Poetry, writings and art blog

Learning disability and Mental health awareness

Saturday, 24 November 2018


Mental health and Mental illness are the most serious and hard to live condition to live with but because it's a feeling of sadness we have to live with every day our lives. It's a flight of life that's mostly not seen and it's unknown to how much we can take of the was we are feeling. Somehow people tend to think you if you feel sad all while you face depression and you show sadness all the while, no that's not the case. There are more Mental health and Mental illness condition that just Depression but Depression is if not the worst it's one of them. Everyone has their god and bad moments and their good bad days, the world isn't all black and white.

Strangely even the funniest people have and had depression as famous people Tony Hancock, Kenneth Williams, etc.

Anxiety is a word up feeling to Depression a feeling of anger where you can get one or the other or both together. Often people see us as negative people, no that's not the case, we may seem like that to them but all it is that we worry, we over think pretty much at times things are not as bad as what we thought but that it is within a lot of us who face. This is because at the time it does seem really bad until maybe whatever it is on our minds or and whatever we are going through is over.

1 comment:

Mathew Smith said...

Hey!! Thanks for the post. Is is good to open up about the mental illness. People in general tries to hide their mental issues. Mental health illness like depression really affects the person's life so badly. I came out of my depression issues by having regular Counselling in Chelsea. The counselling sessions really help me a lot.