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Learning disability and Mental health awareness

Wednesday, 22 December 2021

Covid Mental health awareness

 I guess you already know that Covid is rising every second, day, minute,s, week, month, etc worldwide, which is also having a huge effect on mental illness as much as restrictions are protecting health and safety. It can be hard to focus on too many things at one time. Therefore' other illnesses etc are not or and haven't been such as cancer etc due to Covid. It is hugely concerning the number of mental illnesses, suicides,  cancer, etc have or have increased. Here is a link on mental health. Here's some awareness of mental health in the Covid lockdown on the mental health foundation website. https://www.mentalhealth.org.uk/our-work/research/coronavirus-mental-health-pandemic/ https://www.mentalhealth.org.uk/our-work/research?utm_source=ppc_google&utm_medium=paid_ads&utm_campaign=research&gclid=CjwKCAiAtouOBhA6EiwA2nLKH_KuXkMmNW2KQ8vUTtTeHGvI7aLwknyaGORjUlri5tKYtAkYUFecVRoCQEYQAvD_BwE

The main thing that hits a lot of us is how the Covid lockdown has changed our lives to how life was before Covid but we must remember people were facing mental illness before covid. However' Covid I guess for a lot of people has affected them even more so because those who work or and did are either having to work from home if they can or and losing their work altogether. This is the same with courses etc but not necessary for everyone. 

Most people are confused about what they still have access to and what they don't for example health with how they say communicate with the doctor, work, courses, meetings, etc face-to-face communication is getting very less the same with other things too. Accessing things online is find probably for most people, even though most people are online these days not everyone feels safe, not everyone feels confident to learn about IT, the internet, etc, and how to feel safe. Even most of those online don't know how to access everything on there. For most online communication even though even those who find it hard still understand the covid safety still find most if not all online issues hard to access, can cause most people with mental health a lot of stress, Anxiety, etc. 

For example also at the start of the covid period with the rules were changing a lot even though most had much good reason to do so the unknown and unexcepted can put fear into many of those who face mental health. Although I don't disagree with getting out is good for mental health but rather confusing for those who face it, when they are told for example one day they are allowed to sit on the park bench and the day they are not. It's good to get fresh air and that but if you struggle to understand the rules when they are changing etc that can get very confusing. 

For many of us who face illness can find it hard to focus on things and hard to motivate ourselves physically as well as mentally. Even things we are interested in and good at are a challenge for us. However' even more so the things we are not good at and the things we don't enjoy. For a lot of you, I would guess you understand it's common sense not to try to empower someone with something they are not interested in and cannot do, which could make them worse. As for the things they can do and what they enjoy in most common cases it could be because at the start of feeling as they do for example they could be feeling sad, angry, etc a lot due to Anxiety, Depression probably even other or and mental illnesses can affect concentration and or motivation badly. They could stop for a long or short amount of time because they could lose interest and concentration in things they normally are then it can take however long or short to get back into them.  In the times of the early lockdowns and even now to most degrees can be rather hard for those who need support as in the early stage of covid a lot of us were made through Covid rules to spending a lot of time alone. With most not all things support can be rather hard online compared with face-to-face. Not forgetting all that I have written about today can affect people other problems such as disabilities etc in the same way but I guess some more than others etc, which can vary from person to person.

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