Poetry, writings and art blog

Learning disability and Mental health awareness

Saturday, 26 June 2010


INTRODUCTION `Access All Areas!` hope we are giving something about in the Health care of people with LD. Only because LD week is over, we still you are going to try and take as many we have raised awareness you about the Health care People with Ld have faced in our past. We hope you can do your best to better Health care. It isn't just treatment it's neglect and lives that shouldn't have been lost.

I am yet to talk to my business partner Jess about us looking Health services to see what has and hasn't got better. Myself having not been seriously ill since 1993, although it's a good thing. I don't know what has changed in the hospitals since then. This something I want see for myself without been ill.

I would like to remind you about the things we have spoke about in our training session and what I have put on my website. I may also put things on my website that we haven't spoke about.

What I have said is that people LD are more likely to die you than people with. It's up to Health to do their job how they should and putting a stop to this. Without over protecting keeping a close eye on people with LD for the sake of Health and Safety.
What we didn't make you aware of is it can be hard for people with LD to put trust into Health staff when they have had bad experiences of Health in the past. It well be hard for adult with LD to put trust in the future but if we can creative a good future for today's children we will have better future for tomorrow's adults. It's up to you to prove that you can help people Ld and the people support them to put trust in you. This can scar people away from Health care once they don't feel as if they are not been looked after and cared for. Put yourself in our shoes. Health care is better than it used to be but not good enough. Make a start of stopping bad Health care to tell past Health staff how they should have been taught even though it's not their fault that society was so in the dark in those days.

I spoke to a Gp at my doctors about Health and LD awareness. He told me that they called out most people with LD for appointments but they don't seem to make them or even turn up. I think because of Health care in the past, which I have faced myself people are scared of Health staff. Today's health staff will have a hard job to get most people with LD who have lived 20 to 40 years or more to access the Health services. For eg; I myself have changed my GPS because I wasn't happy at my last one. I stopped going for roughly 12 mouths or more, then I felt brave enough to change my GPS with a bit of help from a support worker.

How can you make Health care better for people with LD?

Me, Andy and Jess are also part of a Self Advocacy group called Our Shout supported by Mencap as well as Access All Areas NOW! even Andy isn't self employed yet. We go to lots of different meetings talking about different things, one subject is the Health care of people with Ld. We all that Health care needs to get better for people with LD. aT LOT OF health care staff find it hard to communicate with people with Ld. They need to learn about Health care we want and need. Most of us have problems with.

Talking, listening, reading, writing talking information in and explaining ourselves to people's understanding. Even a lot of people who support people with LD have problems understanding professions. It's very important for people with Ld to educate all professions. Without communicating and understand one another is useless. If you look around my website I hope I hope I have explained enough for you to understand how with Ld communicate but as different people have different disabilities we all communicate in different.

The law says that Health services need to make changes to how people LD want our Health services. People with LD believe that there are not enough changes made.

People who support people with LD find it hard to make themselves heard as well as people with LD ourselves. Things are better to what they were but we still have a long way to go. Health staff don't know enough about LD. They need to learn about you all need to learn about our needs and wants. Most people with LD find it hard to say how feel. This is why we get poor Health care, it's up to you to better it.

Sometimes Health staff can't communicate with one another.

The way you give medication out is important.

Type out medication information on the computer in size 14 to 20 font.

Easy words and pictures of people talking medication, the type of medication it is and how much.

Make as clear as possible so we understand.

Use bullet point and even numbers step by step to show us what order we take our medication. Mostly there's a lot of information many of us will find it hard to take. As many short words and sentences as possible. No jargon!

Think of the side effects most medications cause mainly when they can affect people in a big bad way. This can have dangerous affects on people's lives. Keep trying until you find the right medication for people.

If you came to our training session on Monday 21st June 2010 for LD week, you may have heard say that you must study the Mental capacity Act it's law!!!!!! I am now reminding that I have also typed it somewhere on this website if look very carefully, I think it's on the next page Learning Disability Health 2010.

What asked advised you to do in the LD week report is study the Health Action plan. There's good information but I believe there may be missing information. For eg; if someone passes out alone out and about they need records of their medication, gp, people with are supporting them, caring for them and etc.

I will also remind you, which was in our Training session and on this website on LD week report that you need to be studying Disability Discrimination Act, which law to study it if you are working in any field of LD.

PCP Person Cente Plan is also is also important to study to give people with LD our own choice and control in life.

All these things you can find websites for, put in your search engine or if you haven't got a lot of access to the internet you could search the book shops or even the libraries to see if there are books on the Health care of people with LD.

The NHS have very little training in the Health care of LD. I have put a lot of important information on this website for you to study. I hope to put new information on for you in the future.

Try to better attitudes.
Respect people with LD.
Be more patient with us.
Treat us with dignity.

Stronger action should be taken to give better Health care. Department of Health should tell all local services to do their work to the ability of LD. There are Directed Enhanced services for people with LD.

Health check ups one or twice a year.
Support for people if and when we need and want it.
Help us to communicate.
Better and clearer information for us to read and understand.
More pictures for those of us who can't read and write.
Most of us can't take information in so we may need support to do so.

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