Poetry, writings and art blog

Learning disability and Mental health awareness

Sunday, 30 November 2008


A lot people don't realise that there are a lot of people who disabilities who are famous. Like I have said in one of my reports on my website, that there were a lot of people with disabilities who didn't become famous until they died. People like Isaac Newton, Albert Einstein, Vincent Van Gogh, Andy Warhol, Beethoven, Bela Bartok, Wolfgan Amadeus Mozart, Richard Strauss, W.B Yeats, George Orwell, Charles Dickens Lewis Carroll, Thomas Jefferson and many more who had Autism according to the Internet. There are and were famous people with many other disabilities too. These people were writers, artists, composers, worked in science and or and in many more things. How people have known this I don't know, perhaps they have been researching their lives to create these sites on the Internet. I'd be very interested to know what you do and don't believe. It's hard to say with the people who aren't with us anymore because in those day people weren't educated to know what disabilities are. We must be careful because it's too easy think if people didn't cope with school education, they must have had some forms of disabilities. Some people may have been bullied or problems at home, which could be another reason for not doing well at school. It's isn't just about that can be how they were at the beginning of life, for eg; slow at speaking. sarajgorman@googlemail.com or and sarajgorman@gmail.com.

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