Tuesday, 28 December 2010


Susan used to go a night club called the Darkhouse in Wolverhampton. She used to go with her three friends June, Dave and Jack. Susan in the night club them for six to twelve mouths.
Susan had epilepsy, her fits were really bad but they didn't stop her from living her life. Susan mostly drank soft drinks, she didn't drink a lot of beer due to her tablets.
One night Susan went out for a cigarette as normal. Even though she had had been drinking soft drinks she still managed to have a very bad fit. John the manager happened to spot Susan on the floor as he was on the way to a cigarette but in his mind she was blind drunk. John told the bouncer Bob that Susan was bared and he rang the ambulance.

" That young lady is blind drunk, she's bared."

When the ambulance driver came he checked Susan over.

" Excuse me sir, the young lady has had a very bad fit."

John wouldn't agree with the ambulance driver.

" I've had enough of this girl not spending enough money in here." said John

" Excuse me, Sir you get on with your job and I will get on with mine."

John's face went very long as he listened to the truth that hurt him.

Suddenly June, Jack and Dave came to look for Susan because she was longer than normal and hadn't said goodbye. No one had bothered to tell them that Susan was ill.
John told June that Susan was bared.

" I'm going in the ambulance with Susan, she's my friend." said June

The next day June had to tell Susan about her been bared.

" It rightly doesn't surprise me as I haven't spend enough money in there."
" That's not the only reason Susan, John thought you were blind drunk last night."
" Tell me something new, June I'm used to discrimination."
"It doesn't make sense Susan, soft drinks are cheaper than beer in the Darkhouse, you mostly buy soft drinks but the manager said your blind drunk but then he's saying your not spending enough."

Both Susan and June were both confused to why Susan had been bared. Yet they had both worked out that Susan had been discrimination but John the manager didn't like to say in case he and his business got sused. They both guessed is it was because of Susan's disability. Susan was hurt but accepted the reason why at the same time but she hated been discriminated.

This is based on a true story but the true story is not a bad as the fiction story. It proves that there are all different kinds of discrimination in different situations some are worse than others. I want to make the world aware that anything is possible but some forms of discrimination's are worse than others in different if not all situations.

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