This study is apart of your package for Learning Disability week Health June 21st - 22nd 2010.
I am raising Learning Disability and Health Awareness.
This is about Profound and Multiple Learning Disabilities, why do we need to talk about these people? We need to talk about these people because they need to be notice as much as what everyone else does.
People with Profound and Multiple Learning Disabilities are individuals just like everyone else.
They often have more needs than everyone else so they need more help to get along in life.
If you find out what those needs are you can do more to help these people.
People do not listen to them because they all have different ways of communicating with people. Every Learning Disability is different, people just need to learn how to understand them.
People with Profound and Multiple Learning Disabilities have more than one disabilities, in most people every disability is different. Well you need except anything from anybody and everybody.
People with Profound disabilities need lots of support because they may have other disabilities as well.
People with Physical disabilities do have problems with their bodies or different parts.
People who use wheelchairs have Physical disabilities, that can can either mean Profound or Multiple Learning Disabilities.
Sensory disabilities is when people find hard to see and hear.These people have lots of Health problems,Mental Health problems and even Autism.
People with Profound and Multiple Learning Disabilities need a lot of help. They also find it very hard to communicate.
People with Profound and Multiple disabilities communicate in lots of different ways. Not every person communicate the same, they do what is easy for them.
USING THEIR FACE. People might show how they feel by changing from happy to sad for eg;
MAKING A NOISE. Making a noise could be their way expressing themselves and to make themselves notice.
USING THEIR BODY. People may show you how they feel by the way they use their bodies. For eg; they may learn towards you if they want something.
CHANGING BEHAVIOR. People may show you how they feel with the way they behave. For eg; push over a table if they are anger.If they don't feel listened to they may become anger, if they don't think you understand what they are trying to say or what they want.
Most People with Profound and Multiple Learning Disabilities find it hard to understand what others say.
It is important to spend time getting to know each person and learn about the way they communicate.
It's also important to learn they the way these people understand things so you can help them.
One way is to show someone an object to remind them of something they do often.
For eg; if the person likes art you could show them a paint brush or a picture to give them a choice to do art if they want to.
Some people might need special aids to help their bodied stay straight. Aids is something that help people do things more easily.
If someone has Physical disabilities they could have Physiotherapy.
Physiotherapy is where someone called Physiotherapist helps them move their bodies more easily.
There are lots of other people who are paid to support people use their bodies. For eg; Occupational therapist helps people learn skills with the right aids.
Carers of people with Profound and Multiple Learning Disabilities must be trained so they can help take care of these people in the right way.
People with Profound and Multiple Learning Disabilities often need lots of support with their health.
Many people have Epilepsy.
Some people need lots of help when they swallow their food.
This is important as everyone needs food to stay Healthy.
Some people might get food through a tube.
Some people may need a carer to use aids to take liquid out of their throat so they don't choke.
Someone with these disabilities find it hard to tell you if they are in pain. They may need to support to know they are in pain and to make them feel better.
Some people may behave in a way that most people find hard.
This might be because they are not getting enough help to live their lives.
It's important to understand why a person behaves like they do. For eg; I used to pull temper paddies as a child because I found doing things for myself was hard for me but I wanted do them myself without help just like other people. Late in my life, I found even people without disabilities needs help at times.
They may behave in a certain way because that maight their way of telling you that they are not feeling well.
They may not like the place that they are in.
People with Mental Health needs need the right help.
Most people need help personal care, for eg; washing, bathing, feeding and going to the toilet.
People should have help to tell other people what they want and need.
People with these disabilities will carry on learning things all their lives, just like everyone else.
They will learn slowly though, a bit at a time.
It helps these people to learn when someone shows them lots a times.
Some of the things these people learn are things that people learn when they are young. For eg; how to press a button to make something happen.
Other people with these disabilities are not treated in the same way as other people.
Other people do not understand that they have the same rights as everyone else.
Other people need to understand that people with these disabilities can make their own choices and do things they enjoy like everyone else but with the right help.
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