Poetry, writings and art blog

Learning disability and Mental health awareness

Tuesday, 29 September 2020

Living with Autism, Anxiety and Depression.


Everyone faces stress one way or the other with or without a reason at times but if you face disabilities, Autism, other problems, etc, higher the stress, anxiety, and depression levels are likely to be. People with Autism are most sensitive to different situations. Also, we can be unaware of the world around us and what we do and say may sound to others, if or and when becoming aware this can make us feel awfully bad about ourselves. However,’ we are all human and those of us with disabilities, etc we can’t put everything down to all the time but pretty most disabilities, etc can affect us in many ways. Violence is not the answer everyone no matter who we are, what face etc need so form of punishment, which the UK, the government has taken away.

Questions could be in a lot of people’s minds may be not promised to be answered because not sure anyone really knows. Why do most of us with Autism have high levels of Anxiety?

Most of us with Autism face Sensory issues, we are sentcesive to such things as smell, sound, touch, taste, feel sound, etc.

Lack of communication and understanding with people in our lives and strangers as well.

Change and route.

The way we think others may not agree with even though that happens even with those who does not have Autism?


What is sensory? In the case of Autism, we are affected by smell, taste, touch, feel sound, etc, and the world around us. Let’s not be misunderstood on this one as possible as all disabilities and other problems can vary from person to person in different ways so excepted anything off anyone. For most people, this could be busy atmospheres, a lot of people, bright lights, colours, etc.

Lack of communication and understanding.

Here we are looking a social issues, which could

be pretty much like I have just said say a busy night club, a lot of people flashing lights etc and on top of that some people with Autism face Epilepsy They may have difficulty finding their way around places, get lost easy mainly if they do not know the place and even then they may take longer than other people to find their way around.

Things what they may do and say without being aware of what it may look and sound may cause others to row with them mainly strangers without knowing the person may have no understanding of how they may look or and sound to whoever.

 For example phrases like break a leg there could be a lack of communication both ways, either someone says it means it as a joke but the other people get upset about it’s the person with Autism, you or someone else. The hardest thing is most forms of Autism is a hidden and appear to you to cope in life the same as you but you aren’t excepted to know the person has Autism unless they say or if they have someone with them who says.

 That doesn’t necessarily mean you come to an understanding but you sure won’t if no one makes you aware. However,’ that a person is likely to struggle to understand they may have done wrong and why it’s upset you either. Autism can make it hard to access friendships, relationships etc but like I said not everything down to that, we are human like everyone, we have good and bad points. 

  That doesn’t necessarily mean you have asked everyone you may cross if they have Autism or not. Just because they face disabilities, Autism etc that doesn’t mean it covers everyone’s fault, however’ these problems can in certain areas affect people, which can be hard to address, I guess.

When or and if become aware and suddenly understand they will feel bad and apologies, they just may slower than other people to realize. 
Sometimes sadly that isn’t always possible where you only see that person once and not again, which they may not be aware of what they have said or and done or wondering, what, why etc.

Sunday, 27 September 2020

Signs of Autism.


This may vary from person to person. Some people may not face all these things, a few some or all. Others may overcome some things whereas others may always be the same all their lives.

*                Not responding to their name.

*                Avoiding eye contact.

*                Not smiling when others smile.

*                       Terribly upset by routine and change.

*                       Terribly upset by certain, taste, smells, and sounds, etc.

*                       Unawareness and misunderstanding of people’s thoughts and feelings. One aware and understood they will most likely feel bad about it and apologize but they won't be aware unless they are. 

*                       Not taking much notice of other children and people in one’s world and unaware of what’s going on around them.

*                       Finding it hard to access friendships and relationships.

*                       Finding it hard to know if someone is joking or serious. For eg; break a leg. Pull your socks up. They will most likely take it to the heart or may laugh at something don't see as funny, which won't be the intention. They won't understand that it is not funny until someone says it is not.https://www.ninds.nih.gov/Disorders/Patient-Caregiver-Education/Fact-Sheets/Autism-Spectrum-Disorder-Fact-Sheet

Inside the pc part two.


Power supply unit. The power supply unit is in the pc convents the wall outlet to the type of power to the pc. The power is sent through the cables to the motherboard and other components.

First, touch a grounded mental object or a mental pc case part of the pc. The causes to discharge any static build-up. Static electricity can be transmitted through the pc circuits, which can seriously damage the pc.

 Expansion cards.  Many pcs today have expansion slots on the Motherboard to let various types of expansion cards, sometimes called PCL Peripheral component to interconnect cards, which is already inside the pc. Most Motherboards have built-in video, sound network, and other capabilities.

 Video cards. The video card responsible for what you see on the monitor. Most pc have it, GPU graphic processing unit built into the Motherboard instead of having it outside the pc, where you would need to buy your own video card at the start of IT. This is there for those who play graphic-intensive games. A few pcs if any do not have them you would have to add them but mostly most things are built inside the pcs of today, which are faster video cards to one of the expansion slots to enjoy games.

Sound cards. The sound card is an auto card, which is responsible for what you hear in speaking or and headphones. Many Motherboards today have integrated sound for high-quality sound.

Network cards.  Network cards give us communication in the pc over network and internet access. It either connects to Ethernet cable through wireless connection mostly Wi – fi. Most Motherboards access inside the pc, network card, which can be added to expansion slot or, which may be added in most before buying the pc.





Bluetooth card or adapter.


Bluetooth is technology wireless communication over short distances. Mostly it is used for pcs to communicate with wireless, keyboard, mouse, and printer. It is built into the Motherboard into the wireless network card. Pcs mostly do not have Bluetooth, USB adapter, often called a dongle.  







Saturday, 26 September 2020

Back to inside the pc.


The Motherboard the main circuit board. It is a thin the plate inside the pc that holds the CPU/Processor, connectors for the hard drive, optical drives, expansion cards to control video, and auto plus connectors to USB ports.


CPU/ Processor the central processing unit, which CPU stands for. It is located inside the pc case on the Motherboard. The Motherboard is known as the brain of the pc. It carries out all different commands. Each time a key, mouse, start an app instruction is sent to the CPU, which is part of the hardware the pc itself. Therefore, it receives the information either coming from us whatever we do, software, etc, which is the input whereas the output sends the information. For example, if you are in the word. When putting in your USB and going into a file you may have saved and when adding more information that then tells the CPU/ Processor Central Processor Unit what to do as you press the keys. While doing that it may well be possible it is brought up possible codes etc you cannot see, which may be called the binary. Not to say that this information is correct at least most of it but what I have research it makes me think that way. I do not see myself as an IT expert I just write how I study.



According to my research, the CPU is normally 2 inches ceramal square which is with a silicon chip inside the pc. The chip is normally the size of a thumbnail. The CPU fits into the Motherboard’s CPU socket, which covers the heat sink, which absorbs heat from the CPU.


The speed of the processor is measured to megahertz MHz, there are millions of instructions to a second and gigahertz GHz or billions of instructions a second. A processor that is fast can pick up instructions quicker. The speed depends on the speed of the pc depending on different components, this is not just the processor.


RAM Ramon Access Memory.

The Ram measures the memory in the megabytes MB. The more Ram we have the more things the pc can do at the same time. If there’s not enough Ram it slows the pc down and if there are too many programs on once the pc is at risk of freezing if none or extraordinarily little Ram or and responding to whatever you type in etc. This can give need to restart etc. It is maybe possible to have extra Ram to try to improve.

 This is only a guess but it may be possible as the pc gets old if it has been used a lot, which may depend on the type of pc, the Ram may slow down to having its day. With some pcs it may not be the case as many old types of pcs may come into other uses.


Such new types of pcs as Windows 10 for example extra Ram may have been put in without us having to do so. This makes me think with the experience pf my pc today by it asking for an update ever so often keeps the pc working well as long as possible.


Hard drive.  The hard drive is where the software documents are, where the files are stored. The hard drive is a long – term storage. This means the data is saved even if the pc is off and not plugged in. When running through the program or open file, pc copies data from the hard drive on to the Ram, when it is saved to the data is copied back to the hard drive. The faster the drive, the faster the pc will start up then load programs.

Friday, 25 September 2020

Computer science part one.

  Just to say sorry if I have repeated anything in this task by mistake.

Most computers these days have built Motherboards, very few do not have them if any do not. If there are any pcs that do not have built-in Motherboards, I have no idea where to get the parts and how much they cost. I can only speak for my own pc. The one has a keyboard, mouse, USB socket, web camera. All the rest is probably inside the pc. However, I guess every device can vary.


Other parts inside the pc could include a network card which is to do with the internet, sound and video card auto and video. Important parts of the computer which are the Motherboard, CPU processor, Memory RAM, a storage device for example hard drive.

Software tells hard hardware’s what to do meaning the devices we use. For example, games, operating systems such as Word, PowerPoint, Excel, etc.






Do you have to be good at maths to get into computer science? I know I said no to start with because even people who are not good at maths can use IT in other areas. Most people say yes but really think it is a yes and a no answer. If you are using IT not necessary but if your building and creating IT I would say so. I myself are rubbish at maths, I have this Maths Anxiety or should I say disability linked to my Dyspraxia called dyscalculia, no way could I be an IT creator but I am more on the creative side such as PowerPoint, poetry, writing stories, painting, drawing, etc. As for Binary that comes from research off the internet.


The decimal number system is 10 digits to 0 zero through 9 which combination of these 10 digits. According to what I have researched on the internet each computer operates differently. We use a number system that has 2 digits one. The system is called binary computer use in everything we do but numbers are not seen as we are doing whatever we are doing on IT. Computers need information in order to know what to do. The digit's information or data is made up of bits. Bits are short for binary digit. Meaning each bit is just a single number like 1 to 0 zero.

Each bit can create a larger unit like bytes, megabytes, and so on to measure files. The larger the file more bites there are, which are made up of millions and millions of 1s and 0s. How does this happen? Ones and zeroes get together and allow the pc to function. Everything we use in IT adds up to the binary.

It is like in general life, when light, heating, etc go on and off, which monitors how much power is and not using.


Programming languages.  All devices have some type of code I guess, which comes up when we use them and whatever we are doing on them. It is unknown to know how this happens. I am guessing there is no right or wrong, but I am guessing there’s a different code to each thing we can use on devices. For example, word, PowerPoint, Excel, etc. Google chrome, firefox, etc; Facebook, email, YouTube, etc, which may not see as it could be in the devices. However,’ naturally, that probably does not include hopefully not the passwords, etc we tap in to do different things.


There is a lot of difficult programming languages to make up the codes of technology. Programming language made up of specific terms and directions that bring types of input on websites, apps, and other software’s for example JavaScript, python, and java are mostly used on websites for example graphics, video games, C++ to make desktops, apps, games and more.

HTML and CSS, are not technically programming languages. They are used to set up the structure and the look of all websites.





Sequences, selections, and loops.


Selection. For example, route such as in the morning our the alarm goes off, we get out of bed, go to the loo, clean teeth, have a shower, have breakfast etc.

Sequences. Example oh dear I am out of toothpaste. Have I got any more? No, I need to buy some more or yes more is here to start again next time.

Loop. Learning to do a task. For example, hammering a nail in the wall.  Hammer the nail. Is the nail in? No! Keeping hammering? If no keep going, if yes do.


and other software’s for example JavaScript, python, and java are mostly used on websites for example graphics, video games, C++ to make desktops, apps, games, and more.

HTML and CSS, they are not technically programming languages. They are used to set up the structure and the look of all websites.





Studying computer science.


During the Coronavirus lockdown of 2020, I have been doing some research on computer science and this is what I have found apart from my own experience of IT.

I was born with disabilities and other problems, Autism, Dyspraxia, Dyslexia, Epilepsy, Anxiety, and Depression. Way back when I was a baby and child it was hard to know and believe I would get anywhere career-wise but even though when I first sat by a pc I slugged at first to get gips with it I soon learned. Like everything really, I believe there are areas that we are good at and areas we are not, but everyone’s weaknesses and strengths are different. One of my areas of work is learning disability awareness, if I had not learned PowerPoint my career would have been anyone’s guess. My work is not full time but where I was over thirty years ago and more, I never excepted to be where I am today. To start with I left school nothing to show for myself and studied a lot to catch up with what a lost, which I am still doing so today at nearly fifty – one.

When I was a child in the seventies, people worked in factories, etc then later IT came in but there are still factories around but not as many as there used to be. However,’ I understand that these changes have cause disadvantages and advantages.  




Whether we are good at maths or not we live in the age now that everyone is computer scientists which we have touched a pc, phone, iPad, etc or not. Even going to the bank, we handy ever use checkbooks now in fact mostly not at all. For a least five years maybe more we have been using cash or and pin machines and we mostly have no choice to do that whether we like it or not.

If we are good at maths, we mostly have the skill to create devices or and device problems such as software, the internet, etc but with or without maths we have the skills. IT is so unavoidable even people disabilities, learning difficulties, etc have had to learn some area of IT one way or the other. Most people say you have to be good at math to know computer science in my view that is wrong because IT is with you every day.

Before such IT as pcs, phones, iPad, etc, it was still around us, but we knew as it was but in my awareness at the time, we did not know the word information teleology. In my early life, there was and even less before that, landlines, telephone boxes, tape recorders. I cannot even remember the family having a washing machine and center heating when I was small.   

The first time I sat by a pc I was scared, and I hated it at first, I was sent on my first computer course from a scheme called Training for work, which I did in centra. First of I thought it was me, to find the computers were hard to work, and little did I know the Word-Perfect program was out of date and the computers were having their day.


The computer books were really hard to understand I learned the bases but not a lot because most of the the language was hard to understand I was not really aware of a lot at the time. In about three weeks of the course they changed the computers and program, it was little easier, and I was starting to like it to a point I have had many pcs of my own ever since.

What I am trying to make a point of, I will not say before IT because I have a feeling it has always been there, but we have not always been aware. I would say life and changes in life. Meaning to my understanding right or wrong, there were no pcs let alone mobile phones when I was a small child.  Meaning that IT is life. Where we are good at some things and not in others. I am not good at maths but I have been sitting by pcs since I was twenty – seven years old and a few years after that I was faced with my first mobile phone, which again scarily at first but as they update they make them easier to use least in some areas.

Computer science has always been without us even realizing teaching and learning, it is not just about the maths side of things. The only difference is that IT now has upgraded and updated it enough to make learning and teaching easier to access than it used to be.





Lets look at different ways of thinking.


Thinking in pictures Visual thinking, creative thinking art, drawing, painting, coloring, writing poetry, short stories, etc. 

Thinking in patterns maths

Abstract thinking, Internet, search engine, images, etc.

Pattern thinking maths, science etc. https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC2677580/



Other examples of how we learn, how we teach, and how we live our lives without realizing.


Algorithms mean planning, which is a step by step instructions for learning how to or teach someone a skill. Think of it trying to build blocks start from the bottom and work your way to the top in order to achieve the goal you want or and encourage someone to achieve a goal they want. If we climb a mountain, we start from the bottom work our way to the top. For eg, following instructions on how to cook spaghetti bononase.

However,’ their code is made up of algorithms. The input is what the data on the pc receives. The output is what the data sends the pc.  Mostly data is covered back to analog format when it comes to output for example sound from pc speakers.


For example, a navigation app to directions. Tap in the destination.

The apps use makes up of algorithms. Their code is telling the app what to do as you tap into the destination into the app.  For example, Lowe Hill Wolverhampton. This could be a different site but bring different ways of getting that destination. This could depend on where one is traveling. It uses a different algorithm to check the traffic situation at the time one is looking for the information for the destination, then calculates the best available route. It uses a different algorithm.

Most of it but not all codes were built to the devices, so we do not have to put in codes, etc. We cannot see them because they are inside the devices, but it is possible each time we use a the device they appear without us seeing whether it is Facebook, word document or whatever we may be doing.


In early devices without thinking about it, we possibly have in the past had to put in certain things to set up to get into these devices whereas these days in some cases it is getting a little less than what it was but more so in other areas I guess.




Hardware and Software.  What is the hardware? Basically, the devices, display, processor, power supply, video card, this helps the pc function probley.  This includes keyboard, mouse, monitor, disc drive, CD ROM, DVD, floppy discs, Printer, Sound card, speakers. These days hard drives, CDs, etc are built into the pc. Today it is USBs we use mostly.

Software. Operating systems for example PowerPoint, Word, excel spread sheets, email outlook, Database access.

System software, program software, application software, driver software, photoshop, skype, facetime, zoom, teams, etc. Internet browser, google Firefox, etc.


Inside the computer and parts of the computer.

CD Rom, Power supply/ PSU, a floppy disk, data cable, hard drive disc, Motherboard, Heat sink, Processor / CPU, fan, memory, Memory RAM, Power cable Molex, Classic case, Data cable IDE SATA, Disc drive – CD Rom or Blu -ply, expansions card, and slots.












Tuesday, 1 September 2020


 Autism is a lifetime disability that affects communication and the way we cope with the big wide world. 

Too much going on around us can be very confusing for us, which we know we cannot avoid but depend on the situation support may be possible.

According to the Autistic society, there are roughly 100 people on the Autistic spectrum and 700'000 autistic adults and children in the UK. 

Social interaction.

People with Autism find it hard to interact with people verbally and non-verbal. 

Language gestures

Tone of voice

Facial expressions

Unable to speak, a limit of speech, some people's speech may be hard to understand, this possibility depends on the form of Autism. 

Negatives of Autism difficulty with socializing, getting along with people, and being understood, which can be due to speech in a way others don't understand, not able to speak at all, stuttering and or other forms of communication, lack of confidence,  Anxiety, furstraighton, and depression.  

The way people with Autism think.

Positives of Autism. 

Visual thinking, creative thinking art, drawing, painting, colouring, writing poetry, short stories etc. 

Abstract thinking, Internet, search engine, images etc.

Pattern thinking maths, science etc. https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC2677580/