Poetry, writings and art blog

Learning disability and Mental health awareness

Monday, 25 August 2014

Feelings and emotions.


I would have loved to have come to see you sing.
I only wish I had done now, it's too late.
No one else is you.
Brain, John and Roger are great too.
Paul Roger is great but he will be Alright Now in Free.
Queen isn't Queen without you Freddie too. 2007

You are there.
There's a bright star in the sky at night.
This is you, you are there.
The stars are good people like you in heaven.
You are there.....

I miss you Nan love from Sara x 2007

Hope is sometimes called wishful thinking.
We shouldn't build our hopes up these days.
Jobs are very hard to find so I am not missing much.
The fact I can't work, I don't know what I want to do
When I go back to college in September.
I have passed some exams which I hope will help me
With my voluntary work at Men cap.

Where do I go from here?
Where is the light in the tunnel?

You made me to be in this world.
The first twenty-one years of my life you weren't there.
I was no one to you; at least it felt that way anyway.
You were no one to me, it seemed as if as I wasn't anyone to you because I never saw you.
When I first met you at the age of twenty - one, I thought we put the piece of the jigsaw together but I was wrong.
Now I feel as if a piece of jigsaw is missing in me again.
I think I have lost myself again.
Perhaps part of me was always been missing and always will be.
Why do I have a feeling that two human beings are missing out of my life too?
Why do I have feeling that they are asking themselves unanswered questions like I did as a child?
I want to help them because I know how it feels; it's as if you are in the dark.
It's feels as I am feeling the same way again as I did as a child knowing that my half brother and sister are going through the same as I did.
I'm their half big sister, of course I want to be there for them and help them.
You aren't going to help them are you?
Don't you realize what you have done and how it has affected our minds?
The past doesn't matter; I've been there all my life.
I never knew why this had to be but it doesn't matter now, it's not about me, it's about my younger half brother and sister.
I am the past they are the present and future.
It's the present and the future, how do you think it's going to affect their lives?
Why do I feel like the useless big half sister?
No one knows anyone, it's all a mystery. 2008

I'm speaking for the rights of people with disabilities.
If we haven't got those rights we should have them.
We should be treated equally to non - disabled people.
Some people have these rights others don't.
We know it can never be a perfect world but it can be an equal work.
How many of us live alone?
How many of us still live with our families?
How many of us have families of our own?
How many of us work?
How many of us don't work?
How many of us are on benefit trap?
How many of us are in education?
How many of us live like non - disabled people but with the right support?

We all understand funding can be a problem but the government should spend the money on the right things for people's rights.
I've been asking these questions all my life but never really got any real answers. 2008

I love poetry like music, some poems I like others I don't.
It's like everything in life really.
One thing though, not a lot of poetry is written about people with disabilities, why is that?
Can't we communicate in your way of thinking?
Let's have a bit of fun!
Easy pictures.
Easy words.
Let's play around with coloured paper! 2008

Nobody in my family loves me.
I know I could have been very naughty, but there is no need for my family to kick me out on the streets.
I am very frightened to go back home, but I know my family don't want me.
I know I made a big mistake in thinking I could cope to find my own home; I just wanted to be an adult far too quickly.
realize now I was wrong thinking I could cope.
I can't find any food to eat, but bits and piece of bread.
I am sleeping on the hard street floors, but some nights I sleep in cardboard boxes.

It's alright this poem isn't about me but how many of us stop to think what goes through homeless people's minds, mainly at Christmas time? 1997 – 2008

In this world we do not realize that there are so many lonely people.
These lonely get out of bed every single morning.
Living a life that seems so dull and boring.
These lonely people do not have family or friends to talk to and see.
When you see the lonely people, they seem more happy than lucky us.
They have such lovely smiles on their faces.
Where these lonely people come from?
What on earth can anyone or "The Happy Society" does for them? 1997 -2008

In fairy tale stories they say you have to kiss a good many ugly frogs to find your handsome Prince.
In my case I believe I have kissed handsome princes who have turned into ugly frogs.
Believe me, believe me not, I think my days of kissing handsome princes have gone.
Because I fear every handsome prince I kiss will turn into an ugly frog.

All the lovely things I used to dream, I thought would come true.
Now I am unhappy that everything I ever wanted hasn't happened to me and no chance will it be.
I blame myself; I fell in love far too young.
Little did I know everything was going to turn out wrong?
Now I can't love at all, because I am frightened of getting hurt again.
A male and female friendship forever more.
I must keep away from those ugly frogs. 1997 -2008

This may be only friendly love, but to me it is good enough.
I don't think you need a boyfriend and girlfriend to love.
Male and female can still share a friendship to love.
My friendship will be here with you for however long you want me to be close to you.
I will never go away from you, unless you want me to.
I know we have been through the same thing, I know what you are going through.
Trying to move on from the people you love or loved is very hard to do, but somehow we must get on with our lives and get through.
We must try and see a future for ourselves the best way we can, but believe me I do understand that is very hard to do but all the same we must get through. 1997 – 2008

We are all human beings.
We all have different nationalities.
Most people have white skin.
Some people have black skin.
Other people have brown skin.
Some people believe in god others don't.
Some people go to church others don't.
Why don't we just accept each other for the way we all are?
Life is hard enough without making it worse.
Some people have chosen to be who they are and what them; others don't have any choose at all.
Just because one person is black and the other person is white, it doesn't mean they are not alright.
I understand that not everyone gets on but you can't take away the way they are or their equal rights.

You have the right to know what people say and think about you but
keep your thoughts to yourself, just walk away!
Why risks have been locked away from the world, it's not worth it for anyone.
No need to hurt or kill.
Why take your anger out on people, who are harmless to you, be strong.
Stick to your own thoughts in life: let others stick to theirs. 2003 – 2008

You never know!

Everything is unknown for everyone.
You could be right as rain one day.
The future seems very bright.
You feel on top of the world.
You can cope with everything and everyone.
You feel fitter, quicker and brighter than ever.
Over night something bad has happened you, this has affected the rest of your life.
Now you feel worse than ever because you are so unaware of the world around you.
To be sure you don't know what is and is not coming to you.
Suddenly everything and anything is out of you.
It's all gone for life.
You are a changed person.
You've gone from a very unsuccessful person to a most unsuccessful person.
You will be very lucky to be that successful person again; if you are it could take a lot of hard work to get your life back together again.
Make the best of what and who you are in case you may not see tomorrow.
Please try harder to understand people who have not got as much going as you have or they may have to work harder for longer to get there!
The truth of the matter is that you will never understand unless it happens to you.
Everyone has to go through good and bad in life as I write, some worse or any better than others.
Birth, nursery, school, college, friendships, friendships gives some happiness but also stresses in life.
People with disabilities and health problems get stress out, ill or and even die easy due to on top of the problems we have already.
There's support for some things for us but not for others.
Without the same right as other people we will be alone in the world even though we have one another.
We understand that it's hard for other people, we just have to work harder to get there than other people or we don't get there at all. 9.10.2011

In our minds, we can spend our lives feeling angry with ourselves.
Some people think we want to hurt their feelings because of what we say, what we may not say, what we do and what we may not do but we don't.
It's hard for people to understand us unless they have Autism themselves.
Don't get us wrong not everything is done by accident; we all have faults like everyone.
We make mistakes and regret things like everyone else.
Autism isn't an excuse for anything, Autism is our disability, Mind Blindness and Unawareness is how it affects our lives.
Autism can affect friendships, relationships, even family relationships and perhaps the whole world around us. 2008

Autism can make us feel guilty.
It's too easy to be unaware of what we do and don't say.
It's too easy to be unaware of what we do and don't do.
What's planned in your mind comes out wrong or and even the wrong way round.
The things come across to people as not good but aren't planned in your mind.
It's not that you don't know right from wrong, what's planned to be one thing is seen as another from most people's point a view. In a sense it's like writing an essay.
Nobody can be blamed for misunderstanding us but we can't be blamed for having Autism.
That doesn't mean we want to be the cent-re of attention, we just want to be accepted in society the same as everyone.
We just want to be equal to everyone at the end of the day. 2008

Think about the amount of books we have tried to read but the print is too hazy, small or and the stories are hard to understand.
Words jump off the page and your eyes start to stain.
We don't mean to make life hard but we have missed out on a lot of stories that we didn't understand.
We would like to make these stories more clear to understand like easy words and easy pictures for the next
 generation of people with disabilities.
Let's support people with
 disabilities to have equal lives to everyone!
Let's opens new doors!    2008

Watch your ps and qs when you are talking to the dragon.
She may well blow smoke at you and burn you if you get on the wrong side of her, she can have the Irish dragon inside her.
Don't be put off by her; she has a nice side too. 1997 – 2008

We all have to go by the rules of the law.
We are all prisoners of war in our own counties wherever we are from.
We are always dreaming of a peaceful and lovable world.
Not a greedy or hateful world.

Why do we hurt and kill one another?
Why can't we respect one another for being human beings?
Why can't we keep away from one another if don't like one another?
Why waist our lives behind bars when there are so many good things to see and look forward to?
No world needs to be perfect but why not give peaces and love rather than war? 2003 – 2008


Today our dull and bright weather changes all the time from hot cold very quickly in the UK.
The sky changes from black, grey, white and blue.
An American consul Elihi Burritt in Birmingham 1862 once said or wrote about the Black Country, Black by day and red by night.
 When we think about Elilhi having said that Black Country saying may be he gave the Black Country its name. How Strange a British American could have so much truth of describing the Black Country?
This was because the Black Country area had a 30ft coal seam in the 19th century, this came from West Bromwich, and Old bury, Black heath, Cradle y Heath, Old Hill, Bilston, Dudley, Tip-ton, Wednesfield, parts of Halesowen and Wedensbury.
The Black Country started off smoke and coal yet there’s no smoke without fire.
Carry your coat about because the weather can change in seconds.
Today the wet, thunder and rainy weather would wash the coal fires.
Today you never see the sky without a cloud but not enough blues sky.
The weather can never make up its mind.
Never believe it if the sky is blue because can it change for the worst.
There’s not enough warm and heat. 2008

This world is confusing and unexplained.
I used to think a lot of negative, now I'm learning to think positive.
Most people look at people with learning disabilities in a strange way
if you look disabled, some people discriminate you more.
If you don't look disabled, they will not be able to understand why you don't understand they, I don't realize that you have communicate needs but they have too if they don't understand you.
Lack of communicate can be a cause why friendships and relationships are so hard to have or even keep.
Their needs to be a lot of education from people with learning disabilities to main stream people understand them or including myself us.
A learning disability could have happened to you.
We're human too, are you?
Many of us have wondered why we are here if life is like this.
Why do you make us feel like the odd ones out when we have one another who understand each other? 2008

What does it feel like to have a learning disability?
I used to bang my head against a brick wall but not anymore.
Now I put my head up high up to the sky.
I still feel angry, weak and useless to society but as I achieve more skills it gets less each and every day.
There comes a point you get fed up of being in your own world, you want to help others like yourself.
Now I feel strong enough to help others like me.
I hope you receive more support than what I did; I hope life isn't too hard for you. 2008

A lot of people say that there only seems to be non - disabled people bullying people with learning disabilities. In my experience that's not true.
I had only been to one main stream school and three special schools. I have found that you can be bullied whether you have a disability or not by either people with or without disabilities.
 I guess when you are a child, you don't understand right from wrong; it's hard to understand how others feel. For eg; people with disabilities should understand one an other's disability not pick on each other's disability, we must be aware of that.
 There needs to be more education to not to bully.
The most common bullying is over race, beliefs disbelief's and choice.
 I think we all need to educate one another to understand and accepts one another.
 We are all human beings and we all have our own kind of feelings, why can't we respect that? Yes, when you have a disability, people should be educated to understand you in the easiest way as possible.

Bullying doesn't just happen in school you know.

Whether you have a disability or not I would be interested to know whether or not you or people you know or knew people who were bullied people with and without a disability.

People used say school days are the best days of your life not in the case of being bullied.

A lot of people think that bullying just happens in school.

 People used to tell me that these people will change when they grow up.
 I have only seen one person who bullied me in school, I know she hasn't changed. Having said that with some people it's very hard to tell.

Bullying can happen in the workplace, college, streets, pubs; anytime, anyplace and anywhere. Years ago I think we were only known about bullying schools by children but not by adults.

If you have a story about been bullied anywhere else years ago, that is another story I'd be interested to know about.

 So that you know that you aren't forced to send on your stories because I understand why you don't want to tell me or anyone else but I also understand why people may want to share them.
 You may well be an open person who wants to get things off your chest or you'd rather keep things private.
Whichever I respect your wishes; I will keep things confidential, unless you say otherwise.
 That's my way of think; respecting people's wishes is a part of my job anyway.

Some people may bully because they get bullied themselves, others have problems that make them angry enough to bullying and others are jealous of you. In some people's cases it could be all kinds of reasons, over nothing, someone just wants to be nasty and with other people it's just excuses to have it in for people. 2008

Everyone is looking at me.

The bar is crowded.
I try to find a condor.
I try to find a space to wait for the crowd to calm down.
Everyone is looking at me knowing that I fear crowds.
I walk out the pub, where I go next is unknown.
I come back there are less people standing by the bar as I get myself a drink.
Now I take forever to find a seat, in the mean time people are staring at me knowing that I am stressed.
They are looking at me strange, and then I turn my head away.
In time I smile, they wonder what I am smiling at.
I am thinking that I don't need a reason to make me smile.
Who cares what they think?
So what I am smiling for no reason, mad they might think.
There's no point being sad only because they might be. 27.10.2011


You cannot avoid change.
One bus has gone but another bus is come.
When is an unknown question?
One love has gone but another love is soon.
When is an unknown question?
Some people or and things are meant be the same but not everything and everybody.
When is any time?
the next day
Next week
Next year
who knows?
Whatever or whoever you are waiting for something or someone may be right for you.
There are at least some things and some people stay put but not all.
Some things you need to work to get what's right for you but some of us never find it or who.
Don't try hard because that will never do, you will never get anywhere.
Try hard enough because you never get anywhere if you don't try at all.
Don't hope too much, you will never get anywhere.
Take every day as it comes, if that isn't good enough nothing ever will be.
Never think you can get all what you want. 27.10.2011
the day has just started.
The clouds are white.
The sky is grey.
I find hard to think good or bad thoughts, I just get on with my day.
Nevertheless I am okay.
I come back from the Job cent-re I get a letter through my door from Income Support.
Saying I said I am working when I haven't said anything at all.
I am working hard not to let these Benefit people stress me out before I scream and shout.
The only you in my mind keeps me calm. 
I'm willing to stay stable and calm despite the fact the problem needs to be looked at soon as you.

Whatever worries me you ease my mind all the time, whether I see you or not.
Having you on my mind keeps me going when life is tough.
I can accept every in life when I have you on my mind.
I ride my exercise bike even though I am not getting anywhere.
I think about you all the time whether I am down in myself or not, then I start to feel good.
I do everything I can to keep myself strong. 27.10.2011

no more tears to cry.

No more tears to cry but sadness is still here.
It was all so long ago.
Nothing was ever done because it was understood or believed.
Pain is unknown whether I like it not.
Even now no one understands or believes me.
I find it hard to talk about even now.
I may not be crying on the outside but I am crying on the inside.
I am smiling on the outside but feeling pain on the inside.
I used to find it hard to sleep in fear of seeing one of you, a few of you or even more.
Now none of you bother me at all.
You have all been here far too long to stay.
My mind is just wondering away thoughts.
I find that I believe in myself at last.
When I have been through this pain so long nothing is new to me.
The thoughts have been inside my head far too long.
The grass is always greener on the other side. 20.11.2011

just gets on with it!

How I get through every day, I don't know.
There must walk around as if nothing has happened.
No one knows what one another are thinking.
I don't shut myself away from the world because life is for living that's what you’re born for.
I just get on with life; I have never known anything else.
More than 30 years on since the first one, they have still got away with it just because me been just a child and having learning disabilities.
No good talking about it whatever I say nothing gets done.
The present is here yesterday has gone let's live for today.
Tomorrow is unknown.
Time to move on.
The pain has gone on far too long to hurt me anymore.
I was far too young to tell anyone.
Far too young to know what was going on?
Too young to understand.
Too young to be understood.
Even now over 40, my words just can't speak. 20.11.2011

we are never too old.

We are never too old, we are forever young.
Life is for living and drinking.
Take what comes never stop.

New will come along if nothing is right for you.
May be one day something or someone will be right for you.
Believe in yourself, and then you can believe in others.
Enjoy life rather than waste life.
Life isn't happy all the time otherwise we'd be all spoiled and get away with what we want.
Never doubt yourself because something or someone has let you down.
There are plenty of people who won't let you down so you don't need the people who do.
Enjoy drink and fun.
Face the tomorrow day to look forward to tomorrow night.
If you ever get old, you can look back on a happy life, no matter how much it costs you.
There's always a way of balancing career with your fun. 

We are alone when it comes to choosing our lives, now money doesn't give us a lot of choice.
Jobs and courses are very hard to find.
It's hard to think positive about the future when negative is around us in the present.
One can only go by what it's seems like.
It's more likely very little brightness at the end of the tunnel one can see.
We must make the best of what we have got even if it's not a lot.
Anything is better than nothing at all.
If you have nothing at all then there's war, the government shouldn't let it go too far.24.11.2011


Feelings are hard to control when you love someone.
Falling in love is not easy to control but you don't have to fall in love to love.
When you fall in love it can be hard to let go if things go wrong.
Here I again love again; goodness knows how long it will last.
With knowing what I learned from the last love I believe this love will end.
As I said feelings are hard to control but one but never knows the future.
When many relationships have failed in the past, it's hard to think positive.
It's my feelings that make me never give up.
The future is any one's guess.
No hopes are built but I love him so much.
I miss him so much but he's a man, I guess he will love as long or short as he wants to.
I'll have to move on and start like I have always done, goodness know how many times I will fall in love before I die.
Who knows he may be the one for me and I may be the one for him?
The future is unknown.
All I know is that I love him and miss him so much. 21.11.2011

everyone is alone but not alone.

Today the world seems far too dull.
Money is tighter than ever.
No one is alone we are all in these hard times together.
There's no saying what the future is.
There's no saying what there is  out there for the young kids growing up today.
Forget the days you could walk out of one job into another.
Now it seems like a long rocky road.
It's now hard to believe if there's an end to this hard rocky road. 21.11.2011

Putting on a brave face.

We have to get on with life to live it.
We have to cope with what life throws at us.
All we can do is smile to fight the pain.
Life is what you make but not when you don't have choices.
We need to keep ourselves and one another the best we can.
Help one another just as we did when times were hard all so long ago.
Let's believe we are strong: we can work it out. 24.11.2011

Another world.

It's hard to know whether life is real or not.
It's hard to know if happiness is real or not.
We may not like the truth but real is truth no one likes pretend and lies in real life. 

Sometimes it's hard to know what the truth is depending what it's about.

What we are told, we don't always like.
What we don't like may be better for us.
What do like may be bad for us.
Don't cry the world isn't always black and white.
Not everything we enjoy is bad for us.
We don't have to feel guilty about everything we do, say, eat, drink and etc.
There are some things we like what are good for us.

If I can't get enough help myself I would like to help others who have been through the same thing as me if not work.
I would like to help others and get help myself.
Slowly people are learning to understand me now.
Some things are hard to talk about.
It took me long enough to talk about rape and abuse now I still find it hard to make my understood. 17.11.2011

Weak to strong.

When I first went through what you put me through, I used to vomit, see in my mind the nasty things you were doing to me.
Now I don't have as many if not none at all of flash backs.
The weekends home never seemed to last long enough before I knew I had to face the unhappiness in school.
Many times I thought about running away from school but I wouldn't have been able to tell my family why.
I felt like taking my own life but my family would have wondered why! 
I still feel as if I need someone to talk about because it's been kept inside my mind so long even though I have tried to tell some but I haven't been understood.
There wasn't enough help when I was young.

 Time to go to bed.

It was time to go to bed, us girls chatted for a while.
The Housemother told us off to get to sleep ready for school the next morning.
My mind was full of unexplained stress that I wasn't supposed to know yet it happened to me.
It was no good telling the kids, they weren't suppose to know either.
We were little children little babies who were learning about life yet there was very little to learn at that time.
Everyone fell asleep all but not me, I wasn't the best of sleepers anyway but all what I didn't understand was playing on my mind I was far too young to know but I should have known what happened, it was too hard understand and tell anyone.
I wasn't just a child; I was a child with learning disabilities.
I held my ginger German teddy bear named Hands, I felt so alone.
Every time I tried to sleep I could hear and see the big evil moister attacking me.
I lay there thinking how I was going to tell grownups but I didn't have a clue. 30.9.2010

It's hard to talk.

I just cried all night.
Every time I faced a child, I felt so alone in the world.
I kept hoping it wasn't happening to any other child but then it made it even harder to explain myself if it wasn't.
It was no good telling them because they weren't suppose to know or understand either.

Not able to understand what happened to you is a very strange nasty feeling, just these unforgotten unexplained things going inside your mind.
It can never be a lie if it's never forgotten; I only wish it was because it wouldn't be there to haunt you for life.
It happened every school I went to, I was unaware of whether it was happening to other children or not until we were adults.
Before I knew it was happening to other children as well me, I thought I was having nightmares, hearing and or seeing things in my mind.
We were just far too young to know and understand what was going on.
I have met many people who I went to school with during adult they have been through the same things in the same schools.
I wasn't alone after all I just didn't know that a lot of the children went through it too.
It's haunted us all our lives, even today, it's hard to explain.
If you know what I'm talking about and it's happened to you, I'm willing to help you if you want someone to talk to on sarajgorman@gmail.com 30.9.2010

Time to listen to children.

Time to listen to children; you never know what you are going to hear.
You can't be there with children twenty - four hours a day so you can't say what they tell is or isn't true.
If a child goes on about the same thing a lot, then it's true, something needs to be done.
Children need to be listened to; this is the same for people with disabilities and Health problems all ages.
It's time to listen carefully and take more time with people who take to be understood and heard otherwise could be disbelieving something that really happened.
Take more time to understand all human beings.

You try to grab life with both hands but people are in your faces all the time when don't need but no one is really there to give you a helping hand when you do need it.
You want to give it a go because you are only on the earth once so why were we born at all?
At least you have tried if you haven't succeeded.

My real Father isn't my Father; I haven't known him long enough he's my friend.
He doesn't know a great deal about my life so he's the only one in the family doesn't know me. 2th October 2010

Get by.

Times are rather hard; money is tight, even though you don't get a lot of chance to hold me tight, still we're happy enough.
It's not just money problems it's other things in my life too but no worries it's not you.
I've been through good and bad before, I will get by just like I've always have done.
Not sleeping well but over tried with things on my mind.
Somehow I'll manage my work.
I'm worried about losing my work and business.
I will either run the business with support or not all.
My work means a lot to me so do you, even though I don't have enough private time with you.
Strangely I miss you even though I see you.
There's so much to tell you but very little time to say it. 2nd October 2010

Rape, rape.

Rape rape has damaged my mind.
Rape has ripped me up for 33yrs but not all my life has been black and white.
Memories are still there but thankfully now flashbacks and nightmares are very little compared to what they used to be.
From the age of a 7 year old child it happened until I was a 33 year old woman.
I have tried so hard to blank it out but it hasn't been easy.
It has been hard to explain, which is why I never got understood or believed.
It shouldn't surprise me that none would understand. 2nd October 2010
Our eyes are our doors.

Our eyes are our doors, we close and open.
We never know what nights and days are until our eyes that are doors are open.
Sometimes we can't close our eyes that are doors at all when too much is on our minds about things we may and should and shouldn't know.
Sometimes we are only told half the story; we may have to wait until tomorrow comes, forever or not at all.
Some days and nights are different.
Other days and nights are all the same.
Some things have to start and finish but others don't happen at all.
Other things stay as they are, whether it's good bad life is life sometimes for a good reason other times for a bad.
Sometimes tomorrow is known other times it's unknown, sometimes it's better off unknown but most of the time it needs to be known.
At times life can be cure things happen that shouldn't.
Life is what you make but not everything happens by our choice, which doesn't leave us completely free.
When it comes to the government no one is free but no one is completely naughty.
We all need some control but not over controlled.
To be fare the world needs a balance so nothing is too fare or too unfair, which never seems to happen. 4.10.10

Open our doors open our eyes.

Good morning time, there's very little freedom for us all.

Open our doors open our eyes.
The world is a mess in so much debt, we have been too greedy.
Now the world is losing money so one day it will all come to an end.
The future is unknown.
As one door closes another one opens.
Hello, to the good, goodbye to the bad.
Hello, to the bad, goodbye to the good.
That's the way life always is and that all it ever can be. 4.10.10

Close our doors close our eyes.

We need to clear out of our minds before we can close our doors and eyes on the old thoughts to bring new thoughts.
We mustn't worry about a thing; otherwise we could be bringing something bad into something good.
How can you feel good at the same time as feeling bad but somehow we do?
Sooner or later you need to be getting out of the bad to get into the good, we shouldn't mix good and bad but it seems to happen.
Nothing is good all the while; things may be either a little rough or crash for life.
The world used to be beautiful, we had very little war and very little crime was notice at time.
It good to know that we notice more crime but bad to know it happens, ever bladder to know that it happen and wasn't notice.
Some many things in life weren't notice a long time ago but more and more are notice now.
A never ending story and a never ending poem.
Making plans for the future without even knowing what the future is going be or not even realizing that there may not be any future.
Never make plans let the future be.
No safety in the world.
No surprise to anyone when there's too much crime by people who don't do their time, too much and greed with money that's going gone.
We need help to understand life, what is it about?
Why were we born, why do we die?
Why are we here in the first place?
Let the rain be sunshine, Sunshine be rain.
Not too cold not too hot.
Let there be safety not danger. 4.10.10

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