Poetry, writings and art blog

Learning disability and Mental health awareness

Friday, 25 September 2020

Computer science part one.

  Just to say sorry if I have repeated anything in this task by mistake.

Most computers these days have built Motherboards, very few do not have them if any do not. If there are any pcs that do not have built-in Motherboards, I have no idea where to get the parts and how much they cost. I can only speak for my own pc. The one has a keyboard, mouse, USB socket, web camera. All the rest is probably inside the pc. However, I guess every device can vary.


Other parts inside the pc could include a network card which is to do with the internet, sound and video card auto and video. Important parts of the computer which are the Motherboard, CPU processor, Memory RAM, a storage device for example hard drive.

Software tells hard hardware’s what to do meaning the devices we use. For example, games, operating systems such as Word, PowerPoint, Excel, etc.






Do you have to be good at maths to get into computer science? I know I said no to start with because even people who are not good at maths can use IT in other areas. Most people say yes but really think it is a yes and a no answer. If you are using IT not necessary but if your building and creating IT I would say so. I myself are rubbish at maths, I have this Maths Anxiety or should I say disability linked to my Dyspraxia called dyscalculia, no way could I be an IT creator but I am more on the creative side such as PowerPoint, poetry, writing stories, painting, drawing, etc. As for Binary that comes from research off the internet.


The decimal number system is 10 digits to 0 zero through 9 which combination of these 10 digits. According to what I have researched on the internet each computer operates differently. We use a number system that has 2 digits one. The system is called binary computer use in everything we do but numbers are not seen as we are doing whatever we are doing on IT. Computers need information in order to know what to do. The digit's information or data is made up of bits. Bits are short for binary digit. Meaning each bit is just a single number like 1 to 0 zero.

Each bit can create a larger unit like bytes, megabytes, and so on to measure files. The larger the file more bites there are, which are made up of millions and millions of 1s and 0s. How does this happen? Ones and zeroes get together and allow the pc to function. Everything we use in IT adds up to the binary.

It is like in general life, when light, heating, etc go on and off, which monitors how much power is and not using.


Programming languages.  All devices have some type of code I guess, which comes up when we use them and whatever we are doing on them. It is unknown to know how this happens. I am guessing there is no right or wrong, but I am guessing there’s a different code to each thing we can use on devices. For example, word, PowerPoint, Excel, etc. Google chrome, firefox, etc; Facebook, email, YouTube, etc, which may not see as it could be in the devices. However,’ naturally, that probably does not include hopefully not the passwords, etc we tap in to do different things.


There is a lot of difficult programming languages to make up the codes of technology. Programming language made up of specific terms and directions that bring types of input on websites, apps, and other software’s for example JavaScript, python, and java are mostly used on websites for example graphics, video games, C++ to make desktops, apps, games and more.

HTML and CSS, are not technically programming languages. They are used to set up the structure and the look of all websites.





Sequences, selections, and loops.


Selection. For example, route such as in the morning our the alarm goes off, we get out of bed, go to the loo, clean teeth, have a shower, have breakfast etc.

Sequences. Example oh dear I am out of toothpaste. Have I got any more? No, I need to buy some more or yes more is here to start again next time.

Loop. Learning to do a task. For example, hammering a nail in the wall.  Hammer the nail. Is the nail in? No! Keeping hammering? If no keep going, if yes do.


and other software’s for example JavaScript, python, and java are mostly used on websites for example graphics, video games, C++ to make desktops, apps, games, and more.

HTML and CSS, they are not technically programming languages. They are used to set up the structure and the look of all websites.





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