Poetry, writings and art blog

Learning disability and Mental health awareness

Friday, 27 August 2010

The big wide world.

It's hard enough going into adulthood as it is when you have to cope with the big wide world on your own. When you have learning disabilities it's even harder. One of the main things are, everyone wants to learn about what it's like to have friendships and relationships but we also want to be understood, which is a very hard thing for people with LD. This is where we want people without disabilities to learn how to understand us. Many people understand that most relationships and marriages fail but many people with LD aren't given a chance to try that. Many people with LD may lose their relationship because their partner has misunderstood them, it doesn't have to make a difference whether their partner has LD or not. Some aren't honest with people with LD, for example telling them that they can take their LD on board, love us,support us and look after us but give us courage to live our lives with a balance of been caring but not too over protective. I believe that everyone should have that in their partner whether they have LD or not.

Through the hard barriers we have had to face, this generation of people with LD want to make life easier for the next generation of people with LD by training and educating people without LD about LD.

Bad things can happen to anyone in friendships and relationships but life very can be very lonely if you have no one at all. People with LD are the people who are most likely to be lonely because we get misunderstood the most. Communication is a big thing for everyone not just people with LD but there are easy special aids people LD can used but due to lack of money not everyone can have access to them. No one is saying that people with LD are only ones who are left out. In other words classed as the odd one out. Everyone deserves someone whether it's your friends, a lover or both.

Take more time to learn how know and understand people with LD.Just think it could have been you, in other words put yourself in someone Else's shoes.

Try the easiest way of getting to know someone, which is well at least for anyway. Yes, ask people with LD, what is the easiest way of getting to know them.

For example ask them what their interests and hobbies are then support them to ask you the same question. In other words ask them to ask you the same question. This may help them because they may not know what to ask you.

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