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Learning disability and Mental health awareness

Sunday, 31 October 2021

Covid and lockdown awareness

 I guess when you read the title Covid and lockdown awareness you thought of Covid and lockdown it's self I guess, which is not the case. In this handout, I am writing about what the Covid and lockdown have caused and what I am writing about was the case even before Covid and lockdown, just that the amount of people who face has risen.

My point is, the length of time most people have been having to stay home and even now the lockdown has eased for many reasons, health, etc, even people haven't been out and about as much since long before lockdown and Covid. In just a month I have learned that when contacting people who feel they need a chat, they just feel they need a chat, not necessary although some people do. With Befriending, people could be wanting a chit-chat, not necessary, support with counseling, mental health, advice, and guidance, mentoring, advocacy, etc but other people may. It's very easy to think people are back to living normal lives because lockdown has eased but it's not the case, many for their own health and safety in some ways but can with some people increase risks in others such as mental health for example but is not necessary everyone, still either have to still remain the same from the start of lockdown or and not as much as other people. 

Despite of the amazing job professionals do etc, not everyone faces mental health, disabilities, other problems, certain illnesses that affect everyday lives, etc that can cause people to be vunable. To empathize with how someone is feeling is not easy to understand if you haven't faced something the same or and similar to yourself.

 We understand it cannot always be promised but having the understanding of what a person is going through can help even if it's just a bit. As much as professionals do the best of they can do, what they are qulifcated and trained for. Don't get me wrong I have been a client myself when facing counseling, other things, etc, and I don't have a bad word to say in the support I did receive, and most counselors, etc themselves may have faced similar things in life as their clients but if someone is facing disabilities, mental health, etc, this can make a difference to not only what support they need but how much, which can be more than what a person is feeling. Don't get me wrong, I am not saying this does not rule professionals out, etc because what one person doesn't know the other does. My point is there should be more chances if there isn't already for those with disabilities, mental health, etc to help others who face similar if not the same as them for those who would like this sort of career, which could benefit themselves as well as the person they are trying to help as much as professional counseling, etc, which also mean mentoring, advocacy, even coaching, etc. Personally, this has always been the case I guess but from what I see that we have really only become more aware during Covid and lockdown as for example mental health has increased with us having to stay at home a lot, etc. Let me give you an example!

I could have started doing Befriending at the start of lockdown, which didn't happen somehow but then I have achieved counseling and mental health certificate. During that time my own mental health had increased but most of the lockdown like us all I lived with what had then just before and during the time I was doing my mental health qualifiable, my mental health just took its troil despite myself studying at the time. Not I just cannot explain but at the time for some reason, I felt as if life wasn't worth living and I never knew why myself. Now I wonder what it was all about. I won't say I haven't felt like this before because I have in many periods of my life but I find when you start to feel better you then feel guilty as to why you felt so down without a reason to do that, I will say you have no need to feel that way but somehow when you feel as though you are in a crisis, that is how you feel at the time. 

Like I said Counselors etc to does amazing jobs but I will be honest to say now just in a month doing Befriending my mental health has improved quite a bit and I hope I have helped others in the best way I can too. 

More on Mental health, disabilities and other problems awareness

 No one should be forced into a career they don't want but when it comes to things people live with such as mental health, disabilities, other problems, illnesses, etc it can be an everyday part of peoples' lives. Learning to help others doesn't necessarily to be a career, it's just knowing how to support people get through their lives but like I said no one should be into anything. People who face mental health, disabilities, etc don't like to feel as if they are any problem to others, we like to feel whoever is helping us that they want to help us. However, we understand that life doesn't always turn that way, because there are times help is really needed.  

My point is sorry I haven't written anything on this website for a while as I have been doing some voulteerly work in similar areas I am talking about, Befriending the past month, which I really enjoy and any chances elsewhere I will go for it and build my career upon similar chances. If anyone knows any sort of chances in this career feels free to write a common on this website.

 One thing I have learned in this Month, more so through  Covid, lockdown, etc, most people facing mental health, where mental health charities, services, etc have been so busy, and funding is not enough. 

I understand it's very easy for me to say but I understand not everyone has a lot of support, not everyone knows a lot of people and like I said not everyone has the same interests, meaning we cannot force anyone to do what they don't want but if this is your interest or and someone you know and you know people who face mental health, etc, even talking to someone who feels they need someone to talk, can make some difference to someone's life if not all and even take a little bit of work off the mental health charities, services, etc, this could even include taking some work off hospitals and places that work in these fields. Training and qualification in this field I believe shouldn't just be offered to get through people in careers but also for those who have the interest to help others outside a career too when comes to mental health, disabilities, other problems, illnesses, etc not only to support the people themselves but friends, family, etc.