Poetry, writings and art blog

Learning disability and Mental health awareness

Tuesday, 20 October 2009

Meeting someone

It's not very often we can find love at the end of the night as single people. Love is not every thing in life. All chances in life can be everything to people with disabilities, mainly if they have not been given to the chance to try them. Society has even taken a lot of chances away from people with disabilities. We only live once. Why are we here if we don't get chances to live our lives how we want? We understand that we can't live our lives how we want to all the time but everything seems to be put down to races, like for eg; learning disability. As people with disabilities we understand that it's not only us that society controls.

For quite a while on this site I have been writing about chances and barriers. Many people with disabilities are controlled by society. Some People with disabilities are more lucky than others, I am one of the lucky ones. Saying that, my disability is very mild so when it come down to the things I really need help with I can't always get the support. I still look out for people who are not as lucky as I am. I guess this can depend on what kind of disabilities people have got, it's seems a shame that people have looked down on in that way. There are all different kinds of disabilities but we are all still human beings. My job is to support people with all disabilities to see that they get the rights of their lives. It is also my job some families and carers to but balance it with what the people with disabilities want and need. We want people with disabilities to have more choice and control over their lives.

When it comes to trying things out, I have only just learned that if you look for love it does not happen but if you don't look for love it does happen. I have moved on from many failed relationships having learned it's going to be a very small chance that I will meet a love that will last forever. If you can walk into a relationship knowing more than likely it won't work, then you know you have to accept anything. Hold fire, don't be frightened it could last a long time if not forever if you are one of the very few lucky ones. My last relationship lasted 13 and a half years on and off even though I was still going to his house two years after we finished, we were friends. I have known him 15 years altogether on and off.

Love can be blind and wonderful at first. Sometimes slowly and other times quickly love can go sour. How long you can stand pain for is all according how much and how long you love that person for. Love is a feeling that is hard to control. I have only just stopped loving and feeling in love with someone after 15 years. It was hard to let go, even though I should have walked out a long time before I did. I have learned you have to get know someone before you get too close even though I am very fond of someone else now and I think he is of me.

Since I have been helping out at Mencap, they have been helping me. I have been getting counseling to get myself back on my feet again. I never thought I'd say this after 15 yrs that I don't love my ex boyfriend anymore. I have moved on to learn to stop feeling in love with him and to stop letting him hurt me. I am still coming to terms with it now but I am better Than I was. If you are in that situation whether you have a disability or not may be you should try doing the same but in your own time.

Only because I am out of there getting on with my life,I still don't feel 100% me. I am still finding my feet, I am not going to rush into the next relationship. Although I have a very close male friend who has been through near enough the same as I have in past relationships. Even though we like one another a lot, let's not been too hopeful about the future but never say never. What will be will be. As I have told you in the last report that I am having counseling because I still feel damaged. It can take a lot out of you for a long time.

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