Poetry, writings and art blog

Learning disability and Mental health awareness

Saturday, 20 May 2017

The way our facebook groups for disabilities and health problems work.

1.Feel free to ask at any time if you can pm us.

 2.You may find for whatever reason some Admins may not be happy pm people they don't know and your wishes stand the other way round. 

3. It's not about trusting and distrusting it's about the fact that Facebook is so worldwide and so many people know and don't know one another. 

4.That doesn't mean though that you will always find that an Admin won't pm you.

 5. However' if there's Admin who won't pm you, they will search for an Admin on our team who will.

 6. If no one will on our team we will contact other like ours to find Admins who will

 7. Please don't be alarmed the chances of us finding it hard to get an Admin to pm you is very unlikely and rare but please respect their wishes.

8.Like we have said before those who are aware but I am saying again in case of you are not aware. All our Admins have different skills.

Reasons for telling the team. 

Whichever Admin you talk to it's private between you both but we will tell just the team if.

9.If we are very concerned about your safety, ours or both.

10. we are not trained to deal with what you are asking for, which mean we will try  Admins on our team who is if no one is then we will search for help elsewhere. 

11. If you ask us to we will look for information or and websites online on whatever you may be asking for.


12.Just to also let know as well as your safety matter to us, my Admins' safety matter as well. 

13. I can't and I don't want to speak for what you decide to or my Admins.

 14.Please be aware if for any reason they are not happy with you at any time during in a talk, they have the rights to remove and block you, even unfriend and block if they are added as friend to you if they show me proof. 

12.The chances are very unlikely you will face any problems with anyone on our team.

 13.If you face any problems with anyone on our team, please provide proof and they will face been take off our team and groups just the same as members been taken off the groups.

 15.Your rights are equal to ours.

 16. Action will be only taken if there's proof of whatever it is has happened. 

17. If you feel to that my system of running these facebook groups are unfair please free to leave out groups at any time. For everyone's' safety we try to be fair as we possibly can be.

18. If either you see anyone on our groups been bullied, abused or and etc, please do report it with proof with whether it's a member or Admin!

19.Before reporting for someone else, please make the person aware and show your concern, respect the victim's wishes if they don't want you to report it.

20.However' if you are concerned that the situation is getting worse tell the victim you are going to report it to us and reasons why. thank you.

21.Please feel free to report any bullying and or abuse or and etc if you face it yourself with proof.

21. We will remove and block the person and even report the person to facebook if needs be whether you have reported them to us for yourself or someone else.

22. Our reasons for wanting proof is so we don't blame the wrong person for any situation. 

Monday, 8 May 2017

Dementia in people with disabilities and health problems.

Dementia is an illness in the brain.
Our brains tell our bodies what to do.
What we think is what we say.
It could be get dressed.
It could go out for a walk.
To think and remember things is hard.
When having Dementia the brain thinks less and becomes more tried.
We forget people or and places.
We remember things from years ago but not what happened a second or a minute ago.
We easily get confused.
We forget words.
We lose skills like for example; using a knife and fork. 

Dementia in people with disabilities and health problems.
 Dementia is a double problem for people with disabilities and health problems compared to people because it's something else that affects our lives, even Dementia affects everyone's lives. This is rather surprising despite a lot of people with disabilities and health problems suffer from lack of communication and understanding. It seems common sense that the Dementia in people with disabilities and health problems are worse because of communication and memory problems compared to people without disabilities and health problems. Please search online to find out whether or not Demeaffects effect people with disabilities and health problems worse compared to other people. I would be more than grateful if you email me to give me the answer on sarajgorman@gmail.com

How people with Dementia, learning disabilities and other health problems can be misunderstood.
People can misunderstand people as loopy, crazy, Senile, cook coo, dotty, past it, loony, not all there, in another world, even useless and hopeless. When you have had disabilities and health problems all your life you get use to being misunderstood different things, it shouldn't have to be that way. You are as insane and together as everyone else underneath.

Dementia is an illness to the brain; it can appear in anyone not just in people with disabilities and health problems.

Memory loss.  You may find it hard to take in information, therefore you may forget what you read, what you watched, what you listened to or and what someone has said to you. People with Dementia can forget how to do things and what they were doing. They could remember things from 50 years ago for example but forget things from as little as a second ago.

In childhood I was on very strong tablets for Epilepsy, they blocked my awareness of getting around safety unless I was supported, my memory was a lot worse than it is now which got me into trouble with a lot of adult and it caused children to bullying me and they affected my ability to learn in school. It was only over two years after I was taken off the tablets I slowly started to get better. Learn better, start to get around outside on my own and my memory slowly got better. Search Dementia, Learning Disability and Health problems to see if a person with these problems can go back to where they were as a child. sarajgorman@gmail.com

I looked up to see if people with Epilepsy are likely to face Lewy Body Dementia but Health professions don't seem to know yet.  My Epilepsy has come and gone throughout my life from birth to 12 years old then not again till I was 31 till I was 43. Somewhere this website I wrote about Epilepsy and Anxiety because seizures and panic attack can get confused if you suffer from Epilepsy and Anxiety which I have done. The closest to Epilepsy and Anxiety in my research of Lewy Body Dementia is Essential Tremor.      

I know someone with a Speech problems, if he’s in risk Dementia, what kind of Dementia is he in risk of?sarajgorman@gmail.com

The risks are higher in people with a learning disability than other people. People with Down’s syndrome have the highest risk because round about 30 years ago and before they would only live roughly a 30 years. Now their Dementia is in risk of kicking in when they are roughly 30 to 40 years of age. Like not everyone gets Dementia not everyone with Down’s syndrome gets it. Not everyone with other disabilities and health problems gets Dementia.

It can be hard for people with Dementia to get the right help and support. Without the right care and support Dementia can be more scary than cancer.

Vascular Dementia is when someone suffers from a Stroke but that doesn't necessary mean the person is or isn't going to get Dementia.
Lewy Body Dementia is in someone who has Parkinson’s Disease but again doesn't necessary mean they will get Dementia.
The law says that it should be easy for people with disabilities and health problems to get the support from services but that’s not always the case.
If you have Dementia you might be in risk of hurting yourself.
If you have Dementia you may lose your awareness of getting around.
If you have Dementia you may not understand others.
If you have Dementia you may replete what you have already said time and time again, memory could go in no time.
If you have Dementia you could think you are still what you were fifty years ago for example.
Some people with Dementia feel confused and upset when they look in the mirror to find out they are not what they used to look like.
Professions who may support you are not allowed to support you with your permission for eg; when you get about and cross the road.
 If they are curtained about your safety they should contact local councils if you haven’t given them permission to support you.
The local councils should contact them in 21 days.

Sunday, 7 May 2017

What is Anxiety and Depression?

Depression is a feeling sadness where there's a reason to be or not but with each person, it can vary. Depression is a Mental Health problem that can link with disabilities and health or on its own same with Anxiety as well. Not everything is down to disabilities and health problems. Everyone in this world has faults but not all faults can be excused to disabilities and health problems.

Disabilities, health problems, mental health problems, disorders. long - term conditions or and etc can affect our lives but with the right support, they shouldn't stop our lives. They can affect things like, here some examples which may be the case with some people but not others. Most of us can be misunderstood for something or and something we are not.

What can make Anxiety, Depression, other disabilities, health problems, disorders, long - teams conditions or and etc hard to understand?

We might mean some things in one way but said and write another to a point others misunderstand. Therefore example; Anxiety and Depression the person can feel a sense of blame and guilt when they didn't really need to but from society's point a view it can seem to them as if the person has done or said something wrong on purpose, which doesn't make the person feel any better.

  • Education
  • Employment
  • Marriage
  • Driving
  • Children
  • Socializing and how we get along with people.
Just because some suffers Anxiety and Depression that doesn't mean we show sadness and anger 24 hours a day so we are not all negative either. Yes, it is true that we should help ourselves before others helping us, we also know it's not in everyone. They are very hidden conditions and most misunderstood because others can think we just want to be sad and angry all the witch is not the case, it's not a choice we made or want. In fact, life is an effect every day to keep strong fight it the way we can. However' we can be misunderstood the other way round to a point if we are seen smiling and don't seem angerly we can't possibly suffer from Anxiety and Depression. As far as society is concerned it's all in our minds and heads. 

Anxiety is a feeling of anger whether there's reason or not, again can vary from person to person.
Some forms of Anxiety and Depression can be more major than others.

Signs and systems of Anxiety and Depression. 

  • Feeling sad and tearful
  • None or too much interest in things
  • Not eating, little or overeating
  • No sleeping, little sleep too much sleep
Really different people's Anxiety and Depression can vary to nothing, very little or too much of anything. Some people can stay the same patterns, others change others can vary so except anything off anyone.

What is Person Centred Planning?

What have you got and what do you want?

You may not be able to have what you for money reasons or other reason, which maybe the same reasons for people with disabilities and health problems and other reasons because of their disabilities and health problems.
Person Centre Planning is to see that there is the support out for what the person wants and needs in their lives.

What may they want they want to do and don't want in their lives?

  • Home
  • Health
  • Education
  • Having enough support
  • work
  • Having enough independence
  • Benefit trap
  • Social/ no social life 
  • Being treated like a child or there's no one around all.
What about you?

What you got and do what you like?
What has you got and do what you dislike?
What do you want?
What don't you want?

Here are so examples.
  • Home
  • Health
  • Education
  • Employment
  • Children
  • Partner
  • Holiday
  • Social life/ no social life

Person-centred planning is about a person's choice and control balancing the independence when wanted and needed. Each person you come across is likely to face different strengths and weaknesses in their lives just like everyone.  Some people may need more support than others.

What stops people doing things?

People with disabilities and health problems have very little choice and control over our lives but not necessary a nasty way but and loving over projected way. This can be by family members, parents, carers, support worker, social worker and or etc. There needs to be a balance between too much support and no support at all.

How does someone know when and when not that support is needed?

Different disabilities and health problems affect different people in different ways, which is no more different than other, only needing a lot more support. The person is likely to ask for support when they need them if the support isn't offered when they don't. We are likely to want to learn new skills but we just need to right support to do so. We need support with what we can't manage but we need our independence with what we can manage where the balance comes in.

Handout for User Friendly.

What is a learning disability?  
A learning disability can either affect the brain or and the body before, during and after birth.
Here are some types of disabilities Dyspraxia, Dyslexia, and Autism, what others are there?
Mental health problems Anxiety and Depression, what others are there?
Health problems Epilepsy, Diabetes, and ADHD, what others are there?
How do disabilities and health problems affect people in everyday life at home, school, college in the workplace and etc?
How can you make life easy for people who face disabilities and health problems?  Here are my examples what are yours.
Accessible information (Easy read).
Communication, how can someone with disabilities and health problems make themselves understood? Here are my examples what are yours?
Sign language, Easy read symbols, speech, and language.
PCP Person Centred Planning, learning how to balance support with independence.
References you could use websites, books and etc. Here’s one www.mencap.org.uk

Different types of disabilities and health problems.

ADD/ ADHD (Attention Deflect Hyperactive.
Slow learners, find it hard to concentrate, forgetting a lot, finding it hard complete tasks, finding it hard to follow instructions and lack of comprehension.
Asperser Syndrome.
Find it hard to have an interest in anything, behavior problems, Problems with speech and launage, Very logical and technical thinking, find it hard to socialize and communicate, Problems with facial expressions, clumsily and uncoordinated, problems with understanding others can experience ( Sensory Integration Dysfunctions.

Low mood and sadness at any time with or without a reason but each person can vary so excepted anything off anyone. Feeling hopeless and helpless where a person can feel negative about them but don’t think the person is negative all the time, also with some people, it can vary. Feeling irritates and intolerant towards others and may do towards just them or others as well.  Lack of motivation or too much interest in things, suicidal thoughts, feeling anxious and worried and it can affect friendships and relationships. Every person can vary it’s not all black and white, some people can be different to others.
Confused with numbers, How to tell which two numbers are larger, use fingers to count, find it hard to read clocks, find it hard to work out timetables and mental arithmetic, Find it hard to gage time, find it hard to understand left to right, Poor sense of direction, find it hard to measure distance, Find it hard to score games and take part in actives.  
Problems with reading, writing, and spelling, may learn better visual, find it hard to concentrate, stutter in speech, Poor and slow handwriting, Poor concentration, and clumsiness, even simple things can be challenging.
Clumsiness and balance problems, find it hard to tell left to right, prone to panic attacks, find it hard to sleep and can be over tried, daydream, fur straughted and low self – stream.

Absence seizures are when the person loses consciousness and may stare into space. Myoclonic seizures are movements of the muscles. The muscles contract and relax rapidly causing jumping movements. Tonic – clonic seizures the person loses full consciousness. After a seizure, the person is confused, disoriented tired.


User friendly 2017.

Task one.

Write up an set of instructions that a person may have to follow or do things in some kind of order, what do they do first, second and so on?

How would you make the information accessible to them?

The could be making a paper airplane, changing a light bulb, wiring a plug, putting on a duvet, making a hot drink, even boiling an egg.

Task two.

Find websites to study the history of disabilities and health problems, what has changed from the past to today?

What still needs to get better but what is better than it used to be?

 Task three.

What is communication?

Name forms of communication!

Task four.

How can you support memory problems?
By studying websites and even books, find out what others disabilities and health problems can cause problems other than the ones I have listed on this post!

Task five. 

How can you make learning accessible for people with disabilities and health problems to learn? Study from the guidelines on Sara revealed in 2017 and 16 post and maybe other references too.

Task six.

  • How would you make an assessment accessible?
  • How does disabilities and health problems affect people's everyday skills?
  • Look on WWW.mencap.org.uk and User-friendly part 3 on Sara revealed 2016 post.
For example; can the person make a hot drink, with support, without support or not at all?

This could mean.
  • Heating a hot snack.
  • Preparing a cold snack.
  • Cooking or and heat a hot meal.
  • Wash up.
  • Dry up.
  • Use the washing machine
  • Dy clothes
  • Iron clothes
  • Hover
  • Dust 
  • Shop
  • Washing
  • Bathing
  • Showering
  • Washing hair
  • Brushing hair
  • Brushing teeth
  • Cutting fingernails
  • Cutting toenails
Task 7. Google these.

  1. What is Personal care?
  2. What is everyday living skills?
  3. What is PCP Person Centred Planning?
  4.  What is Valuing people Now? 

Listening Skills.

People on answer phones can talk too fast for people with disabilities and health problems to keep up with they are saying for example; press this for that and that for this. This can be furstaighting when the person needs to make an important, something needs to be sorted quickly and no one is there dealing with it with them right away.

Without being racist most people with disabilities and health problems don't understand foreign languages, this can be hard when the called is unexpected and unknown whether the calls are important to us or not.

Disabilities and health problems are likely to slow down a person's ability and even give them memory problems such as. 

Causes of memory problems.

  • Dyslexia
  • Dyspraxia
  • Dimension
  • Side effects from most medications
  • Epilepsy

Saturday, 6 May 2017

Up tp date accessibe information guidelines.


For people with disabilities and health problems to understand information mainly when the information is important, it needs to be accessible and easy for us to read. A lot of people have had their support cut and many may have a small amount of family support if they are lucky but most may have no support.  For example; we tend to find anything important is not accessible like letters for our benefits or bills we may need to pay. That's just two things but there may be other important things we don't understand because the information is not accessible for us understand whether it's important or not.

Here some guidelines from Mencap that people with disabilities and health problems wrote. However'  different ways are and are not accessible to different people so please ask people what is and what isn't accessible to them before providing them with information.
Also be honest, if there's anything the place you work can't provide to make the information accessible, please let the person know and explain to the person what the information means if they have problems understanding what it means, highlights it if needs to be. However' if the person does bring support with them to tell whoever that is to explain to them. Try to make important information direct for example; You must post your benefit form and letter tomorrow!
 More information about the update accessible information guidelines is on the Mencap website http://www.accessibleinfo.co.uk/pdfs/Making-Myself-Clear.pdf

  1. Use simple text ( plain Engish. No jargon. Try to write as you speak. Don't use unnecessary detail or abbreviation. If you need to use hard words explain to the person what they mean. 
  2. Use a dictionary or thesaurus to see if you can make the launage any easier for them, if not explain why and what you mean.   
  3. Be plain in what you write and say, cut out and unnecessary information, make sure important information to the person is provided whether it's for their needs or wants so the person doesn't miss out on anything important.
  4. short sentences. 
  5. Use simple punctuation, avoid semicolons; colons: hyphens- or and broken up sentences with many commas.
  6. Short words.
  7. Highlight words that you may not be able to shorten and explain to the person what you mean.
  8. Large print at least size 12 font at least.
  9. plenty of typeface and spacing.
  10. Bullet points, 123, ABC, for listing, instructions, logical, one step at a time order to do or and not do things or and etc.
  11. Try to make sure words like eggs, bacon, beans are put into the bullet point, lists, 123, ABC rather than one line and in comma lists. 
  12. Images, pictures, photos, symbols, story boxes and can make the information clear to most people. 
  13.   If you are writing for adults pick your pictures and that very careful and make sure the pictures are not childish. Go through the pictures with the person to see what they like.
  14. Do not rely heavily on abstract symbols unless you know your readers are confident symbol user. Chose one of two simple, pictorial symbols or and etc. 
  15. Put them to the side of the words.  Pictures on the right and writing on the left.
  16. Some people may prefer tapes, videos, DVDs or and etc with their writing, just the writing or just tapes for example. 
  17. If you send emails remember that formatting can be lost. This can make materials hard to understand so please try to save them if you can. 
  18. It's important to get to know your audience so you know what is and isn't accessible to them so you can do your best to provide what is easy for them to read.
  19. Whenever possible involve your audience in the creative process, seek advice and ideas of people with learning disabilities as early as possible.
  20. Most people prefer numbers to be written in numbers for example 22 rather than twenty - two.
  21. Active verbs for eg; John loves Mary. not. Mary is loved by John. 
  22. Use full stops don't use other punctuation marks.
  23. Do not use abbreviations for eg ; do not. not eg; don't. 

Thursday, 4 May 2017

Private message with Admins.

If you prefer one Admin to talk to on pm, it's fine. What you talk about on pm with any Admin is private. However' if the Admin is concerned for you or and they are worried you are in any kind of safety risk or and they have got any knowledge, skills, experience or and etc to deal with your issues. If none of us are trained we will search for further help elsewhere for you whether for example is finding you information website or even finding a facebook group for you that could have skills to support you in what you may want or and need.

Wednesday, 3 May 2017


People with Dyslexia can read and write, we just face challenges with reading and writing for example.

  • We may mean to write or say dog which may come out as bog.
  • 28 that may come out as 82.
  • Miss words out of sentences or and misread sentences or words.
  • might repeat things or and say things again because that we may have forgotten we have said it or and written it. 


How can other people react to people with Autism?

Most people with Autism find it hard to communicate with other socially. People with Autism may talk about a different topic to what other people are talking about without meaning because they may not be aware or and understand what others are talking about. If people don't know the person or and don't the person has Autism, they may just carry on as if the person isn't there, which could make the person with Autism feel shut out and not understand why no is talking to them.
  Even people are talking to the person, both the person with Autism and the people around may not feel as if they are not on the same wavelength.
 This may be because the people might be talking too fast for the person with Autism, the person with Autism may not understand the topic the people are talking about, the person with Autism may find it hard to take in what people are talking about, they may not react at the same or in the same way to the topic, for example if they laugh and no one else is, plus not understand what is a joke and what isn't and they may say something that isn't anything to do with what others are talking about.
This is what can make hard people with Autism gain friendships and or relationships. it's common for Anxiety to be connected with Autism, due to the fact lack of communication with others doesn't always helps us to get on with people but doesn't mean everyone.
Anxiety can make us angry, fur straughted, guilt and alone in the world because we may have said or done something that didn't mean how it has sounded or and seemed to others.

Social Interaction. 
Social Interaction is when the person is surrounded by too many people, noises, traffic and etc to cope with for example.

The difficulties we face. 

  • Social communication. Finding it hard to communicate with others.
  • Social Interaction. Finding it hard to cope with the big world, for example, finding our way around a lot of places and surrounded by a lot of people.
  • Social imagination. Finding hard to understand when something is a joke or and serious.