Poetry, writings and art blog

Learning disability and Mental health awareness

Sunday, 24 April 2016

Learning Disability and Mental Health Awareness and Advocacy for ‘ Always Learn About Disability + Never Judge disability.

What are Learning Disabilities.

My Career.

I am a Visiting Lecture Learning Disability and Mental Health Awareness trainer for The University Of Wolverhampton training and educating the Student Learning Disability nurses plus I am also an English student at the Adult Learning college Wolverhampton. I have disabilities and health problems myself so does my partner Tim Hodge who I work on this group with. Our experiences are 1st hand experiences from having disabilities and health problems ourselves. 

Aims of Learning Disability and Mental Health awareness and All Advocacy.

'Learn About The Disability + Never Judge Disability' is a Learning Disability and Advocacy group all in one. For learning disability and mental health awareness it raises awareness of people with disabilities and health problems access all areas of life such as health, housing, careers, talent, social issues, Disabled Access, Disabled aids, Advocacy and etc.  People with disabilities and health problems raise awareness to people without disabilities and health problems who work in the field of disabilities and health problems. The idea is for people to learn about how people disabilities and health problems access all topics of life and how to making learning easy for people with disabilities and health problems from people with disabilities and health problems.
People who work in the field of learning disabilities and health problems could work in different services such as schools, Employment services, Health services, Education services and etc. You could be a professions, family member, parents or just parent; teacher, tutor, trainer, doctor, nurse and etc. Whether you have very little or a lot of experience with the field of disabilities and health problems this group is open to you if you want to join us.  

What is Advocacy?

Public Advocacy is about empowering and support people with disabilities and health problems to speak up for their right.
You are more than welcome to Disabled Advocacy group.
You can make your own choices, control and ideas as long as you share with the group and respect the group's wishes, which could come into Person Centered Planning.

You are welcome to set up your own projects as a group.
The Disabled Advocacy group is chance to us your voice and have your own say like the aware group I have just set up.
Private Advocacy is more legal and Illegal Advocacy that links around such topics as hate crime, benefits, benefit cut, fit for work, not fit for work and etc. 

I understand that the government can make us angrily. You are more than welcome to debate but please draw the line. Bearing in mind I have disabilities and health problems as well one of mine is Anxiety.

Now those of us who suffer from Anxiety can get up tight easy. If you feel tense come off this group until you feel ready to face the group again.

A word of advice if you feel like that come off for the Disabled Advocacy group for a bit then come on whenever you feel clam enough again to come back on.

 The idea of this topic is the about the positives and negative people with disabilities and health problems face in life.
This is a chance for people with disabilities and health problems to raise awareness to though with without, which could be to professions, services, carers, families and etc.

You will be allowed to send posts, write post, videos and reports on anything to do with learning disability and mental health awareness.
This could mean things Communication, Accessible Information, Person Centered Planning, Valuing People Now and etc.    

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