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Learning disability and Mental health awareness

Wednesday, 24 November 2021

More on Mental health and Mental ill - health

 Let's think about what mental illness is and isn't,  what is, is really just because it's not always seen it doesn't mean it is not real. 

We don't always know who does and doesn't face it. 

When it is shown it is very often how a person feels, behave, react, interact, and even copes and doesn't with life but not everything is down to mental health and mental illness.

 In all honesty, it can be very hard to tell in many people and many cases but we mustn't judge or guess. However, that doesn't mean there are no limits and that the safety of yours and others doesn't matter. Everyone's life matters.

 Mental illness can cause people to be a danger to themselves or and to others where they can be unaware of their only actions caused by the mental illness itself or even side effects of the treatment depending on what they face and their treatment.  

Mental illness isn't all negative and neither is good or fun, funny, etc either, mental illness is not wrong or shameful. Mental illness is not fake it is real. Mental illness is not a disease it is an illness and a condition that should be taken seriously and mostly it is not taken seriously. 

Mental health can be positive but also saying that it depends on how we cope with it but Mental ill-health makes life hard to cope with.  For example, finding it hard to focus on things whether we try to focus on things we enjoy or not, which may vary from person to person, what we are facing, etc. 

According to most researches, I have come across online up to 1 in 4 people facing mental illness but many don't open up, which is no shame in that is their choice but when not aware of no one is aware of the full numbers.

Type of mental illness such as Anxiety, Depression, Bipolar, Schizophrenia, and many more https://braindonorproject.org/someone-you-care-about-is-struggling-with-mental-illness-and-science-needs-answers/?gclid=CjwKCAiA4veMBhAMEiwAU4XRr5J0N7wY6q4sKPMiiSBQQelqouZ6BghXsx9vjMSnd7YHWx2yg6uKzBoCebUQAvD_BwE can cause different problems in different ways such as too much of something or and too little of something, which may be struggling to focus on anything at all or and always doing something non -  stop. Other things like hearing things or and seeing things that may not even be there, could even get the person who's facing it misunderstood for not wanting someone to be around or as if the person may have something to hide, which in those people is mostly not the case.


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