Poetry, writings and art blog

Learning disability and Mental health awareness

Friday, 1 September 2017


Head Admins
(Part-time to full-time Head Admin) Sara Jane Gorman and creator of the group, Barry Matthews and
Head Admin James Lakeman
Part-time to full-time Admins,
Jennifer Gilbert Harvey under part-time Admin,
Jan Rhodes Under Part to full - time Admin
Alistair Wilkinson
Liz Hawkins
Relief Admin.
Vic Browning
Hi everyone welcome of you who like 50s 60S, 70s, and 80s. This is a group I would expect lots of posts to make it fun such as the 50s, 60s, 70s and 80s music, clothes, toys and etc.
This will make a change from disabilities and health problems but if you have a history of disabilities and health problems from the 50s, 60s, 70s and 80s your more than welcome to add it to this group you want. This is a chance for you to add anything you know and remember that your welcome share you want about the 60S 70s and 80s.
Safety rules.
1. Don’t add someone to the group unless you have asked them if they agree have made us aware. (Please let us know.)
2. No bullying or hate crime, if you face any of this of anyone in this group please report to either me or the other Admins then we will remove them.
3. No out seen or sexual post.
4. No advertising product, no buying, and selling.
5. No talk of drugs unless it’s certain awareness of disabilities and health problems.
6. No porn.
7. No swearing
8. Respect each other’s opinion even if you disagree.
9. Please say why you disagree and leave at that.
10. Please report to us if a person is upsetting you then I will remove them.
11. If the person is giving you a hard time over whatever, please me know and I will remove the person from the group whether they like it or not and whether others like it or not. Same the other way round.
12. I don't want anyone on here to feel bullied, threaded, abused and I accept no discrimination either.
13. Don’t ask someone to the group unless us, we are now a very large so we are profile checking due to everyone's safety, like we do in all our groups, please do not add unless the person wants to join and make sure you have and make aware else aware if they want to join to not join the group on any more than 3 profiles otherwise it get's confusing for us. (Please let us know.)
14. No bullying or hate crime, if you face any of this of anyone in this group please report us, then they will be removed.
15. Nothing sexual in post, videos or writing, you can raise awareness of learning disabilities, health problems and sexual health through.

16. We can fully understand if you decide to leave the group after a possible break but if not we promise to be the best support we can and hope you meet someone else on here if not here somewhere else.
17. This is a closed public group between us all on the group so think of yourself as if you are in a pub or club chatting to the people.

18. We don’t want anyone suffering silently in this group to a point they feel threatened, bullied, abused and etc.
19.Don't suffer in silence but then you are not forced to tell us anything you don’t want to either, this is just to let you have no need to be scared of us if you do decide to tell us.
20.Don't suffer in silence but then you are not forced to tell us anything you don’t want to either, this is just to let you have no need to be scared of us if you do decide to tell us.
21. Please be patient and things could go your way with someone else or just leave the group.
22. Don’t make things not enjoyable for the other members!
23. If there's someone you don't like don't speak them.
Please read my website for more information on this group.
24. No talk and no post of drugs! 

Safety Guarding message
Sorry to say we will need to update the groups again, we didn't to so soon but yesterday we had a number of bullying issues reported to us by members who have faced bullying outside the groups possibly from ex-members. Please feel free to report anything or anyone you may face negative in or outside the group as long as its someone who is either a member of our group or an ex-members. Negative issues you may face from anyone, the person will be removed and blocked off our the groups will be removed and blocked off our groups for sure and even reported to Facebook if you and we think it and even reported to Facebook if you and we think it is necessary. However' if you face negative issues with someone you know who used to be a member of our groups outside our groups, please feel free to report it and an admin on our team who knows how to report to Facebook will do that for you. bear in mind all of us have different skills on our team so if you happen to speak someone who doesn't know to report to Facebook they will make our team aware and someone who knows how to report to Facebook will.
We are sorry to add more safety guarding as me and the other Head Admin has been hacked and bullied, if you think you have faced any bullying and or hacking on our groups or and you think someone else who may fear to report any reason please feel free to report to us. If you are concerned someone is facing unsafe issues on our groups please make them aware first, please respect their wishes if they refuse to let you report whatever to us but if you are concerned that things are getting worse then tell them you are going to report it to us and reasons why. If anyone is reported hacking, bullying or anything else unsafe you won't be just removed and blocked you will be reported to Facebook. Okay, some Admins may not know how to report but they can tell Admins who know how. New update 3.6.2017.

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