Poetry, writings and art blog

Learning disability and Mental health awareness

Saturday, 22 March 2008


Our Shout has made me realise without them themselves realising, that I'm not a lone in the world with having a learning disability. Our Shout has also helped me come to terms with my Nan's death in June 2007. I'm so thankful for that. I had joined because I wanted help others like myself. I know my Nan wouldn't have wanted me just looking at the four walls at home alone.
My Nan would have been pleased that I'm working with Our Shout.

Our Shout is supporting me with my writing career, thank you Our Shout.
Long before I joined Our Shout, I started writing my Autobiography in 1993, it's called Introducing Myself. I was twenty -three to twenty - four years old. I've written a lot towards my Autobiography on and off over the years. I'm still not sure whether my work is good enough for the public to read. Now That I'm helping out with Our Shout, may be I will be able to make my work more interesting by telling my readers about not only my learning disability but my experience of working with and supporting others like me. On the other hand I don't like saying anything without their say so.

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