Poetry, writings and art blog

Learning disability and Mental health awareness

Saturday, 29 November 2008


Most of us are very sensitive to sound, light, dark and touch.
Most of us find change hard to related to, mainly change to route. We could stay in the same route for years or always be the same. It can take us ages to get used to something new. We understand it must seem boring, we don't disagree but we can't help the way we are. If we are going to change, it's best leave it to us in our speed.
Like I said in my poem, we people with Autism can do and or say things that can affect people, without us understanding what we may have done wrong, that doesn't mean we have excuses all the time. Autism is a learning not a reason to be wrong all the while. We are still human like everyone, we make mistakes like everyone else and if we don't understand we're not aware. This why Autism Mind Blindness like dyslexia is word blindness. Most people with Autism can have dyslexia linked into Autism like I think I have said in at least one of these reports on this site. We have faults, good and bad points just like you at end of day and we all do things regret, just people without disabilities, that how we learn but we may be slower than you. I agree many of us don't learn whether we have disability because we don't want or ever mistake it could just easy to do.
Autism isn't just a disability on it's own, it links with other disabilities such as dyspraxia, (ADHD)deficit hyperactive disorder,dyslexia and perhaps many other things too. Not every person with Autism has to cope with the same disabilities. Some people may have all disabilities link in others may have just a few. One thing what I think isn't the same is that we haven't all got the same disabilities, in fact there may be more I don't know about. I have dyspraxia, dyslexia and oh what I haven't said is epilepsy. I was hyperactive as a child, I think it was due to those heavy tablets I was on but I think (ADHD) is for life because I'm not hyperactive anymore. Perhaps I have changed my diet a bit since I was a child without realising. I think I'm right because I used to eat a lot of sweet things as a child but I think (ADHD) is there with a people whatever they do.

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