It is not easy being understood when you have a learning disability, or even making yourself heard. I am writing this blog to show how my disability affects my day-to-day life and what help & support I need. This blog is for those who learn and work in disability and mental health.
Poetry, writings and art blog
Learning disability and Mental health awareness
Saturday, 23 September 2023
Special needs awareness
For ten years I had been working for
the University Of Wolverhampton,
it was great to raise learning
disability and mental health awareness
to students professionals such as the Learning
Disability nurses, social workers, paramedics,
occupational therapists etc. As a Visiting Lecturer.
Dyspraxia needs to be taken very serious
as it is a physical hidden learning difficulty
that is not noticeable, which is why it is a hard
condition to understand. It is not illness or disease,
it is long -life condition that affects people’s lives mentally as well physically.
It can be linked to Autism. However’
with the life time conditions being
such a hidden learning difficulty,
it is understandable why it can be hard
for others to take seriously.
Where people with Dyspraxia can be misunderstood as
clumsy, spill ing something on purpose etc;
for example but all the same people with
Dyspraxia need to be understood.
No one can really tell unless they spend a
lot of time with the person, unless they know
Chapter one Interducing myself
as a person and writer.
Interducing the purpose of this writing.
The idea behind the story is to introduce
as much of life as person
past and present as I am as possible,
my learning disability,
mental illness and my career,
which is mostly based on my life experience.
Also, to try help, students, workers and
or more who involved in the
field and people who face disabilities,
mental illnesses and more.
I have written this piece of work for
those interested in the field of learning
disability, mental health and other
problems as well as for who face
them themselves, and people who them,
teach them support them care for them etc.
No one can be forced to be interested in
something if they are not but do get me
wrong no one can be liked from everyone,
I understand that but when it comes to
learning disability etc, there is a lot of
misunderstanding and unawareness.
I think learning disability, mental
health and all problems awareness
needs to be raised, meaning for example;
conditions, illnesses, diseases and more,
which should be raised in schools,
colleges, universities, workplaces and more.
It would interesting to what is like in
other countries as far.
A lot of long stay hospitals,
resident homes etc closed
roughly from 2007 to 2010
in the UK. In past to other people,
people with disabilities seemed different to them.
They were labeled, treated like babies and
children even when they were adults.
People used words like mentally handicapped
instead of disabled, such other words as sub
normal, mental, backward, eternal,
a menace to society or and a burden to society.
Over centuries, years, decades etc,
there has never been a balance between
support and independence,
mostly it had been all or nothing.
Most people have been neglected or
support tends happen when it is too late
they do not need it or someone is around all the time but again I am not saying this is the case with everyone.
Attitudes have been getting
better in the last so many years
but we still have a long way to go.
People who are not disabled were
viewed as normal but what normal
at the end of the day?
Everyone is a human being.
People were in institutions had no or very little contact
with the outside world. This had a very big affect on
people’s lives. I guess a lot people would have
suffered with Anxiety and Depression.
People with disabilities were misunderstood
very much a lot for those who they are not
as others thought they were in sane or mad.
Even today there is a lack of awareness from
society about disability, mental health and
other problems. Society did not have confidence
in people. We were treated unequally and we
felt as if we were not part of society.
Today society is starting to learn about
learning disability and mental health.
Most disabled people in those times
begged for food and money off the streets.
In Victorian times in the 1800s the 19th
century were thought about as cripple,
handicap, freaks, etc.
Living conditions were hard for everyone
in those times but disabled people struggled
to look after themselves where they
treated like babies and children or
neglected. Most disabled people
were in industrial ares, with say widows,
orphans, alcoholics.
Other people with disabilities were put in
poorhouses or almshouses.
In 19th century, the treatment for mental
health was cure, incerlating and shocking.
Some asylums were poor cared for in
institutions with a lack of compassion.
Disabled people were treated in the
abbey a type of church and hospitals,
they were made to say prayers and
other religious things.
people who faced Mania, dementia,
melancholy, relapsing mania, hysterical,
and idiocy, liege normally misunderstood,
seen etc as drunk in the eyes and mind of society.
In the middle age, it is believed that
mental illness was used in religion.
Negative attitudes were around the
18th century onwards in American,
leading sigma towards those with
mental illnesses.
Warehouses we’re responsible for disabled people too.
I guess the way society was back then
it would have caused those facing disabilities,
mental illness and other problems a lot of
misunderstandings with others. Where society
back then didn’t have confidence in those
who were slow to work, react, response, etc.
Different types of disabilities.
Muscular dystrophy is when the person
weaken gradually in limit of time.
It seems to common more so in boys that girls.
Spinnaker bifida can happen
during pregnancy when Spinoza cord
(nerves run down the spine),
which is a physical disability.
This can affect movement and balance,
bowel and bladder control. It affects
bones and joints deformities that affect
people’s’ movements. Hydrocephalus
( high pressure on the brain because
of the fluid not being drained away.)
Cerebral Palsy happens during pregnancy. It is mental
and physical disability affecting the mind or and body.
The brain controls the movement in early stages
of development.
Almost like forms Autism but probably in different ways.
Information more on disabilities
Chapter four Interduction to Autism.
Autism is a long - life condition,
which mostly links with the mental illness
Anxiety and Depression. Most of us with
Autism have learning disabilities, social
interactions and communication problems.
We might find it hard to not let things get to us.
Causes of Autism.
Cause Autism is unknown yet in my case I
was born lack of oxygen to the brain.
I guess in the late 20th century to the early 21st century,
it was reported on the news about the MMR vaccines,
if anyone remembers that, the risks and concerns that
it could cause Autism, to protect German meseases/
rubella. Yet did not see a learning disability as
I thought as Autism as a side - affect from a injection,
I found that hard to understand but maybe you have
your own views. I thought if this study is right
it is likely to cause autism spectrum rather than
Asperger, not sure why I thought that.
I admit this study is probably wrong but going by my
Mother and experience, I was born lack of oxygen
because my Mum was neglected, where she had me
before help came to deliver me. Therefore’
I was born too quickly and I was fitting but
despite of that my weight was fine, I was 7lb 6 born.
There are probably other causes, which I am looking into.
Autism affects different people different ways.
It may depend on the of Autism or and the person
within themselves. Even two people with Same
problems as odd as it sounds do not always face
the difficulties and strengths. Except the unexpected.
Sure may know this but people disabilities so have
strengths etc, as they was a time when society people
with disabilities having all weaknesses no strengths.
We have strengths and weaknesses in different ways
like other like other people but naturally not the same
to one another. Try support people through their
difficulties but take interest in what they are
good at well, to encourage them to see that
life is worth living in the positive way they have,
and no one can do everything.
I guess what the world trying to understand is,
what causes Autism and many hidden disabilities and more.
If. I am right most people with Autism,
find it hard to explain what they are trying to tell
people, which part communicating, people
with Autism can struggle, it can affect us socially.
We can lack communication and understanding.
There can be misunderstandings between us and others.
It can make us feel as if we haven’t
got any control over our lives, we have or haven’t.
If we don’t have a great of choice and
control over our lives, this does not help
us to be independent, yet support is not always
around when we need it, needs to balanced.
We may struggle with managing money but
support for most of us is very little support
with home ,benefits etc.
Not sure what it is like by you but services are few
and far in between in West Midlands
or and Wolverhampton., funding seems
to be cut a lot for Autism and other services
for vulnerable people, children and adults.
With Autism there are two forms or used to be
( ASD) Autism Spectrum and Asperger Syndrome .
Levels of Autism. ADS comes in three different levels,
Autism affects people can vary where they face
of these difficulties, one or just a few.
Level one struggles with communicating with
people which can vary to friends, family,
relationships even professionals in their lives
even all sorts of people.
Struggling to manage social skills, lack of
communication and understanding between
them and others where always the person
with Autism has misunderstood the other
person but the way round, which maybe in
some cases, which happen work, school,
college, home etc,
in some or and all walks of life.
We May spend a lot of time alone.
We may find it hard to understand
people’s feelings and thoughts but
the person may over come the
older they get.
We may behave in a strange manner
others may find odd.
We may find it had to make friends.
We may have poor eye contact.
Level 2 difficulty with basic living skills,
money, shopping, home skills, study, work,
traveling and more, they need support in those areas.
Level three is outside difficulties and support ,
for example getting themselves out and
about but in some cases may have strengths
as well as weaknesses where they may know
their way round locally to them but not far a
away from them, mainly if it is somewhere
they have not been before but this may vary.
However’ it may be if they go somewhere not
necessary every day but regularly they may
pick it up, it may take some people longer than others.
My experience with the outside world is it been
overwhelming and crowded with people and places
where there no one to ask for help if I need it,
mainly in airports for example. Airports can be
very busy. Information find where your gate to your
plane flashes on and off far too quickly.
This cause people a lot of Anxiety, where
they could miss important information.
Where they may struggle to get to where
they are going whether it is going or
coming back from somewhere.
Little support is still given airports
and on the plane well but it has
improved to what it was but
we still have a long way to go.
Not many people with disabilities
drive, me included.
Most of us are having to rely on
public transport.
Not everyone like me is lucky to
be bus independent but there
only a limit of places I can go.
Some people need support with money.
Night time seems to be a dangerous time
as support workers do not work at night
and we should not except them to either.
However’ people with disabilities should
have rights to choices as much as anyone,
even though some are one of the lucky ones
like me but that does not mean
do not look out for others.
This is not only difficult for me but for others too,
mainly those similar to me. For example;
woke up to find on the news,
if I have not misunderstood about all if not most railway ticket offices are closing.
The change will be if I am right ordering our tickets online,
where not everyone knows how,
mainly vunable people such as the
disabled and elderly people.
It's understandable that there
cannot be IT courses in everything
no one knows completely everything IT,
however' I understand there maybe some
positives as well negative the change
where most people face positives and
negatives, other may say one or the other,
feel free to tell your views, experience etc,
which may you or and someone you support,
care for etc.
However if you are commenting on be half of someone,
make sure have their permission,
if they say no or say one or the other do
not-comment on their behalf. In the west Midlands,
the disabled people have three disabled bus passes
and we can travel by rail, bus and tram around the
West Midland but no further.
I am sure how pension bus passes work.
In the week we can travel three from half past night,
Saturday all day, not sure about other parts of the
UK though. It is not possible to suit everyone's needs
but accessibly needs to improve,
the only way to learn that is find out
from those who face the difficulties.
This is example other things too such
as most shops that self service,
cash machines etc most people
may struggle. We understand privacy,
such as naturally
PIN numbers etc are private but not
everyone can manage everything on there.
What the difference between Between
autism spectrum and Asperger syndrome,
what is the same?
As confusing as this sounds that (AS)
and (ADS) are not these days classed
as separate forms of Autism anymore,
which understandably throws everyone
even me. Your question and my question in too,
not if I am right or wrong you are thinking same,
which is. How is that, it makes no sense.
You would be right to do so makes no sense
at all but if but I guess maybe when we get
used to how it is set out, it may be less confusing.
A page or few pages ago,
I wrote about different levels of Autism,
which is the way someone somewhere
has changed the way of explaining with
Autism is, why that is I have no ideas and not
if anyone knows why but sure may have good
reasons to do it this way. All the same (As)
and (ADs) have own differences and parts of
form Autism that causes the problems.
Therefore’ there is very little or difference
between the forms of Autism,
which now is considered as one
big developmental disorder.
(ASD) compared to( AS) face
milder speech problems
but that may vary to be honest.
For both forms difficulty with communication with society,
we find it hard in different ways to one another, difficulty
with social imagination.
By a guess I have (AS), I have motor skills and
gripping problems, poor co-oration,
I struggle with my strength which is known as
Dyspraxia, which is linked to Autism.
It is not shown, in fact it is very hidden,
which makes it very hard for a person to prove themselves,
unless others spend a lot time with them,
which is not always possible.
However’ they say (ASD) people do not appear
to having learning disabilities,
again sorry are confused on that one because I am?
The answer is we do have learning disabilities though,
which is hidden, classed more of learning difficulties,
which conditions can be linked,
it maybe one some or all such dyslexia,
dyspraxia, ADHD etc,
which may linked to mental illnesses
such as Anxiety and or Depression.
Communication, little language,
speaking in the same tone, unable to
understand facial expressions,
mixing words up like you and I,
repeating what others say.
Movements, flapping hands, rocking,
twirling toes, talking about and
repeating the same topic, which
vary to how long they talk about
something for to when that changes
to when the next topic lasts for so for,
having fixed routines, upset and anxious
by change, may appear nervous even if
the change positive, sensitive to sound,
smells, taste, etc; misunderstanding
people’s’ thoughts, feelings, actions etc.
Asperger syndrome (AS) comes under
Autism Spectrum Disorder (ADS).
They both cause social interaction
but (ASD) does not cause people struggle
with thinking and language problems both
(AS) and ASD) behavior and relationships
problems around people in general,
mainly from my experience if
I do not know them.
Even though I have not been diagnosed by
a health professional, my family have learned
what I have faced and what I have been through
with my problems, strengths as well weaknesses,
reading book, films etc on Autism etc.
In some ways people with LD are their
own health professionals in many ways
of every day lives because
we have to live with the problems.
Dyslexia can also link to Autism
so what is the difference between Dyslexia and Dyspraxia?
They are so similar it is hard to whether
you can have both or not but then there
is an easy way to work it out.
Dyslexia is all to do with reading and
writing but before I go on, never say a person
can’t read and write when they dyslexia,
that is not so to put politely, we just face
difficulties with reading, writing along
the way, for example; mixing up bs and
d.s., spelling words, writing numbers
the wrong way round, 23, 32, bad, dad.
Dyspraxia can be similar but with more added on,
such as untidy handwriting,
Pressing too hard on pens and pencils,
struggling to grip. Dyspraxia affects
every day skills mentally as well as
physically whereas Dyspraxia doesn’t affect
a person physically only mentally.
However’ both have positives in creative ways,
which people are talented in different ways.
Therefore, how did (ASD) and (AS) come
about in the first place?
(AS) was discovered by Han Asperger in
1944.He was doing studies in Autism with
Lora Wing 1981, me and family knew nothing,
I was eleven years of age. He gave he gave
the development condition a form of
Asperger Syndrome.
History of Asperger Syndrome.
Since then support has come in place but we still have a long way to go.
More than fifty years ago, Leo Kenner
described his his Autistic syndrome but
a German psychiatrist named Eurgen Bleuler
described the most severe cases of child hood Autism as Schizophrenia.
Leo classed Autism as a pattern of ad normal behavior
back in 1943.
DR Jean Marc Gasped Iraq was a French physician.
She discovered a boy who was afraid and neglected
in a forest.
He could not speak, he was deaf and he
rocked a lot. This was in the 1800s.
There were famous writers who had autism
such as Hans Christian Anderson children’s
writer , Lewis Carol children ‘s writer
Charles Darwin naturalist and geologist,
Emily Dickinson poet, Albert Einstein scientist and mathematician, Thomas Jettison Politician.
Research famous people with disabilities and other
problems for example;
Han Christian Anderson was
born in Denmark 2nd April 1805.
His Father was a shoe maker and him
Mother was a housewife.
He was an only child, had great imagination
with his toys and he was a great
children’s’ fairly tale writer.
(AS) Level one or (ADs) may struggle to understand
rules of socializing, friendship etc.
We may struggle to express empathy
towards others.
Research says that children for example;
tend to take things literacy like such saying
as break a leg,which sayings like that can
throw people all ages but not always
the case depending on the person,
problems etc which can vary from person to person.
They may not be aware for example;
someone or group of peoples’
chat where they could bring in a
different subject into the chat which
could make them misunderstood but
other people may not realize that and think
they are inter fearing on purpose.
They come into the chat invited without
thinking to find out if they are welcome
or not but on the whole it would be untenstionly,
which take a while to realize or understand
others if they make us aware.
It is understandable that others may misunderstand us and we should not except to be treated any different to anyone mainly when people do not us, we should not except special treatment or anything but Autism awareness should carry on being raised all the same.
They may have one topic that really interest them, not necessarily topic but they talk a lot about hobby, pop star for example; none stop without realizing others want to talk about other things too.
Positive’s about Autism.
Autism can be creative, talented, even poetic, in different people in ways. We can express good and bad in creatively and life around us, writing, drawing, coloring, painting, how we think, feel etc.
Chapter five
Employment and education.
In my life and I believe I am not alone,
I found most employers do
not understand learning disability,
mental illness or and other problems.
Not everyone takes notice of the disability
discrimination act in the UK,
not sure about other countries.
Again better was now but we still have a long way to go, still life goes on.
We are still health and safety hazard to lot of employers,
not that I am saying that is wrong to protect our safety
but there still should be ways of us having a career
like other people, with right tools and support of
course that cost money that UK government just hasn’t got,
without making the country worse off,
I would interested how this works for other countries,
surely we are not alone.
We need the right support to keep healthy
and safe to work in our limits of our disabilities,
mental illness and other conditions, problems and more.
Employers, trainers and the government etc ;
need learning disability and mental health
awareness training.
Not everyone can work IT, the internet
etc but not everyone can manage factory work either .
In my youth for example the government
would put you just anywhere with or any,
very little support to get us doing something,
I no problem doing what I could do or learn to do,
which was not a lot to start with.
Six weeks training on YTS for example
wasn’t enough time for me to learn a job,
where they ended up getting rid of me,
cause they just did not have the patience.
I guess when I think about it now some reasons
in some things I tried, which weren’t to be,
was the field I was in and others were the people.
At the time, because
I was very young, I just got frustrated where
everything was trying was not a success but
I could not see the wood through the trees.
I tried elderly people’s homes, Day centers,
supermarkets, a shop a hospice,
riding stable’s with other animals as well
as horses and ponies, the library which
like the work and the people,
which was a living in job.
I did and passed my stable management
exams, I tried to pick on what I did not do
good at in schools English, maths etc.
On the other hand I was put in some fields not for me,
even then I weren’t in the right fields and places.
My Mother lives in New York and they go by
what people are capable of and what they
take interest in and they can learn and
train for.
However’ things did improve for me as time went
like working Men-cap I enjoyed, raising awareness
of disability and mental health, Advocate,
speaking up for disability and mental health.
This gave me experience of working in Advocacy
groups. I learned how present information in power point,
passed my ITQ level in Microsoft Office 2007,
in power point and word processing,
ITQ Level two internet and email.
It taught me to give talks to student professors
such as learning disability, mental health nurses,
social workers, paramedics and more as Visiting Lecturer.
I have also been a private Advocacy for what was
One Voice, Wolverhampton.
Interdiction to Advocacy skills GATACS2014
(Generic Advocacy
Training and Consultancy Services)
Suggesting options to people with
disabilities on matters that bother
then or need help with. Example; benefits,
getting a disability bus pass etc.
Volunteer trainee Teaching Assistant
Penn Hall special day school.
Malt-ins Day Centre Wolverhampton
for Elderly and Disabled people.
Work, making hot and cold drinks.
Key skills PowerPoint, chairing minutes of meetings,
supporting disabled people to chair meetings,
communication, time management and IT skills.
Highest English qualification,
English Function skills Level one.
Interduction to Mentoring skills,
Level one and two Mentoring.
The government spends money on the wrong things.
The rich are getting richer and the poor are getting poorer.
The benefits system has always been a mess,
there a lot people on benefits
who should not be as well those who are
on them for good reasons. Most of one’s who
should not could work but do not
want to yet the ones who are on them
for good reasons want to work.
If you are involved learning disability
and mental health, whether you are
someone who faces disability, mental illness or
and other problems, illnesses conditions etc or
and you are a parent, partner, family member,
friends, support worker, carer, nurse, school staff, children, teenagers, young adults ; etc who support and
doctor, paramedic, teacher, tutor, lecturer,
employer office, etc,
my email is
if you wish to get touch, on anything you
may have read what I have written or and
maybe you have in my lectures at
the University Of Wolverhampton or involved in work
I have done for Men-cap or anywhere else in the
disability and health field etc.
I lecture things, like accessible information,
easy read we need to avoid too much jargon etc,
you may need thing like Brail for the
blind sign language courses to help you support .
The could be more.
You need to balance what they person might
have done already, what they want to,
what they can do and even what they want to
learn to do.
Consider health and safe as well
qualifications they have and
what they need in what they want to do.
Careers for disabilities. Eg; creative jobs,
such as writers, artists, poets band more; mentoring,
coaching, counseling, Advocacy, ,
office, Administrative etc is likely to be for people with physical conditions, disabilities etc.
Those who haven’t got physical disabilities,
conditions etc, maybe shop work, cleaning, building,
gardening etc.
Google search for example; jobs for people with Autism.
Course search tips, animal care courses for people with autism.
Chapter six Dyspraxia awareness.
For ten years I had been working for
the University Of Wolverhampton,
it was great to raise learning
disability and mental health awareness
to students professionals such as the Learning
Disability nurses, social workers, paramedics,
occupational therapists etc. As a Visiting Lecturer.
Dyspraxia needs to be taken very serious
as it is a physical hidden learning difficulty
that is not noticeable,
which is why it is a hard
condition to understand.
It is not illness or disease,
it is long -life condition that affects
people’s lives mentally as well physically.
It can be linked to Autism. However’
with the life time conditions being
such a hidden learning difficulty,
it is understandable why it can be hard
for others to take seriously.
Where people with Dyspraxia
can be misunderstood as
clumsy, spill ing something
on purpose etc;
for example but all the same people with
Dyspraxia need to be understood.
No one can really tell unless they spend a
lot of time with the person, unless they know
them really well like family etc.
Dyspraxia is caused by a brain injury or a
stroke, in fact it is similar to a stroke where
one side of the body and brain is weaker that the other.
In my case it is my left hand side but
some may be affected on their right hand side.
It can slow people down doing physical skills
such as sewing, sport, cooking, housework,
even shopping, carrying, lifting, cleaning teeth,
tying shoes laces and more.
Mentally it affects reading and writing in
the same way as Dyslexia where other conditions link such Dyscalculia
It does not stop people living their own
life or learning with the right support, but on
the positive side they can be creative,
different people in different ways.
However’ it is important to except anything from anyone because there different forms of
Motor skills difficulties, for eg dressing,
cleaning teeth, cutting fingers and toe’s nails
, chopping up vegetables and more.
Verbal impact speech difficulties such as
stuttering, may be speaking too loud, quiet etc.
Oral difficulties moving the mouth and tongue,
keeping month and teeth clean,
gripping the toothbrush correctly etc.
To be fair over the years dental hygiene
has slightly improved to what it where
such toothbrushes as electronic toothbrushes
have been around for years. In fact,
I had one for my twenty - first just over
thirty years ago. Since then has been
such tools as water picks etc.
Looking at the research of forms dyspraxia,
I cannot see you can face one or the
as I face motor skills problems,
I stuffer with my speech at times
and I may talk too loud or quiet at times,
I do not notice but others do.
In my case this is because, which
maybe too my dyspraxia.
My Mum noticed a lump when
I was say four seven years of age,
little did we know it was a lump
because it was only a size of a pea.
Mum noticed not me because
I felt nothing there to bother me at all.
My Mum
took me to the GP at time, he/she said,
can’t remember but anyway
they said it best left alone, it is probably a cystic.
At the age of twenty - three I was doing work
experience in an elderly peoples’ home,
l was on my lunch break in the staff room,
the cook had over cooked the strew,
I was struggling to swallow and felt the
lump getting bigger.
I was living Owstely in Shropshire at the time,
I shared flat with two young
women my age at the time
with learning disabilities
and we both had the same
support workers from social
services and one the support
workers took me to gps.
It was 1992,
I had my first operation
December 6th of that year,
the home Christmas, had
my first hospital appointment
in the new year, they told me and,
my Mum it was a cancerous lump
does not spread but I have to limp
glands out, then fifteen days of
radiotherapy, where I felt more
I’ll with the treatment than the
cancer thankfully I came out of it.
Since having had that operation,
due scar tissue at times food,
drink tends to the wrong way at times,
which can tend to cough and choke
but it is not every time I eat and drink.
Dyspraxia study.
Ben is seven years old who was diagnosed by a an Occupational Therapist. This was a written report that outlined Ben’s condition. He was struggling with physical skills like doing up his buttons, tying his shoe laces and more. Ben’s Mum is concerned because only she knows his struggles. Ben worries in case people think he is stupid if he asks others for help a lot. A lot of people are offering support in areas he can cope with rather than cannot, which what is concerning his Mum.
Ben can read and write but he not remember or understand what he’s read, he needs support aids, easy read, accessible information, clear for all.
He has Autism as well.
What sort of help does Ben need? What I have written in the text is just examples of support, maybe you can research online, the library etc.
What is concerning Ben’s Mum and why?
Therefore, you may be wondering, what does Dyspraxia have to do with Saliva gland cancer ? That is understandable. To be honest nothing really, do not to face Dyspraxia to face Saliva glad cancer. However’ me and family are not sure how long I had the lump before my Mum discovered it at the age of seven but I have always struggled with my month eating, swallowing etc anyway with my month and tongue, whereas the lump was inside my throat but all the same they all add up and make you wonder whether not both problems started during while I was born. Therefore, I am not only speaking for me but for others who may have faced the same if not similar.
Due to the amount of difficulties people face with Dyspraxia, it causes us a huge amount of Anxiety and Depression, which we can get frustrated with what we do struggle, which where of right tools, aids, support etc needs to be around. This could also mean mental health support and for people all ages needing to know why they struggle. Those who do not know they face Dyspraxia, funding needs to go into assessments, Diagnosis’s and the support they do need.
Also training and qualifying, those who want be physiotherapist and Occupational Therapist, which is what could have done with from childhood and plenty other people who have always faced Dyspraxia and other conditions etc. I just hope today’s generation and others to come get better support.
On the positive side people with Dyspraxia can be creative in some areas of IT but not others. Saying that I have found that there have not been many IT courses. Mind you the Covid lockdown did not help as everything was limited.
I can only speak for myself and my strengths, which is power point, word processing, creative writing, drawing, painting etc, which are likely to be different for different people.
Dyslexia awareness.
When most people talk about Dyslexia, they think people with Dyslexia cannot read and write, that is not the case. We just have difficulties along the way, which may be for letters the wrong way round for eg; bad, dad, same with say numbers 23, 32.
Some may get there left and right mixed up.
Get confused with bs and ds for example; even psychologists and qs.
Miss words out of sentences.
Struggle to understand what they have read.
When they read small print may feel to them as if words are jumping off the page screen etc.
They may not remember what they read or and they may have only remembered some of what they have read not all, the same with listening too. These days with so much IT most people watch a lot of videos etc, wouldn’t it be interesting to know how much one can take from watching a video or tv say compared to listening to someone directly talking to you face to face? How much can you pick up?
Some people’s” concentration gets affected easily, like mine, such nosies off IT devices, door knocks, a lot of people talking etc, not that I am complaining as these things have to happen at times but this how certain learning difficulties etc affect people.
For most people it can be a struggle for them to read a whole book and that is one of my problems too. Although I read just a few whole books but I forgotten which ones I did read and what they were about.
Sometimes I tend to review books write when I am reading and research. Even those who can’t read and write have knowledge, tell stories etc. Never judge a book by it’s cover.
Similar to Dyspraxia, Dyslexia has positives such as being creative and talented in different ways, maybe in other areas too.
How can you support people with Dyslexia?
Before I do anything as a person who has faced Dyslexia from my experience, assessments by checking people’s strengths and weaknesses.
supporting though study and work-placements; extra time in exams, at least up to half hour.
accessible studying and exam materials, like colored paper, large print, different colored over layers, certain size font easy for them to read etc. Always ask the person what is accessible for them to start with.
The difference between and if not the same.
I bet wonder what I am talking about, well writing about when I call the title difference between, I bet you wonder what I mean. That is very understandable you may be thinking. What does she mean by The difference and the same.
Well you may have noticed I have written about some disabilities, difficulties, conditions etc, pretty similar if not the same to one another so this is what I am going to cover in this chapter.
Let me start with the differences and same between and in Dyslexia and Dyspraxia.
Research says that Dyslexia used to be a learning difficulty that causes people to struggle reading ,writing, spelling but that will always be the case I guess nothing had changed there because I think I have that all my life and I sure I not alone. However’ as I said earlier that does not mean the person cannot read at all, it is just difficulties along the way. Even those who can’t read and write thinks as much as those can read and write, they have knowledge and things to say and stories to tell. We not should not judge a book by its cover.
To be truthful I am uncertain whether or not I have Dyslexia as well as Dyspraxia even I was Diagnosed twice for Dyslexia, maybe three times but never for Dyspraxia, even those I have struggled with taking in what I have read, struggling with reading certain words and spelling certain words; motor skills meaning physical skills so I guess I do have both but whether or professionals etc see it that way I don’t know.
By own experience I cannot help but sum up what it maybe like for others as well. Not sure whether is possible to have Dyslexia and Dyspraxia or you can just have one or the other. I guess so because I think I have always had both. You may think if I have been diagnosed for Dyslexia three times and it came up that I am, that I must and yes I believe I must be. The reason why I said I am uncertain is because Dyslexia and Dyspraxia are so similar as far as reading and writing is concerned. If you have got both it can be hard to tell which reading, writing etc, which is dyslexia which is dyspraxia.
What I forgot to write about in the last chapter is memory, here’s an example.
Going back to forty odd years ago when I was in school, when I was only say seven and eight, I have forgotten that day. I was in handwriting lessons. The teacher told us to miss a line between the date and title, then miss a line the title before we carried on writing.Naughty me forget all that as far as the teacher was concerned. All because of that as she was looking at my work, she slapped the ruler across the back of my legs.
This was in a special school
Going by that experience I do not have any hard feelings for what she did, that was the generation at the time. Despite of that going by today’s standards, she should not been allowed to what she did but maybe she did have she did because she had to at the time because no one really understood disabilities, difficulties etc but then again that could have been anyone who forgotten to do as she said, it so happened I was the child who forgot.
I guess there maybe a lot of people who may it as it was abuse in today’s world. I will honest to say I don’t think in the way I see it now in the she must have saw if. I guess her intentions were punish me to remember next time to miss the lines when I was told to, not abuse me. However’ I do agree, there are worse things I could very well have done to deserve the punishment I had, not that I was a perfect child because no one is.
I do not blame her because I think she was following the system at the time, which in most thing weren’t necessary unfair but there were worse things to be punished for, which back then minor and major things no one got away with on the whole.
Before I change the subject, I maybe wrong this but maybe the easiest way to tell the difference between Dyslexia and Dyspraxia, is the motor skills problems being Dyspraxia and the reading and writing problem but not necessarily, you would think it would be the case but not sure it is as simple as that Sorry this is confusing isn’t it?
However would adds up to this Dyspraxia can cause the problem with gripping, incudes gripping pens and pencils for example. When I was in school I did not know had Dyspraxia neither did anyone else. However’ everyone knew me or most people and myself knew what was then clumsy, that i broke things etc.
Back relations from others was like punishment, which like to me at the time, but it was very understandable in one way. When I used to write and I even the same today example, without meaning to I press to hard on the paper. Teachers always wondered I guess why I was sharpening pencils at the desk every five minutes lol, as easily broke them without meaning to.
Just May you have worked the same and different between the two learning difficulties that sound the same but different, Dyslexia and Dyspraxia, maybe I have explained some not, look and see if a link written by someone else helps.
The differences between dyscalculia and dysgraphia, is there anything the same one another?
Dyscalculia is a mathematical learning difficulty similar to Dyslexia but causes a lot more Anxiety, which I face myself. where for me I cannot really work out maths in my head.
I have use my fingers, calculator, cubes when I was a child etc, then most of my maths were wrong answers. But Again back then I didn’t know what the problem was neither did others who knew me but what we did know, we didn’t understand why I couldn’t learn like other people.
I know I wasn’t the only one struggling with this but I didn’t realize that at the time, I thought I was different to everyone and without trying to play on sympathy and attention, I felt as life wasn’t living at times but these as I am learning what my problems are, I am learning to accept the support I need, I don’t feel like the stupid one anymore.
I have learned over the years now I just slower than other people and I am not alone as I thought I was.
What is Dysgraphia?
Dysgraphia is a handwriting difficulty and disability, where they struggle to keep writing neat and tidy, where they lined paper with margins on.
The difference between the two learning difficulties is dyscalculia is a mathematical learning difficulty and dysgraphia is a handwriting learning difficulty, unless you see anything same on the websites I don’t see anything the same.
Next up, difference the same if any between mental health and mental illness. These two differences I think are rather simple least I think so. we cannot be happy all the time and we can’t be sad all the time.
Don’t get me wrong it doesn’t mean we all face Mental illness but we all go through length of time of spells of happiness and sadness, meaning mental health is positive for us if or when we have a spell happiness for a certain length, if or and when a spell of sadness for a certain length of time.
It is not always the case that something is bothering us, in some of us, we can go through spells of feeling negative for no reason, which ever way should not be judged.
It all comes down to how we think,
feel, behave, react and even interact
etc to life around us.
When it comes to reasons why we think,
feel, behave, react, interact etc,
if it is negative, is something
that is bothering us, like money problems,
full outs, break ups with those know,
death of those we know, bullying,
abuse and more.
Not saying everyone does this but
for even who those us who do,
are not saying it is right but
when in moment of a crisis,
it is easy for most of us to be
driven to make the wrong choice
like drinking a lot, smoking a lot, drugs etc.
If you are concerned something maybe
bothering someone
Never tell someone to stop or
start doing something but tell them
what is likely to happened if
they do or don’t do what they
decide to do or and don’t do,
it is down to them to decide.
However’ don’t get me wrong,
it is fine to let them know you
are for them if they wish to talk
but let the choice be theirs
and hopefully they will do the
same for you.
We all human we are right all the
time and we are not wrong all the time either.
They may talk to you today, tomorrow,
next week, next year or not at all,
whichever they know you have offered.
They may even talk to someone else
but please do not question if they talking
someone else unless you one another
really well you
know they not mind you asking that,
or even though it will a good thing if they,
if they wish to tell you that is their choice,
if it is your choice. However’
it is concerning for those who
don’t or struggle to open up but
at the same time. You to respect
their wishes and privacy,
if they decide to open up to you,
they will let you but if you need
raise health, safety and concern
only tell those are trained and
qualified to deal with and let the
person know why you need raise
that concern to where or and who.
If they haven’t come to you for a
chat if something is bothering them,
please do not take it personally,
some things maybe private to them,
they may afraid of your reaction
even though you know you wouldn’t
judge them, that may be hard for
them to know unless you know
each other really well, respect
their privacy, not a word to anyone
unless your concerned about their
health and safety, even then only
tell if they feel they can’t to those
work for services etc who can help,
Maybe families etc, only if the
person wants you to anymore
else and only tell who they
allow you to.
Before we look at types of support let’s
look at types of mental illnesses
you may be able to learn about Anxiety,
Depression, Bipolar which is a type of depression
, Borderline Personality,
What is Anxiety?
Anxiety is a feeling of panic,
worry, nervousness etc to a point most
people over worrying, even depending how
severe the person is facing even risk of
heart attacks, panic attacks, strokes
even deaths,
it not always the case but can be.
A panic attack and an epileptic fit
can be very similar.
Epileptic seizures do not tend to last long
on the whole where as Anxiety panics
attacks can tend to last up to twenty minutes
on the whole, according to Google.
The signs of Anxiety panic attacks and epileptic seizures understandably people may get confused with, the link I have just put should tell you why and this is, or could be.
Anxiety can be a sense of fear and panic,
even a sense of anger, worry or and fear,
whether the person is fearing or and worrying
about happens or not.
Seizures and panic attacks can be similar
in a sense that it can be do with the Nerva
system, such as headaches, dizziness, choking,
shaking, going hot and cold, pins and needles,
electrical shocks etc. There can be times a
person may not be aware what is going on
around but it is not necessarily so that
everyone faces that.
There are also similar links between Anxiety,
Autism and ADHD.
Autism sure can cause high Anxiety
and even stress levels it is most common
for those who face Autism to be sensitive
change and some things changing, the unexpected,
built up to positive changes such as studying for
exams, taking exams, driving lessons, driving tests,
moving house, even leaving one country
moving to another as much as even moving areas,
It is not negative things their lives such as bad
new that can affect people but the build up of
positive as well but then passes
if whatever is achieved successfully.
This may-bring on meltdowns but some meltdowns
can be more severe than others,
which maybe caused by Autism
or ADHD or and the treatment they
make having such as medication,
which may need to be looked into,
it may be different for different people.
Anxiety and ADHD are are separate problems,
Anxiety is a mental illness and
ADHD is developmental condition similar to Autism.
However’ there is a strong link between the two.
Like struggling to focus on things,
insomnia which causes a lack of sleep,
it is likely to affect most people’s moods,
frustration, struggling to do and finish a
course or task on time for example,
Surely there is a link between Anxiety
and seizures.certain Google researches,
other years of writing this book,
not everyone but in some people that
Shingles can be contacted.
Anxiety and stress.
It may depend on how something
may be bothering or and worrying them.
stress is the worse death risk of all.
Each and every person copes with it differently. If or and when we
worry too much the risk is that
we may get depressed.
Also, what is a part of Anxiety is apart of
thinking to point like one’s mind is
none stop chatting to one’s self or
not at to a point we can’t think at-all,
which is all to do with the mind,
where at times we can over thinking
or not at all and even over worry,
where it can keep us a wake at night,
which is insomnia.
It is not just the negative things
can be stressful but the build up of
positive things too like achieving and learning,
studying, exams, driving lessons, driving tests etc.
Therefore what do we worrying about?
For eg; Money problems , moving house, job loss, exams, and more.
How do we help people get through it?
Sadly we can’t help with everything
because we are only trained and qualified
for so much but we don’t have the same
strength and weaknesses, this could
be someone you work with, your manager,
you could sigh post or and referral
the person to services that are trained
and qualified to help the person.
Yes I know this is all very me
saying that as due to the cost of
living funding could be cut etc.
This is easy to say to be honest,
help and support off people you may know,
friends, family etc.
The difference,
the same if not similar between
Anxiety and ADHD.
If you have Anxiety you may find it hard
to focus on things but if you have ADHD
you find it hard to focus most of the time
but if you have both the level are high,
therefore’ they are similar but the difference
is if any, it may depend whether or not you
are worrying a lot.
You have to have Autism to have high
stress levels but most people with Autism
have high stress levels of Anxiety and
most have ADHD.
However’ it is possible for ADHD to
affect people physically, mentally or both.
ADHD stands for Attention Deficit
Hyperactivity Disorder, it affects concentration.
This is because ADHD can cause short attention
span, restlessness, fidgety, being impulsive,
physical and verbal behaviors, snuggling with
education, employment, they may need
quite a bit of support to be successful and
get the work done in it’s time limits at same
time as other people whether it is work, study,
causes etc.
The person may be very anxious or and excited.
For example; an excited, we can be happy
with positive things and there is no wrong in that.
With ADHD it cause a person to become over excited
in there reaction but there is nothing wrong in that
either. Anxiousness
as I said before can work in positive as
negative reactions to situations.
With positives it is likely to be for example;
the build up of working positive things, studying, exams, driving lessons and driving tests etc.
Negative and positive ways can build up a person’s stress levels in positive and negative ways, even built up of positive changes.
When it is a negative experience, it could be something unexpected to them, something changing negative ways etc, which we all may need to face but exscream of the person’s reaction, if they do not want to do something or and go somewhere etc.
Help support you can offer for those
who may let you try to help them.
No one knows everything including me.
Counseling, emotional support,
medication, mindfulness, creativity
therapy, talking therapy and more.
Though out my childhood,
I was on medication as a baby and
child for Epilepsy, which
was called back then called phenobarbital.
It made me very hyperactive and moody,
feeling sleepy and awake,
high as a kite at the wrong times.
I couldn’t focus on my schoolwork,
I had no direction or road safety
awareness back then,
I was a danger zone to others and myself.
Naturally back then everyone including
myself who knew me thought this was
just me anyway. When l was twelve to thirteen,
my seizures what we would say in today’s
terms back then they were called fits we’re getting less.
My took me to the doctors to see whether or not I could stop taking the medication and why.
I was allowed to stop taking them but
as a short time went on,
I started to learn and be aware
of the world around whereas
when I was on the medication, it was like I was in a dream world.
Going by my own experience has taught me
and this example of any disability, illness,
conditions etc, health prossionals
need to look into whether meditations
are causing these sort of
problems or is it part of the person’s
conditions etc.
Interduction to Epilepsy
The person may be diagnosed by their GP, if they have a lot of seizures a lot times rather than just now and then.
Seizures can start at any age for length of time, stop any length of time, they stop for life or come back, no one knows if or when.
There can be difference in time to how long someone is having a seizure for to how long someone is having to be on medication for.
Just because your seizures may stop for however long does not make you none Epileptic, even they never come back again, it is there in your history. It is a very strange condition where different people who face, face it differently.
For eg; I was born with Epilepsy, I had seizures from birth and taken off medication when I was twelve to thirteen then I was seizure free till I was thirty - one years old till I was forty - three.
what cause Epilepsy and what causes people to have seizures?
Really the cause of Epilepsy is what it is.
It can be a number of things like a lot of stress, tumor, electricity to the brain, chemicals etc; even if the person is worrying a lot about something, someone etc, lack sleep, even too much sleep even panic and maybe more.
This could also be if a lot is playing on the mind such as emotional issues, which may affect other issues with their health as well mental health illness such as Money problems, house problems, moving house, falling out or and breaking up with, friends, family, partner, one the other or all three, deaths of people they know etc.
Epilepsy can be a death risk it’s self but not everyone faces it. Seizures like most conditions, problems etc can be from mild, moderate, severe, minor, major etc. My seizures for eg; have been what used to call at the start of my life in the 70s Petty mall, most people have gram mall, chronic Tonic, there is more in the link I put on.
What is depression.
Depression is very known illness and can be serious as well. It can be very misunderstood where others may think you being purposely moody but that is not case. It can vary from person to person where to some people it can something bothering, others it can be no reason at all, others each spell can vary from being a reason to not being reason.
We can all feel down at times but if it carries on longer than necessary, it is a huge concern. Depression can make it hard for people to focus on things, even in things you are interested in, and the world around us. It affects your the way your mood, how feel, think, even how you behave, react, even interact. It is like you whole world shuts down on you and black cloud goes over you.
Cases of this can vary to the person, maybe the type of Depression they face, whether or not there is a reason for feeling as they do, there is a reason whatever is bothering them, how long they may have been struggling along, if they told someone, even the support they may have received or and sorts of reasons.
It is important to understand what person wants and does want is important. Whether or not and who they open up to is their choice no one else’s and they do, if they do. No matter what we think all we can do is, let them know we if are there for them if or and they want to open up to us. However’ need to let know if we are concerned about the health and safety we need make somewhere or and someone who is more trained and qualified than we are to deal with whatever that maybe.
However’ some people’s crises may not as bad as other. Although’ there are concerns and risks with all types of illnesses that they make people risk to others or and their selves but it is not always necessary the case it is with every crisis a person may have or may be with every person you try to support.
Each crisis I have had myself, some have not been as bad as others.
I would say at five times I have felt as if I was not to make it and each time, I have been wrong.
I only once took an overdose and that over the epileptic medication I was taking at the time I was twenty.
If I am honest there was two reasons for that at that time, yes I did feel very to the point I felt as if life was not worth living, I honestly admit that and we’ll say my manager and my tutor at the Camnant Centre in Wales, thought I was having petty mall seizures, I was not that point got the local GP to put me back on the medication so one day when I was home for the weekend, I took the lot because I was so fed up of taking them for no reason.
The most common forms of depression is major depression, major depression disorder, Chronic depression, Persistent perinatal depression, (Sad) Seasonal affective disorder.
(MDD) Major depression disorder, you feel as if you have no interest in anything and anyone, where people need to be patient until the person feels themselves again but at the same time your health and safety can be concerning which may last length of time and very concerning not at all. It can very hard to know when should step in and when you shouldn’t.
You aren’t always aware of someone facing this, it is not always possible if you can try to find out if the person has other people in their lives who they know if they need to, you do not need to necessarily need to know who, it is the person’s choice if they tell you or not.
However’ working for a services etc, you may for example need to have the person’s next of Kim’s contact details in case of emergency.
Major and Clinical depression can
affect how the person feels, think and behave.
This can lead to physical as
well as emotional problems.
A person may struggle with
everyday activities and they
not feel life is worth living,
which is hugely concerning.
Depression can cause a person to do
too much of something or and
not enough of something for eg;
eating, drinking, sleeping, even many more.
Some people may feel helpless, hopeless,
useless, feeling as if they are doing
something wrong all the time or and
something they be or not doing, saying etc,
mainly if a lot of people are making
them feel that way.
Some Anxiety may kick in where they
worry too much that they maybe doing
saying or and not enough of anything
etc because others may make them think so etc.
They may worry for eg; feeling as if they
are not doing enough to please others,
where they may overthink and worry
without meaning to because a person
or people maybe put pressure on them,
this can run them down.
Depression can drain a person’s motivation
and energy, where they can feel as if
they have no get up and go.
Always be honest with those you support
but never run those down who do open up either.
Although’ advise you to praise those
who do open up, it can be a struggle
for person try and talk to someone,
mainly if they know, even if your
trustworthy, even if you work for a
service where it is in everywhere these
days righty so to respect patient’s, client’s privacy etc.
Never judge how a person’s life is.
Never tell what to do and
what not to do.
However’ tell them what they
could or could not do, what is
likely to happen if they do or do
not take certain steps to whatever
their situation may be on what
they may talking to you about.
For those who open up,
it takes energy and strength
with whatever they may be going through.
As for those who may not we still must not
judge even
though it is a huge concern, there are
all sorts of reasons why they may not
open up and there’s every chance the person
may know is themselves,
if anyone does it is likely to be close friends,
family etc.
We can hope people do not face
crises but that sadly not promised.
However’ how people face them ,
can vary from person to person,
it depends on the type of mental illness
they face,
if they are facing a problem for example;
relationship break up.
The person’s reaction may be
different and how it affects them.
When my ex boyfriend left me for another
Woman back in 1997,
where I feel nothing at all now but distorted
me at the time.
I had a mental breakdown.
Although I hated been at home
and I was out and about I struggled to socialize
but I was oddly okay with people being around
but not making any chat.
Back in 2011,
I lost my work with Mencap but this affected
me completely
differently to
my mental breakdown where
I was feeling
down if I was not forcing
on something, whereas
With my mental breakdown,
I was struggling to for-us
even things I normally enjoyed.
Disability, education and employment
In my life and I believe I am not alone,
I found most employers do
not understand learning disability,
mental illness or and other problems.
Not everyone takes notice of the disability
discrimination act in the UK,
not sure about other countries.
Again better was now but we still have a long way to go, still life goes on.
We are still health and safety hazard to lot of employers,
not that I am saying that is wrong to protect our safety
but there still should be ways of us having a career
like other people, with right tools and support of
course that cost money that UK government just hasn’t got,
without making the country worse off,
I would interested how this works for other countries,
surely we are not alone.
We need the right support to keep healthy
and safe to work in our limits of our disabilities,
mental illness and other conditions, problems and more.
Employers, trainers and the government etc ;
need learning disability and mental health
awareness training.
Not everyone can work IT, the internet
etc but not everyone can manage factory work either .
In my youth for example the government
would put you just anywhere with or any,
very little support to get us doing something,
I no problem doing what I could do or learn to do,
which was not a lot to start with.
Six weeks training on YTS for example
wasn’t enough time for me to learn a job,
where they ended up getting rid of me,
cause they just did not have the patience.
I guess when I think about it now some reasons
in some things I tried, which weren’t to be,
was the field I was in and others were the people.
At the time, because
I was very young, I just got frustrated where
everything was trying was not a success but
I could not see the wood through the trees.
I tried elderly people’s homes, Day centers,
supermarkets, a shop a hospice,
riding stable’s with other animals as well
as horses and ponies, the library which
like the work and the people,
which was a living in job.
I did and passed my stable management
exams, I tried to pick on what I did not do
good at in schools English, maths etc.
On the other hand I was put in some fields not for me,
even then I weren’t in the right fields and places.
My Mother lives in New York and they go by
what people are capable of and what they
take interest in and they can learn and
train for.
However’ things did improve for me as time went
like working Men-cap I enjoyed, raising awareness
of disability and mental health, Advocate,
speaking up for disability and mental health.
This gave me experience of working in Advocacy
groups. I learned how present information in power point,
passed my ITQ level in Microsoft Office 2007,
in power point and word processing,
ITQ Level two internet and email.
It taught me to give talks to student professors
such as learning disability, mental health nurses,
social workers, paramedics and more as Visiting Lecturer.
I have also been a private Advocacy for what was
One Voice, Wolverhampton.
Interdiction to Advocacy skills GATACS2014
(Generic Advocacy
Training and Consultancy Services)
Suggesting options to people with
disabilities on matters that bother
then or need help with. Example; benefits,
getting a disability bus pass etc.
Volunteer trainee Teaching Assistant
Penn Hall special day school.
Malt-ins Day Centre Wolverhampton
for Elderly and Disabled people.
Work, making hot and cold drinks.
Key skills PowerPoint, chairing minutes of meetings,
supporting disabled people to chair meetings,
communication, time management and IT skills.
Highest English qualification,
English Function skills Level one.
Interduction to Mentoring skills,
Level one and two Mentoring.
The government spends money on the wrong things.
The rich are getting richer and the poor are getting poorer.
The benefits system has always been a mess,
there a lot people on benefits
who should not be as well those who are
on them for good reasons. Most of one’s who
should not could work but do not
want to yet the ones who are on them
for good reasons want to work.
If you are involved learning disability
and mental health, whether you are
someone who faces disability, mental illness or
and other problems, illnesses conditions etc or
and you are a parent, partner, family member,
friends, support worker, carer, nurse, school staff, children, teenagers, young adults ; etc who support and
doctor, paramedic, teacher, tutor, lecturer,
employer office, etc,
my email is
if you wish to get touch, on anything you
may have read what I have written or and
maybe you have in my lectures at
the University Of Wolverhampton or involved in work
I have done for Mencap or anywhere else in the
disability and health field etc.
I lecture things, like accessible information,
easy read we need to avoid too much jargon etc,
you may need thing like Brail for the
blind sign language courses to help you support .
The could be more.
You need to balance what they person might
have done already, what they want to,
what they can do and even what they want to
learn to do.
Consider health and safe as well
qualifications they have and
what they need in what they want to do.
Careers for disabilities. Eg; creative jobs,
such as writers, artists, poets band more; mentoring,
coaching, counseling, Advocacy, ,
office, Administrative etc is likely to be for people with physical conditions, disabilities etc.
Those who haven’t got physical disabilities,
conditions etc, maybe shop work, cleaning, building,
gardening etc.
Google search for example; jobs for people with Autism.
Course search tips, animal care courses for people with autism.
More on Autism
a health professional, my family have learned
what I have faced and what I have been through
with my problems, strengths as well weaknesses,
reading book, films etc on Autism etc.
In some ways people with LD are their
own health professionals in many ways
of every day lives because
we have to live with the problems.
Dyslexia can also link to Autism
so what is the difference between Dyslexia and Dyspraxia?
They are so similar it is hard to whether
you can have both or not but then there
is an easy way to work it out.
Dyslexia is all to do with reading and
writing but before I go on, never say a person
can’t read and write when they dyslexia,
that is not so to put politely, we just face
difficulties with reading, writing along
the way, for example; mixing up bs and
d.s., spelling words, writing numbers
the wrong way round, 23, 32, bad, dad.
Dyspraxia can be similar but with more added on,
such as untidy handwriting,
Pressing too hard on pens and pencils,
struggling to grip. Dyspraxia affects
every day skills mentally as well as
physically whereas Dyspraxia doesn’t affect
a person physically only mentally.
However’ both have positives in creative ways,
which people are talented in different ways.
Therefore, how did (ASD) and (AS) come
about in the first place?
(AS) was discovered by Han Asperger in
1944.He was doing studies in Autism with
Lora Wing 1981, me and family knew nothing,
I was eleven years of age. He gave he gave
the development condition a form of
Asperger Syndrome.
History of Asperger Syndrome.
Since then support has come in place but we still have a long way to go.
More than fifty years ago, Leo Kenner
described his his Autistic syndrome but
a German psychiatrist named Eurgen Bleuler
described the most severe cases of child hood Autism as Schizophrenia.
Leo classed Autism as a pattern of ad normal behavior
back in 1943.
DR Jean Marc Gasped Iraq was a French physician.
She discovered a boy who was afraid and neglected
in a forest.
He could not speak, he was deaf and he
rocked a lot. This was in the 1800s.
There were famous writers who had autism
such as Hans Christian Anderson children’s
writer , Lewis Carol children ‘s writer
Charles Darwin naturalist and geologist,
Emily Dickinson poet, Albert Einstein scientist and mathematician, Thomas Jettison Politician.
Research famous people with disabilities and other
problems for example;
Han Christian Anderson was
born in Denmark 2nd April 1805.
His Father was a shoe maker and him
Mother was a housewife.
He was an only child, had great imagination
with his toys and he was a great
children’s’ fairly tale writer.
AS) Level one or (ADs) may struggle to understand
rules of socializing, friendship etc.
We may struggle to express empathy
towards others.
Research says that children for example;
tend to take things literacy like such saying
as break a leg,which sayings like that can
throw people all ages but not always
the case depending on the person,
problems etc which can vary from person to person.
They may not be aware for example;
someone or group of peoples’
chat where they could bring in a
different subject into the chat which
could make them misunderstood but
other people may not realize that and think
they are inter fearing on purpose.
They come into the chat invited without
thinking to find out if they are welcome
or not but on the whole it would be untenstionly,
which take a while to realize or understand
others if they make us aware.
It is understandable that others may misunderstand us and we should not except to be treated any different to anyone mainly when people do not us, we should not except special treatment or anything but Autism awareness should carry on being raised all the same.
They may have one topic that really interest them, not necessarily topic but they talk a lot about hobby, pop star for example; none stop without realizing others want to talk about other things too. Positive’s about Autism.
Autism can be creative, talented, even poetic, in different people in ways. We can express good and bad in creatively and life around us, writing, drawing, coloring, painting, how we think, feel etc.
Difference and the same between Autism Spectrum and Asperger syndrome
What the difference between Between
autism spectrum and Asperger syndrome,
what is the same?
As confusing as this sounds that (AS)
and (ADS) are not these days classed
as separate forms of Autism anymore,
which understandably throws everyone
even me. Your question and my question in too,
not if I am right or wrong you are thinking same,
which is. How is that, it makes no sense.
You would be right to do so makes no sense
at all but if but I guess maybe when we get
used to how it is set out, it may be less confusing.
A page or few pages ago,
I wrote about different levels of Autism,
which is the way someone somewhere
has changed the way of explaining with
Autism is, why that is I have no ideas and not
if anyone knows why but sure may have good
reasons to do it this way. All the same (As)
and (ADs) have own differences and parts of
form Autism that causes the problems.
Therefore’ there is very little or difference
between the forms of Autism,
which now is considered as one
big developmental disorder.
(ASD) compared to( AS) face
milder speech problems
but that may vary to be honest.
For both forms difficulty with communication with society,
we find it hard in different ways to one another, difficulty
with social imagination.
By a guess I have (AS), I have motor skills and
gripping problems, poor co-oration,
I struggle with my strength which is known as
Dyspraxia, which is linked to Autism.
It is not shown, in fact it is very hidden,
which makes it very hard for a person to prove themselves,
unless others spend a lot time with them,
which is not always possible.
However’ they say (ASD) people do not appear
to having learning disabilities,
again sorry are confused on that one because I am?
The answer is we do have learning disabilities though,
which is hidden, classed more of learning difficulties,
which conditions can be linked,
it maybe one some or all such dyslexia,
dyspraxia, ADHD etc,
which may linked to mental illnesses
such as Anxiety and or Depression.
Communication, little language,
speaking in the same tone, unable to
understand facial expressions,
mixing words up like you and I,
repeating what others say.
Movements, flapping hands, rocking,
twirling toes, talking about and
repeating the same topic, which
vary to how long they talk about
something for to when that changes
to when the next topic lasts for so for,
having fixed routines, upset and anxious
by change, may appear nervous even if
the change positive, sensitive to sound,
smells, taste, etc; misunderstanding
people’s’ thoughts, feelings, actions etc.
Asperger syndrome (AS) comes under
Autism Spectrum Disorder (ADS).
They both cause social interaction
but (ASD) does not cause people struggle
with thinking and language problems both
(AS) and ASD) behavior and relationships
problems around people in general,
mainly from my experience if
I do not know them.
Even though I have not been diagnosed by
Autism awareness
Causes of Autism.
Cause Autism is unknown yet in my case I
was born lack of oxygen to the brain.
I guess in the late 20th century to the early 21st century,
it was reported on the news about the MMR vaccines,
if anyone remembers that, the risks and concerns that
it could cause Autism, to protect German meseases/
rubella. Yet did not see a learning disability as
I thought as Autism as a side - affect from a injection,
I found that hard to understand but maybe you have
your own views. I thought if this study is right
it is likely to cause autism spectrum rather than
Asperger, not sure why I thought that.
I admit this study is probably wrong but going by my
Mother and experience, I was born lack of oxygen
because my Mum was neglected, where she had me
before help came to deliver me. Therefore’
I was born too quickly and I was fitting but
despite of that my weight was fine, I was 7lb 6 born.
There are probably other causes, which I am looking Autism affects different people different ways.
It may depend on the of Autism or and the person
within themselves. Even two people with Same
problems as odd as it sounds do not always face
the difficulties and strengths. Except the unexpected.
Sure may know this but people disabilities so have
strengths etc, as they was a time when society people
with disabilities having all weaknesses no strengths.
We have strengths and weaknesses in different ways
like other like other people but naturally not the same
to one another. Try support people through their
difficulties but take interest in what they are
good at well, to encourage them to see that
life is worth living in the positive way they have,
and no one can do everything.
I guess what the world trying to understand is,
what causes Autism and many hidden disabilities and more.
If. I am right most people with Autism,
find it hard to explain what they are trying to tell
people, which part communicating, people
with Autism can struggle, it can affect us socially.
We can lack communication and understanding.
There can be misunderstandings between us and others.
It can make us feel as if we haven’t
got any control over our lives, we have or haven’t.
If we don’t have a great of choice and
control over our lives, this does not help
us to be independent, yet support is not always
around when we need it, needs to balanced.
We may struggle with managing money but
support for most of us is very little support
with home ,benefits etc.
Not sure what it is like by you but services are few
and far in between in West Midlands
or and Wolverhampton., funding seems
to be cut a lot for Autism and other services
for vulnerable people, children and adults.
in some or and all walks of life.
We May spend a lot of time alone.
We may find it hard to understand
people’s feelings and thoughts but
the person may over come the
older they get.
We may behave in a strange manner
others may find odd.
We may find it had to make friends.
We may have poor eye contact.
Level 2 difficulty with basic living skills,
money, shopping, home skills, study, work,
traveling and more, they need support in those areas.
Level three is outside difficulties and support ,
for example getting themselves out and
about but in some cases may have strengths
as well as weaknesses where they may know
their way round locally to them but not far a
away from them, mainly if it is somewhere
they have not been before but this may vary.
However’ it may be if they go somewhere not
necessary every day but regularly they may
pick it up, it may take some people longer than others.
My experience with the outside world is it been
overwhelming and crowded with people and places
where there no one to ask for help if I need it,
mainly in airports for example. Airports can be
very busy. Information find where your gate to your
plane flashes on and off far too quickly.
This cause people a lot of Anxiety, where
they could miss important information.
Where they may struggle to get to where
they are going whether it is going or
coming back from somewhere.
Little support is still given airports
and on the plane well but it has
improved to what it was but
we still have a long way to go.
Not many people with disabilities
drive, me included.
Most of us are having to rely on
public transport.
Not everyone like me is lucky to
be bus independent but there
only a limit of places I can go.
Some people need support with money.
Night time seems to be a dangerous time
as support workers do not work at night
and we should not except them to either.
With Autism there are two forms or used to be
( ASD) Autism Spectrum and Asperger Syndrome .
Levels of Autism. ADS comes in three different levels,
Autism affects people can vary where they face
of these difficulties, one or just a few.
Level one struggles with communicating with
people which can vary to friends, family,
relationships even professionals in their lives
even all sorts of people.
Struggling to manage social skills, lack of
communication and understanding between
them and others where always the person
with Autism has misunderstood the other
person but the way round, which maybe in
some cases, which happen work, school,
college, home etc.
However’ people with disabilities should
have rights to choices as much as anyone,
even though some are one of the lucky ones
like me but that does not mean
do not look out for others.
However if you are commenting on be half of someone,
make sure have their permission,
if they say no or say one or the other do
not-comment on their behalf. In the west Midlands,
the disabled people have three disabled bus passes
and we can travel by rail, bus and tram around the
West Midland but no further.
I am sure how pension bus passes work.
In the week we can travel three from half past night,
Saturday all day, not sure about other parts of the
UK though. It is not possible to suit everyone's needs
but accessibly needs to improve,
the only way to learn that is find out
from those who face the difficulties.
This is example other things too such
as most shops that self service,
cash machines etc most people
may struggle. We understand privacy,
such as naturally
PIN numbers etc are private but not
everyone can manage everything on there.
This is not only difficult for me but for others too,
mainly those similar to me. For example;
woke up to find on the news,
if I have not misunderstood about all if not most railway ticket offices are closing.
The change will be if I am right ordering our tickets online,
where not everyone knows how,
mainly vunable people such as the
disabled and elderly people.
It's understandable that there
cannot be IT courses in everything
no one knows completely everything IT,
however' I understand there maybe some
positives as well negative the change
where most people face positives and
negatives, other may say one or the other,
feel free to tell your views, experience etc,
which may you or and someone you support,
care for etc.
Autism affects different people different ways.
It may depend on the of Autism or and the person
within themselves. Even two people with Same
problems as odd as it sounds do not always face
the difficulties and strengths. Except the unexpected.
Sure may know this but people disabilities so have
strengths etc, as they was a time when society people
with disabilities having all weaknesses no strengths.
We have strengths and weaknesses in different ways
like other like other people but naturally not the same
to one another. Try support people through their
difficulties but take interest in what they are
good at well, to encourage them to see that
life is worth living in the positive way they have,
and no one can do everything.
I guess what the world trying to understand is,
what causes Autism and many hidden disabilities and more.
If. I am right most people with Autism,
find it hard to explain what they are trying to tell
people, which part communicating, people
with Autism can struggle, it can affect us socially.
We can lack communication and understanding.
There can be misunderstandings between us and others.
It can make us feel as if we haven’t
got any control over our lives, we have or haven’t.
If we don’t have a great of choice and control over our lives, this does not help
us to be independent, yet support is not always
around when we need it, needs to balanced.
We may struggle with managing money but
support for most of us is very little support
with home ,benefits etc.
Not sure what it is like by you but services are few
and far in between in West Midlands
or and Wolverhampton., funding seems
to be cut a lot for Autism and other services
for vulnerable people, children and adults.
Types of disabilities
Muscular dystrophy is when the person
weaken gradually in limit of time.
It seems to common more so in boys that girls.
Spinnaker bifida can happen
during pregnancy when Spinoza cord
(nerves run down the spine),
which is a physical disability.
This can affect movement and balance,
bowel and bladder control. It affects
bones and joints deformities that affect
people’s’ movements. Hydrocephalus
( high pressure on the brain because
of the fluid not being drained away.)
Cerebral Palsy happens during pregnancy. It is mental
and physical disability affecting the mind or and body.
The brain controls the movement in early stages
of development.
Almost like forms Autism but probably in different ways.
Information more on disabilities
Interduction to Autism.
Autism is a long - life condition,
which mostly links with the mental illness
Anxiety and Depression. Most of us with
Autism have learning disabilities, social
interactions and communication problems.
We might find it hard to not let things get to us.
Interdiction to learning disability and mental health awareness
Interducing myself
as a person and writer.
Interducing the purpose of this writing.
The idea behind the story is to introduce
as much of life as person
past and present as I am as possible,
my learning disability,
mental illness and my career,
which is mostly based on my life experience.
Also, to try help, students, workers and
or more who involved in the
field and people who face disabilities,
mental illnesses and more.
I have written this piece of work for
those interested in the field of learning
disability, mental health and other
problems as well as for who face
them themselves, and people who them,
teach them support them care for them etc.
No one can be forced to be interested in
something if they are not but do get me
wrong no one can be liked from everyone,
I understand that but when it comes to
learning disability etc, there is a lot of
misunderstanding and unawareness.
I think learning disability, mental
health and all problems awareness
needs to be raised, meaning for example;
conditions, illnesses, diseases and more,
which should be raised in schools,
colleges, universities, workplaces and more.
It would interesting to what is like in
other countries as far.
A lot of long stay hospitals,
resident homes etc closed
roughly from 2007 to 2010
in the UK. In past to other people,
people with disabilities seemed different to them.
They were labeled, treated like babies and
children even when they were adults.
People used words like mentally handicapped
instead of disabled, such other words as sub
normal, mental, backward, eternal,
a menace to society or and a burden to society.
Over centuries, years, decades etc,
there has never been a balance between
support and independence,
mostly it had been all or nothing.
Most people have been neglected or
support tends happen when it is too late
they do not need it or someone is around all the time but again I am not saying this is the case with everyone.
Attitudes have been getting
better in the last so many years
but we still have a long way to go.
People who are not disabled were
viewed as normal but what normal
at the end of the day?
Everyone is a human being.
People were in institutions had no or very little contact
with the outside world. This had a very big affect on
people’s lives. I guess a lot people would have
suffered with Anxiety and Depression.
People with disabilities were misunderstood
very much a lot for those who they are not as others thought they were in sane or mad.
Even today there is a lack of awareness from
society about disability, mental health and
other problems. Society did not have confidence
in people. We were treated unequally and we
felt as if we were not part of society.
Today society is starting to learn about
learning disability and mental health.
Most disabled people in those times
begged for food and money off the streets.
In Victorian times in the 1800s the 19th
century were thought about as cripple,
handicap, freaks, etc.
Living conditions were hard for everyone
in those times but disabled people struggled
to look after themselves where they
treated like babies and children or
neglected. Most disabled people
were in industrial ares, with say widows,
orphans, alcoholics.
Other people with disabilities were put in
poorhouses or almshouses.
In 19th century, the treatment for mental
health was cure, incerlating and shocking.
Some asylums were poor cared for in
institutions with a lack of compassion.
Disabled people were treated in the
abbey a type of church and hospitals,
they were made to say prayers and
other religious things.
people who faced Mania, dementia,
melancholy, relapsing mania, hysterical,
and idiocy, liege normally misunderstood,
seen etc as drunk in the eyes and mind of society.
In the middle age, it is believed that
mental illness was used in religion.
Negative attitudes were around the
18th century onwards in American,
leading sigma towards those with
mental illnesses.
Warehouses we’re responsible for disabled people too.
I guess the way society was back then
it would have caused those facing disabilities,
mental illness and other problems a lot of
misunderstandings with others. Where society
back then didn’t have confidence in those
who were slow to work, react, response, etc.
What type of disability depends on the cause,
not that anyone would wish it anymore
because disabilities affect lives but some cases
can be life rick, which could depend on disability,
what happened etc. Sorry there is no polite easy
way of saying this. For those of us who are lucky to live,
it is possible for us to achieve what
we are capable of what we are interested
in with the right support.
A learning disability can affect the person coping with
everyday skills such as home skills, education, work,
social lives, relationships,friendships or and more
but they can get by with the right support say goes for goals they capable of or and what they enjoy etc.
According to Mencap there are 1.5 million
people in the UK who have learning disabilities
and how they affect people can vary from
person to person so except anything from
anybody when comes to learning disabilities etc.
‘However we are as human as anyone,
we do not expect to be treated any
different to other people but
we need the right support when we need it
and what need it for.
Sunday, 3 September 2023
Poetry, short stories and other writings
Interducing myself as a person and writer.
Although writer is in the title, I wouldn’t call myself writer because I not published but I have been writing for thirty years now with very little support as a special needs person, I’m nearly fifty - four now.
Although, I do have a few qualifications, in creative writing A Way With Words Level one to three and Creative Communication Level one 2 credits, reading, writing and responding in Autobiography and Biography.
My Autobiography and short stories, I started writing when I was twenty - three, poetry when I was twenty - seven, through a real ion ship break - up.
I have had eleven poems published, one each in eleven books, then nothing else ever since but wrote loads of unpublished poetry ever since and short stories on and off.
About me and family.
My Mother’s name is Jane and she was not married when she had me so I have her maiden Gorman. My Father’s name is Malcom Marriott, he likes to be called Max rather than Malcom.
My parents met in Bowling Alley 1968, which used be In Wolverhampton. My Dad had been chief in the Merchant Navy before he met my Mum, he was twenty -two, and Mum was sixteen. They lasted roughly twelve months then found out I was on in 1969.
My moved to Saint Alb-arms in London, then he married. In 1978, my step then was born, then my Dad divorced sometime in the 80s. My Mum has been married twice but neither to my dad but that is okay as it was not to be. I was an only child until I was thirteen, which hated been only child but as my Dad and brother Jay weren’t in my life till I was twenty-one. My Dad did not come back to Wolverhampton till sometime in the eighties before, during or after Dad’s divorce.
Holly is my sister from my Mum’s first marriage.
My Dad had two children from another relationship Henry and Louise, who sadly both took their own lives in their twenties, Henry was twenty - four and Louise twenty eight.
My Nan’s name was Letty.
My great grandmother was Elizabeth Kendrick and my great Grandfather was Tom Kendrick. My Nan her daughter, was the eldest of eight, three have died one of them my Nan, five still alive as far as I know.
My Nan was eight when the Second World War broke out. My great Grandfather made bombshells and great Granny Liz used to work a sewing factory in Wolverhampton. My Nan looked after her seven brothers and sisters while my great Grandparents worked.
My great Grandfather was bald and thin and great Gran was plumb, Bonnie, turned in flame, light blue glasses and a head scarf, short curly hair.
It was harder work back then as there were no microwaves, washing machines etc and they had to wash by hand. Money was also tighter.
Many houses during the war were back to back with gas or coal fires and no central heating, where cold drafts used to blow up the doors, in the winter time.
My great parents were only alive roughly my first five years of my life. I remember walking on my great Grandfather’s garden as I pulled out his plants so he made me my own garden patch. I treated it like a sand pit, as walked in it the one day and got my shoes and socks off, then got stung by a bee on my foot as I screamed and my great Grandad picked me up.
My great Gran was a cleaner at the Express & star, she used to take me to work with her I a Silver cross Pram, as she dressed me in bonnets and bows in early seventies.
My Mothers’ parents married in 1949, Letty and Ramsey Gorman, my Nan’s maiden name was Kendrick. She met my Grandfather was she was sixteen at dance at the Queen’s Ball room Wolverhampton and married. It was another marriage that ended in divorce. My Nan always said he’d just out the Army, then India and he was tall, dark and handsome but the marriage last twenty years. He was diagnosed schizoaffective, I think so many years before his death but before we were aware, my Gran had faced a bad marriage were he spent every penny in the pubs, betting, etc, always drinking, my Gran faced psychical abuse where my Mum and Aunt, used to cover their faces with the blankets and sheets to the sound of my Nan screaming.
My Mum and Aunt had a brother who was born before them Tony who died of German Messes in his throat and fitted on his first birthday, my Uncle would have been about seventy three now, he was born May 1950.
My Granddad’s Mum was name Fiall, she was Welsh and his Dad was Irish, his name was George Gorman and his Dad was German, as much as I know. She was from Swami, and he was from Dublin. They married in 1914,the star of world one. He either had business in Wales or the Midlands and met my great Grandmother. I guess Wales, they settled and married in Wolverhampton. My Granddad was the third of twelve.
Sara Jane Gorman Mind over matter.
Thinking and thoughts is not seen but it can be heard if said.
When being alone it is hard to know if anyone is feeling the same if not similar.
Like you are thinking even over thinking in a lonely world, day and night.
This can be whether is negative or positive thinking or both.
Thinking can get too much it can be hard to sleep.
The lights are off and everything is dark and you hear the clock tricking.
Your mind is talking to you, over talking, overthinking.
To like or love others.
To love or and like someone you to like or and love yourself.
Believe I am still learning even though I love someone and he loves me, I have friends too.
When most people let you down they put all the blame on you and no blame on themselves.
It is human nature that it takes two to tango, we are all human, we all make mistakes but that doesn’t mean we are to blame or and not to blame for everything.
Most people think they don’t do anything wrong and someone else does, which is wrong of them.
This can take someone a long time to be themselves again.
Liking and loving yourself is not vein, it is believing in yourself and being yourself again.
With learning to be and the right support meaning people who believe in you, you can bounce back and be that person again you were before the wrong people to you damaged or tried to damage you.
Do not give up.
This poem well these words are not for me but for everyone.
I know it is easy for me to say, what do I know but what I say I mean with all my heart, keep strong and stay live.
I know that life can kick you in the teeth so many times, we can all stand up for life and our rights.
Do not give up, at times the light can get dark however long or short till it becomes bright, which can happen when you least expect it.
It just take time, hang in there, you will never know if you don’t.
It is very unlikely I am wrong but I am not saying I am right either.
I am not lying to be sure to promise either that everything is going to be alright but I believe in your strength and you to stay alive.
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