn how to understand.

The misunderstanding  is distressing for them and for those who are in their lives.

However’ light treatment and support, so they can have as equal lives as possible to other people. 

Achieve education, independence, friendships, relationships etc as much as possible. 

They may have episodes of psychosis. There for treatment will need to start as soon as possible. 

Schizophrenia may appear between the ages of sixteen to thirty years of age for those who face it. It affects the person’s mood and socializing. Schizophrenia is rare in young children.

The symptoms can vary from person to person. It falls into three categories, psychotic,negative and cognitive.

psychotic symptoms. They person thinks, feels, acts and the way they face the world may change, how they change it is unknown until it happens.

They may lose a shared sense of reality with others, where they might not be aware of what is going on around them, where the mind is in a different life to where our mind is. Anyone who does not understands schizophrenia, may misunderstand in thinking the person is going  crazy, mad, they are lying, living in a dream world etc, when it is not the case, it is the disorder. 

They may not be aware of what someone is talking about, they could be talking about something different to what the person who they are talking to is talking about.

Without meaning to, they may repeat what they already told you, lose track what and hasn’t said, etc. 

This may mean  they face hallucinations and delusional, and different  mental health conditions.

Hallucination auditory, visual or tactile.

Delusional 1 false beliefs 

Disorganized speech

Most people face more symptoms, which may two or and even all three.

What is Catatonia?

Catatonia is under the umbrella of psychomotor. It is a connection between the way the brain works to the person’s body movements. 

This is where the person  may be mentally and emotionally distressed.


Catatonia can link with another mental condition such as when the person may be facing hallucinations and delusion.

Some health professionals are still using these words but really they are now out dated but still apply.  Catatonia Schizophrenia or Catatonic depression.

Catatonia can be caused by  depression, bipolar, Psychosis, Schizophrenia, neurodevelopment, ADHD, Autism, substance use disorders.

Catatonia can happen in certain medical conditions such as head trauma, Cerebral folate deficiency, certain autoimmute disorders, diabetic, ketoacidosis. WWW.healthline.com

What else links into Paranoid so what is Paranoid?  What is Paranoid Schizophrenia?  

Paranoid Schizophrenia faces the symptoms of hallucinations and or delusions.

Hebephrenic schizophrenia may start when someone is  fifteen to twenty five years old for those who may face it. It affects behaviors, hallucinations, and delusions. 

The person may face speech problems that people may not be able to understand what they are saying. 

People facing this type of Schizophrenia may shoal little  or no emotion in facial expressions, voice, tone or and mannerisms.

Catatonia schizophrenia is a rare form  of schizophrenia, which is to do with the limit of movement from being very active to very still. The person may not speak much, their speech and movement may be limited. Undifferentiated schizophrenia, the person may have signs of paranoid, hebephrenic is a type of schizophrenia that affects behavior and speech. 

Psychotic symptoms.

Hearing,voices, sounds, noises others may not hear, which is paranoid.

Thinking others know what they are thinking even if others have not said, believing world events are connected to them. health.Clevelandclinic.org

Cenesthopathic schizophrenia.

  If the person has had a history of Psychosis so they may face negative symptoms. For eg; slow movement, poor memory, struggling to focus,  and poor hygiene.

Simple schizophrenic

It is rare in the Uk, which are the same symptoms as residual schizophrenic but happens sooner and worse but linked in with positive symptoms such as hallucinations, delusions, disorganized, thinking but it is rare.

Cenesthopathic schizophrenic 

The person may face different sort of body sensation.

Unspecified schizophrenia.

It meets the general condition to be diagnosed, it is not in the above categories. Whereas there are two types of schizoaffective Bipolar and depression, which I have already gone through.


Major depression episodes.

Major sadness, feeling destroyed, they may feel ashamed, guilty etc.

They may lose interest in things people are interested normally even.

They may sleep too much or two little.

They may eat too much or too little.

They may drink too much or too little, such as soft drinks, alcohol, hot drinks etc, depending what you they like.

They may increase on addictions such as drug, alcohol etc. 

struggle with diet.

They may be fatigue.

They may find it hard to make decisions.

They may have thoughts of suicide or and death.


Remember schizo means psychosis.

Affective means mood. 

How does psychosis affect schizophrenia?

How does Affective affect mood?

Psychosis is seeing or and hearing things others don’t. Hallucinations 

Delusion. Strong beliefs, no one shares. WWW.mind.org.Uk

Mood going from mantic to depression.

Suicide feelings and thoughts. Study on the mind website.

Mood disturbances where the person’ mood changes from negative to positive and the other way round. 

Cognitive impairment is memory difficulties, struggling to plan and organize things,  struggle to pay attention to people and world around them.  Finding it hard to focus.

Diagnostic DMS - 5 to diagnose with Schizoaffective disorder, major mood, which may last at least two weeks and may the next two weeks without mood symptoms https://health.clevelandclinic.org/schizoaffective-disorder-vs-schizophrenia/

Chapters third teen Mentoring 

A Mentor is a role model, who supports, guidance, inspiration, moves a Mentee forward in positive ways, professional friend, good communicator, patience researcher, help fix goals, share experiences, easy to talk to and flexible.

The Mentor empowers the Mentee to achieve goals the Mentee wants to achieve, who supports and listens to the Mentee. communicates and builds the Mentee’s self confidence and esteem up. The talks through the answers to any questions and problems the Mentee may have. 

Don’t  want to put a restriction on this but it counseling, mentoring, Advocacy etc is conditional as possible but important contacts should be considered. I would advise that you both have your phone etc on silent but near you so you see calls coming through. I would advise one let’s the other know you need to leave the room to take the call and you be back when call is finished. If you can’t for whatever reason like, the session due to finish by the time call is finished, then whoever got the call need to contact the other to let them know, the call took longer than they thought but they needed to take it for whatever reason. If the call is not it important whoever gets the call ask the other person in the room if it is okay, if they can give the caller a quick text to say they will contact them soon as the session ends.

Room safety.

Health and safety for both to you and the person.

Check with person what sort of room they want.

No noise and distractions.

Suitable layout of building and room.

Correct temperature of room not too hot not too cold. 

Suitable amount of space in the room.

Easy place for  the mentee and you to travel to.

A room and building that is comfortable for both of you.

It may not always be possible but it is never an easy one. Try to get quiet area with less traffic, which may it easier for you  and the person.

Most people with Autism may struggle with sound and noise.

You both have right’s for privacy but people in the building need to get about too, therefore it may an idea to try for a building that is soundproof, so less of what is less likely what is said  is not heard  and so you and the person can focus.

Appointments. You time should be grateful for whether you paid or not. Your clients, mentees etc; have responsibility to cancel appointments, and the other way round too. mainly you have planned to meet at places not local to you both and the fact you will be working hard to. You will need to contact the building know, your  canceling the appointment or the client, mentee etc is, you won’t be needing the room after all.Your personal safety.

It  should be-your rights to report  the person if face this.

Personal safety, boundaries,  safety guidelines.guarding .

You should not have accept any verbal, none verbal, emotional, physical abuse etc, violence, aggression, if they behave in ways you feel is not acceptable.Cameras should be in the room mainly when there is just only you and the person in the room.

Try to make sure there is someone working in the building you can call, text, email etc, in case you face any problems with the person, even if they don’t work with with you. https://www.legislation.gov.uk/ukpga/1983/20/contents

Make sure there is enough space for you  both-to sit in a chair opposite the door.

Make sure wires are out the way, maybe a table for a laptop etc.

Make sure exits are clear.

If the mentee doesn’t feel comfortable, they make struggle so make sure the building and room is comfortable as possible.

Try to see that there is a clock in the room that is tell the right time, in case which  is unlikely that you don’t remember you devices but if the tick on the clock irritates one of you both make sure you have the time some other way. If this is so maybe ask the manager if he or she is there, ask them if the can be take out. If none of you a device with the time or no device at all, ask manager or staff in the building if there is anything with time on you can borrow and you will give it back after the session. If not  tell what time you are finishing, ask if it possible someone could come up to room at that time, when it is time for you both to go, there is no access of time in the room.

If needs be find out if the client mind a landline in the room because there is no access to the time at all, make sure you  get a phone number, email etc of someone in the building so you could call them if you need to for whatever reason. 

Your personal safety.

It  should be-your rights to report  the person if face this.

Personal safety, boundaries,  safety guidelines.guarding .

You should not have accept any verbal, none verbal, emotional, physical abuse etc, violence, aggression, if they behave in ways you feel is not acceptable.Cameras should be in the room mainly when there is just only you and the person in the room.

Try to make sure there is someone working in the building you can call, text, email etc, in case you face any problems with the person, even if they don’t work with with you. https://www.legislation.gov.uk/ukpga/1983/20/contents

Contact your manager to let him or her know what has happened, they are responsible to do the right thing whatever the case may be. 

Your rights to leave etc if you are not happy with the way the manager  has dealed with it. There are all sorts of extremes  of behaviors, situations etc and different ways of dealing with them.

If you  just leaving the service  and sorry is-not goodness enough, maybe look online how you can take things further but hopefully  you will never find yourself in your career having to deal with anyone who is unsafe. 

Most behaviors not all are down to mental illness but some are on purpose. 

That does not mean you safety doesn’t matter as well as the person’s. 

Contact your manager to let him or her know what has happened, they are responsible to do the right thing whatever the case may be. 

Your rights to leave etc if you are not happy with the way the manager  has dealed with it. There are all sorts of extremes  of behaviors, situations etc and different ways of dealing with them. 

 Such as contact detail form, Mentoring session action plan, first meeting check list, confidentiality agreement.

 Counseling,Useful skills to learn for Mentoring, coaching,  counseling, consulting, Advocacy and more 

Think about the skills and qualifications you need and already have, such as personal safety, the Mentee’s safety, boundaries.

Some not most IT, device and internet skills.

You  may have to use counseling skills such  as active listening, focusing, attending, paraphrasing, summarizing, clarifying, reflecting, silencing, communicating verbally and nonverbally, understanding, supporting, sharing, engaging, encouraging, empowering, trust building, empathy, moving things forward, building confidence, health and safety rules, boundaries, policies, analyzing, studying, researching, counseling, none judgments, including people from all backgrounds, completing partnerships forms, chairing meetings, reporting concerns, keeping everything to do with the Mentee confidential.

Useful skills to learn, interviewing, shadowing, teaching etc. 

practicing sernarioes, looking for work-placements,  do you need support to find the education and employment for you? Learn about the role in what you want to do. 

Learn how to answer questions Mentee’s may ask.

The good thing to thing to see, is see the mentee improving, feeling good about themselves, improving confidence, communication, relationship building rewarding but relationships building with in the mentoring only. 

Making things easy for those with special needs, disabilities, mental illness and more.

We spend a lot of time so unaware how much counseling is needed but understandable why most people can’t and won’t open up. Also, to understand that over the last so many years, waiting lists have increased in professional mental health services and charities etc. people have choice of opening up or not but always the case for everyone, most people can’t but are possible  risk to the person’s mental health the more time they don’t to open up but it is also understandable why not as much as why. Like finding out waiting lists are full and or other reasons.

However’ this why I decided to write this book. Not everyone wants to work in the mental health field but mental health charities and services are very busy and struggling to find time to support those who open up to mental health support and it is huge concern as well to the ones who do not for whatever reason, which means more people who have the interest learn how to support those who do open up. 

Communication skills.

Where your field of work is counseling, mentoring, coaching, advocacy etc. It is important to prepare your self to have as many communication skills you can get as you may come across different sort of people with different sort of   and more. 

Personally I think it is important when someone contacts to join your services, you find out from them or and if the have major needs etc, someone they know like a parent, support worker, carer, etc may contact on their behalf, though you may need to hear voice etc to prove whoever contacted to start with is contacting on behalf of a vulnerable person. As for people who can’t speak or and only have a limit of speech, maybe plan a video chat, with the person who has contacted so you can see the person they are supporting, even if they have no or very little, limited communication skills. 

   Therefore’what how many communication skills you may used may vary to people’s needs etc. 

Communication skills is not just needed in counseling, advocacy, mentoring, coaching etc but anything to do with in the work fields of supporting vulnerable people, plus counseling skills.

what is parroting? 

What communication skill you need to you use depends on the person’s needs, disabilities and more. 

parroting means copying and reflecting on what the person is saying. Also, parroting meaning copying in the actions for eg; if they move their arms you may need to move yours, which is their form communication.

Accessible information, easy read, large print, difficult color, paper and writing to the person’s choice.

Different types of support different things.

Education and employment.

Counseling skills come in handy for other skills such as Mentoring, coaching, teaching, Advocacy and more as well as counseling it’s self.

Helping people to achieve goals, For example; education and training-coping skills  in emotional wellbeing and more.


Advocacy is empowerment to give those people a voice who struggle to speak for themselves in different ways of life. Empowering people to cope with hard legal situations. Such a money, benefits, crime etc. https://www.pohwer.net/what-is-advocacy

Empowering and encouraging self confidence, self esteem, potential, insights, actions etc.

Mentoring. Advising, training, knowledge, transfer etc.

Finding things.

Consulting. Analysis, research, remediations etc.

Emotional wellbeing.

Counseling. Personal, psychological problems, emotional problems, guidance etc.

Psycholotherpy. Past experience, self reflection, treatment.

Interduction to Mentoring.

 Rapport, build the relationship. 

Introduce your self to the mentee. Find out who they are.

While building the relationship, ofter the mentee a drink.

Tell them your name,  your job role, name of the organization  and your work , works. 

Ask them if they are happy with the way the service works and ask them whether or not they want to sigh up, if so help them.

find out their name, age, date of birth etc to sign up to the service.

The Interduction is always a chance to any paperwork that needs doing, which may or may not take up the first appointment session. Health, safety, policy, rules of the services you need to explain to the Mentee.

The Mentee’s  and Your personal safety as a Mentor.

It  should be-your rights to report  the person if face this.

Personal safety, boundaries,  safety, rules,  guidelines.guarding  on what is except and what is not.Boundaries  are put there to stop you from doing things that should  and should not do in the eyes of the law. There are consequences if they are broken. 

It is important to keep what the mentee says to you confidence but raise any concerns  of health and safety only with the manager or and people you work with if for any reason the manager is not free or and around. As a  Mentor, counselor, coach etc, you must be trustworthy, good communication skills mainly listening, 

Both parties should have respect and freedom of information of expression.

Also, if they have the respect and trust the Mentee will feel more secure and confident.

By having that Mutual trust it will help the Mentee to talk to the Mentor without worrying about trust being broken and they can share experiences without confidentiality being broken.

You should not have accept any verbal, none verbal, emotional, physical abuse etc, violence, aggression, if they behave in ways you feel is not acceptable.Cameras should be in the room mainly when there is just only you and the person in the room.

Try to make sure there is someone working in the building you can call, text, email etc, in case you face any problems with the person, even if they don’t work with with you. https://www.legislation.gov.uk/ukpga/1983/20/contents

Contact your manager to let him or her know what has happened, they are responsible to do the right thing whatever the case may be. 

Your rights to leave etc if you are not happy with the way the manager  has dealed with it. There are all sorts of extremes  of behaviors, situations etc and different ways of dealing with them.

If you  just leaving the service  and sorry is-not goodness enough, maybe look online how you can take things further but hopefully  you will never find yourself in your career having to deal with anyone who is unsafe. 

Most behaviors not all are down to mental illness but some are on purpose. 

That does not mean you safety doesn’t matter as well as the person’s. 

If you  just leaving the service  and sorry is-not goodness enough, maybe look online how you can take things further but hopefully  you will never find yourself in your career having to deal with anyone who is unsafe. 

Most behaviors not all are down to mental illness but some are on purpose. 

That does not mean you safety doesn’t matter as well as the person’s. 

Contact your manager to let him or her know what has happened, they are responsible to do the right thing whatever the case may be. 

Your rights to leave etc if you are not happy with the way the manager  has dealed with it. There are all sorts of extremes  of behaviors, situations etc and different ways of dealing with them. 

 Such as contact detail form, Mentoring session action plan, first meeting check list, confidentiality agreement.

The relationship must be within the mentoring within working hours whether you know the person or not. People you may know who you may know for sure are going to be a problem, you must let your manager know and are responsible to decide what is the right thing to do.

Whether the your service is mentoring, counseling, coaching etc, when it comes to the Interduction, when someone calls to join the service health and safety check should be considered, when the person  firsts contacts before the first face to face appointment, or and appointment, such as video chat etc. I understand it is not always possible to check important things  from the start. 

However’ dishonesty, unreliable people etc can cost the service a lot of money and a lot of time wasted for managers and staff. 

It is possible the Mentee may have found your service online, the service’s website,  newsletter etc. 

Many times when I have come across services, I have been asked more than once. 

How did you find out of about us?

 This may be something you may need to ask people who come across the service you work for or even manage. 

When the person has first contacted, you may need to check what sort of location the person likes, health, safety etc.

For eg; most people may not like very hot room.

Others may not like a very cold room.

Make sure there are no flicking lights for example. 

Where is near to them and you? 

Transport, traveling etc, for you and the person. 

Checking appointments. 

Checking with your manager what the service does and doesn’t do. 

You may need to contact places then get back to the person to them know what is possible and what is not so make sure you get their contact details and keep everything confidential. 

It also, important to make sure the person is reliable because your time is important not to waste, mainly when your traveling to see them wherever it may be. Such as making and canceling appointments etc.

Introduce your self to the mentee.

What is a role of a Mentor?

 A role model of a mentor is someone who someone looks up to and learns from. Someone who empowers and encourages someone. Someone to look up to, similar if not the same as yourself. 

Someone to support you, someone to give you support, advice and guidance.

Someone to inspire you and move you forward in a positive way. This is why Mentoring services match up Mentees to Mentors with similar if not the same to them, to be listened to, professional friend within the mentoring, communicator, someone who is patient, easy to talk to and flexible. 

A researcher, a person who fixes goals, share experience, someone you can trust and respect. 

As a l Mentor, if you weren’t a good role model, you wouldn’t be able to gain the Mentee’s trust. Therefore, it would not be successful.

 Start of session.

Listening skills are important because this will encourage the Mentee to talk as the Mentor listens and makes notes. No interrupting while the Mentee is talking. Using eye contact, watching body language theirs and yours,

Leaving your emotions, arguments, thoughts behind, get rid of any distractions.

Start with asking the Mentee the reason or reasons for the sessions. 

Feedback sandwich Model.

Begin with the same position comments regarding the situation in question.

 Give praise for the person’s strong points. 

Give complements. 

Give caustructive criticism.

Remind them of their strengths and strong points.

Give thanks, ofter support in areas that are for improvement and leave at a positive note.

Use the tool. Mentor and Mentee need to look at what needs to change to become the Mentee’s goal, the Mentee wants to achieve. It must be a smart goal that is specific, measurable, achievable realistic and time -bound.

It is important to empowerment the Mentee to try to solve the problem or reach the goal. The Mentor may have to consider were they are missing skill/information needed to the goals -current reality. 

Establish objectives and explaining the possible options. 

Give feedback is a key role of the Mentor to the Mentee’s need regular, constructive feedback to continue the process and develop. Provide feedback can also increase morale, bring on teamwork and enhance the quality of the service given. Therefore’ feedback can be source of anxiety for both giver and receiver.  

There is a lot of advice about giving feedback: some of it is down to view of learning. 

Listening skills are important because this will encourage the Mentee to talk as the Mentor listens and makes notes. No interrupting while the Mentee is talking. Using eye contact, watching body language theirs and yours,

Leaving your emotions, arguments, thoughts behind, get rid of any distractions. 

Ask open  and closed questions to understand what the Mentee wants from the meetings. They allow longer responses, make sure you find out important information. For eg; what happened?

Checking. Ensure that the Mentor understands correctly what the Mentee says. Eg;Are you sure? 

Listen carefully, use positive body language such as nodding your head to say your listening and paying attention to what they are saying. 

Make notes either hand written or on word processor on an IT device. 

We all make mistakes at times, say too much etc. It is important to see if the Mentee is happy with the way you have written about their situation so make sure you clarify and paraphrasing, 

In counseling you cannot give advice, you can only make suggestions and offer opinions, with Mentoring you can do all three of those but with both Mentoring and counseling  the person you are trying to help has rights to their choices whatever the case maybe. 

Ask open  and closed questions to understand what the Mentee wants from the meetings.

Listen carefully, use positive body language such as nodding your head to say your listening and paying attention to what they are saying. 

Make notes either hand written or on word processor on an IT device. 

We all make mistakes at times, say too much etc. It is important to see if the Mentee is happy with the way you have written about their situation so make sure you clarify and paraphrasing. 

In counseling you cannot give advice, you can only make suggestions and offer opinions, with Mentoring you can do all three of those but with both Mentoring and counseling  the person you are trying to help has rights to their choices whatever the case maybe. 

When focusing, you have the full attention on the client or Mentee’s wants,needs, feelings emotions, behaviors, reactions, thoughts, what they are saying, interactions etc. 

Your study case one.

Susan is forty years of age.

She has been an abuseive relationship with B.

They had one child together.

B is not allowed to see his daughter without supervision. 

A wants a job and wants to go back to college.

She wants to do childcare.

She had low marks in her maths and English and other  subjects at school, due to the face of having  losing her son as she was young as at time, she was still at school  education age.

She is a young single Mom but she also has an older boy Mark whose in care, who she has been frighting to see all his life, he is in his teens or twenties. 

Her first  child was taken into care because she was  so young when she had him. 

He was conceived of a rape, when she was third teen and the youngest child is her exe’s, who is a girl Julie, she is eight.

Despite of her negative personal life, she is wanting to focus on her career in a positive way. 

How would you empower A to help herself?

Would you get your manager, staff you work with or and other services etc involved, if so why?

Role play 

If you are with another student or and trainee, take in turns to play the part of the mentor and mentee, dealing with a situation like Susan’s.  How would you try to them as a Mentor. As a Mentee, what can the Mentor do for you? Also, when the being Mentee how you help yourself? Mentor, how can you empower and encourage your mentee? Put yourselves in the Mentee’s shoes, empathy.

Case study two. 

Name of Mentee. Fred Blogs.

 Seventeen year old Fred wants  a career in computers.  

He has special needs and struggles to comprehend and he has lost his confidence because no one in school didn’t have the patience to support him. 

To support and empower the mentee to ask education and employment to achieve his goals, what would those steps be? 

Set up an environment where the mentee can feel comfortable and safe. 

Let the Mentee do most of the talking, focus on what they say. 

Take them seriously. 

Respect the mentee’s opinion and beliefs. 

Explore  the Mentee’s world and yourself in the Mentee’s shoes. Empathy. 

Give suggestions, opportunities, options, feedback etc.

Give them choice response ability, and control of what they want to do.

Empower the Mentee to do what the achieve. 

Role play.

The same as case one, if you are with another student or and trainee. Take it in turns to be the mentor and mentee. As a mentee try to put yourself in Fred’s place, he struggled to learn in school. He really wants to achieve. 

When focusing, you have the full attention on the client or Mentee’s wants,needs, feelings emotions, behaviors, reactions, thoughts, what they are saying, interactions etc. 

Good  communication skills are helpful and important such as gestures, body language, listening, paraphrasing, parroting, sign language, brail etc skills will come in handy to help understanding of vulnerable people, depending on disabilities etc they face.

If the Mentee feels they are not understood, they may go quiet. It is important to focus on the reason why the Mentee has come to see you. 

Looking back on the Mentee’s reason or reasons for the session. 

Reflect on what they are taking about. Reflection is action, which means you are taking what the Mentee is saying seriously. Look at what did and did not go well. It will be used to improve the Mentor’s performance how to help the Mentee.

It will help the  mentor to find out their strengths and weaknesses in skills as a Mentor and change to practice when necessary. Clarification, don’t make assumptions. 

Awareness raising. Purpose develops a sense of responsibility actions and commitment for eg; How did it feel when you were doing that? 

Justifying. Games of responsibility attitudes and feelings. eg; What makes you think that? 

Hypothetical. Interduction to a new idea of concept. For eg; What if? 

Probing. Added detail. Eg; how did you did that? 

Supporting mental illness. Even though I only know basic counseling skills, I have faced Anxiety and Depression all my life but start without being aware of it.

Even though I have been Mentor Befriender, I can fully understand why people who won’t go for counseling won’t but really basic counseling is only emotional support. However’ I also understand those who will feel comfortable with nothing else but counseling either. I myself don’t mind either way but not everyone is the same. Depending what you are facing etc, you  may or may not feel you more than one treatment, support etc. For example; antidepressants and counseling or emotional support etc. 

When I had a nervous breakdown when I was twenty seven back in the last nineties, I was advised by friends counseling and antidepressants I refused both first because I was afraid I would get worse and people would think I was mad etc. As time went on I decided to go for counseling but not antidepressants back then because I was afraid I may over dose because I had done so on Epilepsy medication when I was twenty.

My Father me to see a psychiatrist, all she said was that I just needed to get on with life, which I did not find it easy to take on board, I was not sure why at the time but years later my counselor at time told me, by what I had been telling her, I had been facing mental  emotional abuse from my ex partner for years.

Like everyone  and everything really some people benefit from counseling others do not. I am not expecting everyone to be like me, I am not saying I was right or wrong, there is no right or wrong, it is what is best for you, well  the person, but you never know unless you give it a go. 

Personally for me now, I am on Anti depressants, which I started about a year ago. 

Whereas I used to refuse to go antidepressants before. 

Now I realize how much I need them. 

Before I was afraid of being addicted, now maybe I am but I still have my moments but admit I am not as unhappy, moody and as anxious as I was but it still never goes away. However’ it may be different for others.

I am on Citalopfiam, I think I maybe quite a bit calmer than I was. 

I think I still over think things but maybe not as much as I did. At times it has been as if  someone is in my head telling me off. I use to a lot feel as though I either should be not be doing, saying something. 

Going over  what you people   said to me through the day etc. It still happens but it has got a bit less now plus a bit less suicidal thoughts as well.

Interduction to basic counseling skills.

Just to let you know that learning counseling skills does not necessarily make you a counselor but you may learn the basics, which you maybe able to take into any or and most career’s your in, family, friends etc. 

However’ Counseling is in important because trying to help people’s’ emotional wellbeing is important. When  our emotional wellbeing is not good it affects our lives, the way we work, socialize and more. 

When most things are going good for us, it helps us work, socialize and do more better. 

The basic of counseling is more so emotional support. A little bit like first aid psychical and  mental, which help the professionals. 

Before the Covid 19 pandemic there had been many cuts on services, which mental health, counseling etc was one of them. 

When Covid 19 pandemic kicked in, it a huge affect on a lot people’s emotional wellbeing where the government started to put more money into services but the waiting lists were too high, they were so busy to a not everyone could get appointments. 

Lockdown lasted on and off for two to three years from March 2020 to 2022.

     Since then we have had the Russian and Ukraine war, cost of living crisis, Israeli and Gaza war, which another crisis costing us a fortune, where mental health services etc is still struggling more so. 

Counseling and emotional support is a type of support and treatment that empowers and encourages people to open up to someone about what is bothering them.

 Not necessarily to solve their problems but help, empower, encourage them to be independent enough for them to  try to solve their own problems or and learn to live with what is going on around them. 

No one is force ed to go for emotional support counseling etc but it is an option that is offered. 

 I think it is understandable why someone will not and will consider it. 

There are other types of treatments and support, such as therapy, mindfulness, meditation, medication and more.

Not everyone  considers any sort of help for many reasons, that is their choice but  I will honest to say unless they are managing it on their own, the problem won’t even try to get sorted if a person doesn’t try to get help.  

No one deserves to suffer in silence but nothing  has the chance of getting better if they don’t try. 

You don’t  have to be a qualified, trained, professional counselor to be there for someone who is not feeling themselves for whatever reason or even no reason at all. 

All it takes is being a good listener, not judging, value the way the person thinks, feels, behaves, and reacts  etc even if you disagree, it is all about the person.

Despite of that, that does not mean you have to tolerate any  unsafe behavior either, which is your rights to report. 

Whether is in a workplace or elsewhere. Even the smartest amount of support may safe people’s’ lives, in what they maybe facing, how it may be affecting them, how they may be feeling etc. Get in touch with the professionals if needs be, don’t do anything your not qualified and trained to do, mainly when it comes to health and safety. 

Reason why people won’t or will try to get help, for example;  not wanting to talk to people they don’t know, even though everything has to be confidential, fear of how others react, what they may say, what they may think even though the counselor has to consider the client’s feelings, opinion etc not their own. Yet there are other people may feel comfortable talking to someone they don’t know rather than those they do for all sorts of reasons only the person knows themselves. 

Basic counseling skills.

What is counseling skills? 

It is important for the counselor to help the client explore the problem. The client is likely to be stressed with the problem. 

Counselor needs to encourage and empower the client to focus on their feelings, it is the counselor’s job to do that. The counselor needs to find out from the client what they want improve and achieve, then help the client achieve their goals.

The counselor needs to make the client aware of confidentially.

Counselors do not judge.

The counselors do not give advice but suggests things and ofter opinions that is not promised to solve the problem but it is also the counselor’s job to empower the client to things for themselves, get support by the manager, staff in the service, websites, other services etc. counselors can referral clients to certain services etc if needs be and if the client agrees.

Coping skills such as cognitive behavioral therapy 

Active listening skills 

Paraphrasing, reflecting, mirroring, researching.


Eye contact 

Full attention to what the client is saying 

Body language 


Facial expressions 

How to speak to the client.

Counseling skills can be useful in and out the workplace  because you never know who may need you help. Your friend,  family etc are just as important as your client’s, patience etc. 

For the last four years or more at least. Waiting lists for counseling and Emotional support  maybe  still is and has been high plus funding issues. Being there for people should not cost anything, you don’t need to make someone feel completely themselves again to help mental health professionals out. You just need to make people feel comfortable until someone can the help the person some more.

Health and safety room and building check. For eg; ask the person if they like the window open or closed.

Would they like the heating on etc?

Check out traveling, transport, where’s best for the person and you etc.

Check lights are working, no flickering lights etc, if any problems find out if they can be fixed at the time you are going there. If not talk to the person about other places, get in contact with them. If you are helping someone out of work etc, friend, family member say, for eg; your place or theirs.

With people you don’t know you may need to find out of how they feel com-table whether  it is in or out of work, training etc.

Consider privacy, know who and what to report to if the person’s or and your health and safety is in danger.

Same with appointments, times, dates, etc.

Interduction and build  a rapport.

Health and safety guidelines.

  Build the relationship meaning within the counseling, which helps the client get to know you as a counselor and you to get to know the person as a client. 

However’ if you know the person already, if the session takes place in your workplace, or and working hours etc, they are your clients the same as your other clients are.

As important looking for your clients are, this is only for the problems, if they have come to see you, it needs to understood you cannot and cannot get close to one another so you need to draw that line. 

Any close bond between you and those you know already you need to separate that from work and out of work, if that is hard for, this not the job for you. This is because services are not responsible for behaviors out of the workplace, health, safety etc. 

Whereas out of work and hours it is seen as socially and friendship but considering the person who is  struggling at all times. 

However’ if you come across someone you know and don’t get along with who comes into your workplace etc, it should be your right to ask your  manager to arrange for another counselors to try to help this person. Also, if you for sure the person’s behavior maybe a danger to others and themselves, you a duty to your manager know what you know about them etc. 

Even though  it is your  job to  your client, their situation etc, you matter as well, you should be able to report any behavior etc from the client that you feel worried they may be putting you in danger etc.  Most mental illnesses, strength of mental illnesses, such people who face major ones,

Differences between Advocacy and counseling.

Pain turns into pleasure. 

Although May 2011 - December 2011 was a bad period of time for me when I lost my work with Men-cap plus my business Access All Areas Now back in the January. Back February 2013 this year I have started to training as an Advocacy for 1 Voice in Wolverhampton, which I have some brief experience from having been an Group Advocacy work for Our Shout supported by Royal Wolverhampton Men-cap back in 2007 to 2011. I used to speak for the rights of learning disability and Mental health in an Advocacy group. I have been working in the Advocacy field now for six years.

During January to March 2009, we spoke to lots of people about the three new ideas that would affected people with disabilities. I sat in meetings myself, as you may guess that difference people with disabilities wanted difference things. Some people were happy to start a new life and others were very upset because they were they are. There's no knowing yet if any people at all have moved out. Some may be a but lucky and just have little changes to their service but that could mean to some that they could want to move out. These people have been living at Sweet street Residential Bungalows.

Valuing People had planned a event in June to lot at the top areas of people with disabilities lives for the next three years.

A representative from each partnership board of the West Midlands were invited to share good practise and things that did not work.

The information from these events will be used to help local partnership boards so that people with disabilities are happy with our partnership boards.

The areas that the partnership board should be talking about in the partnership board meetings is work for people with disabilities, housing, health care and Personalization. Meetings people have not been able to turn up to, they should be contracted to be fed back to. This should happen with all Partnership boards everywhere.

Every Adult Matters and Person Centered Planning.

Wolverhampton City Council wrote a big document in 2006 called ' Every Adult Matters' which is about providing care for people who need it in the city. The Council are now going to up date this report, Every Adult Matters will be looking at how they can provide a personalized services in the way the Government ask us to in a report called Putting People First.

Putting people First tells people that they have more choice and control, they have to pay for things themselves instead of services.

On the first of September 2009, we have had a new project out called Wolverhampton Person Centered Planning service in Wolverhampton. The Person Centered Planning service will listen to people with disabilities what they want and need but support people with disabilities to have more choice and control over their lives. If you would like to find out more about Person Centered planning please get in torch with Catherine Farrell 07810 631293 for informal chat, there is also support for families too.


Money seems to be tight for the council with the credit crunch. These cut backs affect all services. It's bad enough for people without disabilities to be homeless but people with disabilities can't look after themselves the same.

council needs to think very carefully how and what they are spending money on. Ok, people with disabilities are not the only people who need support but all the same we need support. A lot of people agree that it was wrong of the council spending by a guess £1000.000 on a water fountain in the City Of Wolverhampton. Many people agree that Wolverhampton is too small to be a City and I am one of them.

Back June Men-cap had Learning Disability Week, the project was called Changing Places, the idea of that was to try and make disabled toilets better. Why didn't the council spend that money on disabled toilets in the town. A lot of people other parts of UK had complained that a lot of toilets didn't have any changing areas. Families and carers had to change people with disabilities on the hard wet floors. Even in a lot of places there is still a lot of hard work to be done.


Back in 2010 Access All Areas Now! were promised office space in the Albert road office which didn't happen due to funding.

The building had changed to a Day Centre to an Employment Service for work staff who have disabilities and health  problems. The Mal tings Day centre to create a joint Employment service which would be in Albert road where our office for ' ACCESS FOR ALL AREAS NOW'! is planning to be based. The Malting's will be moving adults with with Long Term Impairment to Albert road. This would mean that the Malting's were closed.

2009 - 2010.

We went to see if the people who lived at Sweet street to see if they got supported living because theory have be getting residential care. These people could get 24 hour support and accommodation, instead of residential care if they want and need it. The will be getting very little change of care but in their own homes.

We then found out that there were changes to Outreach teams so that they became one team instead of four and then to find a different company to run the service.

Things people have said were put into the report and in April Councillors said ideas could go ahead.

Due to my work with Men-cap having ended through the cuts in May 2011, I hadn't heard anymore about the changes in other places.


The funding for the Our Shout Advocacy group support by Royal Wolverhampton Men-cap ran out in May 2011. Access All Area Now! finished January 2011 due to a lack of funding

Mates to dates had lost funding back sometime 2009.

I had started working in the 1 Voice in March 2012 but started to train as an Advocacy worker in February 2013.

People with disabilities were finding the  partnership boards in the UK very hard to understand. Some people without disabilities spoke and write so much jargon. Information needs to be more Accessible meaning words easy to read and clear pictures, which I worked on.

For a short length of time I was a group supporter. I supported Our Shout to chair meetings of topics of their choice and support them to chair and take minutes of  their meetings. I used to try my best to make the minutes as easy for the group to read and understand as much as possible. For eg; easy words and pictures. We use to have a meeting once a mouth and a profession guest of the group's choice coming along for eg; a gp or someone from an Employment service.

I enjoy Advocacy because it because it's a way of speaking for people who find it hard to speak for themselves so hopefully their lives will be equal to other people. A lot of people with disabilities and health problems find it hard to get their voices heard, I can relate to that because I have the same problem. What other people don't understand is that each and everyone of us can be misunderstood in different ways. Like you we find different things hard and easy to one another. Most of the time it's easier to help others than it is yourself. Advocacy also means empowerment to empower people to say and do things for themselves. For eg; instead of choosing what they are to do or and say asking them what they are going to do or and to say.

Now I have moved my career up a ladder to train to be an one to one Advocacy worker.

What is Advocacy?

Advocacy is like I just said support and empowerment, which can depend on each person's situation. It is their choice how and when they want the Advocacy worker's help. An Advocacy worker works a different role to a carer, supporter worker and carer. For eg; an Advocacy worker can't support a person to clean and tidy their house or go shopping. It's the person's rights that matters. The person's interests should be taken at heart by giving people their choices and options.

1 Voice's Definition of Advocacy.

Advocacy is a tool to support people so that they can accept responsibility of their own situation. To know when to support and when to empower people so they can do things for themselves.

My definition of Advocacy.

Self Advocacy is one to make ones choices. Peer Advocacy is to empower people to make their own choices.Group Advocacy is to speak up for the Rights of others, for example the state of the benefit system.

The aims of Advocacy.

  • Empower clients to build up their skills.
  • To support clients to become empowered.
  • To explain information that the client don't understand in a easy way that the client will understand.
  • To speak up for the clients only when they feel they want an Advocate to speak up for them.
  • To empower clients so that they can think for themselves.

Equal Opportunities is to give people the same rights as others. The advocacy scheme will have an equal opportunities policy that recognises the needs to pr-active in talking all forms of inequality, discrimination and social exclusion.


To encourage the clients to do things for themselves. The advocacy scheme will encourage independent from statutory organizations and preferably from all service providers' agencies. The advocacy scheme will be free from conflict of interest as possible both in design and operation, actively seek to reduce conflicting interests.

Putting people first.

Putting the client first. The advocacy scheme will make sure that the wishes of the client is taken into account. The advocates will be trained to go along with what the client wants. Advocates should be non-judgmental and respectful of peoples' needs, views and experiences.

Supporting Advocates.

Advocates will get training and support in the work they do. They will develop skills and experience in their working role.

The code of conduct.

A code of conduct is a book of rules for staff and volunteers to follow to be Advocates to support clients. It can help the staff and volunteers to know how to do our job to how we should the best as possible for our clients.

It makes sure that we know what we can and can’t do in our job.

Advocates should take instructions from Service Users whenever possible. Advocates should base actions on respect, to agree with the client's plans, ideas and opinions.

 Instructed Advocacy.

Making sure information is up to date, easy for the clients to read and understand. To help the Service Users to make informed choices but an Advocate shouldn’t give the client advice. Listening to the Service Users and discussing options but Advocates can't make clients do what they don't want to do. Advocates can’t raise their own opinions and they should respect the client’s opinion.  

The key principles of Advocacy.

Accessibility means that information and materials are easy for the clients to read and understand. It’s the advocate’s job to make the information easy for the client as possible. Advocacy is free of ch range to eligible people. The Advocacy scheme will aim to make sure that premises, policies, procedures and publicity materials promote access for the whole community.

Accountability means the Advocacy scheme will have in place system for effective monitoring and evaluation of its work. All those who use the scheme will have a named advocate and a means of contacting. 

When it comes to complaints the advocacy scheme has a policy for clients to be able to complain about advocates if they aren’t happy. This gives the advocate feedback so they can support clients better in the future. Where necessary, the scheme will enable people who use the service to access external independent support to make or pursuer a complaint.

 When it comes to confidentiality the advocacy scheme has a policy on confidentiality, stating that information known about a person using scheme and any circumstances under which confidentiality might be breached. 

Recognise the staged process of Advocacy.

The six stages of advocacy.

Presenting the problems.  The client tells the advocate the problem. The client needs support from the advocate.



Analyse and feedback.

The advocate should tell the client the options.

The advocate should make the client aware of consequences of whatever options the clients may choose whether those options make the client’s whatever the consequences.

The advocate should never force the client to make a suggestion or decision the client doesn’t want to make.




This should be the last resort for the client.

Litigation is very expensive for the client as the client may need a solicitor but cannot afford it.

Legal processes are quite stressful especially in a court as you have to go with what the judge decides. Sometimes it is better for the client to go through litigation because they are in the right.

 Listening skills.

I watched a video on you tube about understanding Advocacy; I didn’t feel I missed a thing. Many people with learning disabilities have said they find it hard to be their own advocate. These people have been disbelieved there for it can be very hard for other people to see the good in people with disabilities and health problems.

Aspects of active listening body language.

It’s very important an advocate should take interest in what the client is. The advocate should give the client a nod to show that the advocacy is listening to the client. The way the advocate looks at the client is very important, which shows the client advocate is honest for the good in them.

Body movement and posture is also important to the client understand the advocate as well as the advocate understanding the client.

Gesture is more hand movements, speaking and expressing.

Open and close questions are also important for example.

“What do you think of the Royal family? Open question

“Do you like the Royal family?” Close question

 Mirroring is coping exactly what the client does, echoing their body language and other verbal communication, including sounds, voice, tone and so on.

Mirroring has a sidedness; if the client does something with their right hand the Advocate can do something with their right hand.

Mirroring can be done exactly at the same time as the client shows any sign of body language and non verbal communication for example if they cross their legs, the advocate should do the same.

It’s very important to know different forms of communication because everyone’s needs are different. There are 43% of adults with moderate severe learning difficulties, Cerebral Palsy, Autism and other learning disabilities. Multi – useful where auditory messages are none processed 

quickly. Encouraged eye contact & concentration. 

  • ·        British sign language
  • ·        Brail for the blind
  • ·        Singalong for people with Autism
  • ·        Makaton
  • ·        Talking mats
  • ·        Widget
  • ·        Symbol world
  • ·        Clear For All


 Recognise important of research.

We worked on a study case in class. The daughter is worried about how her Mum is treated in the Care home.  Staffs haven’t been taking care of her personal care. The daughter said her Mother has had a stroke. The daughter is not at all happy.

Collect information to support the Advocacy process.

The daughter needs to be writing down the dates and times the staff haven’t been doing their job. She may be able to take photographic evidence of any injuries.

For a give situation, identify the way forward for the client.

 The options the advocate could offer the daughter is Age UK, she could search the website, phone them, go up there or even both. The advocate could support her through this if needs be.

The daughter could report what’s going on to the manager.

Write a letter of complaint with advocate’s help if necessary.

If things get worse contact CQC – Care Quality Commission.

Provide Appropriate Feedback for the client.

We need to make sure it is the right information before we tell the client and we must be honest as advocates telling the clients both positive and negative ones. We can tell the client the consequences, make sure they 

understand the consequences and it’s for the client to choose what option they want.

We need to make sure the patient understands all the information, the information needs to be accessible.

·        Easy Read

·        Clear written/audio information

·        No Jargon!

What is the difference between negotiation and advocacy?

In class, we did an exercise where we had to answer whatever it was advocacy or negotiation for a given situation. I feel this was difficult as I didn’t have all the information about the cases but I was able to understand why situations required different outcomes.

Identify when negation is more approached by negotiation rather than straightforward advocacy? Consider also if a mixture of the two to be used.

  • ·        It’s a mixture of the two when an electricity company has written to a client to say that he/she owes £250.00, they are on a very low income. The company wants the money in full in seven days. It’s the advocate’s job to find out if the client owes that amount of money. If the client owes that money the advocate should negate instalments
  • .
  • ·        A decision by the DSS to refuse a grant from the Social Fund because there is insufficient money in the local budget. This again could be a mixture of both.  The advocate needs to find out if the client is entitled to the money, if any money in the budget. Negotiate a lower amount. (More money is to come from the budget.)
  • ·        A decision is made by the local hospital to put someone on the waiting list to see a consultant. The waiting list is 12 months. (Advocacy) This again is a mixture of both. This will depend on how ill the client is.
  • ·        A refusal by the council housing department to grant a tenant with rent arrears a housing transfer in order to be nearer relatives who provide care and support. This is a mixture of both again. Find out if the client owes money; try to negotiate with the council housing if they can transfer them with a training plan to pay back their arrears. At some point advocacy can only go so far.

 Identify a Strategry for Negotiation in a given situation. 

In class, we worked on a study about John who lost his wife Anna in hospital from Cardiac Arrest. Anna was admitted with heart failure but John had left the hospital because there were indications that she would get better.

He watched the doctors do nothing while his wife was dying, he was only told later that she had a Do Not Resuscitate order on her medical record.

John wasn't aware that Anna signed a DNR resister because of confidentiality, the hospital couldn't tell him about the order as it should have been Anna. John can't accept how and why Anna died. As his advocate I would need to explain that he cannot involve the police as the hospital, specifically the doctors, have not done anything illegal. It is up to negotiation between the client and doctor to reach a conclusion which is good for John. He may want someone to say sorry to John for not explaining what's was going on in the first place. 


                        Updated 18th May 2013


Start the session.

Introduce yourself to the person if you don’t know them already.

A bit about yourself work wise maybe a little bit about your past work experience and about how the service you for now works.

Find out their name, give them a chance to say a bit about themselves.

Offer them a drink. 

 If you do know them, if you are working , training etc, let them know you, you need to be forcing  your job only , meaning the reason why the person has come to see you. 

Even not in work try to still  stick to safety etc as much as possible.

If in work, training etc, you may need to through paperwork with the person, health and safety act such as Data Protection act, Freedom of Information etc.

Explain the rules, laws, boundaries of the service you work for etc,

Help person sign up to the service etc.

What is the problem?

Ask the person what is the problem? How can you help? Think about how the problem can be solved.

Self awareness. 

Active listening. Let the person talk , listen to what they say, and write notes as they talk. Let them know you are listening.

No one is skilled and trained with everything so you may need to find help from someone or  and-somewhere. What one person cannot do, another one.

Such as websites online information, people you work with, etc.

Communication  non verbal, verbal, sign launage, brail etc, active listening, 

Empathy.Try to put yourself in someone else’s shoes. How  would you feel if you we’re facing what they have, have you faced the same but similar etc? What would you do or try to?

Attending. Make sure you the client your full attention that you are doing everything you can to help and empower them to solve her problem. Make you sure they know you are paying attention to what they are doing, saying etc and you are taking everything into consideration.  That you value their wants and needs.

Silence and active listening skills. Let the client know your listening to every word they say. Let them talk and take notes as you listen. 

Normal sessions are hour, going by when I was a client but if someone has a necessary reason to need extra time, then that may be something you may be able to talk to your manager about. As far time is concerned, this may also depend on how the service you work for. 

Give the client free space to say what is bothering them. Let them gain clarity on the difficulties, they face and consider a possible way forward. They  may need  to say how they feel, think, etc, which you will need to focus on what they  are  saying to how you  can help them improve the situation or and how they can can try to improve the situation.

Person centered approach. Empathy, try to put yourself in someone’s shoes and situation. This is  not an easy one unless you have been wherever yourself. 

Learn to understand the person’s point of view. Congruence. A counselor must be a genuine person. 

Unconditional positive regard, the counselor must not judge the client. 

You may need to  involve someone or and somewhere etc but make sure the client has a say if they are okay or to have someone or and somewhere involved. Also, make your manager aware as well.You are not here to solve their problem but support, encourage, empower them to least improve their lives. 

This is where the client  may need more time to talk, maybe an hour and a half instead of an hour, depending on whether or not your manager can afford to pay you for your time, government funding, whether or not the client can afford to pay, if so how much etc, whether or not the service is private etc.

Reflection Let the person know you are listening to them. Make sure you knows your listening and understanding. Reflect on what the client has said, make not pick on everything they are saying as it is hard to write or and type in time of  someone talking, mainly if you face Dyslexia. However’ if that is the case, yours workplace should offer you special equipment. Also take the client’s needs considerations as well and make your manager aware. 

Read to the client what you have written

Ask them if you have understood them, written down everything important to them, do they need you to take information out, do they need you to put in information in etc?

 ( parahasing).

Now I understand you may only have so much time with the client but it is important to make sure you are understanding the client as fully as possible. Make you go over everything till your client is satisfied with what you have done.

However’ I am sure the client will understand you may not get a lot done in hour. Therefore’ may you could go over their report after the session or and give them their next session to check, even get their email address and email it to them before the next session. 

Do not pass any client’s details, information  etc to anyone without their permission. However’ if something concerns theirs or and your health and safety, only your manager or even people who work in the same service and job you are etc, therefore you should tell the client what you are going to do and reasons why.

Try to make sure you pick on the gist of the problem, for eg; if the client has been hurt etc. such as relationship break up, abuse, rape, bullying, family problems, rows, fall out with friends, bullying and more. 

This could be a person age with or without disabilities etc. Children, teenager, adult, middle age person even the elderly, just that different services may have different age groups etc.

Everyone should matter. 

Try to empower the person to make changes.

or not. 

What is not likely to happen etc. 

The person has a choice and it is up to them to try. 

You should not give them a hard time if they don’t try either. If they do try it is in their time only.

This could be giving suggesting, and options counselors are not allowed to give advice advise because the idea is to try to help the person be independent as possible. 

Here’s an eg; you don’t tell them to go left, the middle or right. You don’t tell them to climb a mountain or not but you can tell them what is likely to happen if they go one way or the other

You just need to tell them things to bare in, whether they try soon, the future or not at all. 

However’ you can tell them what the consequences are likely to be if needs. 

If things don’t work out for them, you can others suggestions, options etc.  Always do your research beforehand so you don’t give the wrong suggestions, options etc. 

This may not just mean the internet etc but people your work etc but always ask the person if that’s okay with them first. 

Don’t do what they don’t want to do. However‘anything you are uncertain ask your manager or even someone you work with etc, never do anything your uncertain of.


Thinking clarifying opening and closing questions.

Clarifying.  Make sure the client knows they have your full attention. Bring on open and closed questions. Example of open questions what happened? How did it happen? Did he do this? Did she do this? Did they do this? How are you today? Good morning good afternoon as an open statement. Start of the session.

Open questions start with How?, Why? What?

Closed questions would, will, could, can, have, has, which, who, when and where? 

Example; Open question. How did happen? Yes and no questions. Did he do this? Did she do this? Did they do this? This whatever it is likely to be what the client has gone through. 

You explore the problem. Eg; Freda Bloggs got robbed at the bus stop. Who robbed her? She may say Fred Blogs. What did he take? He took my bag. You ask her to describe  the  her bag. She tells you black leather say. You may say. What was in there? 25.00 in cash in read purse,  and iPhone six and house keys say.

What did he look. She tells you he has dark brown curly  short hair and brown eyes. 

Naturally she is feeling very upset and may be shaken. She may feel frightened, she may feel she has no trust in anyone.

You may ask, Did you call the police? She may yes. That is an open yes or no question.

You may ask . What was the outcome? She may say that she has do a statement. He was six foot three, dark brown curly hair, brown eyes. She may say, the police told me they will be in contact.

You may ask when did this happened.she says 24th November 2023 say. 

You may say, Where did this happen.  She says Outside the Gunmakers Arms Wolverhampton. 

What happens now?

Freda’s state of mind  is not likely to be good naturally. She is just waiting to hear off the police. 

You want to ask her if she has got her locks changed  and, sorted. If she says no, ask her if she is staying with someone she knows, you don’t need to know who as long as she has someone to stay with somewhere and the person is someone she knows. If she says no and a day or two since the problem to when she sees you has gone by. You may need to ask where she has been sleeping etc. Hopefully not but she may have been sleeping on the streets say. This is a health and safety concern so there for you need to tell the person, you need to speak to your manager, maybe another member of staff who works with you or look for help and support online such as mentor service, the council etc for her to have somewhere her to stay or and live. 

learn to understand the reasons why people would and would not consider counseling.

Learn how to use counseling techniques correctly and affectedly. 

The client has the right to say what they like without being judged. 

However’ you have rights to report any unacceptable, unreasonable or and unlawful behavior to your manager, if the person behaves in way you don’t deserve to face. 

Counselors should explore the client’s feelings, emotions, way of thinking, behavior, reactions, interactions, etc. 

Chapter fifteen creative writing on fiction characters with Autism.

This is for anyone who would like to write stories, novels etc about characters with Autism, disabilities, mental illnesses and or more.

Your research is in this book, this blog, maybe the library, other sites, information online etc. Based on people you know with Autism, maybe yourself if you do and if you wish to etc. Make sure you ask and have someone’s permission from the person if and before you base your story, novel etc on them. Whether they are a family member, friend, whoever they are is my advice.

I started this book roughly, towards the end of last year, it is now April 2024, Autism Awareness Month. I thought I would do something slightly different this year than I have in past years. If I am honest I am still learning this too but this is more, I guess common sense and advice  so let us learn together.

I guess it is not much different to writing other novels and stories, other than not just thinking about how the character’s’ disabilities etc make them but how they are as people in general in your creation. 

Like with others characters, their strengths, weaknesses in themselves but in their disabilities as well.

What makes the story in the terms of your imagination for eg; they maybe a superhero with super powers. 

By having read this book, you should have a great deal of understanding of disabilities etc, even more so if you face them yourself.

Maybe for us on creating the character’s’ personality, Sense of humor,  and more.

Create the people they know and the relationships they have with them, family, friends, partners and more.

Are they chatty towards the characters around them? This may depend on life around them, communication, understanding  and more. Autism for example; can affect social interaction. Where they may take a long time to get to know new people or not at all but this can vary. For eg; they will know a family member more so than than a friend or even a complete stranger. Some people may not know how they are going to be until they try to mix.

They may react themselves because they forget they have said or written whatever before or concerned that others may not have heard or and understood them, there could be just other reasons alone or as well. 

Some people may be social able,  it may vary. Others may not, take a look of what is going on around you. 

Most people may not know themselves  unless they are in whatever situation.

Maybe for us on on speaking, writing, vocabulary, grammar, punctuation, language and more by studying people around you. Are they talking, fast, slow, etc?

Some people with disabilities, Autism etc may seem rude maybe to you or and others, this could be because most people may have a lack of people or and self awareness, it is not necessary so with everyone you may come across. 

You may want to think about your characters are good at, not good etc. their self - steam, confidence, friends, family, support, independence mental health.

Senses smell, touch, sense, taste etc.

Who, why, when, how etc. 

setting time, place, etc.

Verbs, nouns. Tom wore pale blue shorts. For eg;

Think about  you genre, for eg, drama, romance, crime, history, comedy etc.

Where were your characters born and live?

They may or may not live in the same place where they were born.

Do they live with parents, family, alone etc?

Do they work and study? If so what and where?

Do they get support? If so how much support do they get and where from? For eg; friends, family, support services etc. 

What do your characters want and or need?

Purpose of your story, novel etc.


Solution, outcome, feedback. 

 Time setting Is your story, novel etc, past, present, future. 

I would advise that your story, novel etc has characters with and with disabilities etc, to support and raise awareness. 

Also for us on feelings, thoughts, reactions, behaviors etc of your characters. Empathy put yourself in someone’s shoes. 

What sort of disability etc does your character have? For eg; Autism, ADHD. This could mean they may a mental  illness, Depression, Anxiety, Dyslexia, Dyspraxia most those, one all or both for example.

It does help to know your character so my advice is to base your character on yourself at least to start off with because you know you. Think of the type of person  you are. 

It doesn’t need to be your master piece necessarily but a practice piece, which may or may not be someone with Autism, disabilities etc. The main thing you is being honest on the type of person your character is.

For example; quite, loud, shy, blunt, abrupt, sensitive, cheeky, obsessive, unusual. 

Blunt they may not be afraid to speak their mind, where they say how things are, even if whatever it is concerns people, even if is the truth and when it comes to not good news people don’t want to hear but some things need to be said. In some cases depending what it is, your character may or may not have any remorse to how something sounds or they may not be necessary awareness of what people think, feel etc. They may not be polite for the right or wrong reasons.

Abrupt hasty, hurried, precipitous, quick, sudden, surprising, unanticipated, unexpected, unforeseen.

Abrupt hasty, hurried, precipitous, quick, sudden, surprising, unanticipated, unexpected, unforeseen.

What are your characters strengths and weaknesses? For eg; sensory, communication, understanding, interaction, reaction towards those around them they know and don’t know? 

Support they need, want, do and don’t. For eg; home, education, work, social lives, personal care and more. 

Other examples; hobbies, interests careers, what they enjoy, what they need to improve on and more. It may be arts, crafts, drawing, painting, creative writing etc.

Next step for-us on those you know  but just get ideas. For eg; the type of people your characters are, situations, problem, solution, outcome. 

However’ it is not wise to base a full story around a person, meaning all about the person even though it may be in another name. Use your imagination, make your own story up, meaning get ideas. Make the story similar to the truth. 

Here is an example; based on myself with a different name but there is only one lie. Try guessing which you think is not true and make your own story round which part of my story you think is not true.

Remember these only exercises and practices so you do not need to worry about spelling, grammar etc unless my exercises give ideas enough for ideas for you to write for the public.

For eg; My name is Maria Green, I am fifty four years old, I weigh 178.6 pounds, I am 5.4 in height.

I enjoy gardening.

Which do you think is not truth? The right answer will be anywhere towards the end of this book/blog. 

Once that exercise is done, practice a new story of your own by creating a main character. Work on the settings, where the character lives, born, heigh, weight, hair color, what they are wearing, colors, style and more.

Where are they? What are they doing? When, where, what why how it happens to who? Time period, past, present, future more. 

Eg; why do we need rain? How does it rain?

It rains to make the plants and flowers grow. Grey clouds break to black clouds as they burst into water from the sky. 

The murder happened in the city of London on the 20th July 1977, at 11.00pm. Who murdered who? Where in the city of London did the murder happen . Make up your own report, story etc. 

A man was walking around a London area with a sword and a third-teen year old boy lost his life. What is missing  in this story?