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Learning disability and Mental health awareness

Saturday, 2 January 2010

Learning about Learning Disability guide.

Give people with disabilities their own amount of time they need to do and say things Treat people with learning disabilities like human beings.Support the choices of people with Learning Disabilities with they want and need to do.
Make information easy to read and understand. ( Have a look at Accessible information on the Internet.

Give people with disabilities their rights with the right support. For eg; Parents, actors, scientists,singers, writers, politicians, artist or and etc.If you look on the Internet there are famous people who have disabilities.For eg; Chris Bu re, Michelangelo, Fran kin D Roosevelt, Harriet Tubman, Marlee Martin, Cassy Martin and many more The way most people use words for people with disabilities can be hard for people with disabilities to read and understand so please have a look at the Internet or use other researches on how to make information easy to read and understand. For eg; Accessible information.

People with learning disabilities get mistaken and misunderstood for been bad, sad and stupid. These words can be hurtful towards people with disabilities.

All it is that people with disabilities can find it hard to explain things and do things. There should be easy aids to help us do things and information should be put in more an easy to understand.

The words people with learning disabilities don't like, for eg retard or retarded, deaf and dumb, cripple, special person and handicap Words to use disability, disabled, slower learners, hard to hear and hard to speak. The words we like explain our disabilities in truth.For eg; Disabilities/ ab led bodied are slow learners because we learn slowly, disabled people who are in wheel chairs, People who can't hear don't find it easy to hear.



Mencap is very worried that society is not treating people with Learning Disabilities same as other people. We agree that all people with Learning Disabilities support in different way but with the right support given there should be a balance bet ween getting the support they need and doing things for themselves through their own choice.

Mencap are here to battle with the government to help people with Learning disabilities, families and carers.

Less then 1 in 5 people with a Learning Disability get help to find work and go to works The people with a Learning Disability who do work only work part time. A lot of people with a Learning Disability are still not earning wages like other people, they are still on benefit money.

EDUCATION AND TRAINING. Just 1 in 3 of us with disabilities take part in some form of education and training.

Only 1 in 3 people with Learning Disabilities have education and training.

Children still get left out of society. 8 out of 10 children with Learning Disabilities are bullied through lack of communication and people misunderstanding learning Disabilities living equal lives to other people.

About half of a 3rd of people with Learning Disabilities still live with their families. There is still very little help for people with Learning Disabilities do things for themselves meaning there is a limit of what a lot of these people can do without help.

People with Learning Disabilities still have very little say, choice and control to say and do what they want and when they want. Please google in the search engine of the Internet ( PCP PERSON CENTRE PLANNING).

58.000 people with Learning Disabilities have help from Day services, many get more help than they should get, they for they should be given the chance have support to have some kind of work by their own choice.

Many people with Learning Disabilities are not getting the support they need one way or the other.

29.000 adults with a Learning Disability have families who are 70 or over so they can't do their caring role as much or anymore. There seems to be a lack of help for housing, mainly with councils cutting back in today's credit crunch doesn't make life any easier.

7 out of 10 families are caring for people with Profound and Multiple disabilities, they have reached breaking point because of the lack of Short Break services.

58,000 of people with disabilities are supported by Day care services.

people with a Learning Disability are 58 times likely to die at under the age of 50 than other people, due to our Disability and Health.

People with Learning Disabilities all ages should get Health checks twice a year.

75% of GPs are still not trained or and educated to treat people with Learning Disabilities.

A lot of people with Learning Disabilities do not go to their GPs because they don't feel understood,cared for, welcomed and even helped.


A learning disability is caused by the way the brain develops.

There are all kinds of disabilities that can happen before a baby is born, during in birth, even through serious illnesses during children or any time of people's lives. A learning disability is something that can last for life and can bring big affects on people's lives.

A learning disability isn't dyslexia or a Mental illness but some disabilities can link on to Mental Health problems and dyslexia.

People with disabilities can find it hard to learn quickly, understand and communicate. People with Profound and Multiple disabilities (PMLD) need full time help to be able to cope with their lives. For eg; eating, drinking, washing, dressing and toileting.

There are 1.5 million people with learning disabilities in the UK. Like all people, we are human beings. We want and need different things in life so not all of us need the same levels of help.


BEFORE BIRTH. Things can happen to the central nervous system (the brain and spinal cord
that can cause a learning disability. A child can be born with a learning disability if the Mother has an accident at birth, illness while she's pregnant or an unborn baby develops certain genes. Genes are chemicals in our bodies that contain information about us - like how we look.

A person can be born with a learning disability if he or she does not get enough oxygen during childhood or is born too early. This is what happened to me.

A child can be born with a learning disability if certain Genes are passed on by a parent. This is called inherited learning disability. The two most common inherited disabilities are Fragile X syndrome and Down's syndrome. People who have either conditions are likely to have learning disabilities too.

Fragile x Syndrome is the most common cause of inherited learning disability but not all people with Fragile X syndrome have a learning disability.

Down's syndrome is a genetic condition caused by an extra chromosome in a person's cell - all living things are made up of cells.' Chromosome are parts of the cells. All people who have Down's syndrome have some kind of learning disability.


People with a learning disability may have other physical and emotional conditions associated with learning disability.

You must remember that none of these conditions are caused by a person's up bringing or social circumstances. The conditions what people have aren't their fault. If the conditions are know early enough then it should be possible to give the right support.


Cerebral Palsy is not a learning disability but many people with Cerebral Palsy have a learning disability. It is not a disease or an illness but a physical condition affected by the movement of and control of the person's body. It's caused by the part of the brain that hasn't developed properly before birth or during childhood. There are several different kinds of Cerebral Palsy, depending on which part of the brain is damaged. Some people are severely affected, while others it's barely noticeable.


Epilepsy is one of the most common conditions affecting the brain. I's not a learning disability but 30% of people including myself have epilepsy linked to our learning disabilities. People with epilepsy have seizures when the brain works becomes disrupted. Most seizures are sudden and short lived, lasts a matter of seconds or minutes, and aren't dangerous to the person who is having them.


People with Autism and Aspires syndrome see the world as a chaotic place with no clear boundaries, order or meaning that can cause communication and emotion problems. The National Autistic society said that Autistic Spectrum touches the lives of some 500,000 families in the UK. The word 'spectrum' is used because the characteristics of the condition vary from one person to another.

Autism is a lifelong disability that affects the way the person communicates and relates to people and the world around them. Although Autism isn't a learning disability but people with Autism have learning disabilities. (Confused?) It's a condition that can be linked to learning disabilities the same as Cerebral Palsy and Epilepsy.

While it's not possible to tell from the way someone looks if they have Autism. People with Autism have difficulty with:

Forming relationships and making friends.

communicating and understanding other people trying to communicate with them.

Using their imagination.

Never expect more than one person to find the same things hard in life, it can all vary. Just except what you see and learn from these people.

As a learning disability, people can be mild, moderate or severe Autism. My Autism is mild. The support we need is very little but with the right support, we can live fairly independent lives. Specialist support is the right support. However,with the right sort of support all people with Autism can, and do, learn and develop.


Aspires syndrome is a form of Autism, which causes communication and Emotional problems. Because people with Aspires syndrome can find it hard to tell how other people are by looking at expression on their faces or listening to their tone of voice, this why we find mixing with people hard. Saying that most of the time we are unaware of the surroundings around us. If we have been unaware then suddenly become aware, it can be a bad feeling if we have missed out on things or if we have hurt people's feelings. This is when we anger with ourselves and guilty about what we may have done without knowing it.

While there are similarities with Autism, people with Aspires syndrome have fewer problems with speaking they are less of a learning disability. Quite often we are of average, or above average, intelligence. To try and make the world less confusing, people with Aspire syndrome find everyday regular route comforting and may get upset if it's changed.


Casdok said...

Im still stunned by Mencap's request for a judicial review of the Ombudman's investigation into the deaths of six people with a learning disability has been rejected.

Sara Revealed said...
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