Poetry, writings and art blog

Learning disability and Mental health awareness

Thursday, 1 January 2009


Who says people with disabilities are useless?
who says we are difference even though we may look difference?
we can achieve our own skills just like you so why not let us put those skills to use for our future just like you?
we have have a future as much as you do otherwise why why are we here?
some of us have our body parts others don't but it doesn't make us useless there is something about everyone.
some of us can paint with our hands others can paint with their feet.
we can use our body and mind in difference ways
only because we are slow than you it doesn't mean we don't know anything.
All we need is your support we don't need you to put us down.
Just think guys if disabilities hadn't have happen to us, they could have happened to you.
If you would have had disabilities like us what would you have done then.
it's hard for you to think about the affects a disability would have on your lives unless you have a disability.
If were you were in our shoes, you'd understand what we mean.
A lot of people can be fine for years then they may have a serious accident, that's when they understand a lot of things in their life they had before hand has been taken away from them.
If they are lucky, they may get the same things back but only with the right support.

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