Poetry, writings and art blog

Learning disability and Mental health awareness

Friday, 1 October 2010

Listen to people's voices and minds more.

When I was a little girl I never knew about child abuse and rape but it still happened to me. It's very scarley and hard to talk about but it can damage your mind. No matter how hard to you try nothing seems to make you feel better. I understand there are plenty of people all ages who have been through the same as me and I know it's not easy or nice to talk about but big it can have big affects on your lives that the world doesn't see. When I was little today's support wasn't heard of so you had to be strong whether anyone knew not, in many cases not because these things were very rarely heard of or even seen. Theses things do happen, you can use your voice if you want but listen someone more if they use their voice. I know there's plenty of you like me, if you want to be listened to please email me on sarajgorman@googlemail.com

There's all kinds of abuse but sexual abuse and rape is the wrost.
Take more time to listen to children, people with disabilities and Mental Health problems sadly it does happe it should be listened, even better it should stop.
Please let's be heard not just seen.

These things can have a affect on your life. You can go through the same things as someone else but it may not have the same affects on you as it does on them for example.

Sleepness nights because it's hard to get off your mind, nightmares and flashbacks, not wanting to face the next day because your scared of it happening tomorrow, reationships and friendships towards people, poor self - estream, eating disorders, scared to tell anyone and many more. If anything has damaged your life like those examples I have given you are welcome to email me if you want. sarajgorman@googlemail.com

Never think of yourself as a victim, you are a brave survivor. If your like me you lived in a time without any support, you had to counsel your own mind in order to get through everyday, which is hard to do. I remember wanting to run away from school but scared of it happening while I was outside the school. Many times in boarding school I have wanted to ring my Mum to tell her why I was so unhappy there but I didn't know how to. Remember not wanting to live anymore but somehow got over that.That's another way it can make you feel is empty but I am glad I have coped because I have achieved so many good things in life passing my exams in college, helping others like myself and etc. Never the less a childhood history like that through young adulthood is a lot to put behind but you just think about good things you have in life. I am very glad I haven't got children because I wouldn't be relaxed but a very worried Mother.

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