Poetry, writings and art blog

Learning disability and Mental health awareness

Saturday, 13 January 2024

Poe a tree



Poet tree

Write each word to a poem on a leaf of a tree, until the leaves fall from the tree, changes color in the Autumn ready for the winter.

Write and type what you have planned from the poem to the paper and tree. 11th January 2024 

I am not anyone 

I am a figure of everyone’s imagination.

I am not here, I am just a handful of dust.

I am a ghost.

I am not a Centre of attention, I do not feel unwanted.

I don’t want to be here and I not hear.

I am not ungrateful to life, I am very grateful to life.

I just feel I don’t want to be here and I don’t know why.

My life is good and bad like everyone’s yet it is hard, even I don’t understand why I feel this way. 

You can have nothing, you can have everything either way is no fault or reason to feel necessary why you may not want to be here.

People who show a happiness a lot are not always necessarily happy.

If anything it is depression, we struggle to snap out of.

Not that the world is all black and white.

Most of us open up, most of us don’t.

Mainly  January, February hits most of us, (sad) seasonal affective disorder. 12th January 2024

Words that mean nothing or  and everything.


 The hardest thing to do is not think of wanting to be a writer when you want to be a writer, which is like anything really.

You are only a writer when your work is published, no matter how much and how often you write.

Don’t worry about writing a load of rubbish, you don’t need to publish, you don’t even have to show anyone.

This could be about what you have for breakfast, lunch dinner, tea, supper, even going to the loo, town etc, anything you write is writing practical.

Better ideas will come with time and patience, if you want to achieve keep writing.

I have been writing just over thirty years, I have not achieved yet, I will keep on until my death whether I achieve being a writer or not, it will come like writing lines.

“ I must not talk in class, Miss or Sir”. 13th January 2024

pain gives you strength.

What goes around comes around.

Stubbiness gets no  where in the end.

You have made your bed so lye in it.

You may had hurt me at the time but in the end you did me a favor, you made me a different person I used to be, from weakness to strength.

In the time, you have been out my life, I have realized, I am stronger without you, considering what  you put me through. 

Considering I used to worth-ship the ground  you walked but now I would not give the time of day or night. 13th January 2024

Don’t stay where you’re not wanted.

There is no reason to stay where you are not wanted.

There is no shame or guilt, you should not expect.

It is their loss but your gain because they gave you pain that has made you stronger.

Never fight to love someone who doesn’t love you, even though you love them.

That is easy than done, I know but they are not worth it you are.

Those who hurt you, lie when they say they love you, if they cannot love without hurt, if they love you they will let you go to someone who loves you, who won’t hurt you.

Those who hurt you, keep changing their minds how they feel about you because they can’t admit the truth, which really they don’t love you, they just want a victim of love and hate.

No second chances or more.

Things may be fine for a while but in time goes sour if it has gone sour before, very rare it works out the second time, third, fourth and so on.

Even the right happy couples fall out but some more so than others.

If or when you walk away, they are lost without anyone to upset without a victim of love and hate.

It is not easy leaving someone  you love but if they don’t love you why stay?

If you find the strength to leave, well done you, if you still love them, give yourself time, you will stop feeling love for them, you deserve someone you truly love and who truly loves you. 13th January 2024 


Nearly roughy  24,000 lions live  in Africa, in a small population.

Weight roughly 30 stone.

Big ears.

Lion cubs are together.

They get water plants.

Eat well and hunt in storms.



Who thought of poetry?

I have no idea other than the mind can be full of words or nothing at all.

I’m no one special, I am just talking to the world.

Think of me talking to you face to face, feel free to walk away if you are bored with what I say.

 Think of me as a human being just like you because that’s all I am.

I am just talking to in writing to those who want to read and listen to me.

You don’t need to publish me, if do, do it while I am here not when I’m dead.

My work will still be here, I can’t take it with me.

I’m no one special, I am just having a chat with everyone.

You are free to to read, you are free not to.

To think, share your thoughts if you want.

You are free to speak or don’t speak.

If you wish to say anything, say it while I am alive not when I’m dead.

Like us all, I am a short time alive and forever dead. 16th January 2024

Writing and drawing is no art.

It is just pictures of what we see, people we see and places we go.

Photos we take  and pictures we draw and paint.

Words what we write and say.

What, who, why, when, where we create from our minds. 16th January 2024

Life is  unknown.

Our lives are unknown from one minute, one second, one hour, one day, one week to the next.

Enjoy what you can when you can.

We don’t know whether we are doing right or wrong until we do whatever we are doing.

There are times in life, we don’t always have a choice we should not expect to do so.

Whichever way we are turning left, Centre or right.

Life unknown until we try things.

Life can be a journey to places, knowing people, goals and more.

Never except anything, never build hopes up: never say never.

It is easy said than done but try not to chase dreams, wants too much, life might happen positive ways you don’t expect. January 20th 2024 

Music and words.

I have a head full of music, I don’t know how to sing, even a cat’s voice is better than mine.

I can’t play in a band to save my life but I can write words that music players can create into songs, maybe not.

Plug me in I will speak to you not sing, there can be music playing around me to what I say.

Hang on here, I will give you a helping hand.

The future is a positive bright light.

Pour us a drink and tell us what is going through your mind. 20th January 2024


 Don’t give up.

There is no perfect life, negative  happen as well as positive.

Not everything can go right because there is no perfect life.

Not  all is good all the time: not all is bad all the time.

Don’t give up, things are easy said than done.

At times the downs can get too much.

It may not seem like it but there is always something to live for.

Every cloud has a sliver lining.  20th January 2024 







































































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