Poetry, writings and art blog

Learning disability and Mental health awareness

Wednesday, 22 December 2021

Covid Mental health awareness

 I guess you already know that Covid is rising every second, day, minute,s, week, month, etc worldwide, which is also having a huge effect on mental illness as much as restrictions are protecting health and safety. It can be hard to focus on too many things at one time. Therefore' other illnesses etc are not or and haven't been such as cancer etc due to Covid. It is hugely concerning the number of mental illnesses, suicides,  cancer, etc have or have increased. Here is a link on mental health. Here's some awareness of mental health in the Covid lockdown on the mental health foundation website. https://www.mentalhealth.org.uk/our-work/research/coronavirus-mental-health-pandemic/ https://www.mentalhealth.org.uk/our-work/research?utm_source=ppc_google&utm_medium=paid_ads&utm_campaign=research&gclid=CjwKCAiAtouOBhA6EiwA2nLKH_KuXkMmNW2KQ8vUTtTeHGvI7aLwknyaGORjUlri5tKYtAkYUFecVRoCQEYQAvD_BwE

The main thing that hits a lot of us is how the Covid lockdown has changed our lives to how life was before Covid but we must remember people were facing mental illness before covid. However' Covid I guess for a lot of people has affected them even more so because those who work or and did are either having to work from home if they can or and losing their work altogether. This is the same with courses etc but not necessary for everyone. 

Most people are confused about what they still have access to and what they don't for example health with how they say communicate with the doctor, work, courses, meetings, etc face-to-face communication is getting very less the same with other things too. Accessing things online is find probably for most people, even though most people are online these days not everyone feels safe, not everyone feels confident to learn about IT, the internet, etc, and how to feel safe. Even most of those online don't know how to access everything on there. For most online communication even though even those who find it hard still understand the covid safety still find most if not all online issues hard to access, can cause most people with mental health a lot of stress, Anxiety, etc. 

For example also at the start of the covid period with the rules were changing a lot even though most had much good reason to do so the unknown and unexcepted can put fear into many of those who face mental health. Although I don't disagree with getting out is good for mental health but rather confusing for those who face it, when they are told for example one day they are allowed to sit on the park bench and the day they are not. It's good to get fresh air and that but if you struggle to understand the rules when they are changing etc that can get very confusing. 

For many of us who face illness can find it hard to focus on things and hard to motivate ourselves physically as well as mentally. Even things we are interested in and good at are a challenge for us. However' even more so the things we are not good at and the things we don't enjoy. For a lot of you, I would guess you understand it's common sense not to try to empower someone with something they are not interested in and cannot do, which could make them worse. As for the things they can do and what they enjoy in most common cases it could be because at the start of feeling as they do for example they could be feeling sad, angry, etc a lot due to Anxiety, Depression probably even other or and mental illnesses can affect concentration and or motivation badly. They could stop for a long or short amount of time because they could lose interest and concentration in things they normally are then it can take however long or short to get back into them.  In the times of the early lockdowns and even now to most degrees can be rather hard for those who need support as in the early stage of covid a lot of us were made through Covid rules to spending a lot of time alone. With most not all things support can be rather hard online compared with face-to-face. Not forgetting all that I have written about today can affect people other problems such as disabilities etc in the same way but I guess some more than others etc, which can vary from person to person.

Wednesday, 15 December 2021

Voice of mental health awareness

 Mental health is part of the way we feel, which can vary in different people with and without a reason whether it is a good or bad feeling inside us, our reaction may not be necessary be what is around us, which may be a reaction to something else or just the way we are feeling anyway, the concerning part is if we are feeling negative a lot.

A lot of negative feelings can affect the lives around us, forcing, self-esteem, self-confidence, etc, which can affect most of us where we may not be showing interest in things we would normally where we could get back into them in our own time or not at all. 

Working on the positive is a good thing but it may take some people longer than it does others, depending on how they are feeling and what they are through how much it is affecting them or it may not be anything at all but they may be still feeling negative for however short or long. This could be concerning to a point where they could be finding it hard to tell anyone or maybe in some people's cases only certain people, which is likely to be different for different people. 

It is up to each individual whether or not they will, want to, etc to voice how they feel, etc, we cannot force anyone to talk or not to talk no matter much and how little or no talk, they talk. However' most may necessarily decide to talk right away or not at all but no one can help with what we don't know, which is concerning the risk of those suffering alone where whatever is on the mind could get worse.  How long can these people cope with what's on their minds? In most cases, risks are suicides cases, etc.

Common fears most people may have of talking, fear of opening to those who they don't know or and trusting people, etc. 

Most people would rather try to cope themselves. I will have to be open and honest even though most people may not like what I say but it is the choice of every individual what they choose but all these concerns and reasons are worrying. Despite the help such as counseling etc out there but there's never enough help as far as mental illnesses are concerned but however much help people it is down everyone's choice. However, help isn't just down to counselors, therapists, etc. 

 The people themselves people around them, how people feel comfortable etc to know who they feel they can trust, those they may know, etc, which I know doesn't always work that way but we cannot force people to do what they don't want to or and what they feel they cannot do, etc or they may not feel ready to do or try to do whatever yet, etc. https://mylifepsychologists.com.au/what-are-the-benefits-of-cognitive-behaviour-therapy-cbt/


As I have said in many other posts on this website people with mental illnesses aren't all negative and even those who are struggling to think positive are not all negative please do not judge.

 This is because is most people self - confidence, self-esteem motivation, etc, most people even struggle to change or and many have known very little or and no positive. Mental illness can take a lot of people and can be more serious in some people than others. In some people it may depend is if or if not there's a reason for how they are feeling even or and they are behaving, reacting, interacting to the situation of there is a situation such as say a relationship, marriage break up, death of someone they know, career problem loss, friend, family row, fall out, money problems, etc, which is emotional situations. 

How do you help them to move to the positive all to when they can, want to, etc, is when the right time is, is any right time, etc. You can suggest ideas, give options, choices, etc but not tell them what to do. Right or wrong choice it's there choice whether they go left, center, right, go for it, not at all, think about it, or they may say I am not ready yet, etc or they change their minds on things, etc. 

On the positives, it's about what they want and what they do and doesn't want to try, are they ready to take those steps? Yes, no, not yet or not at all while being your program they may not go along with your ideas or their own only because may doesn't mean they won't find ways of moving forward in the future. 

This could be things like for example reading a book, painting a picture, etc, finding a career, etc, like I said in the last post for example you suggest reading a book they may write a poem which is not a bad thing at all it is a positive thing even if they write about what is bothering them which is another way of getting things off their chest so never judge that.  https://www.helpguide.org/find-help.htm

Monday, 13 December 2021

More on Mental health awareness

 Most if not all of must get bored with me going on about Mental health all the while but the reason I write about it is because even today with counseling, support, awareness, etc we have is never enough. Mental health is good if taken care of but it's not good if it's not taken care of and can be a risk of increasing to Mental ill-health but really  Mental ill-health is within someone through no fault their own and not always seen because most people can be afraid of the reaction of others and or many other reasons. It's not always the case but it can be so serious where so many people are driven by different reasons or even none at all to take their own lives.

 However' never judge a book by its cover Mental health even and Mental ill-health isn't always negative.  People who face mental health and mental ill-health are not sad, dangerous people, etc but their mental illness can make them feel as they do and make them misunderstand who show how they feel. At the same time that doesn't mean that their safety and yours don't matter. Mental illness can be so serious it can affect people's confidence, self-esteem, trust, etc even towards those they know really, not very well or not at all, most people towards those mostly towards those they don't know but that's not necessarily the case with everyone you will or and may come across. Mental illness isn't an excuse for how someone behaves but also mental illness doesn't help how people behave towards others and or even themselves. It is hard to understand how and why someone feels the way most people do and how those feelings can increase and how people behave as they do if they carry feeling as they do. How long can a human being stand feeling as they do whether it's sadness, anger, etc with being a danger or and upsetting themselves or and others? Why can it be? There could be reasons or and there may not be reasons like relationship breakups, family rows, deaths, falling out with friends, Covid lockdown down, just having an off day, or and no reason at all. 

How do we help someone, can we help someone? The answer to that question is that can have many different answers or and no answers because every human being is different and it would be a boring world if we were all the same. Never judge someone for not wanting to be helped in every way of trying to help is not working, it's no fault yours or theirs. Mental illness can affect self-confidence, self-esteem, motivation, even self believe in one's self and even others but not everything about a person is necessary down to mental illness either, whichever way they shouldn't be judged, etc. Anything you cannot cope with yourself means things you are not qualified, trained for, etc find those who can. For example, anything you suggest they are not going along with it, don't get angry or and mad with the person, there maybe many reasons they are not going along with your idea like they may not be ready to take whatever step yet or ever for example.

Many things could cause people to feel negative in some way. We can all feel negative one way or another at different times, that feeling could pass for a time them not even come back for a long time, etc, how, when, etc these things happen can vary for different people. When it gets concerning is if people are feeling negative a lot but that doesn't necessarily mean they are or not facing mental illness, which can depend on the people what they are facing what they are or not, or and it may be no reason at all. 

Try to empower the positive, which could be empowering them to think positive, do positive things, etc.  Never force them and push them, always give them a choice, it's likely that most people will either do something their own time or not at all. Never feel your job is a waste of time, let down, etc, if someone doesn't choose to try that's up to them that doesn't mean they won't try something else off their own back, which is a huge achievement for them or and they may find ways of moving forward when their sessions with are over, never think it's you or them either but yours and their safety matters, you are doing a great job, they may well be that some things may not be in their skills, etc or and in the case maybe they may not able to focus, etc.

Never chase them to do things like for example, I told you to have a game of football last week so if you're not going to do it now, it's the end of the session. Never say things like that. Another example is saying you suggested reading a book, then they tell you they have written a poem, never say I told to read the book not write a poem. The reason that no one wants to feel pushed and also empowered is independence, your client by doing something by writing that poem, for example, is taking their own step by moving themselves forward to helping themselves, therefore, you should be praising them not putting them down.