Poetry, writings and art blog

Learning disability and Mental health awareness

Saturday, 17 September 2016

Possible changes to the 70s and 80s group only by your say so.

Hello, all are thinking about making some changes but we won't make those changes unless a lot of you guys agree.
We Understand that a lot of you have been members since we first this group round about 8 months ago.
We are thinking about changing it into a group where you can add any topic in any time period so you don't have to google and check what decade it is before you add any post yo want to add,eg; music, film, fashion and etc. 
If the change does happen it won't be a quick change as we will have to think of a name and we will take a bit more time to plan than we have in the past.
If at all possible your ideas suggestions and feedback would be most would be most helpful to us so we can make the group enjoyable for you and future members.
Also if the change happens if you know any members of this group who haven't been on the group for a long time, please make them aware thank you.
Please feel free to add your views on the idea whenever you like so we know where we stand one way or the other, we have also on the pinned post on the group.
Remember if not a lot of you like the idea then we keep the group as it is.
Please welcome any new members you are aware of. Welcome to our group new members please read the purpose and safety rules of the group on my website link at the bottom the pinned post thank you.http://sararevealed.blogspot.co.uk/…/up-date-of-70s-and-80s…http://sararevealed.blogspot.co.uk/

Also please feel free add comment and raise your views and opinions in the comment box of this link if you please, thank you. Even if we change the pinned post again this link will be here so say now you feel it's not an idea then you change you, then if or whenever you free feel to write a comment.  We can make the change anytime or not at all depending whether or not we have a lot of people agreeing to it, thank you.

This is your chance to say how you see a group interesting but remembers can't please everyone as not all people think the same, it would be a boring world if that was the case.

 We have had a few problems on the 70s and 80s group just this lately as a few people have been removed and blocked, which I guess is  because of me mostly been on the group but as I said I can't please everyone but I have given your chance to have your say on the created poll or comment box and comment box on this website and I am working my hardest get a few more members with a bit of time on their hands to make the group more interesting for you .

 We don't know what is an interesting to you unless you say so please feel free to tell us.

  We are working on getting just a few more Admins who will have a little more time their hands so please bear with us, thank you for your patience.

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