Poetry, writings and art blog

Learning disability and Mental health awareness

Thursday, 1 September 2022

Different ways of thinking

 Complex thinking.

Focus on the problem the client is facing, their, thoughts, feelings, reaction, and even interaction, and reflect on what the client is saying.

structured thinking. What is the problem, what is happening to the client?

What could be done, why by who, when, how, what, etc.

What is the outcome? Has the idea/ solution worked? If so how, if not what next to try, why by who, when how, what, etc.


Logical thinking, study what the client is talking about what they are facing, thinking, feeling, etc. Come to their way of feeling and thinking by seeing things from their side.

Try to reason with the client from their thinking, opinion, and point of view.

Study the cause of the problem and how it affects the client. For eg, Fred has had his benefits cut, and he’s worried about how he’s going to pay his bills and affront to eat. The cause of the problem is benefit cuts.

How the problem affects Fred? This causes him to worry about how he’s going to live and affects his mental health, increasing his anxiety and depression the more he worries. If the problem is not sorted, it could be risks to his health due to eating very or not at all, flu, covid, etc if he cannot afford to keep warm in the winter. Concerns about how long Fred can live with this problem as time goes on.

Do we all think the same?

Parallel thinking. Parallel thinking is where everyone involved is thinking on the same wavelength, which in the case of Advocacy, counseling, mentoring, etc on one is the clients, the counselor, and the manager.

Trying to help the client or and trying to empower/encourage the client to help themselves by trying to focus on the positive and solving the problem. For eg,  suggesting, finding link’s contact details of services for Fred to try to contact or and does Fred have his own ideas. What to try and what to avoid.

Look out for dangers and difficulties of any options and make the client aware.



Creative thinking.

Give out options that may help to sort the problem, find out whether not the client is happy to go along with them or not, doe the client has ideas of their own.

Critical thinking. Understanding and empathy towards the person facing the problem.

Lateral thinking. To create new ideas if other ideas don’t work out of for the client.


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