Poetry, writings and art blog

Learning disability and Mental health awareness

Friday, 31 January 2025

Poems about poetry: poetry about poems.

 There are well over 150 types of poetry.

It is far too much to learn, 

probley not many of us know every type there is, 

even many famous poets. 

One line is a single-line poem. 

Not all poems have to rhyme. 

Alliteration starts with a sound.

For example; a sound of an animal.

The dog went woof.

The meter is a rhythm, the beat of the poem.

Like the beat of a song.

Sensory is hearing, listening to the sound, plus smelling, 

tasting, feeling, touching, and more. 

The verse is a line of metrical writing. 

Hyperbole is an exaggeration for eg; I'm so tired I could sleep for a year. 

Smile for eg; red as a rose.

A metaphor for eg; she goes on like a Mother hen. 

He was angry like the wind. 

Idiom is a hidden meaning. 

Personification eg; the sun lazily climbed the sky. 

Acrostic for eg; raindrops keep falling on my head. 

The sonnet is a fourteen-line poem. 

In Limerick for eg; there was an old man named Fred who could not get out of bed.

Hickey dickey dock the mouse ran up the clock. 

Cinquain for eg; The waves came crashing down as the tide came in and out of the sea. 

Meaning of poetry. 

Feelings, my eyes lit up as the sun shined.

Metaphor, my heart skipped a beat. 

Eg; I heard the bird sing.

Smilie eg; by the fire I was warm as toast. 

Personification eg; birds are flying everywhere.

Alliteration eg; All the birds flocked together. 

Linebreak writes a shorter line to slow the reader down. 

Imagery helps the reader to form a picture in their mind. 

Repetition repeating something. 

Alliteration uses the same sound at the beginning of neighboring words. 

Poetry topic a big idea, a big feeling. 

Detail, nouns, people, places, places, objects, etc. 

Eg; Buddy Woody, you are so funny.

You have mud on your tummy. 

Caps, underline.

Rhyme, no rhyme.

Fiction, non-fiction. 

Serious, funny.

Song, poem.

Pattren, non pattern.

Feelings, thoughts, emotions.

Repeat words.


Paragraphs, stanzas. 

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