Poetry, writings and art blog

Learning disability and Mental health awareness

Tuesday, 7 November 2023

Special needs awareness

Dyslexia Dyspraxia difficulties. Children may face these difficulties some of their lives or all. Most people if not all may struggle with knowing left from right. Physical skills difficulties are mostly faced by people who face Dyspraxia. However’ Dyspraxia and Dyslexia is rather similar in many ways. Such as motor, coordination, balance etc. Such as holding pens and pencils, cutting with scissors. Eating, playing ball, up and down stairs, dressing etc. Mental difficulties could be mirror writing, forming letter, words and numbers; learning abc, vowels, consonants, remembering interstuctions, writing and remembering contact details, playing games. They may feel anxious and frustrated with things they do struggle with. They may struggle to pay attention to people, their work etc meaning school, college, work place etc. Comprehensive, order of letters, words, numbers etc, words maybe in the wrong places of sentences etc. They may have poor writing, spelling, grammar and punctuation. However’ through our difficulties are our strengths, which may be creatively, arts, even crafts, such as painting drawings, poetry, short stories etc, different people in different ways. Everyone has thoughts in their heads, they just may need help getting them down on paper, even those who can’t read and write, they just need the right help and support.

Interduction to disability blog

When having Learning disabilities, mental illnesses, long - term conditions, and more, it is hard to be understood. It can be hard to make yourself heard. I hope this blog shows how hard peoples’ day to day life can be. I hope this book highlights the help and support people need but need the support when we need it and what need it for not for things we don’t. Despite the difficulties there are the strengths. sarajgorman@gmail.com sararevealed.blogspot.com My name is Sara Jane Gorman, I was born with Autism, Dyslexia, Dyspraxia, Epilepsy, Anxiety and Depression. I used to be a visiting Lecturer in Learning Disability and Mental health, first for the Royal Wolverhampton Men - cap, then for the University Of Wolverhampton, also an Advocate and Befriender firstly for Royal Wolverhampton Men-cap, then One Voice Advocacy service, then Beacon Befriending service. Therefore, I am writing this book not only to educate students professionals but to help those who are interested or and involved in the field of learning disability, mental health and more. Whether you a parent, family member, carer, partner, friend, nurse, doctor, teacher, tutor, carer advisor, and more at all levels and abilities. You may learn. “ what is the difference, the same, similar between mental health and illness”? “ What is the difference, the same, similar between learning disability and difficulty”? “What is the difference, the same, similar between anger and anxiety”? “ what is the difference, the same, similar between Autism and Anxiety”? “ What is the differences, the same, similarities between ADHD, Autism and Anxiety”? “What is the difference, the same, similar between Schizoaffective and Bipolar”? “What is the difference, the same, similar between Dyslexia and Dyspraxia”? https://www.mencap.org.uk/learning-disability-explained/research-and-statistics/health/mental-health Special needs, Learning disabilities and difficulties. The way I see it is, rightly or wrongly, the dis means the difficulties we face. We have abilities like everyone else in different ways. Our abilities are our strengths but our difficulties slow us down. Each one of us faces them in different ways. As for special needs, we are not intending to be a center of attention, we do not see ourselves as anyone special, it means we are facing the difficulties, we are needing the support for our needs. It also means special education, meaning special education needs, needing support with our education. Disabilities, difficulties and special needs can happen to anyone at any time but thank goodness it does not happen to everyone. It can happen before, during or any time after birth, caused by accidents, illnesses etc, which affects the body or and mind. It can affect lives in huge different ways such as household skills, shopping, money, health, education, work, social lives, friendships, relationships, family and more. It is easy to get confused with disability, disability, difficulties and poor mental health. People with disabilities can face poor mental health but don’t need disabilities necessarily to face poor mental health, the same either way round. It is not always necessary that you need to face disabilities, difficulties or and special needs to face poor mental health. As for the difference between learning disability and difficulty, learning difficulties does not affect intellects as learning disabilities do. As I said this dis is the difficulties. Special needs means needing support for difficulties. Abilities mean the strengths. The difficulties slow us down. https://www.nhs.uk/conditions/learning-disabilities/ chapter three. What is Dyslexia? Dyslexia is a reading, writing and comprehension learning difficulty but people can read and write, they just face difficulties along the way. For eg; poor at spelling most words, reading most words, untidy writing, number, letter or and word order, planning, organizing tasks and studying, time management etc. We may struggle to take in more, some if not all information, in what people say, what we read etc. This may depend on the person, the difficulties they face, what the information is, how much etc. Different people may struggle in different ways, this may not be necessarily in everyone and everything. We may get things inside out, back to front, wrong way round etc. such as letters, words, numbers. For eg; 23, 32, dog, bog, bs, ds, miss words out of sentences etc. However’ through our difficulties are our strengths, which may be creatively, arts, even crafts, such as painting drawings, poetry, short stories etc, different people in different ways. Everyone has thoughts in their heads, they just may need help getting them down on paper, even those who can’t read and write, they just need the right help and support. Everyone has a book in them but not everyone want to write it. Those who want to may struggle without the right help and support.https://www.kent.gov.uk/education-and-children/special-educational-needs/types-of-send Dyslexia focuses on mostly affecting people’s’ education whereas Dyspraxia is just that but physically as well. What is Dyspraxia? dyspraxia is a hidden psychical and mental learning difficulty, which affect balance, coordination, grip but affects reading, writing comprehension, math’s similar to Dyslexia but Dyspraxia also affects people physically. What is Dyscalculia? Dyscalculia is a mathematical learning difficulty, which also causes people a lot of anxiety. It can happen to people all ages. We may struggle with counting, working out maths in our heads, rounding up numbers, poor calculation skills, measuring, weighing, mental maths, maths problems etc. We may try to avoid anything to do with maths. However’ there should be support and help for maths and anxiety. What is Dysgraphia? Dysgraphia is a handwriting learning difficulty impairment. People can read and write but our writing may not be neat and tidy without lines and margins on pages. We may have difficulty expressing, explaining thoughts on paper to make sense to readers, planning and organizing our work, ideas etc. we may struggle to grip pens and pencils. We may try to avoid writing, drawing, coloring as much as possible. It affects the ability to create automatic letters, numbers etc. Dysgraphia May slow down people’s writing, reading, tasks, coursework etc. Interducing Autism. What is Autism? Like a lot of disabilities Autism affects a lot of different people in different people in different ways. Autism is a life time development disability, which affects people’s communication and understanding and interactions. There are at least a 100 people or more who are on the autism spectrum. At least 700,000 people or more people in UK alone who face Autism. Not everyone who faces Autism is affected the same, they do not share the same strengths and weaknesses, like other people don’t. Like all people with and without disabilities, people with Autism want to live full lives. We want to make the most of life. We live in society too and we are human beings. lack of social communication and Anxiety is most common in people with Autism, mainly with people we don’t know and or as we are getting know people. Most people may find us strange, as most of us may struggle to communicate verbally and nonverbally. Unable to speak or limited speech. Most of us have good language skills but have difficulty with understanding sarcasm, jokes, tone of voice etc. Most of us may take things literally, for example sayings like break a leg. Most of us may need extra time to take in and understand most information or and what people say to us. Some of us may repeat ourselves without meaning to. Interducing Autism. What is Autism? Like a lot of disabilities Autism affects a lot of different people in different people in different ways. Autism is a life time development disability, which affects people’s communication and understanding and interactions. There are at least a 100 people or more who are on the autism spectrum. At least 700,000 people or more people in UK alone who face Autism. Not everyone who faces Autism is affected the same, they do not share the same strengths and weaknesses, like other people don’t. Like all people with and without disabilities, people with Autism want to live full lives. We want to make the most of life. We live in society too and we are human beings. lack of social communication and Anxiety is most common in people with Autism, mainly with people we don’t know and or as we are getting know people. Most people may find us strange, as most of us may struggle to communicate verbally and nonverbally. Unable to speak or limited speech. Most of us have good language skills but have difficulty with understanding sarcasm, jokes, tone of voice etc. Most of us may take things literally, for example sayings like break a leg. Most of us may need extra time to take in and understand most information or and what people say to us. Some of us may repeat ourselves without meaning to. My experience with travel. I find airports busy, too many people rushing. Information hard to understand flashing on and off too quickly. I get into route and struggle to get used to change. I like my independence and my support when I can get it. I like to know where I am going, I get lost easily if I have not been to a place before and when I have it can take any length of time for me to find it. I would like to raise awareness of my experience of traveling. Not everyone with disabilities etc can drive. It may be hard for those live in the country without depending those they may know who drive, even harder if don’t know anyone who does, public transport etc. Even for those who live in towns and cities, transport is not always reliable. Some people with Autism and other disabilities etc; have no of direction and may be slow to find where places are if they know where they are, which may make it tricky, if they need to get somewhere for a certain time. Some people may need support get out and about, travel training etc. Most people with disabilities don’t get out at night as there may be little or support, plus safety as well. Fundings have been on the learning disability social events over the years in the Uk. Most people like myself have been bullied in school, and did not have many friends during childhood and teenage years etc. Most employers don’t understand learning disability. Not everyone follows the learning disability Discrimination act but they should. Society says people with Autism find change a hard thing and it is true, it causes us a lot of anxiety. However’ with a lot of difficulties we face, I won’t say goes away but the older we get, the more so we learn to live with them, least that is what I have found for me. Things have improved to what they were but we still have a long way to go. We live to make the most of what we can do just that society needs to let us put what know into use. Just like other people we have hobbies, interests and even careers. Not all people with disabilities know how to use computers and other devices, the internet etc, even those of us who can, don’t know how to use everything on there necessarily but we know most. There is not always the jobs in what do need and not always the training and qualifications in what we don’t know or support. The government tends to spend money on the least important things. They robbing off the poorest instead of the rich. If you work or and study in the learning disability field or and your a parent, or family member life may be little easier if you learn to understand the person or people you support, such as communication aids as I have wrote at the bottom of the-paragraph next to this one, plus making information easy for them to read. There are too many mistakes most employers make. Most service users with disabilities don’t understand jargon, there is not any or enough accessible information. We find it very confusing. ( language barriers), sigh language, brail, accessible information etc is needed. Most people don’t understand that many people have hidden disabilities because in most people it is hard to see the difficulties they face, unless they are in their lives most of the time. There are two forms of Autism, which used to be separated but now they joined together, Autism Spectrum and Asperger Syndrome. Reason for this is because Autism is on the the spectrum. Despite of this, some people’s disabilities may show others may not as much, depending whether they mildly, minor or severely Autistic. This may be such signs I may have already said such as rocking, spinning, no speech, very little speech etc. most of us, if not all of us have at least a little bit of those signs but some of us more so than others. Autism spectrum is not that much different to Asperger’s syndrome apart from people with Asperger’s syndrome very signs are shown where it may seem as we don’t a have a learning disability, really we do but very mild. We may have a mild stutter in our speech in most of our talking. Autism spectrum may vary, from minor to severe speech problems. On the whole as far as I am aware, we all face difficulties in communication, social interaction, social imagination. Not necessarily all people with Asperger syndrome and Autism Spectrum face but most do and I one of them. Dyspraxia motor skills, balance, gripping and coordination problems. This affect skills such as cooking, housework, hygiene, tying shoes laces, climbing, and more.