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Learning disability and Mental health awareness

Saturday, 23 September 2023

Autism awareness

Causes of Autism. Cause Autism is unknown yet in my case I was born lack of oxygen to the brain. I guess in the late 20th century to the early 21st century, it was reported on the news about the MMR vaccines, if anyone remembers that, the risks and concerns that it could cause Autism, to protect German meseases/ rubella. Yet did not see a learning disability as I thought as Autism as a side - affect from a injection, I found that hard to understand but maybe you have your own views. I thought if this study is right it is likely to cause autism spectrum rather than Asperger, not sure why I thought that. I admit this study is probably wrong but going by my Mother and experience, I was born lack of oxygen because my Mum was neglected, where she had me before help came to deliver me. Therefore’ I was born too quickly and I was fitting but despite of that my weight was fine, I was 7lb 6 born. There are probably other causes, which I am looking Autism affects different people different ways. It may depend on the of Autism or and the person within themselves. Even two people with Same problems as odd as it sounds do not always face the difficulties and strengths. Except the unexpected. Sure may know this but people disabilities so have strengths etc, as they was a time when society people with disabilities having all weaknesses no strengths. We have strengths and weaknesses in different ways like other like other people but naturally not the same to one another. Try support people through their difficulties but take interest in what they are good at well, to encourage them to see that life is worth living in the positive way they have, and no one can do everything. I guess what the world trying to understand is, what causes Autism and many hidden disabilities and more. If. I am right most people with Autism, find it hard to explain what they are trying to tell people, which part communicating, people with Autism can struggle, it can affect us socially. We can lack communication and understanding. There can be misunderstandings between us and others. It can make us feel as if we haven’t got any control over our lives, we have or haven’t. If we don’t have a great of choice and control over our lives, this does not help us to be independent, yet support is not always around when we need it, needs to balanced. We may struggle with managing money but support for most of us is very little support with home ,benefits etc. Not sure what it is like by you but services are few and far in between in West Midlands or and Wolverhampton., funding seems to be cut a lot for Autism and other services for vulnerable people, children and adults. in some or and all walks of life. We May spend a lot of time alone. We may find it hard to understand people’s feelings and thoughts but the person may over come the older they get. We may behave in a strange manner others may find odd. We may find it had to make friends. We may have poor eye contact. Level 2 difficulty with basic living skills, money, shopping, home skills, study, work, traveling and more, they need support in those areas. Traveling, Level three is outside difficulties and support , for example getting themselves out and about but in some cases may have strengths as well as weaknesses where they may know their way round locally to them but not far a away from them, mainly if it is somewhere they have not been before but this may vary. However’ it may be if they go somewhere not necessary every day but regularly they may pick it up, it may take some people longer than others. My experience with the outside world is it been overwhelming and crowded with people and places where there no one to ask for help if I need it, mainly in airports for example. Airports can be very busy. Information find where your gate to your plane flashes on and off far too quickly. This cause people a lot of Anxiety, where they could miss important information. Where they may struggle to get to where they are going whether it is going or coming back from somewhere. Little support is still given airports and on the plane well but it has improved to what it was but we still have a long way to go. Not many people with disabilities drive, me included. Most of us are having to rely on public transport. Not everyone like me is lucky to be bus independent but there only a limit of places I can go. Some people need support with money. Night time seems to be a dangerous time as support workers do not work at night and we should not except them to either. With Autism there are two forms or used to be ( ASD) Autism Spectrum and Asperger Syndrome . (AS). Levels of Autism. ADS comes in three different levels, Autism affects people can vary where they face of these difficulties, one or just a few. Level one struggles with communicating with people which can vary to friends, family, relationships even professionals in their lives even all sorts of people. Struggling to manage social skills, lack of communication and understanding between them and others where always the person with Autism has misunderstood the other person but the way round, which maybe in some cases, which happen work, school, college, home etc. However’ people with disabilities should have rights to choices as much as anyone, even though some are one of the lucky ones like me but that does not mean do not look out for others. However if you are commenting on be half of someone, make sure have their permission, if they say no or say one or the other do not-comment on their behalf. In the west Midlands, the disabled people have three disabled bus passes and we can travel by rail, bus and tram around the West Midland but no further. I am sure how pension bus passes work. In the week we can travel three from half past night, Saturday all day, not sure about other parts of the UK though. It is not possible to suit everyone's needs but accessibly needs to improve, the only way to learn that is find out from those who face the difficulties. This is example other things too such as most shops that self service, cash machines etc most people may struggle. We understand privacy, such as naturally PIN numbers etc are private but not everyone can manage everything on there. This is not only difficult for me but for others too, mainly those similar to me. For example; woke up to find on the news, if I have not misunderstood about all if not most railway ticket offices are closing. The change will be if I am right ordering our tickets online, where not everyone knows how, mainly vunable people such as the disabled and elderly people. It's understandable that there cannot be IT courses in everything no one knows completely everything IT, however' I understand there maybe some positives as well negative the change where most people face positives and negatives, other may say one or the other, feel free to tell your views, experience etc, which may you or and someone you support, care for etc. https://www.nhs.uk/conditions/autism/what-is-autism/ https://www.chop.edu/centers-programs/vaccine-education-center/vaccines-and-other- conditions/vaccines-autism https://www.thevillarifirm.com/2020/11/can-birth-injury-cause-autism-here-s-how-the-two/ https://www.autism.org.uk/advice-and-guidance/what-is-autism/the-causes-of-autism https://www.niehs.nih.gov/health/topics/conditions/autism/index.cfm https://www.dh-attorneys.com/blog/2020/january/genetic-tests-reveal-cause-of-seizure-disorder-i/ Autism affects different people different ways. It may depend on the of Autism or and the person within themselves. Even two people with Same problems as odd as it sounds do not always face the difficulties and strengths. Except the unexpected. Sure may know this but people disabilities so have strengths etc, as they was a time when society people with disabilities having all weaknesses no strengths. We have strengths and weaknesses in different ways like other like other people but naturally not the same to one another. Try support people through their difficulties but take interest in what they are good at well, to encourage them to see that life is worth living in the positive way they have, and no one can do everything. I guess what the world trying to understand is, what causes Autism and many hidden disabilities and more. If. I am right most people with Autism, find it hard to explain what they are trying to tell people, which part communicating, people with Autism can struggle, it can affect us socially. We can lack communication and understanding. There can be misunderstandings between us and others. It can make us feel as if we haven’t got any control over our lives, we have or haven’t. If we don’t have a great of choice and control over our lives, this does not help us to be independent, yet support is not always around when we need it, needs to balanced. We may struggle with managing money but support for most of us is very little support with home ,benefits etc. Not sure what it is like by you but services are few and far in between in West Midlands or and Wolverhampton., funding seems to be cut a lot for Autism and other services for vulnerable people, children and adults. https://www.nhs.uk/conditions/autism/what-is-autism/ https://www.chop.edu/centers-programs/vaccine-education-center/vaccines-and-other-conditions/vaccines-autism https://www.thevillarifirm.com/2020/11/can-birth-injury-cause-autism-here-s-how-the-two/ https://www.autism.org.uk/advice-and-guidance/what-is-autism/the-causes-of-autism

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