Poetry, writings and art blog

Learning disability and Mental health awareness

Saturday, 4 June 2022

The difference between having disabilities and mental health problems.


“ What is the difference between having disabilities and Mental health problems?”

Mental health affects us emotionally whereas learning disabilities affect everyday skills such as home, personal, learning skills, etc.

People can face disabilities physically, mentally even in both ways, the case may be.

Sorry to confuse things most people even face learning difficulties.



Can you face one without the other?

As a person with facing disabilities and mental health problems myself, I would say it is not possible to face one without the other but that does not mean to say I am right, as there are all sorts of causes of Mental illness such as bullying, abuse, neglect, loneliness, racism, money problems; relationship, marriage, friendship beak – ups, stress, home, housing problems and more, many of us face.



Is it easy to get confused with disabilities and mental health problems, if so, why?

Disability and Mental health problems should not confuse easily because they affect lives but in different ways, mentally, emotionally, and physically or even all of those, which can vary from person to person. https://www.mcleanhospital.org/essential/mental-health-mental-illness


It is likely that due to disability most people are likely to face poor mental health problems due to most peoples’ point of view when they hear about people with disabilities struggling in life but that is not all reasons why most people with disabilities face mental health problems. https://www.mencap.org.uk/learning-disability-explained/research-and-statistics/health/mental-health


 Most people struggle to realize, that people with disabilities face positives in our lives as well as negatives, we have strengths as well as weaknesses. We all need the right support but some of us need more support than others. More awareness is needed on positives in disabilities and mental health problems. Otherwise, most people with disabilities are likely to think negatively of ourselves even more so. Examples of strengths arts, talents hobbies, interests, careers, etc. https://hive.evenbreak.co.uk/?gclid=Cj0KCQjwheyUBhD-ARIsAHJNM-NLW68oB82ipdQZHiiBMbCH2BuHLXtTlEPXxANoyM7CG-WmAVJKOxQaAt0bEALw_wcB



Friday, 3 June 2022

Awareness of disability, mental health and talent

 Do you share this experience of the same or and different or do you know anyone who does?

The purpose of this report is to raise awareness by letting you know that people with disabilities and mental health have minds, thoughts, ideas, etc just as much as everyone else does, most if not all of us may struggle to express what we are thinking in the way others may understand. This mostly means the right support needs to be around for those who may need it and who may want it.

For example, most of you may can see my blog, etc, since I was 23, now I am 52 nearly 53, that is for 30 years nearly I have been wanting to be a writer. Having ideas etc is one thing but spelling, grammar, etc is another. Now don't think just because whether people comment or not, puts me off writing this blog, it does not despite of the difficulties I face. Not just with this blog, I have a word processor too on pc, etc but with the right support, I feel I will get by. I face Dyslexia and Dyspraxia, which can affect my spelling, grammar, etc but not necessarily my thinking it just may not be understood on paper, etc. This makes me wonder if I am going to get published or not, I guess many others who face similar wonders themselves, which raises concerns to wonder whether or not we are going to see our work shown to the world or are we going to be discovered when we are no longer on this earth? 

However' find poetry is a bit easier for me to write than short stories etc. Now I guess most people may be thinking, which you will be right but also when having disabilities, mental health, etc for most of us, certain support we need like, easy reading, accessible information, etc, we cannot always access. Yes, you would be right to say you need to read and write every day to be a writer, which I try my best to, such as watching things on tv, online, etc but not everything is accessible. 

If anyone faces similar issues or and knows anyone that does, please feel free to give me a comment on this website. What I face is an example but someone else may face things in a similar way such areas say, drawing, painting, etc.  We must remember that it is probably not just people who with disabilities, and mental health who may face situations like this but other people too. 

Up to date Cinderella.


Up to date Cinderella.

Up to date, Cinderella lived in a flat on Merry Hill, Warstones Wolverhampton, it was no castle. Up to date Cinderella always seemed to be in rags, she never seemed to have a fella. Her mother always seemed to nag about doing the housework. That's all she did, she never seemed to have a life of her own. She never seemed to have any other clothes.

The up-to-date Fairy God Mother bought up to date Cinderella some very nice clothes, short tops, miniskirts,  black dresses, black tights, and a fur coat. It was a cold night so up to date, Cinderella wore a black dress, tights, and not forgetting black shoes.

" Where am I going up to date Fairy God Mother?"

"Are you going to the Coach and Horses on the Cannock road?"

" That's a bit common but it's better than nowhere at all."

" Like hell, it is updated Cinderella, you will be traveling on the Travel West Midlands bus."

" Oh well, that's nether polish or common?"

" Who will I be meeting by the way?"

" You will be able to get to know a group of people."

Up to date, Cinderella caught the 6.00pm to the rough bus in Wolverhampton, then she was off on the 6.30pm bus to the Cannock road. The up-to-date Fairly God Mother introduced up to date Cinderella to a lot of people but she saw Prince Spanish Anthonia was giving her the eye, she took no notice until he kissed her at 11.40pm and took her to the bus stop. She started to feel very merry at the end of the night.

Up to Date, Cindrella's Mother went mad when she saw the drunk state, she was in.

The next morning up to date Cinderella went to town to do some shopping for her Mother. She saw the handsome man waving at her as he kindly bought her back her fur coat, she left in the pub the night before because she rushed off for the last bus. He asked her out for a drink, and he asked her for her mobile number as well.

It turned out they were together fifteen years on and off.


 It was thought that Romano, wasn’t sure whether he loved Cinderella or not when really, he didn’t know who he wanted, he was on in love with another priciness as well as her, least Priciness Liz thought he loved her too but who knows?

Cinderella, wrote Romano a letter, which she regrated, he was not paying her any attention at all, it was no use, he was using her but her feelings towards him were far too strong to let go at that time, it was just a waste of time, and she knew it.


Things got worse but not better, he became her history fella.

There was no use her knocking on his door he loved no more, the truth is I think he never did but she kept on knocking far too long,

She feared he didn’t love her anymore until she didn’t care anymore.

As the years went on, Priciness Liz or whoever else was more than welcome to Prince Romano, to a point Cinderella had made up Romano’s mind, which he could never do himself. She was sick of his silly mind games.

“ Your stubbed, you cannot make up your mind, stop playing games with my mind.”

“ I’m not sure whether I love Liz or you, the problem is I love both and I cannot have you both.”

“ Well have made your mind for you, go with Liz!”

“ Are you sure?”

“ Well,  I have no choice, Romano, I’d be waiting forever otherwise.”

As time went on there was no anxiety Cinderella on her mind about whether Romano was going to choose Liz or her



She loved him, lost him but in the end, he lost her, now she misses him no more, she’s glad he’s gone, anyone is welcome to Romano as far Cinderella is concerned.

She does not understand now why her love used to be blind toward him, why she wanted to be his bride, she must have been out of her mind with madness.