Poetry, writings and art blog

Learning disability and Mental health awareness

Sunday, 30 November 2008


A lot people don't realise that there are a lot of people who disabilities who are famous. Like I have said in one of my reports on my website, that there were a lot of people with disabilities who didn't become famous until they died. People like Isaac Newton, Albert Einstein, Vincent Van Gogh, Andy Warhol, Beethoven, Bela Bartok, Wolfgan Amadeus Mozart, Richard Strauss, W.B Yeats, George Orwell, Charles Dickens Lewis Carroll, Thomas Jefferson and many more who had Autism according to the Internet. There are and were famous people with many other disabilities too. These people were writers, artists, composers, worked in science and or and in many more things. How people have known this I don't know, perhaps they have been researching their lives to create these sites on the Internet. I'd be very interested to know what you do and don't believe. It's hard to say with the people who aren't with us anymore because in those day people weren't educated to know what disabilities are. We must be careful because it's too easy think if people didn't cope with school education, they must have had some forms of disabilities. Some people may have been bullied or problems at home, which could be another reason for not doing well at school. It's isn't just about that can be how they were at the beginning of life, for eg; slow at speaking. sarajgorman@googlemail.com or and sarajgorman@gmail.com.

Saturday, 29 November 2008


Most of us are very sensitive to sound, light, dark and touch.
Most of us find change hard to related to, mainly change to route. We could stay in the same route for years or always be the same. It can take us ages to get used to something new. We understand it must seem boring, we don't disagree but we can't help the way we are. If we are going to change, it's best leave it to us in our speed.
Like I said in my poem, we people with Autism can do and or say things that can affect people, without us understanding what we may have done wrong, that doesn't mean we have excuses all the time. Autism is a learning not a reason to be wrong all the while. We are still human like everyone, we make mistakes like everyone else and if we don't understand we're not aware. This why Autism Mind Blindness like dyslexia is word blindness. Most people with Autism can have dyslexia linked into Autism like I think I have said in at least one of these reports on this site. We have faults, good and bad points just like you at end of day and we all do things regret, just people without disabilities, that how we learn but we may be slower than you. I agree many of us don't learn whether we have disability because we don't want or ever mistake it could just easy to do.
Autism isn't just a disability on it's own, it links with other disabilities such as dyspraxia, (ADHD)deficit hyperactive disorder,dyslexia and perhaps many other things too. Not every person with Autism has to cope with the same disabilities. Some people may have all disabilities link in others may have just a few. One thing what I think isn't the same is that we haven't all got the same disabilities, in fact there may be more I don't know about. I have dyspraxia, dyslexia and oh what I haven't said is epilepsy. I was hyperactive as a child, I think it was due to those heavy tablets I was on but I think (ADHD) is for life because I'm not hyperactive anymore. Perhaps I have changed my diet a bit since I was a child without realising. I think I'm right because I used to eat a lot of sweet things as a child but I think (ADHD) is there with a people whatever they do.

Thursday, 27 November 2008


In our minds, we can spend our lives feeling angry with ourselves.
Some people think we want to hurt their feelings because of what we say, what we may not say, what we do and what we may not do but we don't.
It's hard for people to understand us unless they have Autism themselves.
Don't get us wrong not everything is done by accident, we all have faults like everyone.
We make mistakes and regret things like everyone else.
Autism isn't an excuse for anything, Autism is our disability, Mind Blindness and Unawareness is how it affects our lives.
Autism can affect friendships, relationships, even family relationships and perhaps the whole world around us.


Autism can make us feel guilty.
It's too easy to be unaware of what we do and don't say.
It's too easy to be unaware of what we do and don't do.
What's planned in your mind comes out wrong or and even the wrong way round.
The things come across to people as not good but isn't planned in your mind.
It's not that you don't know right from wrong, what's planned to be one thing is seen as another from most people's point a view. In a sense it's like writing an essay.
Nobody can be blamed for misunderstanding us but we can't be blamed for having Autism.
That doesn't mean we want to be the centre of attention, we just want to be accepted in society the same as everyone.
We just want to be equal to everyone at the end of the day.

Wednesday, 26 November 2008


Think about the amount of books we have tried to read but the print is too hazy, small or and the stories are hard to understand.
Words jump off the page and your eyes start to stain.
We don't mean to make life hard but we have missed out on a lot of stories that we didn't understand.
We would like to make these stories more clear to understand like easy words and easy pictures for the next generation of people with disabilities.
Let's support people with disabilities to have equal lives to everyone!
Let's opens new doors!


I love poetry like music, some poems I like others I don't.
It's like everything in life really.
One thing though, not a lot of poetry is written about people with disabilities, why is that?
Can't we communicate in your way of thinking?
Let's have a bit of fun!
Easy pictures.
Easy words.
Let's play around with coloured paper!

Thursday, 20 November 2008


A lot of people with disabilities, like myself I'm one of those people who didn't learn anything in school because society wasn't educated to teach people with disabilities. There was a lack of communication and understanding between children and teachers. For eg; I was on this medication called Phenobarbitone for Epilepsy; this affected my ability to learn and I was very disappointed that I left school without any qualifications. A lot of special schools didn't have any access for children with disabilities to take exams when I was in school. I hope things have changed a lot for children with disabilities since I was in school but please keep an eye on side - effects of medication in case they are too dangerous for them! Later on in this site you will read a report on how dangerous Phenobarbitone was.

When I left school, I caught up with my education in college. OK, I achieved my exams but I every September I would enrol on roughly the courses every year without a job at end of it, which went on for years. It became very boring in the end. Still better late than never but if more support is given the quicker a person with a disability is in the job they want. Well should I even say that having support helps them along their way quicker so they aren't having to cope with years of discrimination like people of my age group did, before that. We were also very limited to what courses, I was at college well over ten years. I enjoyed college but sometimes there was support but other times there wasn't. I thought I was never going to get any support with work. I was signing on for 13 years, I though I was going to be there forever, I hated it. My life has changed a lot for the better since I have been with Our Shout supported by Mencap. All these years of college have been worth it after all. I am still study now but I am working towards my exams at Access For Business for the Social Enter Prise Business we will be doing next year. Courses need to be more interesting for people with disabilities. I have read in the report Valuing People Now, since I have left college that a lot of courses have cut back for people with disabilities. People like myself were either on training schemes, voluntary work or and the dole. Please give support for people with disabilities to be given better chances than that!

Over the years I have discovered that I can write stories, poetry, plays, drama, draw and paint. Like non - disabled people, people with disabilities are creative in difference ways. We are just a bit slower that than others. I have read on the Internet that way back in history a lot of creative famous people with disabilities didn't become famous until they died. If you type in the search engine Famous people with disabilities, you will be amazed how they are and were through out the times. Please don't let this happen in future generations, let people see their work shown to the world! Isn't it worth giving people time to learn instead of giving up teaching and training them into what they want to do instead of what society wants them to do. If you would like to see your views, please send them on sarajgorman@googlemail.com or Facebook sarajgorman@gmail.com Perhaps you would like to send your creative work to me. This is why I think we should create creative jobs people with disabilities, in fact all creative people whether we all have a disability or not.

Saturday, 8 November 2008


People with disabilities are treated more fairly than what we used to be, but society still has a long way to go. People's attitudes need to get towards people with disabilities.
Back in the day children were seen and not heard. We all keep hoping that those days are gone but we can never build a perfect, if that was the case it would be boring. We shouldn't make children scared to used their voices. The most hardest is when something happens to you is not knowing whether it's right to tell anyone or not by your choose. Is it your free choice or not, it should be. You should be able to choose what you talk about and what you don't. It should be the same for people with disabilities, people just need to learn to understand. I think on the whole we get misbehaved because we're misunderstood. Please support us to be understood by giving us easy support aids to support us! If you read my report about communication support, that's the support a lot of us need. If it's not good you have the right to know, which should give you the rights to use your voice if you want. Does it still stand in society's eyes that children are seen not heard? Do all hidden voices still stand in all ages of people with disabilities in the eyes of society? If we are still living in dark ages, it's about time we moved on..
  • What if they try to tell you something, you don't believe or and understand them!
  • What if whatever it is in their minds is still there in adulthood, if they tell you are sure to believe and understand them don't you!

Whether they have a disability or not, please take more time to listen to them. Whether you are a family member or friend to them.