Poetry, writings and art blog

Learning disability and Mental health awareness

Friday, 25 February 2011

Chapter two What is Learning Disabilities and Autism?

Learning disabilities can be very limit abilies to what people can do. Learning disabilities can affect different lives in different ways. Different people have different disabilities and different abilies to live our lives.

Meaning of the word learning disability.

Learning disability can affect peoples' everyday lives. Memory, understanding, reading, writing, education, work, home, friendships, relationships and etc.

Disabilities can be caused before, during or after birth.

Learning disability can vary from person to person.

Some people learn very well in school but others don't, I didn't.
The teaches used to shout at me to tell me to wake up.
I was always lacking in my school work.
I was very hard for them to teach.
When I left school I worked very hard in college to pass exams which I didn't do school.
Information wasn't accessible in those days.
It's better than it was but we still have a long way to go.
As a child I had a very poor memory in what the teachers were trying to teach in class.
I could not take information but I could read and write fairly well, I mostly used to copy off the board.

I learned more when I left school when I was there.

Signs and symptoms of learning disability.

People can find it harder and longer to learn than other people.

Feeling angry because they can't learn as quick as others or not at all.

Behavior problems due to disabilities, health problems and we want to be equal to other people.

Misunderstanding people around us and information.

Finding it hard to join in with others.

Finding it hard to show interest in things.

Learning disabilities are conditions and Mental Health problems that affect the body and or mind. For most people chances in life can be very limited but most people have the right support. Some disabilities can be linked to Mental Health, which can all vary. People who have disabilities and Mental Health problems mostly have Mental disabilities, which slows the brain down. Many of these people have hidden disabilities that can't been seen such as mine for eg; one is dyspraxia, which is a grip with the hands, co - ordination and Motor skill problems.

According to Mencap there are 1 - 5 people with learning disabilities in the UK.

There are all different kinds of disabilities.

Autism is a disability that people should except the unexpected of.

There are so many debates about Dyslexia whether it is a learning disability or not. Dyslexia is also misunderstood because it's known as a reading and writing disability so people tend to think that people can't read. More often than not the mind works the wrong way round. When a person knows that certain letters are in a certain word but can be put in the wrong places or the wrong way round. This can work the same with numbers.

You may well find you will face different disabilities and health problems finding different things hard through their life. For eg; don't expect two dyslexia to face the same problem, you could be surprise with one person to the other how strong they can be. For eg; one person may be good with letters but not good with numbers. Vise versa with the other person. One thing they could have in common with on the bright side is talent but different talents. For eg; one person could be good at drawing and painting, the other person writing such as poetry and short stories or like me both.

Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder is a very high form of Autism.
The easiest way to say it is ADHD.

This is where a person has too much energy,they won't sit down for one minute.

What calm me down in the end was when the doctors took me off the heavy dose tablets I was, which had been on since birth to 13 years old.

They don't sleep at night, which makes them very over tired, moody and not easy to get along with.
They can pull a paddy at any time, any place and anywhere.
This can cause very poor concentration.

It can cause a lot of lack of communication and understanding with the people around them.

I was very hyperactive as a child.

I suffered from very bad behavior problems, I would have a temper paddies any time any place and anywhere.

I would scream any place down.

I never used to sleep at night but I couldn't pay attention in the day so I didn't get on very well in school.

I hope Health staff today can become more aware of the side affects a lot of medications can have. One can never be too sure if the information on the packages are right.

Some people who live their own with very little support mainly with these cut backs, may not find the information on the packs accessible meaning clear.

If the person has none or little support health staff should go through the information with them.

It only takes someone not to have anyone or enough people around them, if they don't understand the information they may take too much medication or none at all.

It's possible I may have had ADHD as a child or it could have been due to the tablets I was taking at the time.

It may well be worth looking into family history and research to if there has been any learning disability in your family history whether there is now or not.
What disabilities do or and did?
Injuries, long, short term illeness and etc,
Affects of lives.

The causes are hard to know but from my experience, I was put on a heavy dose of tablets that were far too strong for my fits, from birth to 13.
This lost me a lot of my school education, I never got on with the teachers all the children.
What made it even worse was that there was very little any education in learning disability and mental health in those days.
When I came off those tablets, after a couple of years or so I started to become more of the world, learn things and slowly starting to get along with people.

What we are starting to be more aware of is the salt and sugar that can send people on a high. Despite of some foods and drink been low sugar and salt now, there's still a lot with far too much salt and sugar in. We need to be keeping an eye on these things. For eg; have they left enough sugar and salt out? I admit as a child I used to eat a hell of a lot of sugary things, which we very unaware of back then.

Autism is a life time learning disability that affects the way people communicate and how they get along with people. Autism can also affect people's awareness making then out to not to care how people are feeling when all it is they aren't aware. It is an unawareness of the big wide world. Not everyone whose has Autism and other disabilities for that matter faces the same problems. An over crowded world can cause a person with Autism Anxiety, it also cause people around them Anxiety too.

People with the Autism Spectrum condition face difficulties that affect their disabilities in different ways. Some people with Autism live independent lives with very little support others 24 hour support but still live in their own homes.

What many people don't understand is there are many disabilities are hidden so people don't think we have as many problems as we have. I have never been diagnosed but my family have read book films on Autism, they have a feeling that I may be. To my knowledge there's only one form of Autism that's a hidden disability but if that's the case I must have some form of Autism.

Some people like myself find it hard to explain what we are trying to say. This can cause a lack of communication and understanding. Yet on the bright side one way or the other we are creative people for eg; me with my writing, I also draw and paint.Through people not understanding you can be misunderstood, this can make you feel unhappy or and even left out of society. This can affect the choices and control people should have over their lives whether they have Autism or not.

Many people with Autism may be affected by sound, taste, smell, light, colours and etc.

People with Aspire Syndrome are often average intelligence. They have very little problem with speech but they may find it more harder to understand information.

When it comes to support with money there's never a balance. People are either over crowding you or not there at all.

We don't always get the right services to support us. In Wolverhampton there's more support Autistic children than adults.

We don't always get the right support with work, benefits, home and etc.


Autism affects a lot people's lives in different ways. It can either depend on what kind Autism people have got but then no two people with the same Autism may face the same problems like all disabilities. Just except the unaccepted.

I find it hard to cope empty or over crowded people and places. For eg; busy busy airports with information flashing on and off so fast.
I find my way round better in my home area and town. I guess I find it hard to snap out of change and route because I had been over protected for so many years of my life.

Not many people with disabilities such as myself can drive so we have to re lie on public transport. I'm lucky than most some people don't know their about and what bus stop to get on and off. There was once a time I was like that, it took me years to learn it but better late than never.

Some people miss out on going out at night because they don't their way around, they are scared of crime, bullying and Anti - social behaviour. There isn't enough money for Support workers to come out to support at night and many people can't cope their money. Some these things I have problems with myself but not all. With me it's mainly my money.


Most employers don't understand learning disability. Not everyone takes note of the Disability Discrimination Act. It's better than it was but we still have a long way to go. People still having to cope with discrimination.

We are still a Health & Safety hazard to employers, when isn't enough funding to support us to be healthy and safe.

Here some of the mistakes employers and the government make.

Not enough support for people who can't use computers.

The government spend the money the least important things.

The government is robbing off the poor instead of the rich.

Not enough support to work to time limits and do the job right.

If you work in the LD field you will need to learn about Accessible Information. For eg; braille and sign language. A lot of people with LD such as myself find too much information and jargon hard and confusing.

The government bors me to tears but I'm a learning disability MP for the People's Parliament supported by a Self - Advocacy group called Changing Our Lives. If anyone has any complaints in the learning field to the Members of Parliament. People with LD, families, carers and etc are welcome to email me on sarajgroman@googlemail.com or sarajanegorman@gmail.com on Facebook.It's my job to find out what the government in Houses of Parliament are playing at.

The world only started learning about Autism in 1943 but it's still isn't known now. The figures are roughly there 500,000 families of people with Autism. Research says it more common in boys than girls.

Different kinds of Autism.

Autism Spectrum isn't all that different to Aspire Syndrome apart from people with Aspire don't appear to have learning disabilities our disabilities are very hidden. It can take a long time for people to learn and understand Aspire. Spectrum is mostly noticed. For eg; they may have major speech problems whereas people with Aspire may have mild speech problems. Both forms of Autism finds it hard to communicate in society, interaction and imagination.

To put a guess on my kind of Autism I think I could be Aspire. I have problems with my hands I find it hard to grip things for eg; opening everyday things like jars and bottles, bad coordination, bad motor skills. This is another hidden disability that hasn't been diagnosed. My Auntie thinks I may have Dyslexia.

In some ways people with LD are our own doctors because we know how our problems affect our everyday lives.

Many people like myself with possible Aspire stuffer from Dyslexia. I was diagnosed for Borderline Dyslexia because I mostly use my right hand, my left hand is very weak. People tend to think with dyslexia that people can't read and write. That's not true, we just see words, letters and numbers that could be the wrong way round. Like all disabilities dyslexia varies from person not disability to disability. You must excepted the excepted. People with dyslexia do have spelling problems but we can also be misunderstood. Like I said about letters and numbers 28 could be 82. The person with dyslexia will know that certain letters are in a word but written the wrong way round or in the wrong places. Words may be missed out of sentences.

Many people with Autism stuffer Anxiety and depression mainly when we don't feel equal to all people. For eg; not been able to tie your shoe laces as a child at the same time as your school mate. When most children see that they don't want to be your friend, they see you as a bullying target just because you may be different to them.

Autism World.
They say we aren't very good with imagination. Nine out ten children with Autism find it hard to play with other children because we aren't as quick as they are and we don't understand the games like they do. How squib do they think we are? Their lose out when we can make up our games quite happily on our own. Just have our dolls, teds and etc, they become people we can communicate with. We make up our own stories so in the end people with Autism aren't alone after all. I think this what's made me enjoy writing short stories and poetry today. If we are taken from our world it affects us badly, it's best to let us move on to our new Autism world in our own time. We are slow learner, we get somewhere in the end but whether it's where we want is a different story. I'm still trying to come out of the Autism world now at the age of 41 but it's not very easy. The strange thing is that I don't whether I like the Autism world or yes and no, your alone but no one can answer you back.

The world seems like a mass of people bigger, better and quicker than people with Autism. For most of us there comes a time that we learn to understand the world isn't as big or black and white as it seems, it just takes us a long time to understand that. This is what can make it hard for us to get along with people. Some of very slowly learn to understand people and their feelings rather than just our own. Childhood is the worst time from what I faced to not be aware of others. For some of us for at least roughly mid adulthood we learn to understand there are others around us as well as ourselves.

Yet during childhood you live in a world think you are like other children yet not understanding why you are learning slower than other children yet you are still aware learning slowly is most the reason why children may be bullying you. They don't understand why you aren't equal to them because you can't do things at the same speed as them but when you think about as a child you don't understand it either. This is why you think you should be like other children and why shouldn't you be? In the end it's the way life is that causes so much misunderstanding through no one's fault.

It can take people themselves a long time to comes terms to understand they have learning disabilities and they learn slower than other people and with thr right support skills can be achieved.

Introduction to me, learning disability and Autism.

This piece of writing isn't only introducing me, learning disability and Autism. It's introducing the book I want to write on the topic of learning disability and Autism. I started off writing short stories then poetry at the age of 27. I have had a poem published in one each of eleven books, wrote the odd Newsletter reports for a Disability Social club I used to go to in 'The Happy Society in Wolverhampton, another Charity I used to work for called Compton Hospice I did this with family support. I been on a fare few Creative writing course, Script and Screen course in March 2009, Creative writing course supported by Mencap December 2009, Helped out with Penn Hall Special school helping the children with them creating their own Superheroes.

Not forgetting the work I do in the field I'm writing the book about. I mostly speak up for the rights of LD and Autism.I'm a Self - Advocacy group Supporter for Our Shout Self - Advocacy group supported by Royal Wolverhampton Mencap.
As a Learning Disability Awareness trainer I used to have my own small business for a short while called Access All Areas Now!, which shared with Jessica Bromley another person with disabilities. We couldn't get the work, not enough support through the cutbacks and Learning Disability Awareness is still a new field to a lot of services so it's not an easy one to market. We were only earning £20.00 per session due to our benefits.Add on to our pilot, we only earned £80.00. I know it was hard going but if only we there was enough support to keep it going, I was still willing to carry on and Jessica was in two minds because she had a lot more other pieces of work than me and didn't time to run it with me.

I'm 41 yrs old, I been writing since I was 23 at the beginning of 1993. I just started started to recover from Cancer of the Throat. I was staying with my Gran. I was watching a report on the ten O, clock news when I had heard the Elderly and Disabled homes closing, which upset me badly. This made me think about the writer Charlies Dickens who wrote about children who were orphans. I gabbed a pen and paper because I was board. Listening to the news made me want to write about people and animals worse off than myself. I wanted to raise money to the ones than need it most but through what I earned with my writing. This is still what I'm working towards now at the age of 41. My aim has always been to write about any subject that comes to mind and work hard to interest my readers the best I can.
I haven't had a great deal luck having support for writing and publishing. It would be most helpful to know what you think this piece of writing thank you. sarajgorman@googlemail.com or on Facebook sarajanegorman@gmail.com

I'm hoping to introduce myself as a person as well as a person with Autism other learning disabilities and a writer. At the same time I will work hard to interest my readers. I started writing this book as my life story 18 years ago, which hasn't been published. Now I thought about linking up the Autism with it, which is the main the learning disability I have to live with. Autism is a disability hard to understand and the world needs to understand it more. As for writing my first book, I feel it's important for my readers to get to know me first. This book is about the past, present, future dreams and to help others like me as well as worse off than me.

I just may not get published as the publishing field is very hard but even harder when you have disabilities and not the right support.
My idea of writing this book is for readers who are interested in learning disability and Autism, people themselves, families, carers, friends, students and people who work in the field of learning disabilities. I Will be also linking this to my life story. I understand that's there's people worse off but I want to help to things better for like me than what I had and I have got.

I will tell you how Autism and my other disabilities have affected my life. We understand the world isn't perfect but we should be able to access more than what we do. We understand that today's cutbacks is making life even harder. I will tell you the good and the bad from my experience but I dare say there are other people and writers like me who experience different things.

Most of can't live an equal life to other people going through nursery, school, college, work, home, family, friendships, relationships and etc.I want to work hard to see that people with LD are able access as many things as possible with the right support. Life is hard for you but there a lot of things we can't access without support.Most of us can't live equal lives because we are over protected by society.

When I say about learning disability and Autism many people like myself have other disabilities as well as Autism.
The world is either a lonely or over crowded place, which many people like myself with Autism find hard to cope with.
I will do my best in this book to tell you what expect from people with disabilities and Autism from my own experience but others like me or not much different may tell you some different about their experiences. If you look at different websites of Autism there are different kinds of Autism. Bare in mind that someone with the same Autism as me may not experience the same things so it is and isn't depending on what kind of Autism people have got. WWW.nas@nas.org.uk that's the National Autism Society.

Sunday, 20 February 2011

The Update for the Health play.

I had just had my operation, I still wasn't feeling myself, I felt weak and light headed.

I was lyeing in bed calling the nurse to go to the toilet. Clock shows 6 O'clock.

"Nurse, nurse, I need the toilet."

I got out of bed, I was giddy as I fell over a pile of bed pans and I was shouting.
No one took any notice.

If no one is coming I will have to go myself, I need the toilet."

I passed out as vaious people walked passed me.

When the nurse finely found me she notice my chin was bleeding.

" Are you ok? Let's get you back into bed."

"You chin is bleeding."

"Oh goodness, I'm dripping."

"Let's clean up your chin!"

It wouldn't stop bleeding.

"I'm still bleeding, nurse."

"Oh it will be ok, it's only a little cut."

The showed 12.00pm.

Nurse comes over to the bed.

"I'm still bleeding."

"Whoops, maybe we should get the doctor to look at it.

My chin had been bleeding for 6 hours because I wasn't listened to.