Poetry, writings and art blog

Learning disability and Mental health awareness

Monday, 19 September 2022



There is nothing like thinking, feeling, and writing in the now.  I feel ashamed to say I’ve not written since I can back from America in July this year, it’s about time I did some writing now, right now like us all I am feeling very emotional.

There has been nothing more emotional than what has happened in the last ten days and what is still going on now. Although the funeral is today and from tomorrow life moves on. As Prince Philip used to say just get on with it! That is very All the same  Queen Elizabeth and Prince Philip with always on our minds. So, Queen Elizabeth said at the age of twenty–one, I will be true as your Queen, however long or short my life is in so many words, so she kept her word and promise. The world has sadly lost our mentors but if anyone deserves a life’s rest for the Dufy’s she serviced us, it is the Queen to be back with her Prince Philip her strength and stay.

 Covid 19 lockdown seems like long road, and we had no idea if we were going to live our lives again, if ever when  will it happens. The Queen gave us strength, saying to us. “ We will be with our friends again, we will be with our family again, we will meet again.” She was not wrong. This was a time we could see no way forward, stuck at home, taken away from friends and family, okay for our own safety but all the same, it was a lonely world, which made us feel as if one of us was alone we weren’t alone to feel alone, even though many of us were in touch on the internet social media, etc but let’s not forget as much of us were, doesn’t mean there was anyone who didn’t have contact with anyone. This put a huge increase in mental health, my own included.  

 Just because so much has improved since then as lockdown rules have completely relaxed, there is less of Covid, but it hasn’t completely gone.

Let’s be thankful for tests, Vaccines, etc despite the run-up of stress, anxiety, etc,  of getting those we face, we know nothing is 100 percent but a lot more lives would have been lost without the protection, even the rules we faced took away our freedom but twice as many lives would have been in risk of being lost without the safety guides. It was an easy reaction to feel like giving up but without realizing it our strength was stronger than we thought most of us are still here but give your thoughts and sympathy to them, friends, and family for those who weren’t so lucky.  

 Thank you, Queen Elizabeth II, for keeping us strong, we will miss you very much, and may you rest in peace. 

At the start of the lockdown, I didn’t have a telly, if only I did to hear the Queen’s words it was only my choice to start to not to, till I changed my mind at the start of this year. We must all try to remember not everyone was so lucky to survive Covid, and our hearts go out to those who knew them, family, friends etc.

Before the lockdown Crisis started, I had worked my way up and still doing so today as a listening ear etc, who face emotional problems and or wanting help with other issues too, I had been a client myself having needed and had help with issues that I try to help others come through today. By having achieved Advocacy, mentoring, counselling, and mental health awareness qualifications. Since last September 2021, I have been volunteering from  home to call Clients for Beacon Centre for Blind Befriending service.

Looking forward sure, thank you, King Charles the III will do the best he can for us as our King however long or short. 

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