Poetry, writings and art blog

Learning disability and Mental health awareness

Sunday, 24 August 2014


What is Anxiety? Like depression is a feeling of sadness, Anxiety is a feeling of anger. Anxiety and depression can make you feel anger and sad at any time, at any place and anywhere whether you have a reason or not. Anxiety is also a feeling of worry and panic. Everyone worries, panics and gets Anxious at times after time but a person who suffers from Anxiety lives with it all the times. The most common things to worry about are for example.

  • Bills
  • Rent
  • Council tax
  • Exams
  • Driving test
  • Interview
  • Not getting the job you want.
  • Losing the job you love.
  • Finding it hard to manage money wise.
  • Relationship and marriage break ups.
Nine times out of ten we tend to worry about these things, which is the Anxiety of before they may happen. If what you were worried about in the first place hasn't happened to you that's when you feel really silly about then your telling yourself off for over something that's not going to happen to you but you don't know it before hand. I have gone through that so many times in my life but no matter how many times I think to myself I'm not going through that again, for someone like me it's not that easy because that's part of the Anxiety we have got. If those things do happen to us that's when the depression kicks in. However like I said in the depression report, depression like Anxiety is a feeling that's very hard to control. If you have a lot of things to make you happy but then if your depression kicks in because you have a feeling of sadness that doesn't mean you are ungrateful for the things that make you happy, then people who don't suffer from depression tend to misunderstand you as an ungrateful person which can be the same for Anxiety, which is a feeling of anger.
Those kind things tend to cause people without disabilities and health problems a lot of worry and stress but even more so for those of us with. This day and age society as a whole through today's credit crunch with the cut backs, debt and that have more to worry than when things were doing okay money wise.
Selfishly I can only speak for myself but many other Anxiety suffers will say what they face. I tend to face sense of fear, dread and a strange sense of worry and panic even if I don't have a reason feel that, which is what I can't explain why that is. Small problems seem big. My Mum tends to say to me.
" Sara, don't make a mountain out of a mole hill!"
Well if I do I don't mean to.  I'm really bad at relaxing if something is bothering me, I can't focus on others of of my life until it's sorted. I have to force myself to do other things to be able to cope with the situation until it's sorted otherwise I'm like a stuck record, I then bore myself and others sorry.
Like depression I believe that Anxiety at least what I face anyway, it can swing both way to when you have a lot to do you can have no get up and go yet if you have nothing you can go out of your mind. Therefore people can misunderstand you for not having an interest at all. There comes a balance between the two things not having getting up and go yet not been able to cope if you have too much on. I believe whether or not you have disabilities and health problems everyone has a skill, ability and a talent. No one is completely useless yet it can be very hard for people with disabilities and health problems to believe in ourselves. Mine is as those of know who have been reading this website any time in the last seven yrs, my talent is poetry and story writing. Creative writing is what I enjoy anyway but when it get's to a point that my Anxiety and depression is really then I turn to my poetry and story writing, I mostly do my poetry.
http://www.disabilityartsonline.org.uk/ offers a wide range of websites for those with disabilities who want to express their talent./www.gov.uk/government/publications/employing-disabled-people-and-people-with-health-conditions/employing-disabled-people-and-people-with-health-conditions http://www.mind.org.uk/information-support/drugs-and-treatments/arts-therapies/#.U_wLhPldVLo

Some of the things we face when we are going through Anxiety. 
  • Feelings of apprehension or dread
  • Trouble concentrating
  • Feeling tense and jumpy
  • Anticipating the worst
  • Irritability
  • Restlessness
  • Watching for signs of danger
  • Feeling like your mind’s gone blank
    • Pounding heart
    • Sweating
    • Stomach upset or dizziness
    • Frequent urination or diarrhea
    • Shortness of breath
    • Tremors and twitches
    • Muscle tension
    • Headaches
    • Fatigue
    • Insomnia
      • Surge of overwhelming panic
      • Feeling of losing control or going crazy
      • Heart palpitations or chest pain
      • Feeling like you’re going to pass out
      • Trouble breathing or choking sensation
      • Hyperventilation
      • Hot flashes or chills
      • Trembling or shaking
      • Nausea or stomach cramps
      • Feeling detached or unreal

There are all different kinds of Anxiety like there's different kinds of depression. For example if there's a problem I need to get sorted it's on my mind until it's sorted.


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