Poetry, writings and art blog

Learning disability and Mental health awareness

Saturday, 20 May 2017

The way our facebook groups for disabilities and health problems work.

1.Feel free to ask at any time if you can pm us.

 2.You may find for whatever reason some Admins may not be happy pm people they don't know and your wishes stand the other way round. 

3. It's not about trusting and distrusting it's about the fact that Facebook is so worldwide and so many people know and don't know one another. 

4.That doesn't mean though that you will always find that an Admin won't pm you.

 5. However' if there's Admin who won't pm you, they will search for an Admin on our team who will.

 6. If no one will on our team we will contact other like ours to find Admins who will

 7. Please don't be alarmed the chances of us finding it hard to get an Admin to pm you is very unlikely and rare but please respect their wishes.

8.Like we have said before those who are aware but I am saying again in case of you are not aware. All our Admins have different skills.

Reasons for telling the team. 

Whichever Admin you talk to it's private between you both but we will tell just the team if.

9.If we are very concerned about your safety, ours or both.

10. we are not trained to deal with what you are asking for, which mean we will try  Admins on our team who is if no one is then we will search for help elsewhere. 

11. If you ask us to we will look for information or and websites online on whatever you may be asking for.


12.Just to also let know as well as your safety matter to us, my Admins' safety matter as well. 

13. I can't and I don't want to speak for what you decide to or my Admins.

 14.Please be aware if for any reason they are not happy with you at any time during in a talk, they have the rights to remove and block you, even unfriend and block if they are added as friend to you if they show me proof. 

12.The chances are very unlikely you will face any problems with anyone on our team.

 13.If you face any problems with anyone on our team, please provide proof and they will face been take off our team and groups just the same as members been taken off the groups.

 15.Your rights are equal to ours.

 16. Action will be only taken if there's proof of whatever it is has happened. 

17. If you feel to that my system of running these facebook groups are unfair please free to leave out groups at any time. For everyone's' safety we try to be fair as we possibly can be.

18. If either you see anyone on our groups been bullied, abused or and etc, please do report it with proof with whether it's a member or Admin!

19.Before reporting for someone else, please make the person aware and show your concern, respect the victim's wishes if they don't want you to report it.

20.However' if you are concerned that the situation is getting worse tell the victim you are going to report it to us and reasons why. thank you.

21.Please feel free to report any bullying and or abuse or and etc if you face it yourself with proof.

21. We will remove and block the person and even report the person to facebook if needs be whether you have reported them to us for yourself or someone else.

22. Our reasons for wanting proof is so we don't blame the wrong person for any situation. 

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