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Learning disability and Mental health awareness

Saturday, 4 June 2022

The difference between having disabilities and mental health problems.


“ What is the difference between having disabilities and Mental health problems?”

Mental health affects us emotionally whereas learning disabilities affect everyday skills such as home, personal, learning skills, etc.

People can face disabilities physically, mentally even in both ways, the case may be.

Sorry to confuse things most people even face learning difficulties.



Can you face one without the other?

As a person with facing disabilities and mental health problems myself, I would say it is not possible to face one without the other but that does not mean to say I am right, as there are all sorts of causes of Mental illness such as bullying, abuse, neglect, loneliness, racism, money problems; relationship, marriage, friendship beak – ups, stress, home, housing problems and more, many of us face.



Is it easy to get confused with disabilities and mental health problems, if so, why?

Disability and Mental health problems should not confuse easily because they affect lives but in different ways, mentally, emotionally, and physically or even all of those, which can vary from person to person. https://www.mcleanhospital.org/essential/mental-health-mental-illness


It is likely that due to disability most people are likely to face poor mental health problems due to most peoples’ point of view when they hear about people with disabilities struggling in life but that is not all reasons why most people with disabilities face mental health problems. https://www.mencap.org.uk/learning-disability-explained/research-and-statistics/health/mental-health


 Most people struggle to realize, that people with disabilities face positives in our lives as well as negatives, we have strengths as well as weaknesses. We all need the right support but some of us need more support than others. More awareness is needed on positives in disabilities and mental health problems. Otherwise, most people with disabilities are likely to think negatively of ourselves even more so. Examples of strengths arts, talents hobbies, interests, careers, etc. https://hive.evenbreak.co.uk/?gclid=Cj0KCQjwheyUBhD-ARIsAHJNM-NLW68oB82ipdQZHiiBMbCH2BuHLXtTlEPXxANoyM7CG-WmAVJKOxQaAt0bEALw_wcB



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