Poetry, writings and art blog

Learning disability and Mental health awareness

Tuesday, 7 November 2023

Special needs awareness

Dyslexia Dyspraxia difficulties. Children may face these difficulties some of their lives or all. Most people if not all may struggle with knowing left from right. Physical skills difficulties are mostly faced by people who face Dyspraxia. However’ Dyspraxia and Dyslexia is rather similar in many ways. Such as motor, coordination, balance etc. Such as holding pens and pencils, cutting with scissors. Eating, playing ball, up and down stairs, dressing etc. Mental difficulties could be mirror writing, forming letter, words and numbers; learning abc, vowels, consonants, remembering interstuctions, writing and remembering contact details, playing games. They may feel anxious and frustrated with things they do struggle with. They may struggle to pay attention to people, their work etc meaning school, college, work place etc. Comprehensive, order of letters, words, numbers etc, words maybe in the wrong places of sentences etc. They may have poor writing, spelling, grammar and punctuation. However’ through our difficulties are our strengths, which may be creatively, arts, even crafts, such as painting drawings, poetry, short stories etc, different people in different ways. Everyone has thoughts in their heads, they just may need help getting them down on paper, even those who can’t read and write, they just need the right help and support.

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