Poetry, writings and art blog

Learning disability and Mental health awareness

Sunday, 2 January 2011

Creative writing tips.

Welcome to the first piece of work on this website of 2011.


The first thing I can across when I started my creative writing course my early to mid twenties was free writing. One thing that can't be taken away is what goes on into inside the mind. The reason for that is because the mind thinks about things but we all need to respect that some things we think are best kept to ourselves. Other things need to be taken off our chest. This can all depend on what makes you happy on how to clear your mind, whether it's talking, writing or both. This may depend what's on your mind. I find when I'm writing things down my mind thinks fast. I have to worry about what it looks like down on paper after I have written otherwise my mind is blank. If you feel the need to write and you have a lot on your mind that you want to get out, if you feel it's something want to write then just write. Don't worry about spelling, grammar and etc until you can proof read it. I have an understanding with people who are dyslexic because I am that you may need someone to help you proof your work because I do. Here's a piece of my free writing.


All of a sudden I can feel myself changing and slowly getting stronger in myself since I have been over 40. I have always been out every week even if it's been out to the pub or to visit a friend. I still love going out but over Christmas and the bad weather I have learned how to stop in to do things on the computer, Internet, watch movies and drink a glass of wine. Hopefully by watching movies I will learn more about writing. I have enjoyed stories like Lost World, Call In The Wind and Treasure Island. It has only been the last six to twelve mouths I have done a lot of reading, such books like Wuthering Heights, Flowers in the Adit and ect.

When it comes to love I'm now happy to have friendship. A love that I see ever so often whereas I used to like seeing my lover every night. I learned it spoiled my relationship in end because I was seeing him every night.

Piece may call this a piece of journal writing rather than a new year diary entirely.

One the main tips that may help you to create your story, piece of writing or whatever it may be is.


Plot is a plan with your ideas of your story, poem and etc.
Create what happened, how, why and who. You will have to think about whether your story is in the past, present and future. Your time and place.
The hardest thing I find when I am doing a piece of writing when I go to get my characters talking is voice. I am thinking that I should starting watching listening to movies, programmes and soaps on the Internet and dvds.

A happy atmosphere two lovers, two best friends, family members getting together.

Rows, clashes and ect.
Purposes and reasons.
What was the row over?
It could be over work, home, family, friends or and kids.
Sometimes a row can go into far causing a fire or a car through water.
Police, ambulance and causalities.
How many people alive and how many dead.

Character study



Job, career, study









What they hear, smell taste, touch, feel and etc.

Bring out the main character.

You may learn more of those kind of words on creative writing courses, workshops and etc. Those kind of words can give some kind of boast for your story,for eg I can sense a rat. That can be a saying someone doesn't have a good feeling something or someone. There may be so many different words for those kind of things. A Thesaurus is a great word for using one word for another. You may be looking for a short word for a long word. For eg; conflict clash. Words like conflict and clash you may use a lot in a story. I tried to tell the children at Penn Hall school that nothing can be all bad or all good in a story you need to have good and bad to make story interesting.

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