It is not easy being understood when you have a learning disability, or even making yourself heard. I am writing this blog to show how my disability affects my day-to-day life and what help & support I need. This blog is for those who learn and work in disability and mental health.
Poetry, writings and art blog
Learning disability and Mental health awareness
Sunday, 30 January 2011
Friday, 21 January 2011
Our Shout News 2011
Those of most of you who are on Facebook may be aware that Mencap have chosen Bully and Hate Crime for Learning Disability week 2011, which is in mid to late June 2011. I am volunteer group support for Mencap's Self - Advocacy group Our Shout. I will be support someone in the group to set the Bully and Hate Crime topic. Last June I supported this person in a meeting gave him a choice of his own topic, he chose bullying and hate crime so he's setting a piece of work for the members of the group and himself to do.
Sadly Access All Areas Now! is coming to an end due to cuts but I am looking for some employment paid employment to support people with disabilities or and something to do with writing. There wasn't enough support for me and Jess my business partner to get any work coming in. Services that support us there jobs are on the line too. If the cuts have any affect on your life, your more than welcome to send me an email if you want me
Sadly Access All Areas Now! is coming to an end due to cuts but I am looking for some employment paid employment to support people with disabilities or and something to do with writing. There wasn't enough support for me and Jess my business partner to get any work coming in. Services that support us there jobs are on the line too. If the cuts have any affect on your life, your more than welcome to send me an email if you want me
Saturday, 15 January 2011
Poems 2011
Miss you.
Doesn't matter where I am at what time your always on my mind.
I'm listening out for my phone counting minutes days and hours when I could see you again.
When I walk around the round town hoping to see you without been planned it very rarely happens.
Sometimes I eat too much other times I eat too little.
Some nights I have very little sleep because I can't stop thinking about you.
Some nights I sleep too much, I can't stop dreaming about you.
I miss you so much.
Everyday my feelings get stronger and stronger for you but I can face you in a calm way.
You know how I feel about you, don't you?
I don't have to say three words.
I understand that it's not just my feelings that count it's yours too. 15.1.2011
Time seems like forever with and without you.
When I'm without you it seems as if I'm never you going to see you again but I know I will.
I never knew what love was until I met you.
I thought love was seeing your lover every night and day.
Now I realise how much I do love someone, baby he is you.
Time is painful without you but happiness is when I see you in private.
Time makes me want you more.
When I see you I want you even more.
My world is dark without you.
Nothing and no one is going to take away how I feel about you.
We open our minds when we both want to.
Your always inside my private mind, only time will tell.
I will never give up you unless you give up on me my love no matter what happens.
I listen out for my phone.
When I stay in odd nights I listen out for my door.15.1.2011
If anyone wants to send me a poem, please send on my email address, you can type it on the Readers and Writer's group site or may even want it on my website please say if you do.
Disability, Bullying and Hate Crime.
We are seen but not heard.
It's hard to believe if you don't see.
It's hard to know what's happened when your not there.
People with learn ing dis a Billi ties find it hard to make our selves under stood.
We can't help the way we are.
Most things are hard to talk about it can be hard to get things off our minds.
It can be hard to get Hate Crime off our minds.
People who do Hate Crime should get a life time.
Most people who bully as children do Hate Crime as adults.
Most people today get away with bullying and Hate Crime because the law lets them.
There used to be a time that children were taught to learn right from wrong.
People who bully and do Hate Crime get away with it forever or for a long time.
Just because people don't see us get hurt it doesn't mean we don't.
You see some of us can't stand up for ourselves.
Not many of us who can stand up for our selves.
Those of us who do manage to stand up for our selves get mis under stood for the bullies.
The world thinks we are bullies instead of victims.
People who bully and or do hate crime don't always get found out.
The world dull no one knows on one.
People are there but no one is there.
No one believes anyone.
No one trusts one another because no one knows no one.
No one knows what say to to anyone.
Everyone is scared of one another because it's hard to trust one another.
Not enough love for one another anymore.
The world was once a world everyone knew everyone now no one knows no one.
No one knows what to say so no one says nothing but we are so scared of one another.
The world is quiet but noise with shouting and crime.
The world feels strange yet it shouldn't feel strange feeling strange these days.
The way the world is going these days it will get strangers all the time.
Not enough punishment.
Not enough respect.
Not enough manners.
There was a time that the bad was very few and far between.
There was never a perfect was and will be a perfect but not as bad a this.
It makes it hard to believe that it will get better but never put a guest on anything the world isn't all black and white.19.2.2011
Autism world is strange.
Autism is a feeling the world over crowding you.
When your feeling as if your in prison but your not.
When your free your not free.
The world and it's people seem bigger, smaller and better than you.
Everyone seems to have better chances, choices and control better than you.
Everyone has an education, job, family, lover, child, home, social life but not you.
Even if and when you have those things you always feel useless as if your spoiling someone Else's life because you need their support.
The world blind to see what depending on the rest of the world feels like.
The world is telling us what to do because we support, as adults we still feel like children.
As an adult you feel more useless when people are saying what you can and can't do.
Ok Autism affects our lives but with right support we will get through.
The world is lonely even when it's full, we must keep travelling in hopes loneliness and an over crowded world is no more.
We can only hope but life goes on.
We mustn't thing bad of life all the time.
Even when out seeing millions of people it's still a lonely world in a lonely room.
When people are there they may as well not be but even more lovely without them whether they are strange or not.
They are living in different world to Autism world.
We never stop believing in ourselves, despite the world over crowding and closing us in. 19.2.2011
You left me in darkness.
You left me in darkness.
You left me alone.
Every leaf blew off the tree after you had gone.
I blew you away without meaning to I thought but we should have stayed away from one another.
The heartache I had before you I took out on you.
I shouldn't have worried about other people's heartaches then it wouldn't have gone on to us.
I only should have thought about you and me.
I drove you away then you came back to me.
I tried my best to keep us together again.
I suddenly realised I was with a guy who didn't know who and what he wanted in his life.
Walking away wasn't an easy thing to do when I loved you so much.
I knew I had to make that move because you were breaking my heart.
I knew you were playing games with my mind.
What did I do wrong last time?
It was good thinking anything was going to change because you would keep changing your mind forever.
You didn't love me or hate me, you just wanted to mess up my mind.
It was no use carrying on because we were just hurting one another.
I still care about you but everything I touch I seem to break. 19.2.2011
It doesn't seem what it's feels.
It's seems like darkness with no brightness.
It's seems as if love isn't going to happen.
Yet I feel so much love towards you.
I'm missing you so much.
Giving up on you seems and feels very hard for me to do.
Days and nights without you seem as if I'm never going to see you again.
It's a lonely world without you but nothing and no one can take away how I feel about you.
Every day and night my feelings are too strong to let go. 20.2.2011
When I see you.
When see you, you brighten up my world.
You make my day and night.
When I'm not seeing you the world is strange, dark and dull.
I never give up, I can take the pain of not seeing you as long as it takes because I love you for you. 20.11.2011
It's not easy.
I try not to feel too close to you but that not easy to do.
At the same time I understand your world isn't all round me.
I understand that you may not love forever, it's to believe a lovely guy like you ever will.
It's me whose in the wrong, my feelings towards you are hard to control.
The fact I see you less I want you more.
I want you to have what you want in life but my love is too strong.
Nothing lasts forever but how long I feel this way towards you I don't know.
I keep preparing myself for you to break my heart, I should know what to expect because it's happened to me so many times before.
No matter how many times I try it's like I never learn.
I have so much trust in you but the future is unknown.
Like I have said before I'm not building my hopes up but never say never.
This is where I keep trying to prepare myself for whatever happens. 20.2.2011
Love puts a trap inside you.
It can be hard to stop love putting a trap inside you.
Once you have those feelings for someone love comes and goes when it wants to.
There are times you need to let go but it's not easy to do so.
Sometimes love won't let go of you no matter what's going on around you.
It's like a drug bit ting inside you.
Your love may not feel the same for the person you love anymore but your feelings of love Carry's on as long as it wants to.
When your feelings of love is left behind it keeps bit ting back at you.
Hurts so bad it cuts you like a knife.
For love to go it takes as long as it takes.20.2.2011
What do I wrong?
I easy full in love.
I'm not perfect.
I try my best.
The wrong thing I do is love you too much yet there shouldn't be anything wrong.
Yet loving you seems the right thing to do because loving you is where my feelings lye.
No matter how hard to I try to not get close to you, my love is far too strong not to.
I should be able to understand your feelings too.
I can't except you to love me forever.
I should know because no one has loved me forever yet. 20.2.2011
Lovers friends.
We are friends but I love you more.
I feel myself getting more closer to you.
Even though I don't see a lot of you my feelings are growing more and more towards you.
It's really hard because I can't expect to feel the same way not forever anyway.
No one knows how long my feelings towards you will last.
We are lovers who don't have a great deal of a chance to discover one another.
How long I feel the way I do I can't say.
Like I say my feelings are growing everyday.
Life is a long or a short journey so is love.
I can't say how long it will take to begin or end.
I never used to know what you wanted.
I never used to know what mood you were in one minute to the next.
You could change your mind more times than you change your socks.
One minute you loved me next minute you didn't but I did always loved you.
Now I can't seem to love you anymore, may be that's a good thing as you hurt too many times in 13 and a half years or more.
The way you changed your mind drove me up the wall yet I loved you so much I could take anymore.
The more I loved you the more you hurt me, you just made me more and unhappy in the end but lovely in the beginning.
Now that I have moved on it's now your lost world.
You should have made the most of me while I was there.
If you love me now it's far too late. 20.2.2011
Missing you.
Days and nights are dark without you.
I miss you even more when the rain falls as my tears cry without you.
The skies seem dull and grey without you.
Slowly you and the warm sun is coming my way.
It's seems like a never ending journey without you.
It seems as if I'm never going to be with you.
Yet my feelings are growing more and more towards you.
I know your not very far away but you seem a million miles away. 20.2.2011
Will it end?
Will it end my friend?
Our companionship.
Our love.
Talking about the good and bad parts of life.
Listening and understanding one another.
A friendship that grows into love may grow out.
There's plenty of happiness and smiles when I'm with you.
Plenty of sadness tears when I'm without you but my love is too strong to give up. 20.2.2011
You found me.
I saw you.
You saw me but we didn't know one another.
My world was dull after losing my last love at least I thought it was.
You and me took a while to speak then we spoke.
We seemed to get along as good friends, little I thought there would be a bit more.
I thought you would have been married with kids but I was still unsure of my thoughts.
I didn't want to upset a happy home.
When you first paid interest me, it was very sudden I didn't how to respond.
Now my feelings towards you are growing so strong I don't want to lose you.
I love you far too much despite your hard situation.
Your a lovely looking guy who can choose any girl you want.
I can understand why any girl would love you.
My fear is that my heart could break.
I really should stay away but my love for you is now far strong to let go. 20.2.2011
Fed up of guys.
Fed up of guys going after me, I'm not that special am I?
They are never there when I'm alone only when I am with someone.
Yet I am mostly alone these days they are here when I don't want them near.
There's only one person I love and he is you.
The only thing about lonely love is you can't get rid of the guys you don't love. 20.2.2011
Doesn't matter where I am at what time your always on my mind.
I'm listening out for my phone counting minutes days and hours when I could see you again.
When I walk around the round town hoping to see you without been planned it very rarely happens.
Sometimes I eat too much other times I eat too little.
Some nights I have very little sleep because I can't stop thinking about you.
Some nights I sleep too much, I can't stop dreaming about you.
I miss you so much.
Everyday my feelings get stronger and stronger for you but I can face you in a calm way.
You know how I feel about you, don't you?
I don't have to say three words.
I understand that it's not just my feelings that count it's yours too. 15.1.2011
Time seems like forever with and without you.
When I'm without you it seems as if I'm never you going to see you again but I know I will.
I never knew what love was until I met you.
I thought love was seeing your lover every night and day.
Now I realise how much I do love someone, baby he is you.
Time is painful without you but happiness is when I see you in private.
Time makes me want you more.
When I see you I want you even more.
My world is dark without you.
Nothing and no one is going to take away how I feel about you.
We open our minds when we both want to.
Your always inside my private mind, only time will tell.
I will never give up you unless you give up on me my love no matter what happens.
I listen out for my phone.
When I stay in odd nights I listen out for my door.15.1.2011
If anyone wants to send me a poem, please send on my email address, you can type it on the Readers and Writer's group site or may even want it on my website please say if you do.
Disability, Bullying and Hate Crime.
We are seen but not heard.
It's hard to believe if you don't see.
It's hard to know what's happened when your not there.
People with learn ing dis a Billi ties find it hard to make our selves under stood.
We can't help the way we are.
Most things are hard to talk about it can be hard to get things off our minds.
It can be hard to get Hate Crime off our minds.
People who do Hate Crime should get a life time.
Most people who bully as children do Hate Crime as adults.
Most people today get away with bullying and Hate Crime because the law lets them.
There used to be a time that children were taught to learn right from wrong.
People who bully and do Hate Crime get away with it forever or for a long time.
Just because people don't see us get hurt it doesn't mean we don't.
You see some of us can't stand up for ourselves.
Not many of us who can stand up for our selves.
Those of us who do manage to stand up for our selves get mis under stood for the bullies.
The world thinks we are bullies instead of victims.
People who bully and or do hate crime don't always get found out.
The world dull no one knows on one.
People are there but no one is there.
No one believes anyone.
No one trusts one another because no one knows no one.
No one knows what say to to anyone.
Everyone is scared of one another because it's hard to trust one another.
Not enough love for one another anymore.
The world was once a world everyone knew everyone now no one knows no one.
No one knows what to say so no one says nothing but we are so scared of one another.
The world is quiet but noise with shouting and crime.
The world feels strange yet it shouldn't feel strange feeling strange these days.
The way the world is going these days it will get strangers all the time.
Not enough punishment.
Not enough respect.
Not enough manners.
There was a time that the bad was very few and far between.
There was never a perfect was and will be a perfect but not as bad a this.
It makes it hard to believe that it will get better but never put a guest on anything the world isn't all black and white.19.2.2011
Autism world is strange.
Autism is a feeling the world over crowding you.
When your feeling as if your in prison but your not.
When your free your not free.
The world and it's people seem bigger, smaller and better than you.
Everyone seems to have better chances, choices and control better than you.
Everyone has an education, job, family, lover, child, home, social life but not you.
Even if and when you have those things you always feel useless as if your spoiling someone Else's life because you need their support.
The world blind to see what depending on the rest of the world feels like.
The world is telling us what to do because we support, as adults we still feel like children.
As an adult you feel more useless when people are saying what you can and can't do.
Ok Autism affects our lives but with right support we will get through.
The world is lonely even when it's full, we must keep travelling in hopes loneliness and an over crowded world is no more.
We can only hope but life goes on.
We mustn't thing bad of life all the time.
Even when out seeing millions of people it's still a lonely world in a lonely room.
When people are there they may as well not be but even more lovely without them whether they are strange or not.
They are living in different world to Autism world.
We never stop believing in ourselves, despite the world over crowding and closing us in. 19.2.2011
You left me in darkness.
You left me in darkness.
You left me alone.
Every leaf blew off the tree after you had gone.
I blew you away without meaning to I thought but we should have stayed away from one another.
The heartache I had before you I took out on you.
I shouldn't have worried about other people's heartaches then it wouldn't have gone on to us.
I only should have thought about you and me.
I drove you away then you came back to me.
I tried my best to keep us together again.
I suddenly realised I was with a guy who didn't know who and what he wanted in his life.
Walking away wasn't an easy thing to do when I loved you so much.
I knew I had to make that move because you were breaking my heart.
I knew you were playing games with my mind.
What did I do wrong last time?
It was good thinking anything was going to change because you would keep changing your mind forever.
You didn't love me or hate me, you just wanted to mess up my mind.
It was no use carrying on because we were just hurting one another.
I still care about you but everything I touch I seem to break. 19.2.2011
It doesn't seem what it's feels.
It's seems like darkness with no brightness.
It's seems as if love isn't going to happen.
Yet I feel so much love towards you.
I'm missing you so much.
Giving up on you seems and feels very hard for me to do.
Days and nights without you seem as if I'm never going to see you again.
It's a lonely world without you but nothing and no one can take away how I feel about you.
Every day and night my feelings are too strong to let go. 20.2.2011
When I see you.
When see you, you brighten up my world.
You make my day and night.
When I'm not seeing you the world is strange, dark and dull.
I never give up, I can take the pain of not seeing you as long as it takes because I love you for you. 20.11.2011
It's not easy.
I try not to feel too close to you but that not easy to do.
At the same time I understand your world isn't all round me.
I understand that you may not love forever, it's to believe a lovely guy like you ever will.
It's me whose in the wrong, my feelings towards you are hard to control.
The fact I see you less I want you more.
I want you to have what you want in life but my love is too strong.
Nothing lasts forever but how long I feel this way towards you I don't know.
I keep preparing myself for you to break my heart, I should know what to expect because it's happened to me so many times before.
No matter how many times I try it's like I never learn.
I have so much trust in you but the future is unknown.
Like I have said before I'm not building my hopes up but never say never.
This is where I keep trying to prepare myself for whatever happens. 20.2.2011
Love puts a trap inside you.
It can be hard to stop love putting a trap inside you.
Once you have those feelings for someone love comes and goes when it wants to.
There are times you need to let go but it's not easy to do so.
Sometimes love won't let go of you no matter what's going on around you.
It's like a drug bit ting inside you.
Your love may not feel the same for the person you love anymore but your feelings of love Carry's on as long as it wants to.
When your feelings of love is left behind it keeps bit ting back at you.
Hurts so bad it cuts you like a knife.
For love to go it takes as long as it takes.20.2.2011
What do I wrong?
I easy full in love.
I'm not perfect.
I try my best.
The wrong thing I do is love you too much yet there shouldn't be anything wrong.
Yet loving you seems the right thing to do because loving you is where my feelings lye.
No matter how hard to I try to not get close to you, my love is far too strong not to.
I should be able to understand your feelings too.
I can't except you to love me forever.
I should know because no one has loved me forever yet. 20.2.2011
Lovers friends.
We are friends but I love you more.
I feel myself getting more closer to you.
Even though I don't see a lot of you my feelings are growing more and more towards you.
It's really hard because I can't expect to feel the same way not forever anyway.
No one knows how long my feelings towards you will last.
We are lovers who don't have a great deal of a chance to discover one another.
How long I feel the way I do I can't say.
Like I say my feelings are growing everyday.
Life is a long or a short journey so is love.
I can't say how long it will take to begin or end.
I never used to know what you wanted.
I never used to know what mood you were in one minute to the next.
You could change your mind more times than you change your socks.
One minute you loved me next minute you didn't but I did always loved you.
Now I can't seem to love you anymore, may be that's a good thing as you hurt too many times in 13 and a half years or more.
The way you changed your mind drove me up the wall yet I loved you so much I could take anymore.
The more I loved you the more you hurt me, you just made me more and unhappy in the end but lovely in the beginning.
Now that I have moved on it's now your lost world.
You should have made the most of me while I was there.
If you love me now it's far too late. 20.2.2011
Missing you.
Days and nights are dark without you.
I miss you even more when the rain falls as my tears cry without you.
The skies seem dull and grey without you.
Slowly you and the warm sun is coming my way.
It's seems like a never ending journey without you.
It seems as if I'm never going to be with you.
Yet my feelings are growing more and more towards you.
I know your not very far away but you seem a million miles away. 20.2.2011
Will it end?
Will it end my friend?
Our companionship.
Our love.
Talking about the good and bad parts of life.
Listening and understanding one another.
A friendship that grows into love may grow out.
There's plenty of happiness and smiles when I'm with you.
Plenty of sadness tears when I'm without you but my love is too strong to give up. 20.2.2011
You found me.
I saw you.
You saw me but we didn't know one another.
My world was dull after losing my last love at least I thought it was.
You and me took a while to speak then we spoke.
We seemed to get along as good friends, little I thought there would be a bit more.
I thought you would have been married with kids but I was still unsure of my thoughts.
I didn't want to upset a happy home.
When you first paid interest me, it was very sudden I didn't how to respond.
Now my feelings towards you are growing so strong I don't want to lose you.
I love you far too much despite your hard situation.
Your a lovely looking guy who can choose any girl you want.
I can understand why any girl would love you.
My fear is that my heart could break.
I really should stay away but my love for you is now far strong to let go. 20.2.2011
Fed up of guys.
Fed up of guys going after me, I'm not that special am I?
They are never there when I'm alone only when I am with someone.
Yet I am mostly alone these days they are here when I don't want them near.
There's only one person I love and he is you.
The only thing about lonely love is you can't get rid of the guys you don't love. 20.2.2011
Friday, 7 January 2011
My first working project of the new year is Art leisure which I have asked to do from a Disability Arts company called working parts. We are interested to find out what kind of arts and entertainment people with disabilities like to watch and listen to. We are asking how you like to access arts and entertainment? DVDS, CDS, books and etc. How we make information easy for you to read and listen to? For eg; easy words and pictures.
We would like to find out about special offers and discounts for people with disabilities who would like to listen or and even watch arts and entertainment.
May be you would like to go out but something is stopping you? You may not have enough support or there may be transport problems and etc. We may be able to help you if you tell us.
You may be able to tell us what kind of arts and entertainment you like.
We can also find out about kind entertainment there is.
We will also look Disabled Access in different places, if will be a big help to us if you tell us what will make life easy for you. How we make Disabled Access easy for you?
Part of my work of arts and entertainment for Working Parts.
We would like know how many people with LD have and have,'t been the thereat, pictures, gig and etc?
Where did you go?
Who or and what did you see?
Did you enjoy it?
How did you find the prices?
How did you find the Disabled access?
Is there anything that needs to get better in future, if so how, why and what?
We are aware that Wolverhampton Mencap and Royal Wolverhampton Mencap have cutback on most Leisure projects. We would like know about if the cuts have any affects on your social life. If you would like to take part with this project by giving us the information we have asked for. We are interested in whether or not the social of lives of learning disabilities need to get better. If you have a story you would like to whether you someone with LD, family member, parent, parents carer, support worker or and etc. Please email myself on
We are also aware that Wolverhampton and Royal Wolverhampton Mencap have had to cutback on some lesure projects, we would like to know how these cut backs have affect your social lives.
We would like to find out about special offers and discounts for people with disabilities who would like to listen or and even watch arts and entertainment.
May be you would like to go out but something is stopping you? You may not have enough support or there may be transport problems and etc. We may be able to help you if you tell us.
You may be able to tell us what kind of arts and entertainment you like.
We can also find out about kind entertainment there is.
We will also look Disabled Access in different places, if will be a big help to us if you tell us what will make life easy for you. How we make Disabled Access easy for you?
Part of my work of arts and entertainment for Working Parts.
We would like know how many people with LD have and have,'t been the thereat, pictures, gig and etc?
Where did you go?
Who or and what did you see?
Did you enjoy it?
How did you find the prices?
How did you find the Disabled access?
Is there anything that needs to get better in future, if so how, why and what?
We are aware that Wolverhampton Mencap and Royal Wolverhampton Mencap have cutback on most Leisure projects. We would like know about if the cuts have any affects on your social life. If you would like to take part with this project by giving us the information we have asked for. We are interested in whether or not the social of lives of learning disabilities need to get better. If you have a story you would like to whether you someone with LD, family member, parent, parents carer, support worker or and etc. Please email myself on
We are also aware that Wolverhampton and Royal Wolverhampton Mencap have had to cutback on some lesure projects, we would like to know how these cut backs have affect your social lives.
Sunday, 2 January 2011
Creative writing tips.
Welcome to the first piece of work on this website of 2011.
The first thing I can across when I started my creative writing course my early to mid twenties was free writing. One thing that can't be taken away is what goes on into inside the mind. The reason for that is because the mind thinks about things but we all need to respect that some things we think are best kept to ourselves. Other things need to be taken off our chest. This can all depend on what makes you happy on how to clear your mind, whether it's talking, writing or both. This may depend what's on your mind. I find when I'm writing things down my mind thinks fast. I have to worry about what it looks like down on paper after I have written otherwise my mind is blank. If you feel the need to write and you have a lot on your mind that you want to get out, if you feel it's something want to write then just write. Don't worry about spelling, grammar and etc until you can proof read it. I have an understanding with people who are dyslexic because I am that you may need someone to help you proof your work because I do. Here's a piece of my free writing.
All of a sudden I can feel myself changing and slowly getting stronger in myself since I have been over 40. I have always been out every week even if it's been out to the pub or to visit a friend. I still love going out but over Christmas and the bad weather I have learned how to stop in to do things on the computer, Internet, watch movies and drink a glass of wine. Hopefully by watching movies I will learn more about writing. I have enjoyed stories like Lost World, Call In The Wind and Treasure Island. It has only been the last six to twelve mouths I have done a lot of reading, such books like Wuthering Heights, Flowers in the Adit and ect.
When it comes to love I'm now happy to have friendship. A love that I see ever so often whereas I used to like seeing my lover every night. I learned it spoiled my relationship in end because I was seeing him every night.
Piece may call this a piece of journal writing rather than a new year diary entirely.
One the main tips that may help you to create your story, piece of writing or whatever it may be is.
Plot is a plan with your ideas of your story, poem and etc.
Create what happened, how, why and who. You will have to think about whether your story is in the past, present and future. Your time and place.
The hardest thing I find when I am doing a piece of writing when I go to get my characters talking is voice. I am thinking that I should starting watching listening to movies, programmes and soaps on the Internet and dvds.
A happy atmosphere two lovers, two best friends, family members getting together.
Rows, clashes and ect.
Purposes and reasons.
What was the row over?
It could be over work, home, family, friends or and kids.
Sometimes a row can go into far causing a fire or a car through water.
Police, ambulance and causalities.
How many people alive and how many dead.
Character study
Job, career, study
What they hear, smell taste, touch, feel and etc.
Bring out the main character.
You may learn more of those kind of words on creative writing courses, workshops and etc. Those kind of words can give some kind of boast for your story,for eg I can sense a rat. That can be a saying someone doesn't have a good feeling something or someone. There may be so many different words for those kind of things. A Thesaurus is a great word for using one word for another. You may be looking for a short word for a long word. For eg; conflict clash. Words like conflict and clash you may use a lot in a story. I tried to tell the children at Penn Hall school that nothing can be all bad or all good in a story you need to have good and bad to make story interesting.
The first thing I can across when I started my creative writing course my early to mid twenties was free writing. One thing that can't be taken away is what goes on into inside the mind. The reason for that is because the mind thinks about things but we all need to respect that some things we think are best kept to ourselves. Other things need to be taken off our chest. This can all depend on what makes you happy on how to clear your mind, whether it's talking, writing or both. This may depend what's on your mind. I find when I'm writing things down my mind thinks fast. I have to worry about what it looks like down on paper after I have written otherwise my mind is blank. If you feel the need to write and you have a lot on your mind that you want to get out, if you feel it's something want to write then just write. Don't worry about spelling, grammar and etc until you can proof read it. I have an understanding with people who are dyslexic because I am that you may need someone to help you proof your work because I do. Here's a piece of my free writing.
All of a sudden I can feel myself changing and slowly getting stronger in myself since I have been over 40. I have always been out every week even if it's been out to the pub or to visit a friend. I still love going out but over Christmas and the bad weather I have learned how to stop in to do things on the computer, Internet, watch movies and drink a glass of wine. Hopefully by watching movies I will learn more about writing. I have enjoyed stories like Lost World, Call In The Wind and Treasure Island. It has only been the last six to twelve mouths I have done a lot of reading, such books like Wuthering Heights, Flowers in the Adit and ect.
When it comes to love I'm now happy to have friendship. A love that I see ever so often whereas I used to like seeing my lover every night. I learned it spoiled my relationship in end because I was seeing him every night.
Piece may call this a piece of journal writing rather than a new year diary entirely.
One the main tips that may help you to create your story, piece of writing or whatever it may be is.
Plot is a plan with your ideas of your story, poem and etc.
Create what happened, how, why and who. You will have to think about whether your story is in the past, present and future. Your time and place.
The hardest thing I find when I am doing a piece of writing when I go to get my characters talking is voice. I am thinking that I should starting watching listening to movies, programmes and soaps on the Internet and dvds.
A happy atmosphere two lovers, two best friends, family members getting together.
Rows, clashes and ect.
Purposes and reasons.
What was the row over?
It could be over work, home, family, friends or and kids.
Sometimes a row can go into far causing a fire or a car through water.
Police, ambulance and causalities.
How many people alive and how many dead.
Character study
Job, career, study
What they hear, smell taste, touch, feel and etc.
Bring out the main character.
You may learn more of those kind of words on creative writing courses, workshops and etc. Those kind of words can give some kind of boast for your story,for eg I can sense a rat. That can be a saying someone doesn't have a good feeling something or someone. There may be so many different words for those kind of things. A Thesaurus is a great word for using one word for another. You may be looking for a short word for a long word. For eg; conflict clash. Words like conflict and clash you may use a lot in a story. I tried to tell the children at Penn Hall school that nothing can be all bad or all good in a story you need to have good and bad to make story interesting.
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