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Learning disability and Mental health awareness

Thursday, 13 October 2016

Understanding depression, other disabilities, health problems, mental health problems and long term conditions.

Like a lot of disabilities, health problems, mental health problems and etc can affect different people different ways so except anything off anybody.

Everyone who has Depression can vary from person to person how it affects them. However’ People with such health problems and mental problems such as Anxiety, Depression and ADHD.

Not everyone faces this Depression in the same way.

 Let’s take Depression for example for what others see and what you see is true, say things are going well for you. A person can be in a low mood and feel sad at any time. They can feel helpless and hopeless, tearful, guilty as if they are doing something wrong all the time, which no one is all the time so that could kick Anxiety, worrying about things they may not need to worry about, feeling irritable and intolerant towards others, lack of motivation, little interest in anything, feeling there's no positively, suicidal thought, anxious, worried and affects friendships and relationships. 

For some reason you’re not feeling happy yet you don’t know why. That feeling is inside you whether your life is going really good really, really bad or both.
 That feeling inside you comes and goes whenever it wants to. Such as ADHA and Anxiety can be feeling of moods and anger.

Long Term Conditions, disabilities, health problems and mental problems stress can affect. 

  • Anxiety
  • Depression
  • ADHD
  • Epilepsy
  • Diabetes
  • General Learning Disabilities
  • Physical Disabilities
  •  Mental Disabilities

People worrying about everyday problems like money for example. Such people who have had their benefits stopped or and cut. How they are going to pay bills and feed themselves. Stress can drive a lot of people sadly to suicide. Many other them take overdoses and even end up taking own lives.

ADD/ ADHD ( Attention Deflect Hyperactive Disorder.)

  • Slow learner
  • Find it hard to concentrate.
  • Forgetting a lot.
  • Finding it hard to complete tasks.
  • Finding it hard to follow instructions.
  • Lack comprehension.
Asperger Syndrome.

  • Find it hard to find an interest.
  • Behaviour problems.
  • Problems with speech and language. 
  • Problems with logical and technical thinking.
  • Find it hard to socialize and communicate with others. 
  • Problems with facial expressions.
  • Clumsy and uncoordinated.
  • Problems understanding others.
  • Can experience ( sensory In Dysfunctions).  

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