Poetry, writings and art blog

Learning disability and Mental health awareness

Monday, 25 September 2017

More about Always learn about disability + never judge disability.

safety rules for Always Learn About Disability + Never Judge Disability.

    We are more than sorry for so many long-winded safety rules as your enjoyment on the group and safety matters to us.
    All the rules are pretty much the same with most topics but there can be a bit of difference for the safety of socializing and Legal Advocacy which can be linked to hate crime.

    Hate Crime is linked to private legal and Illegal Advocacy plus the safe rules of our group. The public of this topic is so we can try to stop Hate crime happening to Disabled people, we don’t want to create Hate Crime.
• Please feel free to add any post to do Disability Hate Crime.
• This is also a chance for those of who are disabled to raise awareness to the police, + Victim Support, Counselors’, other professions and etc. If you know any of these professionals please ask them if they would like to join but only invite them if they agree, then please make us aware thank you.

          You are invited to this group if you are a family member, carers’ a person with disabilities and health problems, parents, parent, professions, and person who work for services that work in the field of disabilities and health problems.
• Just a bit of Advice for those who suffer from Anxiety, don’t be alone I suffer from Anxiety myself and other disabilities and health problems.
• If something you read makes you very angrily take a bit time off https://www.facebook.com/groups/666761230131452/until you feel alright to come back on this site again. 

  •       This is why we add the topic disability hate crime
• something needs to be done to stop hate crime.
• We will accept no bullying and no Hate Crime towards anyone on this group, please. If you anyone is responsible for hate crime in this group they will be removed.

  • Please help to stop disability hate crime.
• Our safety rules and purpose of the group are all linked together.

Please add posts on reports and videos of disabilities, health problems and Hate Crime thank you!

If you yourself face any Hate crime on this site please report it to Tim, then he will remove whoever is either saying or putting any hate crime pot to you which upsets you.
Our member's safety matters.



  Thank you from Sara Jane Gorman and Rebecca Unthank.

  1. Safety rules.

    1.   Respect each other’s opinion even if you disagree.
    2.   If there’s anyone you don’t get along with please don’t speak to them, we do not accept falling out!
    3.   Report anyone who upsets you, we will remove them if you ask us to!
    4.   No hate crime, please report if you face it, whoever is responsible for hate crime will be removed!
    5.   No sexual post but you can raise awareness of sexual health!
    6.   No advertising unless it’s to do with the purpose and topics of the group.
    7.   Please respect one another's opinion even if you disagree with one another.
    8.   Please report it to me if a member of the group upsets you then I will have them removed.
    9.   I will not accept any abuse, bullying, threatening or discrimination in any group I run.
    10.               No talk of drugs but you can raise awareness of medication.
    11.    No porn pictures to the group and or member’s profile.
    12.      Please report or leave the group if there’s a bad atmosphere between you and someone on the group.
    13.               If you are aware of anyone breaking these rules please let us know thank you. 
    ·                  14. If it comes to friendship or and dating feel free to report someone who tries to force to feel more than what you.
    ·         15. Please do respect and accept that not everyone is single.
    ·        16. If anyone becomes a couple it’s your choice whether you tell us or not.
    ·        17. You can add pictures to the group of dating and friendship that you may meet with the group but no sexual pictures.
    ·        18. We can’t promise that things will work out for you if you have a relationship but feel if you want to ask us for 19. Information online to do with counseling or and emotion support.

    19.Send posts videos, reports, make commons and etc on anything to do with learning disability and health problems.
    20. Please don't invite anyone to the group unless you ask them, they agree and make us aware to thank you.



    Thank you from Sara Jane Gorman and Rebecca Unthank. 

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